Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1446: Take good care

   Chapter 1446 Careful

"Damn it, I'm going to be **** off! I just got banned again! Didn't I just say 'pink polar bear' again? If you have the ability to dress up like that, why don't people tell me?! I'm really puzzled Come on, is this dress really cute?!"

  Bo Jingchuan: "Well, cute."

   After replying, I reported the account.


   In just half an hour, Bo Jingchuan successfully turned Weibo upside down by himself.

   "Bo Jingchuan Super Invincible Scumbag"

   "Bo Jingchuan tastes so good and heavy with a man"

   "Bo Jingchuan maintains a high-profile junior, and his business is punished"

Topics such as    instantly captured the hot search, and were marked with the word "explosive".

   The traffic to the website is the highest it has ever been.

  Bo Jingchuan used his own power to rip with a kind of netizen.

   Bo Jingchuan's series of operations made Shen Fanxing stunned.

   After a long time, Shen Fanxing spoke slowly:

   "Aren't you too ostentatious? You will be scolded by those people."

   Openly guarding a junior, and making such a big battle, it is estimated that the image...going out should be smashed by eggs...

  Bo Jingchuan casually reported several accounts.

   He was addicted, and when he arrived at the apartment, he got out of the car, still holding her mobile phone and watching as he walked.

   Shen Fanxing did nothing, and naturally walked faster than him.

  Bo Jingchuan was behind her, looking at her lovely pink back, raised his phone and took a photo.

   then posted on his account, "It's beautiful and cute, I don't accept refutation."

The    picture is the one he was afraid to catch just now, and he also carefully added a layer of filter.

   "Hurry up! The elevator is coming!"

   Shen Fanxing called him in front of the elevator, and he put away his phone, stretched his long legs, and entered the elevator.

  Shen Fanxing released the elevator's closing button and watched the elevator slowly close.

   Then, Bo Jingchuan turned around and threw himself into Bo Jingchuan's arms when he was completely unexpected.

   Bo Jingchuan's eyes suddenly narrowed and opened again.

   He lowered his eyelids and looked at the woman in front of him who was clinging to him.

   Shen Fanxing's body leaned forward because of the imbalance, and supported Bo Jingchuan's shoulders all the way until he pushed him to the back wall of the elevator.

   The elevator space is not too big. Although Shen Fanxing's initiative has not been small recently, it is still full of surprises for Bo Jingchuan.

  No surprise, he couldn't refuse and reject Shen Fanxing's closeness.

   On the contrary, he likes it.

   I like that every time she takes the initiative to get into her arms gently and softly, I like that she takes the initiative to get close to him and kiss him...

   This kind of benefit is more common especially after he is angry,

   She took two steps back slightly, raised her head, and looked at him quietly.

   That face is simply a gift from nature, with sharp edges and corners without a trace of flaws, matched with his warm, dignified and noble temperament, and the invisible strength that makes people unable to take their eyes off.

   His whole person exudes an air that makes people easily addicted to it.

   A pair of eyes were deep and deep, unable to see through his thoughts at the moment.

   After a long time, Bo Jingchuan reached out and touched his thin lips, the fragrance and soft touch on it seemed to be very clear.

   "What?" he said, "Have fun playing irresponsibly?"

  Shen Fanxing gently pulled his lips, "I just want to kiss you."

  Bo Jingchuan pursed his lips, he thought he should find a way to let this woman know that she just wanted to kiss, for him, it might involve more.

   "There are many more rebukes on the Internet, why don't you defend yourself? Or report those who speak rudely to you?"

   Shen Fanxing asked, he likes to do everything silently.

   However, she couldn't pretend that nothing happened.

   She has to deeply remember that this man treats her every bit and every drop of kindness.

   Then zoom in on all the bits and pieces.

   Let the man know that she understands him and knows every time she protects and cherishes herself.

   A subtle expression flashed across Bo Jingchuan's face, and said lightly:

   "What they say is their self-righteousness, not the truth, why should I care."

  Shen Fanxing said with a smile: "But we all know that the comments of those people on the Internet about pink polar bears are not true..."

   "But they said it anyway. It's just because it's not the truth that it needs to be punished all the more."

   To blame, whether it is true or not, Shen Fanxing is her, and so is the "polar bear", no matter who it is, he will not allow others to say that she is not.

  Shen Fanxing looked at him with a smile,

  The elevator door opened at this time, Shen Fanxing did not turn around, but took two steps backwards, intending to get out of the elevator just like this, but before taking two steps, Bo Jingchuan stretched his arms and pulled him into his arms.

   "Have eyes on the back? Dare to walk backwards?"

  Shen Fanxing smiled happily, "Isn't there still you? I know you will not put me in danger."

   is here again.

   All because she has a talking mouth.

   At every critical moment, where did she think about asking him to help in the first place?

   But the dependence and trust in this mouth always made him helpless.

   He let out a deep breath, and Bo Jingchuan took Shen Fanxing out of the elevator without saying a word.

   Back in the room, Bo Jingchuan unloaded the "equipment" on Shen Fanxing,

   Looking at her completely pink and tender appearance, the corners of his lips still evoked a faint smile.

   Lovely woman. -

   went back to the bedroom, finished drinking the milk that Bo Jingchuan had prepared for her, crawled to C obediently, lay in the middle of the soft bedding, opened her pajamas, and stroked her flat stomach.

   "These two little guys seem to be well supported, except for some reactions at the beginning, they have been very good for a while, and they don't bother me at all."

   She was also curious, and after checking it, it seems that a few women who are pregnant rarely experience morning sickness.

   She should be lucky to be one of those few women.

  Baby doesn't toss her, she's naturally a lot more relaxed.

   In fact, most of this credit is due to Bo Jingchuan's thoughtful arrangements.

   Shen Fanxing may know better than herself what tastes she likes and what she doesn't like.

   But whatever she rejected, he didn't allow him to appear within the range that she could smell and touch.

   Eat what she likes, and have enough rest. She usually has constant water and constant milk, so how could she have so many uncomfortable reactions.

   (end of this chapter)

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