Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 138: I raise a big cat in the last days (17)

Chi Xiaochi folded his long legs at random, leaned back to the boss, and mounted the panther's ridge on one arm.

"Introduction, new players." Chi Xiaochi casually, "Gu Xinzhi."

The team members looked at each other, and they were a bit confused about what attitude to take towards Gu Xinzhi.

Say that the Ding team likes the surname Gu. No one has ever seen Ding Qiuyun treat others with this cold attitude.

Say Ding hates him. Everyone knows that this man lived in Ding's house as soon as he entered the town.

For those men and women who admired Ding Qiuyun, they didn't do anything this week, and they were guessing whether they would sleep in a bed.

Gu Xinzhi never minded the eyes of others, staring at Chi Xiaochi: "gun?"

He spent two years with the sniper rifle and left it at Sun Yan's house, and it has probably been filled into the public treasury.

Chi Xiaochi grabbed an iron rod from the corner of the truck and threw it to him.

Gu Xinzhi accepted it well. He picked it up, picked up the iron rod, and drew a flower in a flowing stream, and used it smoothly: "Sandpaper."

Someone pulled out the sandpaper from his backpack and handed it to him with a cigarette.

Gu Xinzhi didn't thank him, he just picked up the cigarette and held it in his mouth. When he reached for the sandpaper again, Chi Xiaochi stretched out his long legs and stepped on the edge of the sandpaper.

He supported his head with one hand and said, "Say 'Thank you.'"

Gu Xinzhi was a little confused: "... this is what he wanted to give me."

He didn't understand how to get along with others, it was difficult to empathize, and his understanding of worldly etiquette was weak.

His step-father, an intoxicated mother-in-law, had never taught him anything, and had only taught him one thing practically: if you like something, you have to fight, at any cost.

Gu Xinzhi doesn't like wine, he likes Ding Qiuyun.

After meeting with Ding Qiuyun, he only looked at Ding Qiuyun alone and couldn't hold anything else.

Others take his indifference as a matter of course. After all, he is more capable, and it is common to have eyes above the top, even Ding Qiuyun once thought so.

But Koike did not think so.

He tipped his toes twice on the sandpaper.

In his eyes, Gu Xinzhi seemed to understand something. He pushed the filter in his mouth with the tip of his tongue and pushed it aside, and nodded slightly to the person who lent him something: "Thanks ... Thanks."

Chi Koike just raised his feet.

The man touched his back and smiled at him kindly.

But Gu Xinzhi didn't look at his smile at all, lowered his head and began to sand his new weapon with sandpaper, and the layers of rust red peeled off in the sound of rubbing friction.

Chi Xiaochi ignored him and took his fingers to gently grasp the panther's neck.

The coal boss of his family seemed to be a little bit uncomfortable with a gurgling sound in his throat, and his ears repeatedly rubbed against Chi Xiaochi's thigh.

Yan Lanlan was attracted by the panther's slightly unusual behavior: "Ding, what happened to the boss?"

Chi Xiaochi didn't feel anything: "What's wrong?"

Yan Lanlan: "Is it a bit too sticky for you recently?"

Chi Xiaochi held his ears: "I feed the big mouthful, don't I have no conscience without sticking?"

Another player answered: "No, Team D. I don't really look right at the boss. It's a bit like ..."

He glanced at Yan Lanlan for a moment and then stopped.

With this reminder, Chi Xiaochi turned his attention to the boss who rubbed gently at his waist and back, and finally realized something.

The boss sticks to people. When he is in private with him, he often holds himself to take two sips, or jumps into bed to get into a group with him, but he always holds himself in front of people, sitting and living with a good manner ...

Yan Lanlan said, "I'm in heat."

Pond Koike is one with 061.

This week, 061's body is really weird. The body is burning tight, and the lower abdomen is faintly itching. It can be cool and comfortable next to Koike ’s mental body. From this morning, the symptoms are more obvious. Thanks to his rationality, he can live with it.

Chi Xiaochi was worried and lay on the black panther to study its reproductive structure.

He asked, "What can I do?"

Since Yan Lanlan didn't mind, everyone simply spread the issue to the bright side and discussed: "Find a place to camp this evening and let the boss go out to find a mother leopard."

Yan Lanlan said, "You think the female leopard is running all over the place, and anyone who can find a male is considered to be burning incense."

Sun Yan's voice came from the cab: "It would be nice to find a hyena."

Yan Lanlan guarded the calf earnestly: "No, our boss can't get dogs, they are cheap."

061 Listening to everyone actively discussing his breeding problems, my mood is complicated.

He wanted to hear what Chi Xiaochi could do. After all, Chi Xiaochi's brain was fast. Ding Qiuyun himself was a veterinarian, and maybe he could find any medicine ...

Chi Xiaochi pondered for a while, and asserted, "Just let it go."

061: "..............."

Chi Xiaochi is also very well-founded: "I remember that when the leopard matures, the estrus is at least twice a year. It always makes the boss bear it, which is too anti-human.

Sun Yan laughed and said, "Cut forever."

The car laughed.

061: "..." couldn't laugh at all, and there was a urge to leave the team.

The black panther opened his mouth and bit the hem of Chi Koike's sweater, shaking it unhappyly twice.

Chi Xiaochi would be wrong, soothing it twice, said softly: "Fun you play, make you play, don't get angry."

But 061 soon heard Chi Xiaochi asked him in his heart: "Teacher Six, Teacher Six, how many doses of anesthesia can make the boss less painful?"

061: "..." Oh, human.

061 didn't want to instruct Koike how to get rid of himself, so he said: "Find a place to camp today and see if it can find a partner. After all, the current medical conditions in the world can't keep up, and it won't be good in case of infection. "

Chi Xiaochi thought it was reasonable, and temporarily put aside the idea of ​​artificial ligation for his coal boss.

Along the way, everyone found their worries completely futile.

They do n’t have to think about what attitude they should use to treat Gu Xinzhi. Gu Xinzhi never participates in their topic. They sit there quietly, like a natural decoration in the carriage. The sense of existence is better than the iron rod on his hand. There is nowhere to go, sometimes they even forget that there is still a person in the car.

At midnight, the group rested in a desolate wilderness.

The sound of roast rabbit meat came from the bonfire.

Sitting in a tent lined with trees, Chi Xiaochi tied his boss's right front paw with a remote positioning device, and stunned his boss with physiology education: "Boss, it ’s okay to find no object See, there is a tree there, and that thing on the tree is called a tree hole ... "'

061 said that it was a bit spicy, and didn't want to listen, turned around and walked out.

Chi Xiaochi chased behind Yin Yin: "Don't forget the way back."

The figure of the coal boss soon merged with the night.

Chi Xiaochi stood in the cold wind and said to 061, "I feel like an old father."

061 thought a little sadly, I don't have the father you want to beat your son like.

Pond Koike returned to the campfire.

His loving father, who had been giving up all the way just now, was ridiculed by the team members.

Sun Yan laughed and said, "Ding team, you can be regarded as grinding your feet."

Sun Bin: "... Brother, do you have any culture. That's a gun."

Sun Yan knocked his head: "You have no culture. Guns burn Buddha's feet."

Sun Bin was knocked awake, and closed his mouth in a grievance.

In a joke of laughter, Chi Xiaochi added firewood to the fire, thinking with anxiety, don't be hooked by the beautiful female leopard and not go home.

Gu Xinzhi was sitting far away, holding an iron pipe that had been sharpened and sharpened at both ends by him, obsessed with looking at Ding Qiuyun sitting in the crowd, again sour and jealous.

But the insidious malice in his heart was quickly beaten away.

From that repetitive dream, he has at least one simple basic knowledge: Ding Qiuyun cares about these people.

If he had any thoughts that hurt them, there would be no possibility of being with Ding Qiuyun.

He closed his eyes and simply begged to be invisible and upset.

But the noisy vocal sound from the distance pricked his heart, and goosebumps were on his back.

Gu Xinzhi rolled over and thought: ... mine. These should have been me alone.

He reached out and grabbed five long finger marks on the moist soil, breathing deeply and exhaling deeply, trying his best to calm down the black tide in his heart.

But he still shivered with hate.

On the eve of the outbreak, he rolled over, rolled up his sleeves, pointed at the moonlight, and slowly cut a deep blood mark on the inside of the forearm with a steel pipe.

The tingling pain and cutting sensation finally calmed his boiling heart slightly.

He can't be disgusted by Qiuyun anymore, he can't see Qiuyun's dead eyes any more, absolutely can't.

In the middle of the night, not far from the squad camp, a bird on a dead tree was startled.

A leopard stomped a little anxiously, flattened the surrounding vegetation, and then came to the side of the tree. The shape covered with black high-quality fur gradually changed.

A young man in white and black trousers appeared beside a dead tree in the wilderness, holding a tree with one elbow, breathing slightly.

...... An animal's instincts that have lasted for thousands of years are too powerful.

It was so easy to wait until it was dark, and he was going crazy with a full tickle. Before gray-blue faded from his eyes, 061 couldn't bear to put his hand on the belt around his waist.

He is a very restrained and neat man. Even if he is an incarnation, he tries his best to keep himself noble and elegant. Even if he broke his leg last time, in front of his friend, he also kept his calm to the greatest extent.

However, this time, waves of shocks made him unbearable.

The hot air was exhaled from his mouth and nose, and the rhythm was completely disturbed.

His neatly managed hair was completely messed up, and the hair on his forehead carried a drop of sweat, like a drop of dew hanging from a blade of grass. He shook it a few times with his movement, and fell to the ground with a click .

061 The teeth were sour that they couldn't bear it, and he murmured "um", and tentatively called, "Koike ..."

As soon as the call came out, 061 exhaled suddenly, sweating densely in the forehead, and bending down more and more impatiently.

"Koike ... Koike."

He kept his voice unusually low, gentle and cautious as whispering, and his arm against the tree trembling with excitement.

"... Koike."

After a long time, 061 only took a breath of air, his shoulders leaned against the tree, his clothes were wet with hot sweat, and he was clinging to the skin.

With his face buried between his arms, he smiled helplessly, shook his head slightly, and said to himself, "Ichiko, you."

...... You are so smart, when will you see that I am the person you are looking for?

After the people set up the camp, they took turns to watch vigil, and Chi Xiaochi watched it in the middle of the night, from 1:00 to 3:00, he looked from time to time, counting when his boss would be able to return home.

As he bowed his head to fiddle with the bonfire, the youth in white and black pants approached step by step.

His feet landed on the ground, light and silent, did not attract Chi Xiaochi's attention at all.

Until a pair of claws hugged the shoulders from behind, and the neck was rubbed with soft and warm enough neck hair, Ichikoike rejoiced, holding the black panther's thin waist as soon as he turned over, holding his back with one hand, toward A kiss on the forehead.

Chi Xiaochi said, "I'm worried about me."

The black panther gently licked his ears and the back of his neck, each time giving him the illusion of being scratched, blown by the wind, and popping up from time to time, the kind of heart-breaking attachment called Chi Koike couldn't help following the trembling, Joy and excitement.

One person and one leopard were intimate for a while, and Chi Xiaochi asked about the business: "You have found the mother leopard."

Coal boss: "Well."

Chi Xiaochi touched his belly, and it felt like it was getting warmer, and there were no small moves that were coquettish, and he felt relieved: "Why not bring it back for me to see?"

The coal boss squatted in front of Chi Xiaochi and kissed Chi Xiaochi's belly tenderly.

Chi Xiaochi was heated by it, and his back was tightened by heat, and his skin was tight. He pushed his head: "Don't make trouble .... Hey, that's the way to count it, do you run away after a shot? Ah, irresponsible to the other woman. "

The boss tilted his head and stared at him.

Chi Xiaochi continued to tease it: "Did I get it? Or you didn't find the object, you solved it against the tree."

061: "........."

Chi Xiaochi's **** and crooking were really irritating, the coal boss simply closed his legs and clamped his waist.

Chi Xiaochi was caught off guard. He fell backwards and fell on his back to the side of the fire, messing up the two firewoods. A fiery meteor splashed and landed on the side of his face. His hem was also curled up. Go, revealing a trace of waist.

Chi Xiaochi wasn't aware of the danger yet, he laughed, and wanted to climb sideways.

The boss was no longer vague, and licked precisely towards the exposed waist.

Chi Xiaochi's waist is considered to be the most sensitive area in his entire body, but he never knew that Ding Qiuyun had such a weak point in his waist. This unexpected lick made his scalp numb, and hissing air-conditioned, his waist was soft. , Lying on his back to the ground, kicked his feet unconsciously for a few times, turned up two clear dirt marks.

When the reaction came, Chi Xiaochi found that he was so irritated that he was so angry and funny.

He turned a little uncomfortably, holding one's belly with one hand, and coaxed the coal boss softly: "Good, no more trouble, let me get up."

The coal boss is still pressed on him, and the grey-blue eyes are like two gems soaked in water under the light of fire.

Chi Xiaochi simply let go of his hands covering his stomach and caught Boss's neck, half complaining and half commanding: "You're upset, don't make me feel better, right, get up, I'm upset."

The coal boss then felt the changes in Chi Xiaochi's body. After a moment of slackening, he loosened the restraint on Chi Xiaochi, stepped aside to the side, lay down, and looked at him sideways.

Chi Xiaochi stood up and complained, "Six teachers, it bullies me."

061 said without changing the color: "Well, it's too bad."

Chi Xiaochi sat in front of the bonfire, but didn't seem to have any intention to do anything.

061 was slightly surprised: "You ... don't solve it."

Chi Xiaochi sat down in a comfortable position, exhaled, and said, "This is the body of others, and forbearance will become."

061 was originally meant to punish Chi Xiaochi a little, did not want to make him so uncomfortable, but this made him feel distressed.

He made the Black Panther stand up, circled the bonfire, and returned to the side of Chi Xiaochi. It was an initiative to show weakness and announced the end of the little awkward moment just now.

Chi Xiaochi stretched his hands around his waist, leaned his face against his belly, and listened quietly to his heartbeat.

061 naturally likes Chi Xiaochi, who depends on himself like this, but he cares too much about his boss, and 061 is unavoidable in his eyes.

He proactively told Chi Xiaochi: "Koike, after the task is completed, I can digitize my boss and take it with us."

To his surprise, Chi Koike closed his eyes and said, "No need."

061: "... even if you leave it to Ding Qiuyun, it won't necessarily recognize Ding Qiuyun."

"Then it is also of this world." Chi Xiaochi said, "It is not mine."

From a long time ago, Lou Ying used life to teach Chi Xiaochi one thing. Nothing in this world belongs to him in particular.

Man will die, animals will die, and he himself will die.

All he could do was to remember what was most important to him before he died, so that their lives could continue in his memory.

When the fire in the body disappeared naturally, Chi Xiaochi opened his eyes and looked up at the starry silver stars. He smiled slightly and thought of the star that 061 gave himself in a recent world.

He thought that until death, he might remember this precious gift that once belonged to him.

The most unbearable 061 is the terrible soberness of Chi Xiaochi.

061 would like to say that the boss belongs to you from beginning to end, just like me.

However, he couldn't say anything, and could only stay quietly beside Chi Xiaochi, making a warm and reassuring pillow.

In Chi Xiaochi's reverie, 061 quietly took out a copy of Naman metal from the warehouse.

That's what he got from the stars he picked for Chi Xiaochi. He gave most of it to Chi Xiaochi, leaving a part of himself and hiding in a corner of the warehouse.

He manipulated the data, turning the metal into various forms and appearances.

A little flower, a star, a little leopard sculpture ...

Soon, the shift time came, and the yawning Sun Yan got up and exchanged shift positions with Chi Xiaochi.

Chi Xiaochi lay back to the tent.

The bumps of the day and the vigil's burnout, including the minor accident just now, are overdrafts of Chi Xiaochi's energy. He had just entered the sleeping bag, and before he could pull it in, he fell asleep and fell asleep.

Soon after he lost consciousness, the black panther, who was sleeping with him, stood up and became a young man in white and black pants again.

He stared quietly at the sleeping face of Hankoike Koike, reached into his pocket, and took out the little silvery Naman metal.

He gently held Ji Xiaochi's wrist, pulled his arm out of his sleeping bag, and attached the ball of Naman metal floating between his fingers to the ring finger of his right hand.

When it touches the skin of the ring finger, Naman metal gathers together to form the shape of a ring.

Rings made of Naman metal are more than a hundred times harder than diamonds.

The ring was worn on his spiritual body and was invisible from the outside.

He cherished Chi Xiaochi's hand cherishly, and kissed gently.

Rest assured, some people will always be yours.

After dawn, everyone got up, stepped out of the bonfire, and marched towards a town not far away.

This time they came out, not entirely to search for supplies.

Among the newly rescued group of old humans, some people said that some 600 kilometers away there was an old human slave area.

New humans claim that they have the ability to surpass ordinary people, and naturally they should enjoy the privilege of surpassing ordinary people.

As a result, they established a transfer station to send old humans who were arrested everywhere and could not use themselves, and sold them here, in exchange for living goods, or exchanged more pleasant slaves.

Iko Koike's trip is for these slaves.

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