Don't Misunderstood!

Chapter 61 - 61

"Okay, just to be clear, do you have some sort of a ki—" before Calix can even continue his sentence, a knee was already about to hit his precious family jewel

Fortunately, Klein's actions earlier gave him quite a bit of a 'trauma'. Klein was really planning to hit his nuts back then. Hence, Calix started to raise his guards which came in handy sooner than he expected

Thanks to that, Calix managed to prevent Klein from hitting him

"Not a word, got it?" Klein asked while emphasizing every single world and the poor Calix can only nod his head as if he was some sort of a pecking bird

"Let's just finish this. We still haven't eaten yet"

Calix turned on the shower again and the two had an awkward shower together while still having their clothes on

It didn't take that long before Calix finished cleaning himself but for Klein... yeah, tough luck

"Are you still not done? You must have scrubbed every inch of your body already!" Calix complained

Showering with your enemy while you still have your clothes on isn't necessarily a pleasant experience

Calix just wants to end this as soon as possible but who is with him? That is Klein Arceus Ferrer! He certainly wouldn't use too little of a time when washing his body

"Yeah, and that is what we all should do to be clean" Klein replied while rolling his eyes. "And don't worry, I won't wash my little grower if that is what you are worried about"

"Well good since if you did do that, I will also do the same"

"Eww, gross!"

In Klein's eyes, this guy with him is really being disgusting. It became his driving force to sped up his pace much to Calix's relief

After a long time in the shower, Klein was finally done and they realized one problem

How are they going to change? Removing their boxers isn't that hard of a thing. The problem was with their t-shirt

They can't remove the shirt with their hands tied together!

"We're screwed" Klein muttered

"Totally" Calix seconded

If they didn't have that flour fight causing them to have the need to go and wash up, they didn't need to change clothes

They can just suck it up until Shane arrives. By then, it wouldn't be that late to wash up

But now... their shirt was completely wet. If they don't want to be sick the next day, they need to change their shirt

The two also forgot that they still have some chicken wings to cook as they struggled to think of a way to remove their shirt

"Okay, we don't have a choice but to cut these wet clothes" Calix suggested and Klein gave him the look

"Why do I feel like you were deliberately saying the word 'wet'? Hmm"

"Busted, but that is not the important thing right now. What do you say about my suggestion? Do you agree or are you unwilling to part with that shirt?"

It was a good thing that Shane and Calix removed most of their clothing first. If not, Klein would really be unwilling

But since it was just the shirt, Klein can accept that suggestion

"No, I'm fine. Let's go get the scissors"

With that, the two went to the same cabinet earlier to get a pair of scissors and Calix narrowed his eyes while feeling uncomfortable

"You wouldn't use than on me, right?" Calix asked hopefully and in annoyance, Klein acted as if he will stab Calix with it

"Hey, that's dangerous!" Calix complained after moving his body away from the scissors

"Why do you always think of me as a serial murderer?" Klein asked while starting to cut the sleeves of his shirt

"I don't know, you just gave off that vibe" Calix answered with a shrug, earning himself a glare

"I really wish I am a murderer. At least, I could get rid of someone as annoying as you"

Klein continued with his work. After he cut the sleeves off, he continued to cut downwards from it

The t-shirt was turned into a muscle tee that made it possible to slip out from his body

"Wow, are you taking that much of a pity for your shirt?" Calix can't help but ask. It seems like Klein still planned on using the shirt he already cut with scissors

"Well, compared to a certain someone, I put more value on things. Since I can still turn it into a muscle tee, why shouldn't I do that instead of just throwing it away?" Klein perfectly threw shades to Calix that felt like he was an inferior human being

Klein is right, it's not good to waste even a simple shirt. This time, Klein won and Calix loses just like 99% of the time

While releasing a long exasperated breath, Calix took the scissor as he cut his own sleeves

Only then did they managed to remove their shirt from their bodies

Klein can't help but be stunned. What are these godly muscles in front of him?

Calix isn't a very buff and beefy guy but his abs and chest were how to say it... well, perfect

He wasn't too bulky but he was also far from being skinny. It was a body that almost all men would want to have

At normal times, Calix is ​​already handsome. But now, his looks rose to another level thanks to the amount of testosterone his body was releasing after he took his shirt off

Even his biceps seems to him as hard as steel

No matter how much Klein wants to deviate from people's stereotypes over gay people, he was still completely stunned

No matter what, Klein is still gay. He can feel attraction towards men and right now, he was really physically attracted to the guy in front of him

His throat even swallowed a mouthful of saliva thanks to the perfect dish in front of him

As for Calix, he was more subtle. He was only wondering why even though Klein also has abs and a toned chest, why are they still look so soft and squishy?

It was like touching those things would give people the sensation of touching a soft pillow

Not to mention, what is up with those nipples? Why are they so pinkish?

Due to the beauty standards of today, Klein's nipples would surely be coveted by almost all women

They were just so pink and slightly plump. It would make people wonder if that is even real

Klein was simply too sexy but in more of a cool and princely type rather than a manly one just like Calix

The two have their own thoughts inside their heads. The only difference was that it was more visible on Klein

Seems like Calix has gained a weapon against Klein and he sure would surely use it

"I'm sorry, are my eyes in front of my stomach or chest?" Calix asked playfully which brought the ogling Klein back to reality

His cheeks instantly heated up and Klein became conscious to the point that he subtly try covering his body

This is so not like him. Klein is not someone that is shy from showing his bare upper body. But today was clearly different and he don't know why he was being conscious

Klein felt like a lose a lifetime's worth of face and his dreamy face was instantly changed into a sarcastic one

"Please" Klein snorted before blowing some raspberries. "I'm just wondering why you have such an ugly body. Aren't you supposed to be the Mr. Hot Guy on the Campus? Why do you look like someone that took too many steroids?"

Okay, even Klein is not proud of how he was acting. At normal times, he doesn't mind giving men compliments since he doesn't think much about it

He is just attracted to guys and that made him gay but aside from that, nothing is different from him (one of the main reasons why Klein is confused about why there were a lot of homophobic people)

However, everything changes when the guy we are talking about is Calix

Klein doesn't have a choice but to lie even though lying is not good. But he would rather die than give this guy the satisfaction!

"Oh yeah? Cause I think our Mr. Grower would grow again" Calix teased and Klein immediately covered his crotch area in fear that it will really 'grow'

"S-shut up you pervert! Why are you so interested in my genitals, do you want to see it that badly?" Klein said through gritted teeth

What is up today? He was losing most of the arguments. This cannot be! Klein cannot lose if his foe is Calix!

"What if my answer is yes? Will Mr. Grower let me see it?" Calix asked provocatively

"Fat chance! Even if you say that I will never let you see it! You are not worthy!"

"So only those that have a body that you won't salivate are worthy? That's really confusing you know"

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