Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 146: I raise a big cat in the last days (25)

Iike Koike closed his eyes.

At some moment, he had hallucinations, as if greeting him good morning was really the person he was thinking about.

The handle in the dream is still real and warm, but he is empty now, with Ding Qiuyun's blanket on his body, Ding Qiuyun's leopard at his feet, and Ding Qiuyun's teammates downstairs.

He stretched out and greeted the only system that belonged to him: "Six teachers, good morning."

With the neutralization of the mist, the sunrise does not look so magnificent. The faint light is sprinkled on the body, but it is really warm.

Chi Xiaochi wrapped in a blanket for a while and let the slightly stiff muscles relax before he went downstairs.

Yan Lanlan didn't dare to sleep all night, so she sat on the stairs and waited for Ding. Now she saw Ding Qiuyun and rushed up and said, "Ding Ding."

Ding Qiuyun stretched his face: "Yes."

Yan Lanlan invited me to point downstairs, and the smell of crispy roasted meat came. "Uncle Luo cleaned up the hyenas yesterday. We have breakfast."

Ding Qiuyun said, "Well, if you were dragged away by the hyena yesterday, the hyena probably said the same to his mother this morning."

Yan Lanlan made a crying face: "Ding team, I really know it was wrong."

So, knowing that Yan Lanlan was wrong, he was deprived of the right to eat meat. Ding Qiuyun asked everyone to face Yan Lanlan to eat meat, but Yan Lanlan could only drink water and dry his buns.

This scene is simply terrible.

Of course, the team members did not hesitate to tease Yan Lanlan, cut the roasted and tender hyena meat with a knife, and dipped in various dipping materials.

Yan Lanlan said indignantly: "You eat and eat, can you not pout?"

Ding Qiuyun said far away: "You have been eaten by a dog, don't talk."

In a cheering laugh, Yan Lanlan cried with a dry head, crying sadly.

In order to be mad at Lan Lan, most people have eaten, and can only trot around the supermarket to eat.

Ding Qiuyun and Gu Xinzhi were both very modest in eating. Sitting on the top of the truck, they looked at the team members who collectively did post-dinner sports.

Gu Xinzhi lighted a cigarette, pouting with his mouth alone, with his hands behind him, the smoky smoke made his lips red and white.

Ding Qiuyun lost a new roll of gauze to him: "Hand."

Last night, Gu Xinzhi's right hand was marked with an inch of blood by a broken steel pipe. He didn't say a word. He pulled a piece of felt and wrapped the wound, but he was not afraid of infection.

Gu Xinzhi clamped the fuming smoke to his ears, took off the stained and stained fabric, and skillfully wrapped the wound with his mouth and left hand.

I don't know if he really didn't feel the pain, he was very happy when he was bandaging, and put the remaining gauze into his pocket.

Ding Qiuyun pretended to be invisible and acquiesced to his selfishness.

Recently, Gu Xinzhi has become accustomed to actively breaking the silence between him and Ding Qiuyun.

He provoked the topic in as gentle a tone as possible: "I'm sorry for yesterday's thing. I shouldn't jump downstairs. But I'm trying to save Yan Lanlan."

Ding Qiuyun laughed.

Gu Xinzhi: "What are you laughing at?"

Ding Qiuyun: "This is not like you would say."

Gu Xinzhi himself did not like this sounding speech, and frankly said, "... well, I am for myself."

Ding Qiuyun looked up at him.

"I won't save, you will save." Gu Xinzhi said, "I'm not happy to let your team members bear your affection. It's better to bear mine."

Ding Qiuyun: "Neuropathy."

Gu Xinzhi: "I have rule."

Ding Qiuyun: "Well, your cure is very hardcore, and you should swallow a sedative after self-harm."

Gu Xinzhi lags behind.

Ding Qiuyun asked: "Do you think you have thrown the empty medicine bottle in a covert?"

Gu Xinzhi turned aside and was a little annoyed.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his approach, but he knew that Ding Qiuyun didn't like to do it himself.

Since coming to Ding Qiuyun, Gu Xinzhi has experienced confusion, surprise, pain, and anxiety, and now he has calmed down.

He cherishes his resurrected life more than Ding Qiuyun.

"I think you are idle."

Ding Qiuyun took the small jug out of his arms, took a sip, and took off the cigarette held in Gu Xinzhi's ears. He took the soot gently and sent it to Gu Xinzhi's mouth.

Gu Xinzhi opened his mouth to answer, but Ding Qiuyun didn't let go and he smoked in his own hand.

If the index finger and **** of the cocoon were affixed to their lips, Gu Xinzhi's ears turned red, but he didn't dare to move. He could only sit stiffly in his place, and spit smoke quietly and obediently.

Tobacco turned back and forth in the lungs a few times, and Gu Xinzhi's mind boiled into a pot of porridge and calmed a lot.

He didn't say anything. After enjoying the cigarette first, he let his body back: "What's the matter with the D team, let's talk."

Ding Qiuyun pressed the cigarette **** out, took a piece of paper out of his arms, and gently wiped the place where Gu Xinzhi's lips had just touched: "Last night what we said was left to the vice team of Gu to do."

Gu Xinzhi: "If you don't please me, I will do it."

Ding Qiuyun wrapped the cigarette **** in a paper towel carefully, shoved it into Gu Xinzhi's jacket pocket, and patted him: "You can ask for it, and you can pull it for you, but I have a few conditions."

First, keep confidential. There are too many people who know it, and they are confused and have mixed mouth. Therefore, before the preliminary selection of members, there must be an observation phase. Whether the character, ability, and tone of mouth are strict enough, all are within the scope of the inspection.

Secondly, after forming a team, the purpose and danger of the action must be informed. Seeking cooperation with the army may not be able to reach an agreement, and it is bound to conflict with the new human beings, and they must not be led to death.

Finally, no priority is given to those who are dragging their families and only children.

After hearing all the requirements, Gu Xinzhi didn't say anything else, but just said "You can rest assured."

Gu Xinzhi set up his team, from scratch, it took half a year.

He did not try to pull away any of Ding Qiuyun's original team. He slowly touched and percolated himself, and also established a network of belonging to him.

Every three days, he will write a report to Ding Qiuyun, which, like the thought report previously written in the army, lists personnel changes, recent plans, preparations, and so on.

These reports have Gu Xin's personal style, with concise language and no words, sometimes internal electronic messaging, sometimes handwritten letters.

Kokoike sometimes looks and sometimes doesn't look.

061: "You feel so relieved about him?"

Chi Xiaochi said: "Just look at the fluctuations in the value of regret. He doesn't have any thoughts now, and he is very quiet."

061 looked at the polyline data record that had not been moved for a long time and was smooth like an electrocardiogram of a dying person, and had to remind him: "What about the task?"

Chi Xiaochi, while cooking for his coal boss, answered, "I'm doing it."

Strangely, in order to minimize the casualty rate, Gu Xinzhi selected all players as new humans.

Around, he became the leader of a new group of humans.

Even when he went to Shu Wenqing's town to buy supplies, he left the team alone for a long time. Before leaving, he abducted a member from Shu Wenqing's public security team.

After Shu Wenqing's efforts to transform, the slave town has been successfully transformed into a commercial town. Any commodity can be circulated here except humans.

Shu Wenqing found Ding Qiuyun and expressed his strong dissatisfaction: "What's wrong with your deputy captain, you pried me out of a fast-shooter last time, this time?"

Ding Qiuyun smiled: "He is attracting talents."

Shu Wenqing: "I don't have any talents on your side."

Before Ding Qiuyun answered, Yan Lanlan ran over and yelled, "Sister Qing!"

When Shu Wenqing looked a little slower, Ding Qiuyun took the opportunity to get away, and his throttle disappeared.

Shu Wenqing: "..." Shameless.

She sighed slightly, and La Yan Lanlan sat down,

Yan Lanlan curiously said, "What are you talking to our team?"

Shu Wenqing asked: "What's your situation with the Valley Deputy Team, do you know?"

Yan Lanlan blinked: "The vice-squad? The vice-squad is nice. It saved my life last time. I told you."

Since accepting Gu Xinzhi's affection last time, Yan Lanlan has a better impression of him. In addition, Gu Xinzhi is indeed capable. Three shots in nine seconds last time have exploded the central system of three AI robots. Yan Lanlan is simply Shooting at him with five bodies, began to pester Gu Xinzhi and let him teach himself to shoot a gun.

Although Gu Xinzhi didn't care about her, she still gave her a few pointers in the face of the Ding team.

Shu Wenqing squeezed her earlobe and smiled helplessly.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't allow Gu Xinzhi to take that fast gunman away.

Shu Wenqing didn't mention Gu's mind again, and handed Yan Lanlan a small box.

Yan Lanlan shook her hand. "What?"

Shu Wenqing: "Open."

Inside is an emerald buddha pendant. Emerald is a good emerald and has been raised for a long time. The head is very full and crystal clear.

"I haven't turned on the light." Shu Wenqing put on Yan Lanlan. "Let's play."

Yan Lanlan was tacky and knew that this was a good thing. She wanted to refuse, but was foreseen by Shu Wenqing, who grasped both wrists with one hand to control her hand in front of her, and the other hand skillfully tied the red rope behind her neck.

Her voice was cold, but she heard a kind of softness without sharpness, which sounded very early: "This is not a precious thing. At this time, I am afraid it is better than a mouthful of hot water."

Yan Lanlan said embarrassingly, "This is too expensive."

Shu Wenqing did not tell her that the jade was worn by her from childhood to birth, and had been raised for ten years until she died.

She let go of Yan Lanlan's hand, and calmly made a request with her: "Little girl, your valley vice team took away one of my team members, we may be a bit busy lately ..."

At this point, she tilted her head slightly, annoyingly: "Stay here for a while, eh?"

Before checking the number of people before leaving, Gu Xinzhi discovered that Yan Lanlan was late.

Recently, Gu Xinzhi was doing the specifics of the team's roll call, etc. Chi Xiaochi pushed for two to five, and he was happy.

He looked at his watch and frowned, "Sun Bin, go find Yan Lanlan."

But nobody moved.

Sun Yan sighed profoundly in the cab: "Women do not want to stay."

It was Sun Bin who explained patiently that Yan Lanlan was going to stay to help Shu Wenqing, so he would not leave with them this time.

Gu Xinzhi frowned: "The team members are ours. Why should she stay?"

Sun Bin: "... That, Vice Team Gu, Lan Lan agreed.

Gu Xinzhi insisted: "I didn't agree. Call her back."

A player dug by Shu Wenqing without his consent: "..."

Players: "..."

Everyone was shocked by the double standard Gu Xinzhi took for granted, and invariably focused his eyes on Ding Qiuyun, waiting for his idea.

It was Ding Qiuyun who broke the deadlock and said, "Drive."

Ding Qiuyun said so, Gu Xinzhi opened his mouth and stopped talking.

061 watched for a long time, finally guessing the intention of Chi Xiaochi.

...... He is trying to expand the scope of Gu Xinzhi's exclusive desire.

At present it seems that the results are not small.

Everyone was busy all day. The rickety truck added fatigue to the body. Everyone was drowsy. Ding Qiuyun also took the boss's automatic heater to sleep peacefully.

Gu Xinzhi would not be easily infected by the environment. He lowered his head and drew Qiuyun's sleeping face on the cigarette case with a pencil.

When the newcomer arrived in an unfamiliar environment, he didn't dare to sleep easily. Looking at Gu Xinzhi's serious face, he thought he was drawing important maps, and he didn't dare to bother.

After a while, he heard Gu Xinzhi seemingly inadvertently asking, "Are there any young people in your town who are about 188 in height, wearing white clothes and black pants, and are good at fighting?"

Gu Xinzhi didn't look at him when he questioned, so the new team member stunned, and before he could react, Gu Xinzhi chuckled coldly: "I'll ask you something."

Gu Xinzhi's sense of oppression is too great, the new team members dare not neglect, and thought carefully: "No."

Gu Xinzhi squeezed his eyebrows slightly: "... It's all right."

On one side, the black panther raised gray-blue eyes and glanced at Gu Xinzhi, his tail wrapped around Chi Xiaochi's waist, and he pulled him into his arms calmly.

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