Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 555 As Long As Wishes Come True, Sadness Will Disappear

When leaving the study, Zhong Yuan seemed to see someone sitting on the sofa chair, making an encouraging gesture of clenching his fist.

Really, what are you doing so happily? !

Of course, because the heart-to-heart talks were very successful.

The little guy finally didn't come and go.

He narrowly escaped from the battlefield and brought back precious information. He didn't go back to school right away, so he got three days of funeral leave for nothing.

This is all great.

Confessed the secret of shattering the wish, and played two games together, successfully connecting with each other.

In the end, I found an excuse and successfully fooled you into eating more.

Yang Zongsheng couldn't wait to call and show off everywhere. My child found out that the space system is alien, so he asked if he was awesome! ?

There is no place to fight.

This secret can only be secretly entertained.

Damn, the happiness of middle-aged people is only so little.

Zhong Yuan couldn't understand.

In short, as long as he is happy =_=bbb

The matter of the shadow is over, everyone is happy.

On the other side, the search team searched for a day and a night in the vicinity of the square boundary of Jiulong Cave.

A dismembered wild boar was found.

There is also a pile of gnawed meat bones and half a pack of expired salt.

Everyone's spirits were lifted.

Sure enough, someone survived!

Look at the cutting technique of that pig, it is absolutely expert.

Only a market capable person can cut such a big pig open with one knife!

So the search and rescue operation continued.

Can save one is one!

However, one of the search and rescue personnel knew that there was no need to continue the search.

The man looked gloomy, standing on the mountain path, looking at the hanging coffin inlaid on the mountain wall.

They are weather-beaten, old, and have a strong ominous atmosphere.

The man gritted his teeth and said to himself, "It's a good trick to keep secrets. It not only confuses the people in the military area, but also fools me! He is testing me, and he already suspects that I want to get Jidu's body! Maybe he knew it a long time ago. Possesses corpse-eating abilities."

"Now I can only cooperate with him! Jidu! The first seat failed to kill you, and even Yin didn't take you away, so what the hell are you?"

When Yang Zongsheng's funeral leave ended, the military region's punishment was also settled.

Then, the search and rescue team came with good news.

Another student missing in the fighting was found.

The child of the deputy commander of the central government went against the sky, and hid on the top of the Jiulong Cave and slept until the cave was closed.

Before he could retreat in time, he caught a big wild boar by himself, ate it for two or three days, and waited for rescue in place.

Being so clever at such a young age is really awesome for younger generations! Fuck you, awesome younger generations!

"How dare you play tricks like this with me!"

When the news reached the military region, there was an undisguised roar of fury from the commander's office.

Everyone knows who is playing tricks.

The biggest winner this time is none other than Yang Zongsheng.

Just after the bereavement leave, my son came back.

He also submitted a report on "Hidden", which was of great value and attracted great attention. An urgent meeting of big bosses was held to make an exception for him to attend.

Yang Zongsheng's ability is quite good, and his opinion cannot be underestimated just because he lost an eye.

People with poor eyesight can sometimes see more clearly than people with good eyesight.

In this way, Yang Zongsheng took the opportunity to propose that the students of the college should enter Fangjie for training.

Students from other military regions go hunting in Fangjie every year, and there are many accidental deaths.

The death rate is within a certain range, which is acceptable.

Only in the Central China Military Region, the death rate of the students who are capable is 0, and the results seem to be good. When they actually arrived on the battlefield, they ranked first in the death rate?

As long as you don't move, you won't die?

Are Huazhong cultivating able-bodied people, or young ancestors with high scores and low abilities?

If things go on like this, which team would dare to accept your Huazhong graduates?

Zhangjiajie Fangjie and Shennongjia Fangjie are dangerous, as long as a safe area is limited and opened, nothing major will happen.

After careful discussion among the bigwigs from all walks of life, Yang Zongsheng's proposal was unanimously approved.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

"Extraordinary, extraordinarily! Big news! The military region is going to let us hunt in the square!"

"Really? Isn't there only two squares in Central China?"

"Yes! Just those two, it is said that a part of the area will be opened for us to go in and kill aliens!"

The classroom was half empty.

A week has passed since the Battle of Jiulongdong Xudong, and many students have recovered from their initial fear and sadness.

There are always some outstanding talents in such a big school.

The first students to recover are good seedlings for cultivating value.

Hearing that they were going to hunt aliens, instead of being nervous, these people became excited.

Having been on the battlefield, seeing death, and surviving the shadows, they are becoming true warriors.

In fact, it is not lack of ability, but lack of experience and judgment in dealing with crises.

And Ouyang Qingcheng once again became the most anticipated girl of heaven.

So many missing people, only she came back.

Moreover, she has been reminding everyone not to go out and fight, you will die.

In the end, the word became a prophecy.

If he had listened to Ouyang Qingcheng's words earlier, so many people would not have died.

Everyone owes the school flower an apology, no one is ashamed to say it.

Then, the big beauty threw out a big news.

"I, Ouyang Qingcheng, have the ability to perceive death. I can foresee the crisis of death within 24 hours!"

The secret of successful survival is solved.

What kind of heaven-defying ability is this?

Meaning, as long as you act together with her, you can avoid death?

The whole school was a sensation.

The Academic Affairs Office reported to the military region overnight to apply for strategic protection for her.

There are more suitors around Ouyang Qingcheng.

Every day, there are huge bouquets of roses sent over, all kinds of love, and many of them are not from the students of the school.

Under such circumstances, Zhong Yuan, aliased as Yangsheng, returned to Zhongnan College again.

He is also a miracle survivor.

The door of the first grade classroom was crowded with people.

The anger and sadness suppressed in the hearts of the third and fourth grade students were aroused again, like a ignited powder keg, erupting ferociously.

"Yangsheng! You still have the face to come to school!?"

"You fooled so many of us into going to the battlefield, what is your intention?"

"So many people died because of you! Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"That's right! You have to be responsible! As long as you help me run errands for a month, I'll forgive you!"

"Take me to lunch, three months! I forgive you too!"

"Date me! I forgive you!"

"Wear... Wear women's clothes and take pictures with me, I forgive you!"

scare? ! !

The crowd suddenly yelled out an incompatible and perverted request, which attracted everyone's attention.


Focus on the person who said "I want to see you in women's clothing".

Wei Jun's face was flushed, and he shouted at everyone in a rough voice, "Why do you all look at me? Don't you want to look at it?"

Therefore, as long as the wish can be fulfilled, the sadness will also disappear.

Zhong Yuan sat in the first row of the classroom, completely disappointed with this group of people.

The Dean of Academic Affairs rushed over and yelled at them, "I think you guys are thinking about shit! Go back to the classroom!"

At this moment, everyone spontaneously made way for a passage.

A bright and attractive girl walked slowly.

The plain school uniform can't hide that magnificent temperament. She is like a delicate peony flower, releasing the most beautiful temptation under everyone's attention.

Zhong Yuan looked up and felt that this woman was a different person.

Soon, Ouyang Qingcheng came to Zhong Yuan.

Her vermilion lips parted slightly, and she said with a smile, "If you are my boyfriend, I will forgive you."

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