Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 128: I raise big cats in the last days (7)

Chi Koike rode a motorcycle and led the way.

Through the goggles on his helmet, Chi Xiaochi looked at a world where the order was reversed and slowly transformed into wasteland.

By the light of the car, he saw a frozen man on the side of the road.

The face was lying face down, like a drunk man with a hangover, his body was tight, his lips were smiling, and the edge of half of his face pressed to the ground had a bright red corpse outline.

Iko Koike turned his face and stopped looking.

When it was almost dawn, there was fog on the outside, and the road conditions became worse. Minor accidents occurred endlessly. Fortunately, most people are still busy at home adding clothes and quilts, and there will be no traffic jams on the street.

Chi Xiaochi took the car out of the city all the way.

The belly was white, and they also left the city and stopped in the service area of ​​the city.

Because of the creeper's shadow, Mother Ding will certainly not mention the matter of going home, but the normal response to a disaster is to find a safe and familiar place to hide: "Qiu Yun, let's go back to the house you rented, really Can't find a hotel ... "

Chi Xiaochi did not want to tell his mother that the old humans hiding in hotels and residential areas were basically the first to become slaves.

They were hiding in such a small cage, just like a canary who had voluntarily imprisoned them, almost catching one.

Chi Xiaochi pressed the matter and said, "Let's add some fuel."

This service area was originally a fixed place that Ding Qiuyun found only half a year after the disaster.

After the global change, Ding Qiuyun's parents died, and all the friends he knew were separated. He rode a motorcycle and drove in the opposite direction. He made a circle in the nearby provinces and cities, and took a dozen members to pass by. Service area, where I met the old scene.

"Lao Jing" is a woman. Her full name is Jing Zihua, 27 or 8 years old. She is not old, and she is quite beautiful. But she likes others to call her "Lao Jing", as if the title should be more pleasant.

When she was pregnant, her husband was engaged in a conversation with a colleague outside. She grabbed the evidence and kicked her husband after giving birth, almost letting him go out of the house, and then spent time with his son Yiming.

She was taken care of by her old classmates during her master's degree and entered a service area to work.

Prior to the disaster, people were accustomed to relying on automated facilities. Therefore, her job and Ding Qiuyun's job were not very different in nature, except to maintain the system and prevent someone from stealing.

This is an interesting woman.

She was always cold, lying on a rocking chair, like a Yunnan man, burning a hookah in the room, white smoke slowly flowing from her mouth, a strand of broken hair hanging down from her forehead, full of femininity, like in ancient Chinese novels Wonderful ghost written.

But none of the bright ghosts used crossbows as well as she did.

Ding Qiuyun saw her for the first time. She was dragging a hyena to the gas station. An arrow was inserted into the hyena's head, and she could not die.

At that time, Yan Lanlan watched from a distance and swallowed: "Wow, hot dog pot."

Ding Qiuyun and his party were just about to rest. They were about to go to this small service area. Lao Jing stopped and directed a crossbow at them.

Ding Qiuyun reacted quickly and stopped the motorcycle: "We are here to exchange supplies with you. Let us rest here for one night."

Lao Jing just let them in.

Ding Qiuyun exchanged with a set of winter clothing.

In the evening, they stayed in the service area and had a dog hotpot.

After Ding Qiuyun was full, he wanted to discuss with Lao Jing about oil exchange with supplies. Although they still have stocks, it is not a bad thing to have more oil.

And he has observed that although the service area is small, it is backed by a regular oil depot, and the moon is near the water tower, even if it is an underground oil tank, it is enough for her to get rich in this end world.

The caretaker in this service area is old, and Ding Qiuyun can only talk to her.

Lao Jing sat on the bed and made a few requests that made Ding Qiuyun unacceptable. She asked for food, cigarettes, spirits, quilts, tents, and weapons.

In short, everything.

Ding Qiuyun also wanted to have a discussion, and said, "Sister Jing, this is a bit too much. Our family is full of dozens of people. I can't decide for myself ..."

Lao Jing: "Call me Lao Jing. One hundred liters of oil."

Ding Qiuyun liked her simply and simply bargained with her: "One hundred and twenty liters."

Lao Jing said, "My son is asleep."

For a while, Ding Qiuyun didn't understand how this incident had anything to do with the business they were talking about: "Huh? I slept well."

Lao Jing **** her loose hair: "One hundred liters of oil, spare me."

Ding Qiuyun knew the taste, and blushed: "... no need."

Lao Jing went to unbutton.

Ding Qiuyun held her hand down: "I don't need it. One hundred and ten liters, I have done this business."

Lao Jing stared at him for a while.

Ding Qiuyun did not forget to appease her at this time: "Sister Jing, you are very attractive, really. If I were heterosexual, I might have agreed."

Lao Jing grinned.

"I thought that after such a long time, I finally met a gentleman." Lao Jing was also charming and cold, with a pair of cat eyes squinting slightly. "It turned out to be gay. Ha."

Ding Qiuyun couldn't laugh or cry.

Ding Qiuyun and Lao Jing entered into a business partner relationship.

Lao Jing never tells her story to everyone, as if she was born now is the old Lao Jing, so that life is too lacklustre to tell, there is no wonderful experience to tell.

About her story, Yan Lanlan learned when talking with other human squads who traded with Lao Jing.

Half a year ago, Lao Jing was still that strong and tough woman, Jing Zihua.

Her son Jing Yiming had just turned three years old and had a fever on the eve of the disaster.

After feeding the child with antipyretics, Jing Zihua coaxed him to sleep and wanted to observe the situation again. If the situation is not serious, he will take the child to the hospital after the shift tomorrow.

When he woke up in the middle of the night, Jing Zihua found that his son had burned a charcoal.

She rushed out of the house with her son in her arms, warmed him, and hugged him into the car, only to find that her electric car needed to be charged.

At this moment all the power supply stopped, she had to put her son in the car, facing the severe cold, and ran to the convenience store deep and shallow.

She is with Han at the convenience store, and anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing drugs are sold at the convenience store counter.

If he can take the medicine in time or borrow Xiaohan's car, his son's condition should still be under control.

Who would think that Xiao Han had no sense of pity when she heard her coming.

He salivated a face and grinned, "I want to take medicine at no cost, isn't it?"

She begged Xiao Han to take all the money out of him and put it in front of him.

Xiao Han swept the money away and took a flashlight in front of Jingzi Huayan's face: "This is not what I want. Sister Jing, I like you for a long time."

Jing Zihua took a sip of his mouth, left the convenience store, and begged the drivers who were resting in the service area to take her son to the nearby hospital to see a doctor.

Two people were in trouble and refused her. One enthusiastic person agreed and said that he just promised his wife and daughter to be home at seven in the morning and sent Jing Yiming to the hospital. I'm afraid it would take time to say hi. .

Jing Zihua thanked him very much.

Who thinks that the driver just anxiously threw the communicator onto the co-pilot when he just picked up the child, and said sorry to Jing Zihua: "This lady, I can't contact my wife and daughter, I asked other people, they This is also the case ... "

He nodded at Jing Zihua and apologized, "I'm sorry. I have to go home and see."

At three o'clock in the morning, there were not many vehicles parked in the service area. When I woke up, I found that something was wrong. I rushed to my home immediately. Some drivers were already asleep, and I couldn't wake by knocking on the window.

Jing Zihua fell into despair.

As the driver said, the communication was interrupted and she couldn't reach the hospital at all.

Seeing her son's temperature getting higher and higher, she could only settle her son back to the convenience store.

Xiao Han was so relaxed and looked at her with a smile.

Seeing the pistol in his hand, Jing Zihua gave up the idea of ​​grabbing hard.

She let him sleep, right at the cash register.

Half an hour later, she drove to the car with her pills ragged.

But it's too late.

The child woke up, but he was no longer Yuxu's clever child. He was deaf in both ears and had obstacles in his movements. He couldn't even squeeze the toothpaste.

When the child woke up, he saw that Jing Zihua said a lot to him. He kept his eyes full of watery puppies, and waited until Jing Zihua finished speaking, and then whispered, "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Jing Zihua hugged his son and cried for a long time, until no tears could flow.

Xiaohan waited for a day and a half, and found that everything had not recovered, and he became more confident and bold, and knocked at Jing Zihua's door with a smile: "Sister Jing, Jing Jing, I miss you."

Jing Zihua opened the door and silently let him in.

Xiao Han can't wait to unbutton her button: "You miss me too."

Jing Zihua smiled slightly with red eyes: "... um."

When she unbuttoned her shirt, Jing Zihua hugged him, wrapped her arms around his back, and cut a pair of scissors into his waist.

Later, Jing Zihua became an old one, guarding the oil pool, holding a pistol from the exchange, and turning himself into a tradable and exchangeable currency.

After getting familiar with Lao Jing, when Ding Qiuyun was drinking with her, he asked her, "Why do you work so hard?" Obviously, you can live well by selling goods.

Lao Jing didn't hear what he said: "Huh?"

As she said, she held up the cup and put it to her lips. Suddenly she looked soft and listened for a while: "Ding, did Yiming call me?"

Ding Qiuyun had a keen hearing and shook his head: "No."

Lao Jing smiled, and pulled back her hair from her forehead: "I heard it wrong again."

Seeing such an old scene, Ding Qiuyun thought that his questions need not be asked.

A woman with a child will consciously and actively become a soldier.

Finally, Lao Jing's gas station was besieged by a team of new humans.

They intend to end the den that has been serving the old humans.

At that time, Ding Qiuyun's team was also there. They did not carry enough firepower at the time. The oil and gas in this place were heavy, and they could not see the open fire.

Lao Jing was familiar with the terrain and was good at making crossbows. He blocked them for a long time, and gave Yiming to Ding Qiuyun, asking him to retreat with Yiming.

After successfully escaping, Ding Qiuyun originally wanted to cover from the rear to cover Lao Jing's retreat, but they had no bullets.

...... With those few bullets, the encirclement of the new humans was shaped.

Lao Jing waved at them and hid by an oil engine.

She used the pistol that Ding Qiuyun gave her for the first time and the only bullet left, pressed the tubing, and pulled the trigger.

The entire gas station was lifted into the sky, dyeing the sky red, like a gorgeous cloud of fire.

Ding Qiuyun stood in place, staring at the sea of ​​fire for a long time.

Jing Zihua's last sentence to Ding Qiuyun was: "In the end, you are losing business with you."


Chi Xiaochi drove the vehicle into the black-light service area.

...... If it is now, time is too late.

Sure enough, as soon as Fang drove in, Chi Xiaochi saw an anxious woman knocking on the windows one by one, begging for life for her son.

Her appearance is not much different from the old scene in Ding Qiuyun's memory. Her hair is tied to a sharp horsetail and her neck is slender. She looks like a very thin and slender woman, but with a little less aggressive charm.

Chi Xiaochi stopped the motorcycle, and Jing Zihua quickly found them.

She came quickly: "Sir, please help me, my son--"

... It was the first time she had been called "sir" so politely.

After listening to her, Chi Xiaochi said: "The situation is too serious, and we have just come from the city, the entire city has stopped, and it may not be useful to be sent to the hospital."

Before waiting for Jing Zihua to despair, Chi Xiaochi continued to say, "Hold the child into the house. I have oral anti-inflammatory drugs and antipyretics. ... By the way, is your child allergic to cephalosporins?"

There was light in Jing Zihua's eyes: "No allergy ..."

"I have cephalosporins here." Chi Xiaochi, "Come in, don't blow hair outside. It would be bad if you are a mother."

With that said, he went straight to Jing Zihua's car and greeted his parents to keep up.

Yu Guang glanced, but saw a pair of cold eyes staring at him in the convenience store.

061 reminded him: "It's that person."

Chi Xiaochi head did not lift up: "Who? Who?"

As long as the other party is not looking for anything, Ichiko Ichi must have seen a cockroach.

Convenience store.

Seeing to be successful, Xiao Han slammed the cash register and yelled, "Fuck, nosy!"

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