Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1383: you reveal too much

   Chapter 1383 You have exposed too much

   "Fanxing!" Queen Yulia felt distressed and guilty.

   She could see clearly just now, if it wasn't for the girl in front of her to protect her from being splashed, she should have avoided it, at least she wouldn't be splashed on a large area like now.

   She took Shen Fanxing's hand, "Thank you for protecting me."

  Shen Fanxing pulled his hand back with an indifferent expression, "No. After all, you...are the ruler of a country, and you still have to have a posture."

   After she finished speaking, she turned her face to one side and stopped looking at her.

   Queen Yulia's heart tingled slightly.

   Her pause just now, didn’t she mean to say—

   After all, she is hers...

"Damn, you look down on yourself too much, what are you, you still think of pretending to be a princess?! How can there be such a shameless **** in this world, a person like you should be cut into pieces and cut into pieces Your parents are really perverted. It took eight lifetimes to give birth to a mess like you. You should have been strangled to death as soon as you were born..."

   Shen Fanxing and Queen Yulia's faces sank fiercely.

The sound of    "Buzz" suddenly resounded throughout the state banquet hall.

   Everyone's ears were hurt by the sound, and when they reacted again, they saw that Shen Fanxing on the stage had already pinched Princess Beixi's neck and pressed her head **** the piano keys next to her.




  How did you do it, in the blink of an eye...

   "Ah!!!" Bei Xi's sharp voice sounded, "Let go of me you bitch! Grandma, grandma... ah!!"

   "噔噔售哮哮哮铮铮铮铮铮铮ding ding ding" a series of messy notes sounded, and everyone watched helplessly as Shen Fanxing pressed Bei Xi's head hard and slid left and right on the keys.

   "It's unacceptable to scold me, involving my parents, let alone! Beixi, I don't think the lessons you received in Pingcheng were enough!"

   "Bitch, let me go, I'm going to kill you... ah!!"

Another unpleasant tune, Shen Fanxing clasped Bei Xi's neck, lifted and pressed hard, lifted and pressed hard, several times in a row, everyone was shocked, and when it finally stopped, they saw Shen Fanxing's hand loosened, and Bei Xi's body fell limply to the ground.

   lost consciousness.

  Yes, at that level, it is estimated that there is no concussion, and I am sorry for her.

  The guests under the stage began to swallow one after another,

   is simply stunned!

   This woman is too sturdy and violent!

  Bei Lei stood recently, but did not see how Shen Fanxing grabbed Bei Xi and pressed her to the piano.

   Even the soldiers next to him didn't react.

   It was just that momentum, which made her realize what it means to be frightened.

   When she reacted, her face was pale and bloodless, "Shen...Shen Fanxing, are bold!"

  Shen Fanxing turned her head and gave her a cold look, and she involuntarily took two steps back.

   turned his head, Shen Fanxing walked up to Bei Xi, who had passed out on the ground, bent over, took out the phone on her body, and pressed a few phone numbers directly.

  The phone was connected not long after, and there was a deep and confusing voice immediately.


  Shen Fanxing reached out and brushed a handful of hair, stood there straight, raised his chin, with a fearless posture, said lightly:

   "Mr. Bo, I got into trouble in country Y."

   "Huh? What happened?"

   Shen Fanxing hooked her lips, "At the state banquet, I knocked out little Princess Beixi."

   There was silence for a while, and suddenly a low laugh came out, "It's okay, I'll solve it."

   "Hmm." Shen Fanxing raised her eyebrows.

   I thought I was going to hang up, but Bo Jingchuan suddenly spoke again:

   "Are you still having fun?"

Shen Fanxing pursed her lips, "Not happy, she not only scolded my parents, she also cursed me to die early, and even said that I should have been strangled when I was born..." After saying that, she hooked her lips and picked her up. Mei smiled and said, "Mr. Bo, then you won't have a wife to spoil in the future."

   There was another silence, and after more than ten seconds, the voice from the phone was gloomy and cold.

   "I'll fix it."

  The stage is already equipped with top radio equipment.

   Shen Fanxing's conversation with Bo Jingchuan was small, but it could still be heard in the quiet state banquet hall.

   Resolved the two words, inexplicably caused everyone present to feel a tingling in their scalps.

   But one second ago, they thought they could kill people with their breath on the phone, but the next second they heard a soft, warm voice like water, "Eat and sleep well, and wait for me."


   Hanging up the phone, Shen Fanxing carefully deleted Bo Jingchuan's phone number from his phone and threw it on Bei Xi.

   Most of the people in the audience were puzzled and puzzled.

   "Who is Mr. Bo?"

   "I don't know, isn't it small? I don't think the royal family is taken seriously? Even the little princess of the royal family has to be accounted for?"

   "Don't you know? It was said in the news of country Z not long ago that she is engaged to the global CEO of Bo's consortium?"


   The man was stunned for a moment, and his face was surprised, "The Bo Consortium..."

   "You don't know about Bo's consortium?"

   "No, I still know about the Bo family's consortium. But the person who was... abused was the princess of the royal family of Y. No matter how powerful he is, can he reach out to the royal family?"

   "Then I don't know, but ah, what are the princesses of the Y royal family, they are just the two daughters of the righteous daughter adopted by Queen Yulia. In terms of honor, can they be compared with the real blood of the royal family?"

   Hearing the words, the people around looked at Shen Fanxing.

   There is a vague uncertainty in his eyes.

   Speaking of the true blood of the Y royal family...

Shen Fanxing turned around and glanced at Queen Yulia, "Sorry, I hit your granddaughter at the state banquet! But it's okay to apologize, because she should, and I don't feel much relieved now. As for this matter, stand What to do in the position of your royal family Y, I will wait for the result at any time."

   Yulia didn't speak, and looked at her without too much expression on her face.

  Shen Fanxing turned around, his eyes touched Beilei who was stunned to the side, a flash of coldness flashed in his pair of star eyes.

   She approached her and stood beside Bei Lei. Her icy eyes almost froze Bei Lei in place. After a while, she saw Shen Fanxing whisper:

"I think you have some brains, but your actions today have exposed too much stupidity. Including... you put your mind on my mother, if I can get evidence, Belle, even if you are today Queen, I will not let you go either!"

  Belle's eyelashes trembled, and her pupils turned to Shen Fanxing's face stiffly, but when she met Shen Fanxing's eyes, she moved uncontrollably.

"……I do not know what you're talking about."

  Shen Fanxing narrowed his eyes, "Best."

   After she finished speaking, she raised her foot and was about to leave, but her arm was still caught in the next second.

   "Fanxing, you are soaking wet now, can I take you to change clothes?"


   (end of this chapter)

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