Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 212: Battle Royale: Survival of the Jedi (2)

The original owner Bai Anyi, compared with other hosts brought by Chi Xiaochi, his experience and personality are very bland.

He is quiet and gentle, has little communication, a white coat that is clean all the year round, a square gold wire glasses, is the kind of young talent that people usually think of. At the age of 20, he became a master of archeology and worshiped giant creatures. Love is Jurassic, second love Yongchuan dragon, third love herbaceous fern.

Since talking about a boyfriend, the status of the fern plant has been replaced.

His boyfriend Jiao Qingguang is also a scientist, who specializes in drugs that inhibit Class A globulin. He is the dean of the pharmaceutical engineering specialty next door.

The two met at an academic exchange in the hospital. Bai Anyi and Jiao Qingguang each took their newly published papers and spoke as representatives of each department.

Jiao Qingguang's title was "Experimental Research on Targeted Therapy for Class A Globulin Secretion Nanomedicines", and Bai Anyi's title was "On the Peaceful Recovery of Yongchuan Dragon".

After Bai Anyi made a brief excerpt from the thesis, she entered the routine on-site questioning session.

Jiao Qingguang raised his hand.

Bai Anyi was a little curious, and he didn't know what he could ask himself, so he asked him, "Xiao Jiao."

Jiao Qingguang stood up and said sharply: "I want to ask, what is the practical significance of your thesis? The real problem has not been solved yet, who cares about the Jurassic?"

Faced with such a sharp problem, Bai Anyi just stunned for a second, and then smiled softly and softly: "Things that are down-to-earth are done by action teams like Jiao Xue. It is also because people like Jiao Xue are here, we Only then can I safely look up at the starry sky thousands of years ago. "

After the meeting, Jiao Qingguang apologized to Bai Anyi.

He scratched his head. "I'm not good. I'm too impulsive. I shouldn't embarrass you in public."

Bai Anyi knows that Jiao Qingguang is a firm anti-differentist, and that in this exchange meeting, only the topic of his thesis had nothing to do with the current reality, so he was dissatisfied, and his attitude towards himself was extra sharp, not surprising.

He politely slumped: "It's okay, academic discussions. Our profession is often questioned by practical significance, and I don't mind."

Bai Anyi's temper is so good that it makes Jiao Qingguang even more cramped: "I invite you to eat ice."

Bai Anyi took a look at his watch and said seriously: "The instructor told me to go to her office after finishing the report. We will meet at Dongmen at 4:30 in the afternoon, shall we?"

Later, Bai Anyi and Jiao Qingguang fell in love just like a common school story.

Jiao Qingguang came out of the home from high school, and Bai Anyi grew up in an orphanage from an early age, so the love between the two was not blocked by any external forces.

In terms of the three perspectives, apart from their different attitudes towards the other person, they are not particularly different.

Bai Anyi is more conservative and tolerant. She will be shy even holding a hand, and she is devoted to research. Jiao Qingguang has been with him for two years. The most romantic thing is to walk on the playground at night.

As an undergraduate, Bai Anyi has a dual degree in astronomy and archeology. He will tell Jiao Qingguang the story of the starlight that was transmitted from thousands of years ago and may now die.

Bai Anyi's world and communication circle are very simple, so after awakening such a strange ability, he immediately thought of telling Jiao Qingguang.

Jiao Qingguang heard it at first, thinking he was joking.

However, seeing that Bai Anyi's expression did not seem to be false, Jiao Qingguang panicked, and tried his best to calm down his emotions. He persuaded him, "Hurry up and apply for registration!"

Bai Anyi turned pale: "I don't want to .... I just tell you, can you help me and keep this secret?"

He has the common problem that people who have read more and more advocate freedom, not to mention that he yearns for the starry sky and the ancient century like that, and also wants to know that he loves freedom very much.

He has always had a tolerant attitude towards the peculiar person, and he also has a feeling of hurting others.

Jiao Qingguang was anxious, he reached into his coat pocket and looked straight at Bai Anyi: "This is not something you want to want! Do you want to do something with your ability?"

Bai Anyi was stubborn, and nine cows could not pull it.

He said negatively: "Yeah, what do I want to do, I want to do research by myself! I want to try to see if my ability can help me do the research! Can it?"

Bai Anyi and Jiao Qingguang broke out for the first time since they met.

The end result was that the two sides broke up.

Bai An returned to the laboratory and immersed herself in the experiment in an attempt to solve her worries.

In front of my eyes, there is a layer of overcast dust. As far as I can see, all are flying dust particles, the dust is colorful, and the shapes are different, like a virus under a microscope.

Moreover, his body is very heavy. For normal people, there is nothing in the air as if suddenly there is weight and resistance. Every time he moves, he feels like being in the water, and then a cold sweat comes out soon.

He sighed, put down a tube of bacteria that seemed to him, and wanted to lie down on the table for a while.

However, an hour later, a team of fully-armed experimenters stormed into the house.

Bai Anyi was charged with trying to conceal his abilities. The evidence was a recording submitted by the reporter Jiao Qingguang.

"... I want to do my own research! I want to see if my abilities can help me do my research!"

When he was forced to put on an isolation suit and pushed into the isolation car, Jiao Qingguang, who had been waiting quietly for a long time, came quickly.

When contacted by Bai Anyi's desperate eyes, Jiao Qingguang fixed his soul and compassion for humanity: "... I am for the safety of all humanity."

... Bai Anyi smelled the strong disinfectant smell on him.

After separating from himself, he showered himself with disinfectant water.

The eyes behind his lenses closed slightly, and he ignored the light of focus.

At first, Bai Anyi thought that her worst ending was being dropped out of school, and after a three-month closed-door education of the pediatric code, she was forced into a collar and reduced to a free slave under the social machine.

But he was wrong.

This country's hatred of psychics trying to hide its identity is extraordinary.

In many people's eyes, the ability of a stranger to conceal his ability is to have a criminal intention.

The society even spontaneously established a perfect monitoring agency and a reporting and rewarding mechanism to sanction these "missing fish." They would detain the phantoms who conceal their abilities and give them to the monitoring agency for "reeducation."

Of course, on the bright side, the state still calls for equality for everyone, but secretly, any action of these "monitoring agencies" is a legitimate act that is authorized and supported.

On the first day Bai Anyi went in, he frankly acknowledged all the abilities of the staff, and argued that he could only see some substances suspended in the air and felt the air was heavy. Therefore, he felt that there was no need to report. Such boring ability loses freedom.

The man in Tibetan blue work clothes did not look at him straight through the whole process, chuckled, and made a horizontal stroke on the electronic record belonging to Bai Anyi.

Bai Anyi didn't know what this meant.

It wasn't until he was dragged into the electric shock room that he learned that writing down on the electronic record meant that the "prisoner" had made a mistake today and "disobedient."

Draw a stroke, shock once, three times at a time.

Painted a "positive", the shock level was raised to fifth gear.

This is both a punishment and an experiment, testing the physical limits of a person with ability.

For Bai Anyi, the third gear was torture, and the fifth gear was worse than life.

During the period of confinement, they must get up at 5 o'clock every morning to recite the "Anomalous Human Management Law". In the morning, they will test the content of yesterday's recitation, so as to make a good word; in the afternoon, they should learn all other laws, and in the evening they must submit a thousand words. The introspection article is not allowed to be repeated or the same, and it is only allowed to go to bed after 12 o'clock in the evening.

While sleeping, they can't lie down, they can only sit in a transparent "cold capsule" to sleep, with various instruments built-in, and monitor their every move in real time.

The capsules are made of special materials, which artificially balance and inhibit the Class A globulins in their bodies. They are extremely strong and can be broken by extraordinary forces.

When they eat, they have to clasp their hands together and be grateful to human beings; before they go to bed, they must chant the "Code for Safety of Other People" in unison. Blood drawing and human experiments became a happy thing, because it meant that they could have a half-day to a day of rest.

The power people who were imprisoned in the monitoring agency became prisoners who could not even excrete themselves.

Bai Anyi was a caller to freedom and a stubborn scholar, so she was considered an "unstable member" and often received electric shocks.

He often fainted with great pain at the beginning of the electric shock, and had been recaptured back to the capsule when he woke up.

One time when he woke up, he noticed that his arms were burnt.

The pain was no longer felt, and the only thing left was paralysis and burning.

He was wearing a restraint and couldn't move his upper body. He could only close his eyes and step on the ground with his feet.

Next to him was a young man with a burning airplane head, who was allowed to take a rest for a long time because he was drawn 500CC blood.

Seeing him awake, the aircraft head talked to him: "Dude, are you too fierce? Niuyu!"

Bai Anyi believes that he is talking about himself and the "leader"-the name of the staff wearing Tibetan blue work clothes here-negotiating, and politely saying "No."

The plane looked at his feet slowly moving on the ground and asked, "What are you doing?"

Bai Anyi closed her eyes and said, "I'm stepping on Jupiter now."

Head of the aircraft: "Ha?"

Bai Anyi moved her feet, and she had an entire sky map in her heart, she said to herself: "... I skipped a few comets and came to Titan ... Saturn is like a gem, and I exposed Saturn's storm-- The red and black Saturn storm, as a shawl, put on your body ... "

This imagination can alleviate his pain.

The plane looked at him whispering, saying something that was incomprehensible to him, and then summed it up, summarizing: "Neuropathy."

There are a lot of crazy abilities in the monitoring agency, and these people are often transported to the isolation room and disappeared.

Bai Anyi once asked the "master" about their whereabouts, and the answer was another mark on the record book.

Perhaps it was because Bai Anyi was extremely difficult to handle. His "manager" particularly hated him, and even deliberately targeted, extending his imprisonment date on the grounds that he "was not sincerely accepting the transformation."

In the later period, Bai Anyi also became more honest, and learned to use silence to resist people, and only used his heart to resist.

Even if time goes by bitterly, anyway, every minute passes.

His period of imprisonment was finally full.

Seeing that everything was coming to an end, Bai Anyi no longer expected the freedom of the second half of his life. He only hoped that the mentor could intercede for him and allow him to stay in the laboratory to continue research, even if it was just a fight.

The instructor's attitude towards the talented person is open-minded enough, should not ...

Before he fell asleep, he was interrupted by the hypnotic gas that was suddenly sprayed into the capsule.

Before he could think about it, he fell asleep. Before he fell asleep, the remaining consciousness could only capture a trace of vibration.

... the "capsules" they used to sleep were transported away.

He didn't know that he was in another downright nightmare.


Chi Koike's reading of the World Line was interrupted relentlessly.

The truck carrying them rolled on the stone and jumped up.

"Capsules" fixed their heads with steel headbands. As long as there was a slight movement, they would send electric shock pulse waves to the temples, which would cause people's eye sockets to become numb, headaches were unbearable, drool secretion surged, and they could even control the mouth from the corner overflow.

During the upheaval, a painful inhalation came one after another.

In the other "capsule", a thin girl was very light, so the vibration was greater than others.

She had a terrible headache and yelled, "Fuck! Fuck !!!"

After the disturbance, everything returned to silence.

Opposite Wei Shiliu is still waiting for the answer from Bai Anyi.

He asked "what are you", referring to "what is your ability".

Although it is not yet known where they will be transported, Chi Xiaochi has quickly developed his mind: "Well, you tell me, what are you?"

In the memory of Bai Anyi, it is strictly forbidden to exchange members with more than five sentences in the monitoring agency. The imprisoned puppets have suffered a few times before, so they have changed their minds and worked hard for the monitoring agency. Prisoner. "

As a result, the institution has been silent all year round. It is possible to get along for months without knowing what the other party's ability is.

What's more, Chi Xiaochi searched Bai Anyi's memory, and there was no one named "Wei Shiliu" in it.

This car has only two familiar faces.

One was the young girl who was madly scolding her mother just now, and the other was an uncle who looked quite calm.

Wei Shilihe smiled, "So alert, little glasses."

After all, he stopped sucking "candies" and bit the "hard candy" between his teeth, revealing its true colors.

... that was a strange 24-sided dice.

Wei Shiliu put the dice back in his mouth, and made a rattling sound like a bite of candy, vaguely saying, "Well, I have shown my sincerity. It depends on you ..."

Ichi Koike smiled and raised his finger to his glasses.

Wei Shiliuyi: "Eyeglasses? What are they for?"

Chi Xiaochi calmly hit Tai Chi with him: "Just as useful as your dice."

Wei Shiliu laughed: "I like you with my heart."

The girl who just scolded before was called Ye Huan, who was obviously not good-tempered. When they heard these two mumbled, they were impatient and said, "Can you shut up?"

Wei Shiliu: "No. I have stayed in that **** agency for six months in order not to shut up. This is a very valuable quality and you can't take it away."

Girl: "..."

When the two of them quarreled, Ikkoike opened the reception of the World Line again.

At the same time, the vehicle carrying them stopped slowly.

With a click, the capsules inside the car opened automatically and the restraint suit also automatically opened the buttons. A large amount of fresh air poured in from outside, diluting the taste of the oil circulating inside the capsule.

Of course, for Chi Xiaochi, the world inside and outside is extremely dirty.

... are they free?

In the "capsule" closest to the truck door, a young man with dirty pigtails climbed down. He wiped his face, gathered courage, and pushed the back door of the car.

The golden sunlight instantly entered, replacing the small light bulb in the compartment. The acupuncture like Maimang made everyone in the car close their eyes, sensitive eyes, and tears.

But the young man burst into tears with tears on his face.

Free air, free ...

He lay on the hot ground, greedily breathing the smell of the earth that had been roasted by the sun, and his tears were like rain: "I am free, I--"

Before he could sigh, he heard a test sound from his head: "Cough, cough. Can you hear me?"

Chi Xiaochi leaned out of the truck and noticed that there were ten other same trucks, a total of eleven, parked in a wasteland.

Above the wasteland, plants and trees emit smoke, but in the distance, the sound of waves crashing on the shore can be heard.

Chi Xiaochi frowned: "Brother, is this normal?"

Lou Ying also frowned: "It's not normal."

The world line in Chi Xiaochi's brain is rolling the broadcast sound almost the same as the outside:

"Demonics, congratulations, you have completed the preliminary trials. But unfortunately, human beings still cannot trust you and trust your abilities."

Hearing this, someone jumped off from the car next door and went to check the cab.

However, when he opened the cab door, he saw the automatic setting of driverless.

"Rest assured, everything you see now is false." The broadcast did not contain a trace of emotion. "Even if you walk out of the cabin door and go outside, it is also a false illusion. In reality, you are still lying. The cabin was asleep, only a special device was plugged in. "

Chi Koike responded quickly.

... is the function of that helmet?

Broadcasting channel: "You can understand this world as a holographic game. This is a test of one hundred and one of your graduates. A total of one hundred and one candidates are in place, and their vital signs are normal. Can be used. "

In the ears of Chi Xiaochi, sounds synchronized with the real world sounded.

And the air in front of him was still turbid and heavy.

He checked his card compartment, and the cards inside worked fine.

"Please rest assured." The announcement sounded very aware of their scruples. "Your abilities, all of them can be used without any obstacles. Of course, there are limits to your abilities themselves."

Wei Shiliu climbed out of the car and shouted, "What do you want to do?"

The broadcast said: "You are sinners and attempted criminals of the country. Now, do you yearn for a free life, the embrace of your family, and comfortable beds? Unleash your full potential and strive to survive."

... live?

What do you mean?

"This 'game' is about your life." The broadcast said, "If you die in this world, your body sitting in the 'capsule' in the real world will also die completely."

There was silence all around, then it was replaced by the cry of anger.

Some people yelled and shouted, and some people went to dismantle the "capsules". In the face of all this, the announcement sounded unresponsive and treated coldly.

It wasn't until the crowd went crazy for five minutes that it gradually quieted down, and the announcement sounded again: "Apart from completing the test, any destructive actions will not let you out of this world. This 'game' can only be confirmed by us. After that, and then terminate. "

"Please raise your hands and touch your neck." The broadcast sounded enticing. "There is a collar on it. Rest assured, this collar will only monitor your vital signs and position you. It is made of special materials. Forced disassembly will shrink inward and strangle people alive, please use with caution. "

"On your right arm ... Yes, please roll up your sleeves. There is a dial, which can be used as a clock and compass, and also displays your detailed physical data, you can check it at any time. Of course, you can also Press the button on the side. It will show your real-time betting ratio. "

Someone asked inconceivably: "Buy a bet? What bet?"

"Sorry. This is our way of making a profit from external operations." The broadcaster explained, "The detention and research of the psionicist requires a lot of money. And some people have the need to watch the psionicist fight. So, We will broadcast your 'game' process live, and someone will pay for it. This is also a way to generate income, please understand. "

Chi Xiaochi frowned slightly and said, "Why did you tell us this?"

The broadcast sounded the words seriously: "Out of consideration of the human rights of the power-setters, we must inform you of these. You have the right to know. Also, please pay more attention to this 'game' odds, which can be developed All kinds of interesting gameplay are also good for you. "

Someone is on the verge of collapse: "You guys are about to execute publicly against us! What do you do with us? Game animals?"

The broadcast sounded coldly: "It can be understood."

"The psionicist is originally an accident in this world. What we deal with is the psionicist who is incompetent and can only cause some small social unrest and trouble; what remains is a psionicist who desires freedom and ability .We will conduct the third stage of education and experimentation on the latter, and sign a contract for use by institutions and society. This is the 'Personalist Elimination Streamline Plan'. After this campaign, you will understand the value of freedom. "

The announcement sounded a bit cold in the voice, with a polite smile: "In the end, there are only three survival places. At that time, if more than three people survive, everyone will be injected with poison. Please everyone Fight for freedom. "

The announcement just stopped, and the dirty pigtail man who had taken the same car with Chi Xiaochi and got off the car first slashed his index finger with a stone.

He turned his gun into a hand, and trembled at Ye Huan, the grumpy girl.

The next second, Ye Huan's head burst into a rotten watermelon with a solidified, high-speed shot of blood beads.

The dirty braided man gasped for a breath, and before the others returned, he rushed to the corner of the wasteland.

In an instant, everyone spread out like a bird and beast, and began to guard against strangers on their side.

Wei Shiliu subconsciously grabbed the "small glasses" closest to him and looked the weakest: "Hey, you go a little ..."

But he took a break.

He looked back and saw that "Bai Anyi" did not know when he disappeared.

Wei Shiliu whispered wistfully, without delay, turned around and ran in one direction, and refused to stay in this place that would become Hell Hell at any time.

As he ran, he thought, Bai Anyi's ability ... is it teleport?

Right now.

Chi Xiaochi is running deep and shallow in a forest 50 kilometers southeast of the starting point.

Name: Mobile Card (Intermediate)

Duration: Ready to use

Number of pieces: 1

Quality: Medium

Type: Single Use

Required exchange points: 10 regrets

Introduction: Shunde Coconut Double Peel Milk made from fresh water and milk can only be eaten after walking 50 kilometers southeast.

... It seems that at the time of writing this copy, 009 was probably doing tasks on behalf of other systems near Shunde, and was not able to eat the famous local double-skinned milk.

When the dirty braid man cut his finger, Chi Xiaochi used a teleport card that had long been in the palm of his hand and moved from the truck to here.

If the hot air full of water smells like substance, it swells in his lungs as if he has entered the water.

When bound by the shackles, he didn't have a deep understanding of Bai Anyi's garbage skills, but when he ran, he only felt that he was running in the swimming pool, his body was heavy, and his hands and feet were blocked. Run away.

Seeing Chi Xiaochi snoring and panting, Lou Ying was also distressed and wanted to say something to make him feel relieved.

Was he scolding Jiao Qingguang, or the watchdog who dominated it all behind him, or was he sent to the main **** of this terrible world line?

When Lou Ying was racking his brains on a suitable expression, he heard Chi Xiaochi swearing simply and rudely, "Grass mud horses, a group of steel orphans."

… Lou Ying felt that it would be difficult for him to surpass the accuracy of this sentence, so he chose to keep silent, and only adjusted his breathing for him.

However, the power of the original owner ’s power is too powerful to be analyzed and manipulated in a short period of time, so Lou Ying ca n’t help him, and the original owner is a senior scientific and technological dead house with limited physical fitness, so he ran for a long time. Koike stood beside a small pond, holding his knees and breathing.

Lou Ying did not ask why Chi Xiaochi ran to such a place, and Chi Xiaochi did not say.

They swallowed without saying a word.

— "I will come to you."

— "I know, you will come to me in this world."

After only a while, Ichiko's clothes were sweating.

He took off the upper body of the jumpsuit, tied a knot around his waist with his sleeve, and looked at the dial on his right wrist again.

After breathing for a while, his heartbeat was still one hundred and twenty, and his eyes darkened for a while.

He sorted out his thoughts.

The difficulty of this world is that he is now trapped in an insurmountable place and cannot meet the scumbag task object at all.

To repent, he can only find a way to be one of those three winners.

Chi Xiaochi has no clue at present, so he plans to look at the odds and calm down.

Unsurprisingly, on the screen he turned on, he currently ranks second to last, only on an eighteen-year-old girl.

Beside the odds market, there is actually a small real-time chat screen with different languages ​​scrolling rapidly and colorfully.

"Get started !!! Exciting !!!"

"This time is more interesting than the last time. Just kill it."

"The last time, I shouted a lot of slogans of love and peace, and used the eggs, but in the end I was not polite and started secretly?"

"That woman is dead?"

"Dead. Didn't see the odds data cleared? Unfortunately, a pretty woman with a bad temper, I like it."

"Yo, No. 17 catches up with No. 21!"

"Fuck, which area and which area?"

"I can't watch it. Area C1!"

It seems that in the eyes of these extreme anti-apologist viewers, they are just game characters and a bunch of digital codes, which are not worth living.

Chi Xiaochi chuckled and continued to look at it one by one.

He had planned to stay here, waiting for Lou Ying from this world to come after him.

Among those people, it is not easy to find his soft persimmon pinch immediately unless he has the dual skills of positioning and teleporting.

Taking advantage of this time, it is not bad to see these comments.

Maybe there will be any love mess, revealing which contestant's power is what ...

While he was brushing up on the comment, Lou Ying suddenly called him: "Koike, step back."

Chi Xiaochi immediately obediently, put down his watch, step back: "Huh?"

Lou Ying's voice was rather strange: "... look in the water."

Chi Xiaochi looked for a moment, looked down, and suddenly burst into white sweat.

... He stood by the water, and the shadow of Bai Anyi was reflected in the small pond.

At this time, a living creature crawled out of Bai Anyi's shadow.

To be precise, the shadow of Bai Anyi crawled out of the water.

... More amazing is that this shadow is exactly the same as Bai Anyi's life. He wears a lab coat he used to wear and wears a pair of spotless gold silk glasses. He is polite and polite, and is the same as Bai Anyi. However, the temperament is very different from Bai Anyi. It is cold and gorgeous, and it adds a little indifferentness to the expression.

And this person who is exactly the same as Bai Anyi just climbed ashore, with a smile, straight into the question: "... you are not my little white child. Who are you?"

...... Ichi Koike decided to withdraw his arrogant evaluation that the original owner was "bland and innocent".

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