Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 539 The Little Scoundrel Called My Brother Today

It's no problem to knock down ordinary crystals and get a few.

Open one eye and close one eye, let it go and not hand it in.

But the potential influence of the Snake Market Crystal is different. The ability of shadow escape must not be leaked out, and the whereabouts of each Ruin Crystal must be recorded, and it is not allowed to take it out of Fangjie without permission.

That's why Nie Wei was so anxious.

The fog dissipated, and the regular army was coming soon. If they found out, they would lose all the benefits of wool.

"Grass! Why is this one also empty?"

Nie Wei rummaged frantically, pulled out more than a dozen dead snakes, but couldn't find a single Ruin Crystal.

His luck was really bad, he just happened to turn over the pile of snakes that had been sucked away by Xu Jing.

Zhong Yuan looked at his anxious face, and said softly, "Brother Zhen Xing."

Nie Wei looked up in a daze as if he had been electrocuted, thinking he was hallucinating, and asked in a daze, "What did you call me? Did you call me brother?"

Zhong Yuan said innocently, "You could have used synergy on me just now, but you didn't. Why?"

ah? ? ?

Nie Wei was stunned, and said bluntly, "Is there? When did it happen?"

"Yes," Zhong Yuan said, "You held my shoulder just now."

Because the fog ahead is too thick, we must walk close together to avoid getting separated. Therefore, the three-meter distance rule explained by Mr. Bai has long been broken.

Then, someone suddenly discovered that the little villain was a genius, and was overly excited, so he subconsciously pressed! live! shoulder! bladder!

Nie Wei's mind suddenly went into a shutdown state.

Grass! I forgot, there is such a thing!

Zhong Yuan said softly again, "I know, you wanted to use synergy on me before, because you didn't believe that I have the ultimate wish."

"Now, you recognize my strength and treat me as a companion. So, you respect my wishes and won't be like before, right?"

Nie Wei stared at him blankly, with mixed feelings in his heart, not knowing what it was like.

——How could I be as good as you said? What camaraderie respects trust? I... I really just forgot!

Zhong Yuan listened to his heart and said, "Don't pick it up, the Ruin Warrior team will be here soon, let's go."

"But... well, well!"

Nie Wei's heart was bleeding, and he was extremely reluctant. But the little villain called me brother today...

The three left quickly. Before leaving, Nie Wei kicked the pile of dead snakes flying away.

Unlucky thing, really unlucky!

Hundreds of dead snakes flew in all directions, and it seemed that many lights fell from the corpses of the snakes...


It's Xu Jing!

When Nie Wei saw it, he was so angry that he went crazy. He was about to chase after him, but was forcibly pulled away by Zhong Yuan.

"Forget it! The ability of shadow escape is not suitable for such a wise and powerful defense system like you!"

real or fake?

Nie Wei's eyes lit up, and his mood became more complicated.

Money can't buy me happy.

Today, the high-cold little villain not only called me brother, but also certified me as a wise and powerful defense department!

Without the latent influence, the Snake Market Crystal doesn't seem so sad...

A few minutes later, two elite teams rushed to the spot where Zhong Yuan was attacked.

There are too many latent influence snakes gathered on the main battlefield, and the headquarters decided to divide them one by one.

Eliminate the snakes scattered in other areas first, and focus on the area with the heaviest fog last.

Unexpectedly, the dense fog disappeared all of a sudden.

what happened?

The two teams attracted by the abnormal situation were puzzled, they searched around, and soon found clues.

Ten times the force of the magnetic element was suppressed, and a clear boundary was formed on the ground.

"Captain, there are traces of battle here!"

"I'll go! There are so many corpses of submerged snakes! The crystals are still there! They haven't been taken away!"

"Collect them quickly! Don't miss any of them!"

Everyone was overjoyed.

I don't know that the latent influence snake killed by that team was so careless that they didn't even pick up Xu Jing.

Since no one is claiming the military exploits, whoever grabs them will get them!

A few minutes later, hundreds of dead snakes were gathered together.

Quickly counted.

There are 249 snakes in total, but only 138 crystals!

A total of 111 pieces are missing, what is going on?

The two teams gathered together, looking at each other with ugly faces.

They were the first to come here and discover the snake corpse and the market crystal.

If the numbers don't match, they are the first to suspect.

Maybe some little snakes haven't condensed out of the market crystals yet, but there are too many missing, which can't be explained by this reason.

There is only one possibility left.

Those who killed these snakes, in order to swallow more than a hundred Ruin Crystals, deliberately left most of them for later people to pick them up.

Of course, the scapegoat will also be borne by those who came later, unless it is assumed that these crystals were not seen, and no military exploits are given.

The two captains looked at each other and reached a tacit agreement.


Destroy Rattlesnake corpses without crystals to hide the real number.

Only 138 market crystals were reported, and the missing 111 had nothing to do with them.

Do you think you are smart enough to secretly take away Xu Jing?

Stop dreaming!

They have to check when they go out of the square, and if they are found out, they will be in bad luck!

In this way, the military exploits were falsely claimed.

After solving the biggest fog, the pressure on the front line was greatly relieved.

When the news reached the headquarters, everyone rejoiced, as if they had seen the dawn of victory.

"Good job! The Rattlesnake in Area C is finally killed!"

"Liu Kan and Xie Yang's team are doing a great job. When the cave is closed, we must apply for medals for them!"

"Haha, at least I can get hundreds of Latent Influence Snake Market Crystals this time!"

Everyone in the headquarters was filled with excited smiles.

Yang Zongsheng has returned after making the phone call.

Seeing these people celebrating ahead of time, with a look of winning, he felt an indescribable uneasiness in his heart.

Have you overlooked an important piece of information?

The Monitoring Bureau sent a warning ten minutes ago. The energy level of the ruins cave has been fluctuating, and it is very likely to change to a red-level ruins cave. How can we start celebrating now?

Yang Zongsheng turned and left in silence.

Chief of Staff Zhuo Maoxue took a look at him, and was about to persuade him to stay, but the commander beside him snorted softly and said, "The overall situation is settled, let him go."

At the same time, Zhong Yuan, Nie Wei and Qiu Yi headed towards the Nine Dragon Cave.

As far as the eye can see, the terraced fields on the hillside in the distance have long been deserted.

The houses built in the valley seem to maintain the appearance when the villagers retreated, but they are actually in disrepair and dilapidated.

The closer he got to the Nine Dragon Cave, the more weird feeling Zhong Yuan felt.

The coffin embedded in the cliff can already be seen with the naked eye.

Suddenly, Mr. Bai's voice sounded on Channel 99.

"How's the situation in the market cave? Huh? The gold bar boy? Who are you?"

Qiu Yi greeted hurriedly, "I'm Qiu Yi, hello!"

"It turned out to be a child of Boss Qiu's family. Why are you here too?"

Qiu Yi said boldly, "I acted with Yang Sheng, and I want to protect him."

"Very good, remember what you said today, don't let me down."

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