Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 946: a moment of silence

   Chapter 946 Quiet

  Shen Fanxing hung up the phone and sent a message to Ou Ximing and Lan Xianxian without stopping.

   "Come to Pingcheng immediately."

  Ou Ximing: "Okay."

   Lan Xianxian: "Yeah!"

After   , Shen Fanxing evoked a faint smile.

  Without competitors, how could her company grow so quickly?

   Want to suppress her?

   Being so restless, she didn't mind a python swallowing an elephant. -

   Huatian Entertainment Office.

   "Did she find any newcomers today?" Yuan Sichun looked at the news on the computer that Shen Fanxing had just returned from Hong Kong and was surrounded by reporters for an interview.

   That indifferent and confident look made her feel extremely dazzling.

   The secretary said, "No. I went to the film and television city for a walk. When I came out, I only took the script that you threw in the trash can."

   Yuan Sichun frowned, then smiled sarcastically.

   "She's interested in that script?"

   The secretary shook his head: "It doesn't look like it. She heard that it was the theme of the Qing palace fighting, so she was not very interested."

  Yuan Sichun is also clear.

   "The whole film and television city didn't like the script. The theme of the Qing Dynasty palace fight, and several routines are almost rotten."

  The secretary nodded in approval, "Yes."

   Yuan Sichun smiled with satisfaction.

   "It's just superficial skills."

   said in a sullen mood, she turned on the computer and looked at it.

  The top few on the timely hot search list are news about Zhao Zimo and Liang Chenyi.

   There is Zhao Zimo's star development, and Liang Chenyi's fame in the fashion industry. After the two people's wedding, Zhao Zimo's airport show.

   She is wearing a chic cheongsam, and several refined pictures are like fashion blockbusters, especially the details on the cheongsam, the knots and buttons, and the delicate and unique embroidery work. Many people are asking about the brand and origin of her cheongsam.

  Yuan Sichun hooked her lips, and the effect was excellent. -

   In the scumbag group of nobles, Bo Jingchuan missed Shen Fanxing's online time. When he was bubbling, only a few people in the group came out to surround him. After waiting for Shen Fanxing to appear for a long time, he simply stopped talking.

  Shang Qiqi: [Is it really good to be so obviously focusing on **** and friends? ]

  Shang Qingmo: [It's okay. ]

  Yin Ruijue: [Brother Bo, if you put too much emphasis on **** and friends, you will lose me, let me tell you. ]

  [You have been removed from the group chat. ]

  Yin Ruijue stared at the line of small gray characters, stunned for a moment before he realized it, and hurriedly typed out a few lines tentatively, but the result was that the sending failed.

   "Fog grass! Actually kicked me out?!"

  Shang Qiqi: [Hahaha, Yin Ruijue is so pitiful, he lost all of us all at once. ]

Not long after   , "Yin Ruijue entered the group chat by scanning the code."

   After that, Yin Ruijue was teased by several people for a while, and the group became quiet.

  Shen Fanxing flipped through the news records for a while, pondered for a while, then found Li Tingshen's account and sent a private chat.

[Where are you? ]

   It took a long time to get Li Tingshen's reply: [Home. What's the matter? ]

  [I want to make a drama, please help introduce some directors. ]

  Li Tingshen: [What drama? ]

  [Qing Palace fighting. ]

  Li Tingshen: […]

   Getting such a "silent" reply seems to be expected by Shen Fanxing, [I am very serious, please take it seriously. ]

  Li Tingshen: [I will pay attention. ]

  Shen Fanxing: [Thank you in advance. I have time to invite you to dinner. ]

  Tang Yaze came to Xingchen International at the fastest time. Because he greeted the front desk in advance, he came to the top floor unimpeded.

   "Mr. Shen, screenwriter Tang is here."

  Shen Fanxing was looking at the files on the computer, and she gave a faint "um", and after more than ten seconds, she looked away from the computer desktop.

  The secretary brought people in and walked out. When Shen Fanxing looked up, she saw a man she didn't know standing in her office.

   Wearing a gray plaid suit, with fair skin, handsome and deep facial features, and some long hair caught behind his head, he looks like a strong British gentleman.

   "Who are you?" Shen Fanxing looked at him up and down for a few seconds, and the question almost blurted out.

   But she reacted to the cube.

   The man smiled lightly, "Hello Mr. Shen, I'm Tang Yaze."

  Shen Fanxing nodded, looking at the familiar outline, she chuckled lightly, then stood up.

   It seems that every sloppy man is a potential stock.

   and Tang Yaze signed a contract immediately.

   At this point, Shen Fanxing breathed a sigh of relief, the copyright was signed, and the script belonged to her.

   "So, Mr. Shen, I'm going to openly recruit actors for audition." Tang Yaze couldn't wait.

Shen Fanxing raised his hand to stop it, "You can first name the ideal actors for each important role in the script, and after the director is in place, give them priority to audition. Since I plan to take over this drama, I didn't think about it. The most important process is overlooked in the rush to get results.”

  Tang Yaze paused for a few seconds before nodding, "Sorry, I'm too impatient."

"Nowadays, many people have different tastes, but their vision is generally on the high side. The stylist needs to design the style, as well as the dramatic costume design. I have to keep improving and be different. It takes a lot of time to prepare for the shooting, and there are other things that need to be done in the middle. You can do things first, but be sure not to publicize it. For the time being."

  Tang Yaze paused for a while, he looked at Shen Fanxing, and always felt that she had a kind of sincere confidence and aura of unprovoked surrender and trust.

   Although he didn't know what she was thinking, he still nodded.


   Near get off work, Shen Fanxing was summoned by Bo Jingchuan.

  Shen Fanxing drove to Bo's consortium by himself, Yu Song had been waiting for him downstairs, and went all the way to Bo Jingchuan's office.

When    went in, Bo Jingchuan was processing documents, and Yu Song closed the door silently and left.

  Shen Fanxing stood at the door for a while, looked at Bo Jingchuan's appearance, and smiled helplessly.

   Both of them have been busy recently, but Bo Jingchuan sometimes wanted to "sneak out of time", but she refused.

   The attitude is obviously tense these days.

   She walked behind him, put her hand on his shoulder, and squeezed.

  Bo Jingchuan kept his previous actions, and kept looking at the documents without raising his head.

   bent slightly, looked over his shoulder and looked at the document in his hand, "Why did you suddenly call me here?"

   signed the documents in his hand, put them aside, and said:

   "Back to Bo's house tonight, grandpa told me to go back for dinner."

  Shen Fanxing said "oh", and then said with some doubts:

   "How come you suddenly remembered and asked to go home for dinner?"

  Bo Jingchuan frowned slightly, it was indeed a little sudden.

   "I don't know, let's go back and have a look first."

  Shen Fanxing had a few guesses in his heart, "Is there no one at home celebrating a birthday today?"

  Bo Jingchuan thought for a while, shook his head, and took out another document.


"All right."

   With a few simple words, the office was quiet for a while.

   (end of this chapter)

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