Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 982: you don't want me anymore?

   Chapter 982 You don't want me anymore?

   "But when we get married, he still has to come back, Fanxing..."

  Shen Fanxing pursed her lips, feeling a little sad in her heart.

   Xu Qingzhi, who is always bright and confident, can do this...

   "...Well, that's what you said too."

   "So you must come to see me tomorrow. Do you know that? I have to let Li Mo know that I have a powerful girlfriend like you as the backing, lest he will bully me in the future."

  Shen Fanxing chuckled, "If he is really afraid of me, that would be great."

   "Then you remember to give him a kick tomorrow! Scare him."


   "It's settled. For the flight at 9:30 tomorrow, you can come pick me up after get off work tonight. Sleep for a night before you leave."

  Shen Fanxing blinked, and this?


   "After thinking about it for so long, are you afraid that Mr. Bo will not agree?"

  Shen Fanxing choked, "Nothing."

   "Well, then I'm relieved."

   After hanging up the phone, Shen Fanxing didn't put down the phone, and put his palms on his forehead.


   After a long time, he sighed, raised his head to work, glanced at the computer screen, and the two people above were still tossing.

   Now the two are fighting for the top spot in the hot search.

   A hot search for ["Uncle You Han" is a third party], it will go up for a while, then withdraw and disappear without a trace, and then suddenly appear again.

  Shen Fanxing gritted his teeth, these two men!

  It is estimated that everyone on this platform is about to cry to death.

  The platform they carefully maintained was beyond recognition by these two "troublemakers".

   Even if things subside, they will spend a lot of time and energy just repairing and maintaining them.

   Are they all good programmers?

  I became the Mediterranean Sea in my twenties, don’t you know that I feel sorry for them?

   Closed her eyes hard, took a deep breath, opened her eyes again, put the phone aside, stared at the phone for a long time, and slowly put her hand on the keyboard!

   He closed his eyes and tapped a few times, then opened his eyes, and there was already a whole screen of dense code on the computer desktop in front of him.

   She closed her eyes instantly, her temples throbbed suddenly, and it felt as if someone had pulled a nerve in her head, and the pain was tensed up.

   Enduring the pain, she glanced at the screen, pursed her lips tightly, and began to move her green fingers with a cold expression.

   This social platform has obviously been messed up by these two people. After the firewall was broken by them, Shen Fanxing easily broke in, although the programmers were making amends.

   Then there was another crackling sound of tapping on the keyboard, and the top searched position was replaced by [I wish Xu Qingzhi a happy wedding! 】

   Everyone who eats melons is staring at the hot search with enthusiasm, but suddenly such a hot search that can't be hit suddenly appears out of thin air, and everyone is stunned.

   "Where did this come from?"

   "Tissue or Uncle?"

   "It doesn't look like it? Xu Qingzhi? Isn't this the daughter of the Xu family? Oh, I remembered that this Fengzi got married, Rongcheng Li's family."

   "But why did she suddenly appear? This hot search is completely airborne?"

   "Have you seen any strange things today? Strange, I'm used to it."

   "Happy Newlyweds! But who sent this hot search up?"

   "This is another person who is blatantly provoking these two masters?"

   "It's lively now, but you should be pulled down by those two right away?"

   "Sit and wait to watch the play."

   "Sit and wait to watch the play."

   A group of people waited and waited, but there was no response for a long time.

   After waiting for 20 minutes, the hot search list changed.

  The top few are unified [Happy Newlyweds! ] This message.

  People: "..."

  What wonderful turning point?

   "Maybe, it's a happy event, so the two are generous and don't argue with him."

   "Yes! I wish Miss Xu a happy wedding."

   "I wish Miss Xu a happy wedding."

   "Happy Wedding..."

   Looking at the number one trending search on the screen, Shen Fanxing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   She saw the childishness between men today.

   The phone rang, Shen Fanxing glanced coldly, and picked it up.

  Bo Jingchuan's WeChat——

  [Sorry, not next time, don't be angry. ]

  [I won't go back tonight. After work, I will go directly to Zhiqin to pick up Qingzhi, and I will be with her tonight. ]

  Long time——

  [You don't want me anymore?]

  Shen Fanxing almost drowned in his own saliva.

   She really couldn't imagine what Bo Jingchuan's expression was like when he said this.

  [Qingzhi is going to Rongcheng tomorrow morning, and on the last night, I will take her to the airport. ]

  [Can I disagree? ]

[can not. ]


  Shen Fanxing couldn't help but laugh out loud, yet she still had to make such a cute expression...

  [Touch his head. ]

   Later, Bo Jingchuan didn't speak again.

   Then Qi Mohan's message came.

  [Big Xingxing, it's that man who deliberately messed with me, you're not mad at me, eh? ]

  Shen Fanxing replied directly with a [busy. ]

   The more Qi Mohan said, the more he could really end it.

   After get off work, Shen Fanxing went directly to Zhiqin, and the two of them bought vegetables and meat in the supermarket.

  Hot pot is a wonderful thing, it seems that there is no time to get tired of it.

  I ate two hot pot meals in a row yesterday, Shen Fanxing thought that he should refuse, but in the end, he still chose hot pot.

   However, knowing that I was pregnant, the outsiders were worried after all, so I decided to go home to eat.

  Xu Qingzhi seemed to be in a good mood, talking and laughing, just like when they were in school when they were together.

  After eating, Shen Fanxing was dragged to the bathroom by Xu Qingzhi again.

   After rubbing each other's backs, the two of them lay down on the big bed together in their pajamas.

  Reminisce about the time in school together, happy, sad, and other classmates who have impressions, and even the objects of two people's contacts.

   "By the way, have you seen Su Heng later?"

   "No. I've been busy since I came back from Hong Kong to recover from my foot injury, so I didn't get a chance to see him."

   Hearing Su Heng, Shen Fanxing's eyebrows moved involuntarily.

   "Have you never been to the Su family?"


   Xu Qingzhi sighed, took Shen Fanxing's hand, and said:

"Sometimes I have to sigh that time flies so fast, no matter whether we were happy or difficult in the past, we have grown so much along the way. Getting married... At first, it was a problem that I didn't even dare to think about, and now it's a problem. It's going to happen."

  Shen Fanxing's lips curled into a faint smile, quietly listening to Xu Qingzhi's memories and sighs.

   She occasionally interjected.

  Speaking of the end, Xu Qingzhi looked at the ceiling with a light expression without any waves, only the light was imprinted in her beautiful eyes, swaying.

"There are really too many variables in life. Ye Qingqiu married love back then, and it was love that ruined her. You paid so much for Su Heng, but in the end people took advantage of it. But now you have Mr. Bo by your side... Fanxing, are you happy now?"

  Shen Fanxing nodded, "Well. Su Heng and I, we are not in love."

   Ye Qingqiu smiled, "I think Ye Qingqiu was happy when she married Li Tingshen... So no matter what the outcome is, I will also marry love."

She smiled and turned to look at Shen Fanxing, "Li Mo is the man I like, and I believe that the person I love must be worthy of my love. I shouldn't be too bad, right? As long as I work hard, does he have it? Possibly in love with me?"

  【Ah~~I feel that Qingzhi will be a little nervous~~Is it okay to ask for a wave ticket~~I haven’t asked you for a ticket for a long time~]

   (end of this chapter)

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