Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 139: I raise big cats in the last days (eighteen)

Nearing the slave town, Sun Yan exchanged driving positions with a middle-aged uncle in the team.

The uncle's surname Luo is a deputy manager of a small logistics company. He has twin daughters with his wife. The greatest joy of his life is planting flowers and taking his wife and daughter to travel. He died of throat cancer before the disaster and was resurrected a day later.

When the last days came, he took his wife and daughter and two pots of flowers and fled the city by car.

His wife and daughter are still old humans, so in the freezing cold, Uncle Luo became their biggest and last source of heat.

Before reaching the small town founded by Ding Qiuyun, he killed three new humans who wanted to rob his wife, and killed six new humans who were going to block the road and rob them of their supplies.

By the time he arrived in the town, he was a mature fighter outside a qualified husband and father.

When changing positions, Sun Yan strictly followed the plan and changed their front and rear license plates.

The license plate was just unloaded from a slave transporter.

About three days ago, a truck full of old human slaves was so dead that it just passed by the side of the town, and they happened to be caught by Sun Yan.

They rescued a group of old human slaves, learned the location of the slave town, and obtained a pass for the slave town.

The two new humans responsible for escorting slaves begged for mercy: they lost their slaves, and they dared not return to their original towns. They could only plead with these old humans to give them a way of life.

At that time, Yan Lanlan was counting the numbers, and they were crying and chasing the numbers, so annoyed, so they threatened them with a word: "Shut up for me. Crying again will make you all sudden. We are professional and give away When you go to the West, you will kill your whole family when you say you will kill your whole family. "

The two young men wanted to cry without tears.

Sun Bin kindly reminded: "It is to send Buddha to the West."

Then he glanced at Yan Lanlan.

Sun Bin was sad.

He felt that he was staying in a team full of illiteracy, and sooner or later he would fall.

Uncle Luo returned to town and asked the D team how to deal with this group of people.

Chi Xiaochi, who was being injured at home, thought for a while, and said, "Check the slaves to see if they have a positioning device on them. If so, disassemble them and put them back in their car. You run with Grandson, Grandson drives Our car, you drive their car, drive as far as possible, drive for two hundred kilometers and then abandon the car, and return in the car of the grandson. As for the two escorting the slaves, search their bodies and confirm that there is no positioning device , Blindfolded and brought back to town. "

Uncle Luo frowned slightly.

His wife and daughter are still in town. He was reluctant to let them take any risks.

He said, "Why bring it in and take it away with the car."

Chi Xiaochi said, "In case they go to talk to the new humans, they will report."

Uncle Luo said: "It was simply killed, it was a hundred, and it was clean."

Chi Xiaochi knew that Uncle Luo hated this kind of new human like fish, and filling out expired chicken soup like "Do you want to hug your daughter with a killing hand" is neither meaningful nor convincing, but He didn't want to teach Ding Qiuyun's men to treat their lives as grass.

Once human life is taken too lightly, people's hearts change completely.

As a result, Chi Xiaochi paled his face and gently tapped his fingertips on the boss lying on one side: "It's so boring to kill. We can use their car, their pass to grab that one. Slave town, let those people know who is "internal and external" with us. Will they have the courage to go back when we come back? Our greenhouse in the suburbs is now understaffed, and these two young people are also two Strong labor. They are willing to **** slaves, and I will let them taste what slaves are like, and they will be kept under their noses. If I am still at rest, I will bear them out myself. "

As the captain, he must be sober and responsible, without imagination, but dare to act. In this regard, Ding Qiuyun has done better than anyone.

Uncle Luo was able to convince the young man precisely because he was sufficiently thorough and bold enough.

His ambitions are not limited to being trapped in a small town in the last days and living safely.

In the end, they decided on a plan to rob the slaves.

Uncle Luo drove to the slave town and was stopped at the entrance.

He rolled down the window.

The other side yawned carelessly: "Pass."

Uncle Luo touched the pass with his left hand and poked the cigarette on the cigarette lighter with his right hand. After he lit it, he smoked slowly and calmly.

Chi Koike in the back compartment turned around: "Sun Bin."

Without his instructions, Sun Bin has quietly penetrated into the system with a handheld computer.

Even if it cooperates with new humans, AI will not use too sophisticated equipment for new humans, so it is not difficult for Sun Bin to invade the local authentication system simultaneously.

Luo Shu handed out the communication card and inserted it into the card reader on one side.

The card reader is connected to the computer, but the information is not displayed slowly. The new human responsible for the check point frantically clicked the mouse twice and screamed "broken the computer".

The vehicle information is flashed first, followed by the owner information. Only the column of the owner's photo is blank, and it has not been displayed.

Yan Lanlan's eyes were now blackened, and she didn't know what was going on outside, so she urged Sun Bin: "Okay, okay?"

Sun Bin cried with a sad face: "No, no. It's over."

Everyone thought, okay, this is stable.

The next second, the photos on the computer slowly refreshed. Uncle Luo's pretty face appeared in the upper right corner of the screen.

As soon as Sun Bin was relieved, he heard the sound of Luo Shu jumping from the driver's seat with the key.

Sun Yan hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Hurry up, they are coming to investigate."

Sun Bin's psychological endurance is not as strong as the little sheep cub, and he was so anxious that he almost dropped the handheld computer.

In the next second, the rear compartment was pulled away, and three new humans with loaded guns were holding two huge wolf dogs and ejected them. Sun Bin was frightened by the sudden light and avoided his brother's arms. Sun Yan's eyes were so fast that he took his brother into his arms and blocked the computer he was holding tightly.

The man held a flashlight and swept in a strong light.

When you look around, here are basically men, each with short hair and ragged clothes, who ca n’t distinguish between genders without careful look. Everyone has heavy chains on their wrists. The linoleum cloth on the bottom of the truck exudes spines The oily smell of the nose was dazzling.

After the initial appraisal, the quality of this batch of old humans is not bad. Five or six of them are in a neutral position, and two outstanding young men are copied in one place. They look firm and strong and sell as coolies or Imprisonment is appropriate.

The leader was not in a bad mood, and said to the two dogs: "Go, except for the two men on the far right, pick one you like and eat slowly."

As soon as he let go, the two wolfdogs jumped into the car.

As long as they have lived in the last days for more than three months, anyone can easily identify which animals have been mutated.

These animals like to look at people with the eyes of humans who used to look at pigs. They also like to walk in front of a group of people, spend a quarter of an hour, pick one by one, sieve out their prey, and appreciate the funny expressions of human warfare during its selection.

Not only them, this show is also a favorite of the new humans in Slave Town.

Whoever wants this time, the show ends before it even starts.

As soon as the two wolf dogs got on the bus, their noses shook twice, the hair on their backs exploded, their tails clamped immediately, and they fled off the bus without turning their heads. They ignored the call of the owner.

The leader Rao was a little skeptical and surprised, and didn't think that there would be anything in the ordinary truck that could scare the wolf dog away. I just thought it was too strong here, and waved at hand to signal the other two to get the dog up. If found, he took the trunk door and told Uncle Luo: "Take them to the warehouse in Xitou. After unloading, take the money and you can go."

The people in the car were relieved.

After the vehicle started, several people consciously separated, each occupying a hidden window and looking out.

In the evening the slave town was shrouded in mist and the streets were a bit depressed. Only tired human faces were installing new stands.

But as long as it is night, here is the Jiuchi Roulin of New Human Carnival.

They can buy beautiful female slaves, and it doesn't matter if there is a relationship on the street, let alone in front of her husband; they can also tie the male slaves they bought in groups to the car and circle the city like a balloon to show off Your own generous booty.

These are the words of the two new humans responsible for escorting slaves.

In order to save their lives, they said everything they could say, including the town's only two entrances, the specific location of the arsenal in the town, at least ten gunmen in each large slave exhibition area to maintain order, and three or four in small ones. Gun guard, Yunyun.

Soon after entering the town, Chi Xiaochi snorted.

Uncle Luo asked: "What happened to Ding?"

Chi Xiaochi said, "At seven o'clock. What's that?"

Uncle Luo slowed down and looked down where Chi Xiaochi was pointing.

It was an ice sculpture. It looked like a girl, just in her early twenties. She was frozen naked in a huge transparent ice. There was a rock under the ice as a base. artwork.

Chi Xiaochi thought so at first, until he saw the girl in the ice blink a little.


When looking at the plum-like corpse at her shoulders, Chi Xiaochi realized one thing:

This is a new human.

... a new human being receiving some kind of punishment.

Uncle Luo stopped the car slowly and asked the new human being who was building the stands: "Excuse me, what is that sculpture for?"

He salutes a pack of cigarettes, and the new human accepts them, naturally.

"Foreigners? ... Oh, the slaves, I have to know. Something big happened here the other day, just that ..."

He pointed to the girl and said: "It was something to eat and eat. I planned to let the slaves run away and planned to kill the mayor. He wanted to take control of AI. Fortunately, someone broke things in advance and controlled her. You have to do something big .... Dude, the bombs have been made. "

Yan Lanlan compared her "obedient" with her mouth shape.

Sun Bin also wanted to look down at the warrior, but was kicked by Yan Lanlan: "Go and go, what do you want to see, men close my eyes."

Gu Xinzhi said directly: "The vigilance these days will be strict."

Chi Xiaochi acquiesced in his opinion, and said: "This girl is not bad. Lan Lan, think of a way to get her out, even if she can't get it out, you have to use her to create disturbances. How to grasp the timing, it's up to you."

Yan Lanlan said a sound, and found a special tattoo sticker from her pants pocket, stuck it to her neck, and took off the outer skirt that had rotted into cotton wool, exposing the thin slim-fitting sweater that can automatically maintain the body's temperature inside, and tore off With a bird's nest-like wig on his head, he opened the carpet with his pedals, lifted the invisible door brake on the bottom of the truck, jumped in, and tore off the tape of the neck tattoo tape, leaving a corpse-like mark on the neck. Point of refusal.

It took her about two minutes to complete it.

Immediately, she dived lightly from the gate.

Uncle Luo talked with the new human for a while, and learned that the girl, Shu Wenqing, was betrayed by her boyfriend who was an old human.

Shu Wenqing was a girl raised in the army compound. Her parents were both martyrs. She had been in the army for four years when the disaster occurred. Just after it was detected that bone cancer was late, the disaster occurred.

She lost medical resources, died quickly, but quickly revived.

She found her boyfriend and fled here with him, found her uncle, and found a place to stay. But here soon became a slave town. With her powerful strength, she became a member of the town's defensive team, only to protect her boyfriend from being hurt.

But in fact, she simply couldn't stand human trafficking.

She hoped that things would change, so she chose to rebel.

But her boyfriend was afraid that if she failed in the rebellion, she would not only lose her blessing, but she would be miserable. She discouraged her a few times and found that she did not intend to obey. She just bit her teeth and reported her up.

After the incident was revealed, in order to clarify the relationship with her, her boyfriend used a handful of cold water to freeze her into a living ice sculpture.

Those who co-planned with her were brutally slaughtered in front of her whenever they were caught.

Only when all her accomplices had been killed was she allowed to die.

The new humans, while abandoning Shu Wenqing, who intends to destroy their existing stable life, also scorned the cartilage man. It took a while for gossip to resolve the addiction to chat and intended to continue to work.

He beckoned to Uncle Luo, and Uncle Luo also started the car.

After the truck started, a young girl with long hair appeared from the side of the truck, wearing headphones, one hand stuck in his pocket, and the bell jingled.

When the new human saw that she was a very thin girl, she didn't go to her heart and whistled at her back.

The girl didn't hear it, dangling towards the ice sculpture.

The new humans who had intended to turn back were attracted attention.

These days, no one in the town dares to approach the sculpture, for fear of being misunderstood by Shu Wenqing's accomplice, causing trouble.

Does this girl have a bad brain?

He watched as the girl approached the ice sculpture, circled several times, and stroked the ice layer with curiosity. It didn't look like a worry at all, but looked like a very interesting one. Really lacking in mind.

Yan Lanlan made two laps and has roughly figured out how many fixed points the bombs in her backpack can be placed on.

She glanced up at Shu Wenqing, who happened to meet her.

Shu Wenqing was originally Zhang Qing's cold and beautiful face. Looking through the ice, her eyes and expression were even colder into the bone marrow.

She compared her mouth: "Get out."

These days, everyone who has a close relationship with her has suffered, and she doesn't want to hurt anyone to have unnecessary relationships with herself.

But because she couldn't make a harsh expression, Yan Lanlan didn't understand the mouth shape. She thought for a moment, raised her hand to say hello, the bell rang, and gave a rather friendly response: "Hi."

Shu Wenqing: "..."

Yan Lanlan looked at her figure and felt a little bit hot, but she couldn't cover it for her. She simply pulled out a piece of clothing from her backpack, stepped on the base, covered her face, and immediately picked a stone to sit down and take it. After drawing a sketch book and pencil of Bao Ding Qiuyun, he began to draw and paint in comparison.

This move was too pretentious, and soon attracted a caretaker not far away.

He hurried up and grabbed the sketchbook rudely. After turning a few pages and found nothing abnormal, he threw the book back and asked, "What are you doing?"

Yan Lanlan glanced at him and slapped the cover of the sketchbook disgustingly: "Sketch of a human body, I have never seen it. Tutu."

Caretaker: "... billow. This is not where you draw."

Yan Lanlan: "Get off your head. This place is your home? Have you peeing here?"

The caretaker was blocked by Yan Lanlan, but her clothes were not like the poor. I did n’t know which lady she was a slave trader. She was so arrogant that she did n’t dare to offend easily. "You ... then take your clothes off."

Yan Lanlan was righteous: "I draw and she stares at me. I'm not comfortable."

Caretaker: "... If you do, I will be deducted from salary."

Yan Lanlan "cut", an expression "forget to give you face", unwilling to tear off the clothes she just put on.

The caretaker was also afraid of Yan Lanlan, and did not dare to entangle with this big-tempered young lady again. She had to return to her original position and observed her for a while. She found that she really just looked down and wrote and painted. some.

But Shu Wenqing has found something wrong.

She has good eyesight and a top-down perspective, so she can easily see what Yan Lanlan has smeared on the paper.

... She was drawing a fixed point map of the bomb's placement.

Yan Lanlan noticed the sight from the top and looked back, her eyebrows bent beautifully and cheerfully, then she lowered her head and hummed, "There is a little frog in the happy pond." The pencil is on the paper. Beating rhythmically, a series of formulas are listed.

For Ding Qiuyun's resurrection, Chi Xiaochi never intended to teach his teammates to rely on his waste.

Even without Ding Qiuyun, they must be able to stand on their own.

As she hummed, she looked not far away.

The soldiers came first, and people gradually gathered along with the sound of music, gradually becoming a sea of ​​people.

In the night of Sihe, the slave market opened.

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