Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1492: nature is me

   Chapter 1492 Of course it's me

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous... I've tried my best for the Shen family all my life, and in the end, I'm the only one who's not from the Shen family... Haha...haha...your family is all surnamed Shen, only I am not...only I'm not……"

  Shen Shanghua, Shen Defan, Shen Fanxing...

   She Jiang Rongrong is what...

   Shen Shanghua's lips were trembling, and there were also old tears.

   Sadness, sadness, remorse, guilt...

   "I thought I would keep this matter a secret for the rest of my life. Seeing that my life is coming to an end soon, I still haven't been able to persist until the end..."

   "I never imagined that you would run down the mountain by yourself and ask Fanxing for alimony... If there is no such thing, then my dirty secret will be taken away by me forever..."

   Shen Defan sighed and sighed deeply.

   "This is life, this is life... I have to pay the price for the sins I have done in my life. It's good to say it, so that even if we die, we can die and understand..."

   The scene was quiet for a while.

   Everyone watched everything that happened in the court quietly, not knowing how to describe the current situation, let alone how they were feeling at the moment.

   For them, this lawsuit was really unexpected. Every moment was an accident. At the beginning, Jiang Rongrong was shameless without a bottom line. Now this kind of accident is full of explosive points, which is simply incredible.

   Just like watching a suspenseful horror movie, they never know what unpredictable things will happen in the next second.

   Such a reversal, not to mention that Jiang Rongrong was caught off guard, it made everyone present unable to digest it all for a while.

   This is the first time the judge has encountered such a chaotic situation, and at the same time, because of the shock, he was a little stunned for a while.

   Today's lawsuit is really...except for accidents or accidents.

   Who would have thought that the old man of the Shen family, who has always been low-key and charitable, actually did that kind of thing back then.

   I can't even imagine that he could hide it for so many years.

   But today, I chose to suddenly reveal everything in court.

   Facing the chaotic court situation, Shen Fanxing, who had been standing there indifferently, expressionless and silent, suddenly raised his chin, and the corner of his lips drew a very ironic arc.

   She turned to look at the judge on the stage and said:

   "The above is enough to prove that I have no blood relationship with Ms. Jiang Rongrong. Although she is my elder in name, she has never fulfilled her responsibilities as an elder. So I shouldn't have to fulfill the obligation to support her, right?"

  The judge looked at each other in dismay, and after that, Wei Wei discussed it, and hit the gavel in court, directly announcing that Jiang Rongrong's lawsuit was not established.

  Shen Fanxing did not fulfill the obligation and responsibility of supporting her.

   This verdict is not surprising to anyone now.

  Shen Fanxing took a deep breath and glanced lightly at Shen Shanghua, who was trembling on the witness stand, as well as Jiang Rongrong, who was sitting paralyzed there, her eyes split open, pulled her lips, pulled away the chair, and turned to leave.

  Things have already come to an end, so there is no need for her to stay and entangle with them.

   Seeing Shen Fanxing leaving, Bo Jingchuan also stood up, and then Bo Jingxing, Xu Qingzhi and others followed one after another.

   The whole chaotic courtroom chaos fades away.

   In the end, only Shen Shanghua, Jiang Rongrong and Shen Defan were left, and they sat there, watching Shen Fanxing vanish from her eyes once again.

   She now hates nothing but hate.

  Why... can't kill her? !

  Because the media was not allowed to enter the court, when Shen Fanxing walked out of the court, a group of anxious reporters who had been waiting for a long time immediately surrounded him.

   asked about the outcome of the trial.

   Shen Fanxing was embraced by Bo Jingchuan and walked between them with a blank expression.

   did not give any response.

   has been escorted to the side of the car. Before getting into the car, Shen Fanxing turned to face the reporters who were chasing after him, and said lightly:

   "Thank you for your attention. The result of the lawsuit is naturally... I won."

   She paused in the middle, facing the camera, showing a faint smile.

   Then, he turned around and got into the car under the protection of Bo Jingchuan's arms.

   Although it is said that this is the answer that reporters most want to know, but just like this, where is it enough?

   Observers came out one after another, and reporters immediately surrounded them.


  The narration of the onlookers also shocked the reporters.

   Not long after, Yuan Sichun also came out of the door with an extremely gloomy face. When the reporters saw her, they shook their heads, but they still surrounded her.

   "Miss Yuan, it's a pity that President Shen let you down again this time. How do you feel now?"

   "It is said that Ms. Jiang Rongrong has been helping you with her food and clothing expenses in the past few days. Now that the lawsuit has been lost, do you plan to ask for the money back?"

   "Yuan's situation is just getting better now. It's time to use money. This little money should be able to manage a lot, right?"

   For Yuan Sichun, journalists can no longer simply interview her as a reporter with a fair and impartial attitude.

   Just because of her series of actions, it is really hard to see.

The cynicism of the reporters only made Yuan Sichun's face even more ugly.

   Seeing her leaving without saying a word, the reporters, including the onlookers, were speechless to this woman.

"No matter how much you talk about it, it's not likely that she will take it to heart. This kind of person, like Jiang Rongrong, is notoriously shameless. If it really works, it is estimated that hundreds of people like them have died. time."

   "It's really... shameless, besides being speechless or speechless, what do you think, do it for the sake of being a human being."

   "Maybe people think they are excellent. Shameless people never know how shameless they are. In their hearts, they will always have their own justice."

   There was a lot of talk, time passed, and finally Shen Shanghua and his party appeared at the door of the court.

  Jiang Rongrong followed behind, with a desolate expression, and was supported by several people. When going down the steps, her body even weakened for a while, and she almost fell off the steps.

   That look silently proved that the news they had just received was the truth.

   If not, how could a shameless person like Jiang Rongrong be like this?

   "Mr. Shen Shanghua, can you tell us who your cheating partner was?"

   "Where is she now? How did you convince her to give you the child, or did you forcefully take the child away from that woman?"

   "How did you and Ms. Jiang have no children back then? How did you manage to hide the truth for so many years?"

   (end of this chapter)

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