Chapter 1342 Unique

   Chu house.

   Shen Fanxing stepped into the living room, it seemed that only Uncle Chu had been waiting for her.

   Seeing her coming back, he hurried up to meet her.

   "Little Miss, Eldest Miss is waiting for you in the piano room upstairs."

  Shen Fanxing was slightly surprised, then stunned for two seconds, then nodded lightly and lifted his feet upstairs.

   As soon as I went upstairs, I heard scattered piano sounds coming from the corridor.

  Shen Fanxing still remembers that she was a mother when she was a child when she was a child.

  When she was a child, every time she saw her mother sitting in the piano room and playing the piano in her spare time, she thought it was the most beautiful scenery.

The piano in my memory is placed beside the bed. My mother likes to sit there in the afternoon. The sun shines on her through the glass window. She sits there calmly, dancing with her fingertips on the black and white keys. Put together into a beautiful and melodious tune.

   At that time, she was too young to be anxious about how she felt at first, she just thought everything was amazing.

  Why that row of identical keys can "sing" such a nice song.

   So her mother started to teach her to play the piano by holding her, and after that, she kept learning.

   In her memory, her mother played the piano very little, and she never touched it again when she came back.

   After many years, until now, I see my mother sitting in front of the piano again, tapping on the piano with one hand. Although it is very scattered, I can still vaguely hear the melody.

little stars.

   That was the first piece of music that her mother taught her to play.

   "Flickering and shining, the sky is full of small stars, hanging in the sky and shining brightly, like many small eyes..."

   hummed along with the melody that Ji Fengmian tapped scatteredly, and Ji Fengmian didn't withdraw his hand until the end of one tune.


   "Well. Sorry Mom, these days..."

   "I heard, you don't need to explain. Is the old man okay?"

  Shen Fanxing nodded, "Well, there shouldn't be a big problem for the time being."

"You don't have to worry about Jingchuan's parents. It's actually a good thing that you can't find the body. Bo Sichen is not an easy-going person, just because of his anger in his bones, Lord Yan would not dare to accept it so early. with him..."

  Shen Fanxing's eyes flashed with surprise.

  The hostility in the father-in-law's bones?

   What she has seen the most is her father-in-law's indulgence and doting on her mother-in-law.

   "Are you talking about the same person I thought?"

   Ji Fengmian glanced at her coldly, "What do you think?"

   As for who Shen Fanxing is afraid of in this world, Ji Fengmian is definitely the first one.

   With just one look, she could instantly be half short in front of her mother.

   But mother is right, no body can be found, which is good news...

   "What about you? Is there something wrong with me coming back in such a hurry?"

   "Hey——" A low and dull piano sound instantly lowered the atmosphere in the room a few degrees.

   "Are you sure it's Bo Jingchuan? Shen Fanxing, are you sure you won't regret it for the rest of your life?"

   called her by her first name.

  's expression and tone were solemn, as if to listen to her solemn oath.

   "Yes, it's him, and I will never regret it in this life."

   Ji Fengmian asked seriously, but she answered decisively.

   Ji Fengmian looked at her deeply, and finally closed her eyes deeply.

   What can be changed again?

   From the first time she saw her again, she could see that she was serious, more serious than ever.

   What's more, she still has two little guys in her stomach.

"Fanxing, I know that you have your own opinions in many aspects, but I was the same as you back then, you know? I feel that my choice is right, but no... I have lived for so many years, and I always feel that I have seen it through. All things, and yet not. I can't help you decide whether a man is worth entrusting..."

  She, Ji Fengmian, can make the most accurate judgments on anything, but only men are the only things she can't see through in her life...

  Maybe this is the window that God has sealed for her.

   "No matter what the outcome is, I'm willing to accept it. If it weren't for him, I don't think I would have the strength to love others. I'm not willing to be with him in my life."

   Ji Fengmian pursed her lips and nodded, "Okay, I see."

   "Ding Ding Ding Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang" after a messy note jumping, Ji Fengmian paused, then took out a sheet of music from the piano, and said:

   "Isn't the song invited to the state banquet of Y country ready yet?"

  Shen Fanxing saw Ji Fengmian spread out the score on the shelf.

   I vaguely seem to have guessed something in my heart.

   "...not ready yet."

   Ji Fengmian nodded, staring at the score in front of him, his fingers on the keys, not playing a single note for a long time.

   "...then play this one. This is my childhood...favorite piece."

   Shen Fanxing keenly noticed that when Ji Fengmian spoke, there was a faint vibrato in his voice.

   Does this song have any special meaning?

   Shen Fanxing had doubts in his heart, but he didn't ask at this time, just nodded lightly.


   After she finished speaking, Ji Fengmian's hanging fingers dropped...

   A string of flexible piano sounds slowly flowed out, and the crisp and pleasant sound was like the sound of water droplets falling from the sky...

   After a few minutes of playing the tune, Shen Fanxing returned to his senses for a long time.

   If she only listened to the beginning, she would think it was a very lively song, but after listening to the whole song, what lingered in her ears was a soul-stirring song.

  There is innocence, there is expectation, there is miss, there is sadness, there is helplessness...

  Too many emotions come together, making people involuntarily fall into an endless aftertaste.

  I want to taste more emotions.

   But this song, if you just listen to it, maybe put it in some people who don’t fully understand music——

   is not the most outstanding.

  Although I didn’t want to spoil the fun, Shen Fanxing still said:

   "I don't deny that this is indeed a good piece, but is it really suitable to be played on a grand occasion like a state banquet?"

   Ji Fengmian raised his hand, took down the sheet music, put it in his hand, and gently rubbed every note that appeared on it.

   "...It's a unique piece of music in this world. Play it only for...people who can understand..."

   Shen Fanxing's eyes flashed thick doubts, she couldn't help but wonder why it must be this song, but Ji Fengmian shoved the sheet music in her arms into her arms.

   "Do you want to listen to it a few more times? Did you play it?"

  Shen Fanxing nodded, "No need, I have almost written it down. No matter how familiar I am, there should be no problem."

   Ji Fengmian frowned, "I wrote it down once? I don't remember your musical talent when you were young..."

   There is talent, but it will never be played just by listening to it once, and neither can a genius.

   (end of this chapter)

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