Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 914: she's awesome

   Chapter 914 She is amazing

   "This bracelet, I think Miss Yuan won't have the chance to wear it after she bought it last night. You can take it back to the store and sell it. It's good to sell it at a 20% discount."

   Qiao Yuyan quickly took the bracelet and nodded, "Okay, Mr. Shen."

   Yuan Sichun's eyes narrowed suddenly, looking at Qiao Yuyan, "What do you call her?!"

  Qiao Yuyan also understood the outline of this matter, and her attitude towards Yuan Sichun also changed slightly.

The    stance has long subconsciously sided with Shen Fanxing. Hearing Yuan Sichun's question, he said with some revenge:

   "Mr. Shen! Shen is always the boss of our 'The-Queen'."

  "!!" Yuan Sichun's eyes widened instantly, "What did you say?"

   The brand she has always been interested in is actually her Shen Fanxing? !

   "Oh, I know this brand, so the boss is Miss Shen."

   "I think the set of jewelry on Miss Shen's body is quite beautiful. It's also from 'The-Queen', right?"

   "It's really beautiful. I've been in contact with this brand before, and the styles in it are really good. I'll check it out in the store next time I have time."

   "Together, I like it too."

   "Yeah, I'll go take a look too..."

   Yuan Sichun wanted to scream angrily at this moment!

   She has been calculated to such an extent that she has even been a loyal customer with Shen Fanxing for so many years!

   clapped his hands, Shen Fanxing slowly looked at Qian Ziyu who was stunned, and then said to the police officer beside him:

   "Miss Qian Ziyu, who slandered and slandered me, promised before the body search that if I hadn't stole it, I would be willing to be in prison for three years. There is no need to fight a lawsuit."

  Qian Ziyu's face suddenly changed, and he didn't know what to do in a panic.

   "I...I didn't!"

   She screamed in denial.

   "If you don't admit it, it's okay to have a lawsuit."

   "You...I...Sister Chun..."

  Qian Ziyu asked Yuan Sichun for help, but got ridiculed for a while.

   "After all, it's all her fault that you do this, you still want her to help you?"

   "It's really being sold, and you have to count the money for others."

  Shen Fanxing slowly closed his eyes, stretched out his hand and pinched between his eyebrows, his relaxed body felt powerless again.

   She turned her head to look in the direction of Bo Jingchuan, and smiled slightly at him.

   He wanted to be proud of himself and wanted to take credit, but the far-fetched corners of his lips did not quite achieve what he expected.

  Bo Jingchuan felt a chill in his heart after what Bo Jingxing just said.

   At this moment, seeing Shen Fanxing's pale face again, he frowned slightly and strode towards her.

   Yuan Sichun saw the sudden appearance of Bo Jingchuan, his pale face changed again, and he took two steps back uncontrollably.

   Brother Bo!

Do not……

  Bo Jingchuan walked straight towards Shen Fanxing, never giving Yuan Sichun a look from beginning to end.

   But Yuan Sichun suddenly had a feeling that this matter, Brother Bo would not spare her easily...

  What did she do?

  Why did Brother Bo see her most embarrassed appearance!

   Bo Jingchuan was thinking that it was necessary to say something now, but Shen Fanxing's face was not very good, it was really bad.

  Shen Fanxing took two steps towards him, but his body suddenly swayed twice, and he fell forward.


"sister in law!"

   Bo Jingchuan's indifferent face suddenly changed drastically, he rushed up with a few strides, and hugged Shen Fanxing tightly in his arms.

  Shen Fanxing raised his head from his arms and pulled his lips slightly towards him, "I'm fine, I just tripped over myself..."

  Who believes? !

  Bo Jingchuan hugged her horizontally, "I'll take you to the hospital."

   "No, I want to go home." Shen Fanxing wrapped his arms around his neck and refused.


  Bo Jingchuan didn't stop, he took her and strode away.

   Lou Ruoyi's face turned pale with fright. In this case, she had no intention of staying here, and hurriedly followed behind Bo Jingchuan.

  The banquet hall was full of chaos and noise, Bo Jingxing also wanted to catch up with an ugly expression, but seeing Yuan Sichun beside him, his handsome face instantly turned cold.

"Yuan Sichun, it's really wonderful that you gave my mother this welcome banquet tonight! You've been a demon again and again, how does it feel now? Don't think it's over. Today, my brother has fulfilled Shen Fanxing's wish, If you don't intervene in this matter, it doesn't mean that he won't ask you to settle accounts in the future! Want to push Shen Fanxing back? Believe me, even without her, you can't be the eldest grandma of the Bo family!"

   "No... not me... Jing Xing..."

   Yuan Sichun certainly knew what the consequences were, her heart was full of fear, just as she was about to explain something, Bo Jingxing had already raised his feet and left quickly!

   Yuan Sichun chased after two steps reluctantly, but his hand was suddenly grabbed.

   She turned her head to look, her expression swayed slightly.

   "Sichun, what happened?"

   Yuan Sichun stared at Qi Mingchu for a long time, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

   "Qi Mingchu, what should I do? What should I do?!"

   Seeing Yuan Sichun's unbearable voice becoming more and more unrestrained, Qi Mingchu looked at Yuan Sichun who had collapsed at the moment, pursed his lips and pulled her hard, almost forcibly taking her away.

   Qi Mingchu directly pulled Yuan Sichun into his car parked outside.

   "What happened? Sichun, why did Bo Jingxing say that to you?"

   Yuan Sichun is very confused now, she really doesn't want to mention anything at the banquet today.

   is really too bad.

   Lost so badly!

   She was harmed so much by that **** Shen Fanxing!

   What face does she have in this circle, and what face does she have in a place like Hong Kong.

  Thinking of the stares and blatant harsh remarks she endured at the banquet tonight, she felt a wave of discomfort and panic.

   She hugged her head and huddled on the co-pilot.

   "Don't ask, don't ask..."

   At this moment, she just wanted to wrap herself tightly, and she didn't want to face the utterly terrible situation at the moment.

   However, how could Qi Mingchu give up so easily? Seeing her fearful appearance, he wanted to know everything and do more things for her.

   As long as she is happy, she will return to her original self-confidence, beautiful and proud look.

   "Is it because of Bo Jingchuan again, or what did her fiancee do to you?!"

   Yuan Sichun froze.

   Qi Mingchu instantly understood.

   sighed lightly, he said:

   "Sichun, that woman is very powerful, she is not a character that can be dealt with casually! I have been investigating her these days, and she will retaliate, she is very revengeful, and her tactics are even more powerful.

  Six years ago, the Shen family kicked her out of the country, but she couldn't find out about half of her life abroad. She returned to China three years later and supported the dying Su family..."

   (end of this chapter)

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