He is accustomed to enjoying the abilities of his companions, even daily training will allow Feng Qing to refresh his state.

Once he lost it, he realized how precious the power he had been enjoying was.

"Please, please, I don't want to die...you can tell me to do anything..." Shangguanyi knelt down on the ground, begging bitterly.

Feng Qing said calmly, "Are you afraid?"

Shangguanyi nodded desperately, tears and snot mixed together, dripping down embarrassingly.

After knowing each other for so many years, he never knew that Feng Qing was so terrifying.

"Don't cry. Don't be an example."

Feng Qing squatted down and patted Shangguanyi on the shoulder.

The latter took a step back in horror.

Then, an incredible force descended.

Shangguanyi's state returned to 24 hours ago, which happened to be the same moment when Feng Qing dissuaded him from doing anything.

The injury is gone, but the right arm is still aching.

This pain is unforgettable, deeply imprinted in the depths of the soul, and will never be forgotten.

Feng Qing said lightly, "Even I was almost killed by Zhong Yuan, let alone you?"

"You were lucky this time. With so many people watching, he had concerns and didn't want to do anything. But what about next time? Be obedient and fulfill the promise of the loser, and don't do it again."

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

It is not difficult to treat Shangguanyi.

The difficult thing is how to explain to Zhong Yuan afterwards.

If the explanation is not good, it will become an irresolvable gap between the two, and the relationship of trust that has been established with great difficulty will have cracks.

Feng Qing felt that it was unnecessary to annoy Zhong Yuan for the sake of a person like Shangguanyi.

Fortunately, I got my sister's understanding in advance.

Zhong Lan didn't want a three-legged dog, so she agreed.

That's fine.

Sister-in-law will have no objection.

So, people too! ?

It was getting dark, Shangguanyi recovered and several hours passed, why hasn't Zhong Yuan come out of the confinement room yet?

Fortunately, Zhong Lan and Director Liu went to Hualing College to play gymnastics today, otherwise it would be impossible to hide the fact that someone was in confinement.

Feng Qing rushed to the principal's office at lightning speed.

Fluttered in vain, no one!

He found the guard again, although there were people on duty, they didn't know anything.

Called An Guanfeng, but couldn't get through.

"Okay, cross the river and tear down the bridges one by one. Anyway, I'm a bully in the medical department. I can't call anyway, right! Hundan! At least I can make a phone call!"

You can't break into the confinement room. The guards there are the strictest. If you break in without a password, you may be killed by the automatic defense system arranged on the periphery.

Feng Qing would not do things that would kill him. Calmly took out the satellite phone and started to rescue soldiers.

In fact, he misunderstood.

It wasn't that Chengying Academy didn't want to let Zhong Yuan go, but An Ling wanted to see how far someone's petty temper could last.

Shangguanyi was saved, and Principal Chen took him home to recuperate, and he had no time to take care of Zhong Yuan's affairs.

Gu Yan simply took over, squatting in the monitoring room, never leaving.

And the betting guards completely broke the defense.

Tremblingly explained to Gu Yan, "Director, we really didn't do anything. This kid started to sleep after entering, and has been sleeping since Friday afternoon until now..."

It was already Sunday night, and a group of guards were changed in the middle of the shift to monitor, but Zhong Yuan did not see Zhong Yuan get up and move.

There were seven meals placed outside the confinement room, but he didn't eat a single bite.

Obviously, the hunger strike is still going on, I don't know when it will last...

Gu Yan also panicked, thinking: Could it be that I misunderstood what the commander meant?

Praising Zhong Yuan as a general, is actually a strong style!

Ordinary people can't stand it if they don't eat or drink for three days.

The body of a warrior is different from that of ordinary people. The stronger the warrior, the more nutrition he needs.

Zhong Yuan is still growing, so how can he sit on his hunger strike and waste his life needlessly in order to cultivate his talents?

After thinking about it, he felt that this was not going to work, so Gu Yan made a decisive decision and called before the next report time.

"Commander, Zhong Yuan feels that he has defeated Shangguanyi in an upright manner. He has been on a hunger strike to protest without fault! I think that he should not be detained any longer. You see..."

An Guanfeng was also quite surprised.

I didn't eat, drink, or excrete for two days, and I was in a state of physical pain.

How could he have such terrible endurance if he had not received special training before?

It doesn't make sense!

An Guanfeng thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of another possibility, "I see, he's not actually on a hunger strike."

Gu Yan asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"He should have entered a state similar to hibernation to minimize physical consumption. He used this method to deal with confinement and reduce anxiety and fear."

An Guanfeng made such a judgment, and couldn't help sighing, "What a smart kid, with a pretty good mental quality!"

It was all because of the hunger strike that Gu Yan mentioned first that he had a preconceived opinion.

In fact, in the claustrophobic space, even adults can't keep calm, let alone Zhong Yuan is still a child.

No matter how mature his behavior is, don't forget, he is still only 16 years old.

An Guanfeng felt even more satisfied, and said, "Someone wake him up. Go back to the dormitory and go to sleep. It's a little thing, don't bother."

Gu Yan was overjoyed.

The expedition is finally over!

The vicious fight was classified as a trivial matter, and the commander obviously admired Zhong Yuan very much. Next, he is very likely to be recommended for an internship in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

Unexpectedly, this school can produce a diplomat!

Although Gu Yan is the eyeliner sent by the military region to supervise the principal, he is also the director of academic affairs.

After the call, Gu Yan officially announced to the guards that Zhong Yuan could be released.

A group of people cheered.

The situation in the confinement room is monitored at all times, and reports are required every hour. The guards are miserable and have not slept well for two days.



On the monitoring screen, the guard who ran to release the man looked horrified, raised his head and yelled at the probe, "This kid is completely cold!"


The smile froze on his face, and the cheers in the monitoring room stopped abruptly.

Gu Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he said in fear, "What does it mean to be completely cold?"

Of course...literally.

ten minutes later,

The chief physician entered the brightly lit confinement room.

"Hey, what's going on this time?"

The day before, I spent a lot of effort to treat the principal's child, but I was called over for first aid before he was relieved, and I felt a little upset.

People in the medical department have a special status and are highly respected in the college, basically they don't work overtime. It's not a dying injury, please call 120.

"Is it him?" The chief physician pointed to the boy lying on the small bed.

Gu Yan said nervously, "Yes! We must save him at all costs!"

The Chief Physician nodded proudly, without any explanation, and used his abilities.

Don't talk about cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration to us medical practitioners. Our ability to activate is to save.

Life sharing: connect the target and share the vitality equally!

Then, the chief physician directly spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Nima's pit is dead!

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