Don't Misunderstood!

Chapter 147 - NOT EDITED YET

The two walked for quite some time until they reached the road and hired a taxi to take them in the nearest restaurant 

Along the way, Calix was testing his luck again as he grabs Klein's hand to hold it

This time, with the intent of also trying for this relationship, Klein didn't reject which made Calix really happy

When you have feelings for someone, even the simplest and little things are already enough to make you happy

"If you want, you can lean your head into my shoulder" Calix whisphered and Klein looked at the taxi driver first before throwing any unnecessary thoughts away

If this is what would make Calix happy then so be it

As such, Klein did rest his head into his boyfriend's shoulder. Using a shoulder as a pillow should not feel comfortable but Klein felt like it was his place in this world which made him feel strange

"Why are you being so cute today?" Calix questioned while feeling giddy inside him. He kind of want to scream but he doesn't want Klein to think that he was weird

"You're thinking too much nonsense. Why don't you you just put your arm in my shoulders?" Klein replied and the other man's eyes widened

Is this really the Klein that he knows? Nevertheless, before Klein can change his mind, Calix already embraces him

Calix's left arm was wrapped on Klein's shoulders while his right hand was holding the man's hand

It was a very intimate position to the point that the driver also notices it from the mirror but he just smiled at them

The ride didn't last that long which made Calix think that it was a pity. He kind of want to spend more time in that position but as soon as the taxi stops, Klein immediately went out while trying to calm himself

Being that affectionate with Calix is something new to Klein and his heart feels too full. It's like he would explode if he doesn't do anything 

"Is someone feeling shy?" Calix teases while standing next to Klein that raises his brows at him

"Please, something like that is not enough to make me shy" Klein retorted. It's not that he was feeling shy, his heart just feels really happy that it kind of overwhelmed him

"Oh yeah? Sure" Calix replied in a way that was showing that he doesn't believe what Klein just said

Feeling as if his pride took a hit, this time, it was Klein that grabs Calix's hand and intertwined their fingers together

"Let's go!" He said before entering the restaurant 

Since this is not the university and they are freer, Klein doesn't care who would see them or whatever

He is already close to fully accepting Calix and being seen in public doesn't scare him as much

I mean, Calix even likes it when they are being intimate in public. Even if they were to encounter unpleasant scenes with the homophobes, Klein has more faith now compared to before that Calix wouldn't leave him because of people's judgement

With how attractive they are and the fact that they entered the restaurant while holding hands, they naturally attracted a lot of attention 

It's like the world inside the restaurant has stop as their eyes locked on the pair of boyfriends

Even their parted lips that were about to take food froze in mid-air. But as for Klein and Calix? They acted as if they have their own world, not giving the others any attention 

Calix talked to the staff and they were guided upstairs. The restaurant has 2 floors with the second one an open space that has a nice view around it

The two sat on seats opposite to each other and the waiter gave them the menu

"Choose whatever you want, I'll pay" Klein said while also looking at the menu

"You don't need to, I can pay for us" Calix refuses. He wants to be the one to treat his lover most of the time

Unfortunately for Calix, his boyfriend isn't exactly the kept and pampered type. Klein also wants to do the pampering even if he has to resort into threatening 

"I'll throw you out if you don't let me pay" Klein replied while still not giving Calix a glance

"B-but—" Calix still wants to refuse but Klein already acted as if he would throw the menu in his hand 

As such, the poor Calix can only zip his mouth unwillingly

The waitress waiting to take their orders shed invisible tears. She just want to do her job properly, why are these two handsome trying to show off their love on her? This is completely unnecessary 

A small smile formed in Klein's lips after he sees the sulky Calix again. It's great that Calix is not someone hard to coax if not, Klein wouldn't know what to do 

"I'll let you pay next time" Klein said to make his lover feel better and as expected, Calix's face lit up

"T-there would be next time?" He asks excitedly and instead of giving a concrete answer, Klein also asked another question 

"Who am I again?"

"My boyfriend?" Calix answered unsurely since even until now, he still doesn't receive a formal admittance from Klein

"Hmm" Klein hummed in response. He still hasn't completely confirmed theur status but that response is a great improvement compared to the previous times that he answered!

It was as if Calix was set on fire. "W-wait what do you mean by 'hmm?' Is that a yes? Please tell me that is a yes!" Calix nags and Klein swat the hand that was shaking his arm as if he was merely swatting a mosquito 

"Stop talking nonsense and choose your order" Klein said with a groan as if he was annoyed but his facial expressions betrayed him

"No!! Answer me first, I want to hear it!" Calix insisted and Klein rolled his eyes before pinching the man's hand with enough force that almost makes Calix cry

"A-aww! S-stop! That h-hurts!" Calix complained and only after a few seconds did Klein let him off

"Now choose. Don't make the woman that was only doing her job wait for too long!" He said before continuing to read the menu as he stops giving Calix any attention 

'Sir and sir, you don't need to rub your happy relationship into my face like this' the waitress thought in resentment but she still gave off a professional smile

After some time, the waitress finally got the orders of the two and she immediately escapes as if someone was chasing her

"Stop looking at me like that. You'll make a hole in my face" Klein said with a chuckle

Calix badly wanted an answer to the point to the point that he was pressuring Klein with his nonstop stare

Seeing that Calix still wouldn't stop, Klein stood up from his seat and the former instantly flinched

"I won't throw you out" he clarified and only then did Calix feel a bit safe

"Let's go. It's a pity to only seat here when the view is quite nice" Klein hold out his hand intending for Calix to receive it 

With their hands intertwined together, the two walked until they reached the railings. The cold morning breeze hits them in the face and it made them feel refreshed 

There were also a few couples with them doing the same thing but maybe it was because of their looks that the others feel intimated to the point that they gave the two more space than usual

This area isn't urbanized. The people and modern buildings are sparse and there were more trees compared to other parts of the city

It gave off a nice scenery, perfect for couples that wants to have a small and short trip

"Come on, stop looking at me" Klein complained with a cute frown

"You're nicer to look at though" Calix replied and Klein rolled his eyes at him

"I get it, you want to be sweet or whatever but just look around you. Isn't it nice"

Seriously, this Calix is doing too much to make Klein's hear flutter. Is he not aware of the effect he has?

"I'm just saying the truth?" 

Klein can only shake his head at that before he thought of something 

"Take out your phone" 

Although Calix doesn't know why Klein ask for that, he still took out his phone from his pocket

"Let's take a picture together" Klein suggested. The two of them really don't have much pictures together

There are some but it was them with their friends. There should be no pictures that only has them in it

As such, that suggestion is much to Calix's delight. It's not everyday that Klein is sweet and affectionate, he should enjoy it while it lasts

Calix excitedly wrapped his arm into Klein's shoulder again while positioning the camera

The two smiled for the picture and Calix captured it before they changed their pose

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