"Ouyang Qingcheng, are you afraid of death?"

"Afraid, who is not afraid of death?"

"Is there anything you can do to avoid death?"


"It's a pity for a beautiful girl like you to die. Try this Ruin Crystal. If you're lucky, you might be able to absorb its hidden ability."

Death perception will only choose people who are afraid of death, and the more people are afraid of death, the easier it is to absorb it.

I'm ashamed, I'm embarrassed, I don't want to tell others that I have this ability!

In Fangjie's safe base, Ouyang Qingcheng's body trembled violently, her heart tightened, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

The sense of death is reminding her that danger is coming.

If you don't want to die, run away!

As long as you leave Fangjie, maybe you'll be fine.

However, the people have all run away, who will fight against the alien race? Who can be alone?

She turned on the communicator tremblingly, and said in a trembling voice, "Students... The battlefield is very dangerous... Really! You will die... Come back quickly!"

Immediately, someone sneered in the channel.

"Isn't this the alluring beauty? Why is your voice shaking? That's not what you said when you mobilized us before!"

"That's right! You're so scared to death, and you want to encourage others to join you as deserters, don't you want to be ashamed?"

Ouyang Qingcheng was about to cry, and said, "I...I'm not...I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have said that before... Come back soon!"

It is dangerous to stay alone in the base, and it is also dangerous to go to the front line. It is best for everyone to return to the base to accompany her, and the perceived death threat is not so serious.

However, no one paid any attention to her.

The students who participated in the battle have already joined forces with the regular team of Ruins to eliminate the latent influence snake.

On average, two teams kill one snake.

Such an exaggerated staffing, when spread to other military regions, can make a group of people laugh.

Excited cheers from the students kept coming from the No. 4 public channel, and the noise was in a mess.

"Okay! Killed one!"

"Haha, I cut twice!"

"Isn't it because I put the lock on? Call Dad!"

"Locking Dad is amazing! We are also the ones who have killed aliens on the battlefield!"

"Don't be proud! What's the point of killing one? Be steady and kill another one!"


They killed in full swing, ignoring the precious sense of death.

At the same time, Zhong Yuan, who was standing on the cave, had turned his attention to the cave.

It's not interesting to look at the coffin too much.

The red-level foreign race is not just kidding, let's watch it.

Zhong Yuan turned on super perception, and even bugs crawling on the ground could not escape his monitoring.

No thermal energy was sensed.

Are the aliens still out?

On the contrary, Nie Wei was not as nervous as Zhong Yuan. Mr. Bai did not kick Qiu Yi out of Channel 99, which showed that he accepted it intentionally.

Moreover, Qiu Yi also seemed to know Mr. Bai.

So, Nie Wei struck up a conversation while monitoring the market cave.

"Golden bar boy, isn't it your first time to go to the market cave battlefield?"

Qiu Yi said with some embarrassment, "It's the first time."

"I'll go, then you're very brave," Nie Wei praised, "The psychological quality is only a little worse than my family's financial resources. By the way, how do you know him?"

Qiu Yi lowered his head and said, "I can't say."

The club's games are confidential, let alone something to boast about, so he chose to refuse.

Nie Wei had a strange look on his face.

It's a secret that can't be told, right?

It's a pity that the more he can't talk about it, the more interested he is.

"Just tell me, I have a very good relationship with Jidu, he even sends me a video call when we are eating."

"I do not believe."

Qiu Yi shook his head and said, "I know who you are, you are very famous. There is a lot of news about you on the dark web."


It's not good for people to be too famous!

Nie Weimei thought happily, the young man Jin Tiao is not bad, he has a tight mouth and is very good at talking.

If he took a ghost-eyed ladybug, he would definitely become stronger and absorb more powerful abilities.

Let Mr. Bai tell him.

Zhong Yuan glanced at Qiu Yi.

Want to join Jiuyao?

This is not a particularly good decision, being a freelance mercenary is better than joining Jiu Yao.

The country of Hua does not allow those who are able to run out to become mercenaries.

Qiu Yi entered the academy, and the information has been recorded. He can't escape the control of the military region unless he feigns death to escape.

Well, this is Jiuyao's old business, so it's not a problem.

Zhong Yuan didn't express his opinion, he focused on two purposes, and paid attention to Li Dao again.

He was fine, and he matched well with his teammates. The team killed more than a dozen snakes, and the record was gratifying.

Nie Wei looked at the time and said, "There has been no aliens coming out. In three minutes, the cave will be closed. This period is the most dangerous, so be careful!"

He continued dryly, "Ji Du, according to my many years of experience, as long as the aliens show up and kill them, it will not interrupt the closing process."


Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Is there still such a saying?"

"The experience of blood and tears I found out by myself! Don't change the topic. Please pray for invincibility, I have lost so many crystals, you must compensate me. Or, let me touch it!"

Sipilailian wanted Wuhu to take off, but he was almost rolling on the ground.

Even Qiu Yi felt a little ashamed.

touch what? Collaboration is collaboration, so wretched!

Zhong Yuan thought about it.

It doesn't hurt to pray to him once.

As long as you can get through the last three minutes of the dangerous period safely, it's a waste if you don't use it.


The moment he agreed, someone was so happy that he couldn't choose what to say.

"Ji Du's father is mighty! Ji Du's father is Sai Gao! Long live Ji Du's father!"

Enough is enough!

If you like being a rebel so much, don't call him brother in the future...

Zhong Yuan turned on the ability helplessly.

The ultimate prayer!

Needless to say Nie Wei, Qiu Yi experienced the feeling of being taken away for the first time, and he felt extremely comfortable.

Is this the strongest assist ability?

That's awesome!

My ability has skyrocketed so much, now Jidu shouldn't dislike me for being slow and weak!

I really want to try how powerful the extreme earthquake is!

Qiu Yi was excited and eager to try.

It's a pity that no alien race appeared from the cave.

The light at the edge of the cave has completely turned into a strange black awn.

The last three minutes passed, and the market cave was still not closed.

Nie Wei was surprised, "It's strange, there are no aliens, why not close it? The time is up."

Zhong Yuan's face changed suddenly, and he said, "Could it have come out, but we didn't find it?"

However, after staring very carefully, the super perception didn't find anything.

Zhong Yuan immediately said to the worm king in his head, "Four eyes, show me my memory, start by staring at the ruin hole!"

"Obey, Lord Mengwang!"

Just when Zhong Yuan re-examined his memory, trying to find clues, a strange scream suddenly came out from channel 4, which is the public channel of student soldiers.

"Ah! This..."

Halfway through the conversation there was no sound.

The two teams disappeared inexplicably.

Also, the snakes and crystals that they brought down before, all disappeared as if they had evaporated from the world.

here it comes.

After many years, it once again invaded the human world.

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