Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 939: say miss her

   Chapter 939 I miss her

   Bo Jingxing said the horror, and the voice was full of emotion, and he hugged Bo Jingxing's neck tightly every night.

   "The big bad wolf is so scary. I don't like the big bad wolf lately."

   "Well. Just like me, I'll buy more and more beautiful princess dresses."

   "Mmmm... I like Xingxing best lately."

   Bo Jingxing hooked his lips and successfully got a soft and fragrant kiss from the small meat ball.

   After playing with Wanwan for a while in the living room, my aunt shouted for dinner.

   When he saw the two bowls on the dining table, he put Wanwan on the chair and looked down at his watch. It was usually dinner time.

  Sister Chen finally brought out a porcelain pot of soup and placed it in the center of the dining table.

   "Where's Sang Yu? Isn't she coming back tonight?"

  Sister Chen has been here for a long time. She sees the unusual relationship between the hostess and the hostess, and she can see something.

   The current age is not the same as their age, and I don’t feel surprised when I see it more.

   Hearing the hostess ask this, she nodded naturally, "Well, my wife said in the morning that she won't come back for dinner tonight, so I won't let me prepare her meal."

   Bo Jingxing's face turned cold, "Aren't you coming back?"

   "I don't know about that. She told me to wait for her to come back. If she doesn't come back at night, then I will stay here for one night."

  Bo Jingxing then remembered the scene where Sang Yu was talking to Mrs. Chen at the door this morning at the entrance.

   But isn't he usually the first to come back to take care of the children?

  Why don't you let Mrs. Chen go today?


not coming back?

   Just thinking about this, his cell phone rang.

   is mulberry elm.

"Hey you……"

   He was going to ask her what she meant, but Sang Yu's calm voice came through the microphone.

   "Oh, it's me. I'm eating out tonight, and I'm going to watch a movie later, if it's too late..."

  Sangyu said here, after a few seconds of silence, he said:

   "I won't go back. I have asked Sister-in-law Chen to take a shower and sleep every night. You just need to rest early."

  Bo Jingxing squinted his eyes slightly, his voice was cold, but there was still a sense of sarcasm, "Listen, there should be rapid development between you two tonight?"

  Sang Yu looked at Gu Zeyan who was striding over, gave a light "um", and hung up the phone.

  The car door opened, Gu Zeyan sat in the driver's seat, and turned to look at Sang Yu who had just put away his phone.

   "Are you calling Wan Wan?" He started the car and asked casually.

   "Yes." Sang Yu replied softly, reached out and stroked her loose hair, and looked calmly ahead as cars poured into the traffic.

   Bo Jingxing hung up the phone, put his **** on the clean table top, stood still for a few seconds, then threw the phone aside and pulled the chair beside him.

  Sister Chen brought out a small spoon for Wanwan, and quickly asked, "Sir, are you sure your wife will be back tonight?"

   "Well, not sure."

  Eating out?

watch a movie?

not coming back?

   Picked up chopsticks and went to pick up the sweet and sour pork ribs in front of him, but the chopsticks snapped in mid-air.

   "click", when Sister Chen saw the pair of chopsticks, she trembled in her heart.

   But looking at the face of the male host, there doesn't seem to be much expression.

   She hurriedly went into the kitchen and took out a pair of chopsticks and carefully handed them to Bo Jingxing, while she sat beside Wanwan and carefully coaxed her to eat.

  Sister Chen is an authentic northerner, and the dishes she cooks are all authentic northerners.

   For Bo Jingxing, tonight's dinner can be said to be completely in line with the taste, and at least two bowls of rice must be eaten.

   In the end, when she was about to finish the rice in her small bowl, Bo Jingxing still had more than half of the rice in her bowl.

   "Xingxing, you eat very slowly."

   Even Wan Wan noticed Bo Jingxing's strangeness, not to mention Sister Chen.

   "Sir, the food unpalatable?"

  Bo Jingxing raised his eyes to look at her. Seeing that there was a bit of understanding and a bit of sympathy in her eyes, he frowned and said sternly:

   "No, it's delicious."

   After the words were finished, he took two bites of the bowl and ate half a bowl of rice.

   It didn't take long for three bowls of rice to be eaten, and a few dishes on the table were almost swept away.

   hugged Wanwan and sat down on the sofa in the living room. Wanwan sat on Bo Jingxing's lap with her big eyes shining and looked at him.

   "Xingxing is amazing, he actually ate so much food."

  Yes, he is amazing in everything!

   His stomach felt very bloated, and the contents in his stomach seemed to be undigested. He felt uncomfortable when he stayed in his stomach.

   Sister Chen came out of the kitchen after cleaning up, watching TV obediently watching TV in Bo Jingxing's arms every night, she didn't know what to do for a while.

   Bo Jingxing directly asked Sister Chen to go back.

   After all, he is the male host, and Sister Chen responded and left.

   Sitting on Bo Jingxing's lap every night, with his back in his arms, his small body bulged forward and bulged again.

   I came down several times, and I got a little impatient lately.

   "OK, OK..."

   Bo Jingxing had a dark face, "You little conscience, can't you see that I'm uncomfortable?"

   turned from his arms lately, his big eyes full of ignorance and innocence.

   "Are you uncomfortable?"

   Bo Jingxing hiccupped again, and the little hand that was supporting his stomach every night felt the strength.

  Bo Jingxing lowered his eyes, stared at her innocent and lovely face, and said:

   "Well, it's very uncomfortable. I can't take good care of you now, you call your mother and ask her to come back with you."

   Wanwan's pink and tender face wrinkled, "Mom is working very hard... I can't cause trouble for my mother..."

After    finished speaking, she glanced at Bo Jingxing worriedly, and said tangled:

   "Xingxing is it hard for you? Do you really want your mother to come back to take care of you?"


   Bo Jingxing hiccupped again.

   Picked up the phone and handed it to Wan Wan, "Call and say you miss her."

   shook his head late, "I didn't miss my mother..."

   Bo Jingxing: "..."


   and Gu Zeyan came out of the restaurant, Sang Yu's face was a little red, her head was clear, but her feet felt a little light.

   Her final plan tonight was not to go back. As for what happened naturally, she had no confidence that she would really have a relationship with Gu Zeyan willingly.

   Before she loved him, she thought she could fall in love with him again, but she found out...

  She couldn't do it.

  It was he who gave up on her and chose to leave her when she needed help the most.

   Or she wouldn't...

   will not have anything to do with Bo Jingxing...

   couldn't do it willingly, so she drank a little.

   A wine with a lot of stamina.

   During the next movie, wait for the alcohol to evaporate, and then go home with Gu Zeyan.




   (end of this chapter)

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