Chapter 1297 Madman

   "How's the progress of those businesses in country M?"

Uncle Chu paused, his tone was not very good, "At present, according to the situation, the Yuan family is what they like the most, in addition to Yuan's domestic power, as well as the relationship with Ava, are the reasons why they are willing to cooperate with Yuan family, And Ava deliberately arranged for the people around Yuan Zhengchong to help Yuan Zhengchong, it seems that it is inevitable..."

Uncle Chu paused again, "...Miss, our business has always been in Asia, and the Yuan family has been developing in the M country for decades... We are going to compete with the Yuan family over there, and the company will not be able to support it at that time... …”

   Ji Fengmian squeezed the phone tightly, and there was a bit of sullenness in her calm eyes.

   After a long silence, Ji Fengmian said:

   "Make another half-concession, and now arrange for someone to talk."

   Hearing Ji Fengmian's apparently cold tone, Uncle Chu simply did not speak any more.

Ye Jingyun was accepted as the righteous daughter by the queen, but she knew that the real princess was still alive, but she still chose not to say it. After many years, she consolidated her position in the royal family and even wanted to kill the real princess Plan to kill.

   robbed the identity that belonged to others, and occupied the lives and favors that belonged to others for so many years.

   It's fine if you don't know each other, but she is the only friend who goes to the welfare home every day to play with the eldest lady.

   If it wasn't for her only mother who was seriously ill, the medicine was stopped by the hospital, and her life was hanging by a thread.

   If it wasn't for her pitiful and sad crying in front of the eldest lady, then the eldest lady would not have relented and gave her the pair of gold-encrusted jade bracelets that she had been wearing since she was born.

   Then all these incidents will not happen.

   The eldest miss had no intention of competing with Ye Jingyun for something, but she never let go of the eldest lady. ,

   And now, it's even threatening the eldest lady's daughter.

  New hatred and old hatred, gathered together, no matter how good-tempered Rao is, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent.

   Miss is really angry.

   Going to grab business with Yuan's recklessly, although there is a lot of risk, but once the business is negotiated, it is estimated that 12% of Yuan's funds will evaporate by then.

   is evaporation, not loss.

  Because the loss is to invest money in and not get paid back.

   And evaporated, it was a direct aggregation of the entire Yuan family, including all his properties, the entire share, which shrank by 12% out of thin air and disappeared completely.

   If you can't get Yuan shi all at once, then this blow will definitely hit Yuan shi severely.

  Yuan's century-old foundation, 12% of the funds evaporated, a huge base, multiplied by 12% to get the figure, I am afraid that the entire Yuan family and the whole family should spend their entire lives, and they should not be able to spend all the money.

   This heavy hit, I am afraid, will be recorded as a historic stroke in the entire business circle.


  Yuan Sichun drove back to the company a little numbly. As soon as he arrived at the office on the top floor, he saw the manager of the personnel department standing at the door. When he saw her appear, he immediately greeted her.

   "Mr. Yuan!"

   Yuan Sichun's face was extremely ugly, he glanced at him lightly, and continued to walk forward, "I'm very annoying now, you stay away from me."

   The manager of the personnel department blocked Yuan Sichun's way one step ahead, and handed the two folders in his hand to Yuan Sichun.

   "That's Mr. Yuan. These are the list of company employees who have submitted resignation letters. Because there are too many resignation letters, I have counted them all. Please take a look."

   Yuan Sichun's brows twitched fiercely, staring at the two folders handed in front of him, his terrifying face suddenly sneered in the next second.

   She slowly lifted her eyes and looked at the manager of the personnel department coldly, "It's because the group has been discussed and the group is not happy for me, isn't it?"

   The manager of the personnel department twitched his lips, "This is not very clear, it's the general trend..."

   The general trend?

  Yuan Sichun blinked, took the two folders slowly, opened them and looked at them, "What is the trend?"

   "Hehe..." The HR manager just laughed.

   However, in the next second, Yuan Sichun smashed the two hard plastic folders in his hand into his head.

   roared his face, "What is the general trend? What's wrong with the general trend? It's just an entertainment company, so that you dare to offend me like this? Is it a decoration for the Yuan family?!"

   The head of the personnel department manager was a little dizzy, his body shook, and he reached out to cover his head, but found that the palm of his hand was already sticky, and when he took it down, it was already dripping with blood.

   He looked angry, staring at Yuan Sichun, and the blood dripping from the top of his head made him look a little terrifying.

"Mr. Yuan! For the sake of your being a woman, I don't care about you, but I advise you, with your temperament, even if Yuan sect teaches you, you will be ruined! Ask for yourselves. Blessed!"

   He said, took out an envelope of himself from his arms and threw it at Yuan Sichun, "I quit! This time, you should be your bare commander!"

Yuan Sichun was hit in the face by the resignation letter, his eyes flashed, and he slowly recovered. The blows he received today were just one after another. One thing after another made Shen Fanxing succeed, the company was hollowed out, and he had to She is going to have a lawsuit with so many artists in the company, and she is also in a heated lawsuit. Now, she has been directly slapped and taught by a department manager in a mere district. All of these, together, anger and unwillingness almost swallowed her whole.

   He turned around and stretched out his hand, grabbed the back collar of the personnel manager, and pulled it directly to the ground. The back of the man's head landed on the ground with a "thump", and he was hit and dizzy in an instant!

   In the end, before he could react, his body suddenly sank, and he saw Yuan Sichun straddling him, grabbing his hair and hitting the ground a few times.

   "Look at me being bullied, right? Isn't it?!"

   "What is the general trend? If Lehua Entertainment has no artists, I can still recruit new people. Who says I will lose? Do you think I will lose? Isn't it?!"

   "Mad! You're a lunatic!!"

  The manager of the personnel department immediately felt dizzy and nauseous, grabbed her shoulders in a panic, and fiddled her aside!

   covered his head and struggled to get up from the ground, and staggered to the waiting hall.

   While pressing the elevator, he scolded and took out his mobile phone from his body and made a call!

"Hey! At the beginning of the month magazine? I'm the manager of the personnel department of Lehua Entertainment, I want to break the news, I was just beaten by the eldest miss of the Yuan family, and I can provide all the black materials that I know of Lehua Entertainment for free. I'm going to the hospital for an injury check now, okay! See you at the hospital!"

   hung up the phone, the manager of the personnel department turned his head with a **** face, and gave Yuan Sichun a vicious look!

   "You still want to make a comeback? You want to be beautiful! Can't kill you! Stupid!!"

   (end of this chapter)

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