Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 69 Challenge From Hualing College

Jiang Tianshuo touched half an inch of his head, and smiled honestly, "That's right, this year it's the turn of Chengying College to come to our school to compete. Every year, there are old faces. Everyone knows the basics, and it is difficult to improve. So, can we give some freshmen this year? Opportunity. You are the instructor of the first grade, I will discuss this matter with you."

Liu Wen frowned and said, "You mean, let my students go to Hualing to block the door?"

Jiang Tianshuo said with a smile, "We in Hualing only send first-year freshmen to fight, and we won't let the senior students end up fighting. And it shouldn't affect the league selection of the two schools."

Liu Wen remained silent for a long time.

Seeing her hesitation, Jiang Tianshuo said, "There are only advantages and no disadvantages for freshmen to exchange ideas and exchange ideas. How can us sages be afraid of fighting? Even if you can protect them now, you may not be able to protect them until graduation?"

"What's more, Chengying is backed by the military region, and the resources are much better than Hualing. Isn't it as bloody as our Hualing people?"

This is a bit embarrassing.

In terms of the quality of freshmen, Hualing is definitely better than Chengying.

Jiang Tianshuo pretended to use Chengying's new life as a sharpening stone.

Thinking of the lazy atmosphere in the class and the fact that half of the students did not become able-bodied, Liu Wen gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

Know your shame and then be brave, as long as you come from behind, the whetstone can also be turned into a brick!

"Okay, I promise you! But, the time is up to us!"

"Thank you. A time has been decided, please contact me." Jiang Tianshuo achieved his goal and got up to leave.

Walking out of the school gate, Jiang Tianshuo took out his mobile phone and opened the address book.

At the top of the address book is his elder sister Jiang Siyuan's contact number.

The siblings were born only one minute apart, and as a result, he became a younger brother.

The relationship between the two is not good.

To be precise, it was the younger brother who unilaterally avoided the elder sister.

However, at a critical moment of difficulty, I can only turn to my elder sister for help.

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Tianshuo dialed Jiang Siyuan's phone number.

One ring and it's connected, super fast!

"Brother, why did you think of calling me? Oh, I see, come and ask what team our college will send to the league this year, right? Don't think about it, I'm a man of integrity, not a spy!"

Jiang Siyuan is known as Chengying Academy's know-it-all, and secretly has the identity of a top hacker, and his ability to inquire about intelligence is first-class.

However, if it wasn't for that mysterious little beauty, Jiang Tianshuo wouldn't want to deal with her.

My family knows my own affairs.

Jiang Siyuan also has a problem, that is, when he sees two boys together, even if they are just chatting normally, he will take the initiative to mark 1 and 0 on their heads, and then form a pair of CP.

Before Jiang Tianshuo went to high school, she marked her as number 0 every day, and also matched hundreds of number 1s inexplicably, which made him collapse.

Don't mention the past again.

The current Jiang Tianshuo is the most popular president of Hualing College, and he is no longer that unlucky younger brother who lives under the shadow of CP!

Jiang Tianshuo said in a deep voice, "I'm not looking for you about the league lineup."

"Ah? Then what's the matter with you?" Jiang Siyuan was extremely puzzled.

The younger brother avoids her every day, how could he not feel it?

It doesn't matter the period, don't contact.

Jiang Tianshuo faltered in a rare way, and after a few seconds he hesitated and said, "I might like a girl from your academy."

"What?!!! You actually like girls?!"


Jiang Tianshuo cut off the phone reflexively.

Staring blankly at the phone for a few seconds, he couldn't help feeling depressed.

The shadow of his youth had hurt him too much, and he couldn't get rid of it until now.

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Siyuan called back directly.

Jiang Tianshuo hesitated and pressed the call.

"Great! My little brother finally got the hang of it! I thought my Old Jiang's family was going to die!"

Jiang Si Genichi didn't blame him for taking half a minute to answer the phone, and continued to talk happily.

"What's that girl's name? Is she pretty? What grade? Which class?"

Jiang Tianshuo said in frustration, "I don't know. I met her in the corridor today, and she bumped into me. Then, she ran away."

"Huh?" Jiang Siyuan said incredulously, "Meeting for the first time today? You fell in love with her at first sight?"

"It should... be like this..."

"Good guy! My brother is such a romantic person!"

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Siyuan patted his chest and said, "Don't worry! For the future of Lao Jiang's family, I promise to help you find her! What are her characteristics?"

"Slap face, very pure and cute!"


"Fair skin, I've never seen anyone fairer than her!"


"Hair to waist! Black and straight!"

"Mmmmmmmm, is there any more?"

"He looks 1.7 meters tall, and his voice is a bit hoarse. That's about it."

"Where and when did you meet her?"

"Outside the staff office on the sixth floor, just half an hour ago!"

"Okay! Wait for my good news!"

Jiang Siyuan hung up the phone with a smile.

There is a time, a place, and it is on campus.

There are surveillance cameras in the corridor, if you adjust the video, you will know who it is!

Let's see, which little vixen hooked off the soul of her precious brother!

Jiang Tianshuo put away his phone, walked two streets, and passed a barber shop.

In the store, Zhong Yuan just finished washing his hair and sat on a large swivel chair.

The hair stylist said regretfully, "Beauty, do you really want to cut off all your hair? It's a pity, your hair is of such good quality, and there is still so much volume. If you go to shoot a shampoo commercial, I will definitely be the first one." purchase!"

Along the way, the rate of turning heads was overwhelming, and I dared to think that he was a woman.

With a dark face, Zhong Yuan said viciously, "Give me a brush head!"

"I'm a hair stylist, not a disfigurer!"

The hair stylist got the wrong gender, not embarrassed at all, but smiled, "Don't worry, I promise to give you a good-looking hairstyle! Can I take a picture after finishing it? This order is free for you!"

Zhong Yuan: ...

On the other side,

Liu Wen sent Jiang Tianshuo away and went to the Academic Affairs Office with a bunch of forms.

It will be busy in a few days, and the sooner the transfer of student status can be done, the better.

"Director, I'm here to apply for Zhong Yuan's transfer status."

The director of academic affairs has long been impatient, "Why did you come?"

The over-the-shoulder incident made An Caige's impression of the college extremely bad. If it is not handled well, everyone will be in trouble.

The work of Shangguanyi was done by Principal Chen, and the Academic Affairs Office was responsible for comforting Zhong Yuan.

Liu Wen didn't know what kind of medicine was buried in the director's gourd, so she hurriedly handed over various forms.

The dean took a look and was immediately taken aback.

What a genius!

Absorbed eight abilities at a young age?

And several of them are at the youth level, what? There are even death immunity! ! !

Also absorbed all the abilities of the ghost badger?

What is that cuteness? Cute bear? cute bear...


It is the national treasure in Shennongjia!

Where did Zhong Yuan get the cute Xiong Xujing?

It can't be picked up!

Undoubtedly, the ability to be cute alone is enough to reflect the particularity of Zhong Yuan.

The dean took a breath and murmured, "No wonder, no wonder!"

He finally understood why Zhong Yuan and An Caige acted together.

There must be a certain ability that is valued.

Maybe it's a poison eater, maybe it's fearless, maybe it's cute!

None of these three abilities are combat-type, but they are extremely special.

Especially cute, strategic level ability, in some specific diplomatic occasions, can play an unexpected role.

The combination of several abilities makes Zhong Yuan not afraid of poisoning and mind control, coupled with his appearance, it can be predicted that he will definitely be a top handsome guy in the future!

This is a talent suitable for being a diplomat!

I don't know if his eloquence and foreign language are good or not.

It doesn't matter if it's not good, it can be cultivated anyway.

The confidentiality measures of student files are divided according to the preciousness of the ability.

The two abilities of death immunity and cuteness directly make Zhong Yuan's file a top secret.

With a solemn expression, the dean sealed the application form and flipped through the other forms that Liu Wen sent.

Zhong Yuan’s family’s annual income is less than 50,000 yuan, and he can apply for a subsidy.

Attached the evaluation form, he was malnourished, and he applied for a subsidy plus 10.

Four bottles of free milk every day.

The director of academic affairs suddenly fell silent: Liu Wen! You have squeezed all the wool that can be squeezed, what should I do? ! I have nothing to do!

Liu Wen felt uneasy and asked in a low voice, "Director, is there any problem with the application form?"

The director of academic affairs said blankly, "Director Liu, you are really good at it!"

Liu Wen felt even more uneasy, thinking that the lie about the family income was too obvious, and was stopped by the director.

I had no choice but to laugh dryly, and said, "Director, I also want to take care of the lives of difficult students. Let him feel the warmth of the college better."

The dean of academic affairs said loudly, "Well said! If that's the case, I'll give him the outstanding student evaluation and full scholarship at the end of the semester!"

Liu Wen:? ? ?

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