Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 78 It's Better To Wait For Him To Sleep Until He Wakes Up Naturally

Da da da!

In the corridor, a series of hurried footsteps broke the solemn atmosphere in the infirmary.

Two figures appeared outside the door, and the chief physician of the college immediately stepped forward to say hello.

"Principal, Director!"

Before they could ask, the doctor began to explain the situation of Shangguanyi.

"He was invaded by an ability similar to explosive inflammation, causing his right arm to be shattered. We have tried our best to treat him, but we still can't completely eliminate the power remaining in the wound."

Principal Chen looked nervously at the person on the hospital bed.

The usually strong and healthy nephew was falling into a coma due to excessive blood loss and his face was pale.

There is nothing under the right shoulder, and the arm is completely gone. Emergency treatment had been done on the wound, but it was still deteriorating and festering, emitting a smell similar to burnt flesh.

Two medical experts stood by and used their abilities in turn to ease his pain.

Seeing this tragic situation, Principal Chen's eyes darkened, his blood pressure shot up, and it took half a minute before he breathed a sigh of relief.

He suppressed his anger and asked, "Who did it!"

The director of academic affairs had already figured out the ins and outs of the matter, and said in a low voice, "This afternoon, at the regular meeting of the student union, Shangguanyi and Zhong Yuan got into a fight."

Principal Chen said in disbelief, "How could Zhong Yuan beat him like this?" He obviously couldn't even handle a shoulder fall!

The dean didn't believe it at first, but the video proved it, so it couldn't be fake.

So, he said solemnly, "The whole process of crushing and restraint. Many people at the scene can testify that it was Shangguan Yi who had a bad attitude and forced Zhong Yuan to do it."

Principal Chen was partial to his nephew, and he still had some illusions in his heart, and he confirmed again and again, "Are you sure it wasn't Zhong Yuan who did it to avenge his fall that day?"

The dean shook his head helplessly, "It's really not Zhong Yuan's fault. It is said that Shangguan Yi scolded too hard and too hard, and finally annoyed him, so he did it. Zhong Yuan was quiet at first, and didn't want to hit anyone."

The strange thing is that after watching the battle video, it is impossible to judge exactly what ability Zhong Yuan used to severely damage Shangguanyi.

Of his eight abilities, only Fury Strike and Fighting are involved. The dean of education had read the application form, and remembered that the level of Furious Strike was Qing level lv2.

Can this level defeat Shangguanyi?

However, Principal Chen is struggling with who is at fault. Sitting in his seat, he is used to putting accountability first.

"I don't believe it! Xiaoyi is so sensible, she has already written a self-criticism, how could she trouble Zhong Yuan again? That's right! Where's Feng Qing? Let Feng Qing come over and treat Xiaoyi first!"

The dean of teaching was extremely embarrassed.

It is not always necessary to tell him that Feng Qing was also offended by Shangguanyi, and he puts the burden on him and refuses to punish him...

The director of academic affairs said hesitantly, "I can't find anyone."

Headmaster Chen was furious, and said coldly, "I think he doesn't want to make a move, right? Seeing people's hearts at a critical moment! He must be jealous of Xiaoyi soaring to the sky after graduation!"

This is pure rhetoric.

Feng Qing is ranked 82nd in the youth list, the only medical department in the top 100, is he worthy of jealousy of Shangguanyi's strength?

The dean couldn't help persuading, "Feng Qing's temper is a typical one of being soft and not hard. The more he is forced, the more he is unwilling to cooperate. Moreover, he has a close relationship with the Supervision Bureau and the Academy of Sciences, which is really not good." What about him..."

Principal Chen was distraught, even panicked, "Could it be that there is no way to treat Xiaoyi without Feng Qing?"

The director of academic affairs said helplessly, "Saving your life is no problem. If you want to restore it to an intact state, you have to take action from Feng Qing."

Principal Chen looked at the people on the hospital bed, his whole heart was trembling.

What a good boy, who brings glory to the academy every year, and doesn't deserve to suffer like this!

At this time, the dean thought of something again, and said, "It is said that he refused to make a move because of Zhong Yuan's leadership. Or let Zhong Yuan try to persuade him. I heard from Director Liu that this child looks withdrawn. In fact, he has a gentle temper and is very friendly to others.”


Can friendship be so cruel?

Principal Chen was confused.

I have been teaching for many years, and it is the first time that I have completely misunderstood!

No wonder Zhong Yuan and An Caige acted together. With such tyrannical strength, there are sweet pastries everywhere. With such students in Chengying College, this college league will definitely be stable.

However, he was the perpetrator of hurting Shangguanyi, so it is unreasonable to turn around and beg him!

"Old Chen, hurry up and make a decision! For every minute you delay, your nephew will suffer another minute! It has been four hours since the injury, and after 24 hours, he will not be cured!"

The director of academic affairs urged anxiously.

Principal Chen took a deep breath and made up his mind: even if he had to sacrifice his old face, he would still ask Feng Qing to save him!

In addition, Zhong Yuan must be dealt with, so that he cannot resist the academy. In any case, he cannot be transferred to another school!

Principal Chen asked in a deep voice, "Where is Zhong Yuan?"

The director of academic affairs said hastily, "In the confinement room."

Just go and go, and you will arrive at your destination soon.

To be precise, they first went to the monitoring room to check on Zhong Yuan's situation. If he is emotionally stable, go in and do ideological work.

However, as soon as the two entered the monitoring room, they immediately saw several guards gambling.

"Damn it! I haven't moved for four hours!"

"Do you want to go over to see him? Dinner was delivered at five o'clock, and I didn't get up to eat!"

"Give me money, I'm closest to the right time!"

"Is it time to talk about money?!"


The dean coughed twice at the right time.

Several guards hurriedly got up and greeted the leader.

The dean pointed to the four monitoring screens, frowned and said, "What's going on? Why don't you turn on the monitoring?"

A guard hurriedly explained, "It's open, Director, look at the top, there is a time display."

The director of academic affairs wondered, "Since it's on, why is the screen black?"

Another person said, "The kid is sleeping, turn off the light, if you don't believe me, take a closer look."

The dean leaned in front of the screen, watched for a long time, and finally recognized a lying figure in the dark picture.

After hurting someone, he actually slept peacefully?

Principal Chen was furious again, "Drag him up!"

"Old Chen, Old Chen! Calm down! It's better to wait for him to sleep until he wakes up naturally..."

Principal Chen was furious, "Wake up naturally, how long will you have to wait? You said just now that every minute you delay, Xiaoyi will suffer an extra minute!"

The director of academic affairs comforted, "Young people consume a lot of energy and have a fast metabolism. They will wake up when they are hungry. It has been closed for more than four hours, and it must be reaching the limit. I guess, in half an hour at most, they will wake up and ask for water!" No matter how bad it is, at least get up and go to the toilet or something..."

This judgment is simply wrong!

After waiting for another two full hours, someone was still lying on the corpse, without moving the whole process.

The director of academic affairs directly broke the defense.

You won't just sleep until dawn like this?

During the waiting period, he called Feng Qing many times and kept turning off the phone. There was no one in the dormitory either.

If Feng Qing is determined to play missing, it is useless to do ideological work through Zhong Yuan.

Principal Chen turned around angrily and left.

This time the dean didn't follow.

It's getting late.

He hesitated again and again, and finally found a place where no one was around, and dialed the number of the Eastern Theater Staff Headquarters.

"I have something urgent, I must report to Commander An immediately!"

The sweet voice of the operator came.

"Lieutenant Colonel Gu Yan, please wait a moment, I will transfer you right away."

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