Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 71 A Tooth For A Tooth, Blood For Blood

An Caige is very efficient. In just two days, Xu Jing was all ready.

At noon, the courier brother with pink rabbit ears came again.

This time he drove an explosion-proof transport vehicle of Dongfeng Express, applied for a school entry permit, and finally drove to the door of the dormitory.

"Huh? Changed your hairstyle? It suits you very well!"

When Zhong Yuan showed his ID card, the younger brother gave a special compliment.

He just delivered a courier a few days ago, and he still remembers the appearance of this small customer.

Zhong Yuan said helplessly, "If my sister didn't think it looks good, I wouldn't have this hairstyle."

It’s true that the waist-length hair was cut off, but in the end it was still long enough to tie a ponytail at the back of the head.

Just now, more than one person has told him that the new hairstyle is super suitable.

Even Zhong Lan said he was pretty, so he was not allowed to change his hairstyle.

Since knowing that she has lost twenty years of life, Zhong Yuan is basically obedient and agrees to any request.

In this way, the new hairstyle was retained. When Zhong Lan gets tired of looking at it, she will shave her hair like a scab.

"Okay, the identity is confirmed!"

The little brother lifted a large box from the explosion-proof car and asked, "Do you need me to help you carry it in?"

This time it was not a small wooden box, but a huge metal safe.

With a total weight of more than 300 kilograms, even a warrior without the ability of the strength system will definitely not be able to move it.

Zhong Yuan didn't dare to be brave, and said directly, "Help me move in, I'll give you full marks!"

The little brother smiled heartily, "No problem! Look at my Qilin arm!"

After speaking, his arm muscles swelled, full of strength, and he lifted the heavy safe with ease.

It's really a Qilin arm!

Judging from the degree of swelling, the little brother's strength is far inferior to Xiong Youba.

Even so, it's great.

It is enviable to be able to handle such a heavy thing with ease.

"It's done! Brother, I wish you good luck!" The younger brother said goodbye to Zhong Yuan with a hearty smile.

This young client of Chengying College is a believer. The last time I said that I would take care of his business, I didn't make a mistake.

It was rare in the industry to receive such a large order in just half a month.

If you say it, you can blow it for at least a whole year!

The courier brother left in a hurry.

Zhong Yuan immediately locked the door of the warehouse.

In fact, before the safe was delivered, An Caige sent a secret key first.

Zhong Yuan reckoned that she might have gotten one or two hundred, but he didn't expect that the old Aunt was so awesome that he shipped a whole box!

How many Ruin Crystals can be placed in such a big box?

No wonder the little brother of Dongfeng Express wants to deliver the goods in an explosion-proof vehicle!

Zhong Yuan took the secret key and compared it with the code. After three minutes, there was a rattle, and the door of the safe finally opened.

Due to the hasty packaging and dispatch from various prefecture-level warehouses, thousands of Ruin Crystals were piled together simply and crudely without even a small package.

Thousands of Ruin Crystals radiated light in the dimly lit safe, almost blinding Zhong Yuan's eyes.

Most of the marketers will never see such a huge wealth in their lifetime.

According to a five-figure price tag, the total price of this box is hundreds of millions!

However, the old Aunt said he would give it away...

Zhong Yuan's mood became more complicated.

It's no wonder that Feng Yumo loves being with rich women.

It's so fragrant!

(Wind and Rain: ???)

On this pile of ruin crystal hills, there is also a piece of paper.

There is only one simple sentence above.

"Xuan Ming, between friends, there is no need to thank you."

Really, I gave Feng Yumo ten market crystals and wrote an affectionate essay.

When sending a whole box, just a simple sentence?

Zhong Yuan lowered his eyes and solemnly put the note away.

I didn't write down exactly how many Ruin Crystals there are, but, just by visual inspection, it is known that such a large number is enough to upgrade Furious Strike to a fighting master.

For some reason, Zhong Yuan remembered Lin Dongliang's commanding request on the phone.

"I want you to get the top ten in the individual competition!"

Zhong Yuan snorted coldly, "I can't control Lan Lan, so I simply turned the target to me. It's exactly what I want."

With a gloomy expression, he inserted one hand into the crystal hill.

A reminder appeared in the brain.

"I found the ghost moat badger crystal, do you want to absorb it?"



The energy of massive market crystals gathered together. The pale yellow glow transforms into a magnificent imperial gold.

This shocking power rushed into Zhong Yuan's body, instead of making him explode, it traveled around in his body, and finally rushed into the position of the heart.

"Raging blow, green-level lvax!"

"Your ability—Rage Strike has been improved!"

"You have gained a new ability: Fighting Master!"

Zhong Yuan felt joy in his heart.

He has been thinking about it ever since he activated Ice-Blood Burst and gained this ability temporarily.

"Master of Fighting: You were born to kill, you are proficient in any kind of weapon, and you can take the life of the enemy with every move!"

It's not over yet! You can also upgrade!

Prompt to continue.

"Fighting master, red lvax!"

"You have gained a new ability: Tat for Tat! Yellow Level, can be upgraded!"

what is this?

Zhong Yuan was startled.

The fighting master did not upgrade further as expected, but promoted a new ability out of thin air.

"Tit for tat: Need to learn fearless, fighting master lvax!"

"Ability description: Fighting master's ability immediately increases by 100!"

Feng Yumo said that he once encountered a ghost trench king badger, whose strength was ridiculously strong, and its ability suddenly increased by ten times, and finally assembled a team of many warriors to kill it.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan realized that their understanding of the Ghost Trench King Badger was wrong!

The ten-fold increase in ability was not due to launching Fearless and Furious Strike at the same time, but Wang Badger's unique special ability - an eye for an eye!

The crystals have not been consumed yet, the upgrade continues!

"An eye for an eye, green-level lvax!"

"Ability description: Fighting master ability increased by 1000!"

It really is ten times the attack power!

Even though Zhong Yuan was mentally prepared, when he saw the ability description, he couldn't help but sigh: Brother Xudong Pingtou's strength is too terrifying.

Before he finished sighing, a new reminder came again!

"You have gained a new ability: blood for blood!"

"Blood for blood, red level lv8, can be upgraded!"

"Ability description: Fighting master's ability is increased by 1000! When attacked, absorb a certain amount of attack power and bounce back to the target. The rebound power does not exceed 300 of his own attack!"

Zhong Yuan stood on the spot, numb from shock.

In a sense, Blood for Blood is even more terrifying than the Ice-Blood Explosion.

It has no side effects, not only greatly enhances the power of the fighting master, but also rebounds the enemy's attack.

Although it is already Zhong Yuan's own ability, after reading the description, he actually felt a little afraid!

Killed a king snake with the ability of ice and blood explosion, but that snake did not have the ability of heat explosion pressure, eternal ice field and so on. So until now, Zhong Yuan has no sense of crisis.

He simply thinks that his abilities are unique, and it is almost impossible for foreign races to evolve to red-level or even disaster-level abilities.

Now, he suddenly realized that this idea was wrong.

Because moat badgers with tit-for-tat abilities did exist.

If Feng Fengmo and the others hadn't met the king badger at that time. It continues to grow, and over time, it is very likely to evolve the ability to return blood with blood!

Is there such a king badger in the ruins cave?

What if there are thousands of such king badgers in the cave, all over the place?

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