Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 233: Battle Royale: Survival of the Jedi (23)

When the morning light was low, the powers were not awake, and they fell asleep.

"Bai Anyi" has solved two "catfish" that are going to kill them, and has three hours of figurative time.

The forest mist is full in the morning, and the air is like milk, and if the milky thick mist is solid, it can even be guided by the fingertips.

"Bai Anyi" stayed on the roof of the hut, overlooking the squirrel jumping up and down the treetop.

Before long, a person sat quietly beside him.

There are not many people who can do this, not to mention that "Bai Anyi" is in a state of divine alert at this moment, so the ambition of "Bai Anyi" is far greater than the intention of killing.

In Bai Anyi's memory, this person was not any of the escaping abilities.

Fortunately, both the appearance and temperament of the comer are non-aggressive, and they look very weak, holding the left front chest with one hand, a faint white in the lip color, and clues that make "Bai Anyi" inevitably associate with a person .

He tentatively called: "... Chi Jiangyu?"

The comer nodded slightly: "Yes. I want to talk to you."

"Bai Anyi" had long legs crossed and looked at him curiously: "You actually look like this?"

"what happened?"

"Bai Anyi" smiled: "Okay, Chi Xiaochi is not bad, it's a good match. Lang Cailang looks."

"Thank you." Lou Ying pursed her lips. "I'm here just to tell you about him."

Lou Ying's data body has not been completely repaired. Once again, the entity is transformed, and it is unavoidable to consume energy, so it is difficult for him to conceal his weakness.

But he still felt the need to come to this trip: "I want to ask you to apologize to Koike."

"Bai Anyi" is also a smart person. He lowered his eyelids and rolled his eyes twice, and then he wanted to understand: "Because I said he was cold-blooded by the pond? Did you hear it?"

Lou Ying nodded.

"Bai Anyi" said, "I was comforting him."

Lou Ying laughed: "Is there such comfort?"

"Bai Anyi" resolutely said: "There is such comfort."

Lou Ying no longer spoke, waiting for his explanation.

"Do you know what the most painful person is?" "Bai Anyi" put up two fingers, "two things: want to be a bad person, but have good intentions; want to be a good person, but with personal thoughts."

"Both sides are not touched, the pain is not others, but yourself." "Anyone" said, "The cold-blooded person will not worry about the necessary losses, and will not feel uncomfortable for not being the best. Under the circumstances ,I……"

Lou Ying didn't speak, just looked at him.

"Bai Anyi" also figured out what he meant in his silence, no longer explaining: "Yes, I was wrong. I will tell him."

Lou Ying politely said, "Thank you."

"Bai Anyi" has a clear thinking: "Nothing to be thankful for. As a person, I have been conscious since I was tied to Xiaobai. I don't need to get along with others, and I don't think about getting along with anyone else. Two of them are the only people I talk with the most besides him. I have to thank you for pointing out my problem. Otherwise, if you regret it later, I don't know where to find you. "

Lou Ying came out and originally wanted to ask "Bai Anyi" to apologize to Chi Xiaochi for his words, but after listening to "Bai Anyi", he no longer rushed back: "In the future, what are your plans with him?"

"Ah ... yes, you have completed your mission, and when you have enough regrets, you should go."

"Bai Anyi" nodded and made a brief arrangement for future life: "Even if we escape, there is no way to stay in our country. The most likely thing is to use your paved road and use the video from the Battle Royale to go abroad. To apply for political asylum, go to a country that is more tolerant of the powers, and let Xiao Bai do something he likes. "

"Bai Anyi" was always calm and sober from the beginning to the end of the discourse, and there was no heat of fireworks on earth.

But Lou Ying read his memory and knew what he looked like in front of the real Bai Anyi.

Be gentle, patient, and kind, know what to say and what not to say.

That won't fit.

"Bai Anyi" knows what to do best, but just doesn't have the patience to others.

Lou Ying asked, "How about you?"

"I?" "Bai Anyi" said, "I can kill for him or not kill him. A heart is so big and it grows on him, of course, where he goes, where I go. "

With that said, he was a little hesitant: "But I killed someone in front of him, and I don't know what he would think of me."

Lou Ying: "I have read some books about psychology. It says that the birth of dual personality is mostly due to some spiritual needs of the master personality."

"Bai Anyi": "So?"

Lou Ying: "So, you are the person he wants to exist subconsciously. You have the ability, but you haven't indiscriminately killed innocent people. This alone is very good."

"Bai Anyi" looked at him: "Thank you. You are very comforting."

Lou Ying was about to answer. Suddenly his expression moved, and he hurriedly apologized, and his body turned into the morning mist.

When his mind returned to Chi Koike's body, Chi Koike was already rinsing his mouth with the rain water received last night.

Lou Ying roughly calculated the time.

Everyone settled in the hut at one o'clock in the morning, Chi Xiaochi went to bed at half past two, and woke up at half past four, and it was only early six.

… He slept less than four hours.

Lou Ying had a distressed pain: "Why no longer sleep more?"

Chi Xiaochi said, "I have been awake for a while. The stock market opened and is currently in red."

Lou Ying naturally knows what others are not saying.

He looked at the progress value and was surprised: "78 o'clock? Jiao Qingguang's remorse moved so fast?"

"I saw the news," Chi Xiaochi said, "... he got up quite early."

The ex-boyfriend who was escorted to prison by his own hand became a wanted man who led 76 psionicists to escape from prison overnight, and there were abnormal deaths in many places. Qingguang doesn't blame.

"We still have a teleport card," Lou Ying suggested. "Now that there aren't so many eyes staring, it is better to go directly to his house and scare him."

Chi Xiaochi was surprised: "Brother, who did you learn from?"

Lou Ying: "I like to learn by myself."

Chi Xiaochi pierced him with a smile: "Steal."

Lou Ying was so kind: "Can you steal Teacher Chi?"

Just kidding, Lou Ying still has his own calculations.

Before, they were trapped in that virtual world of consciousness, they couldn't get close to Jiao Qingguang at all, and now they escaped. He just hoped that they could get their regrets and leave this world as soon as possible.

In this world, the test of human will, spirit and personal safety is a great test.

Even if the video is released, they are not sure whether the agency will find them in a short period of time. They are not sure whether these currently obedient abilities will have other thoughts. They do not know if they can be as planned by Bai Anyi. Evacuate smoothly.

In such a day of hiding in Tibet, Lou Ying didn't want Chi Xiaochi to suffer.

Jokingly, Chi Xiaochi stepped out of the cabin, stepped on the muddy humus, and paced back and forth, looking in the air, wondering what he was looking at.

Lou Ying said, "Bai Anyi and I are staring. No one is coming after them for the time being."

He still wanted to let Ji Xiaochi sleep more.

Chi Xiaochi responded: "Well, you are doing things, I am assured."

This hearing is perfunctory.

Lou Ying sighed: "What are you thinking?"

Chi Xiaochi's answer did not surprise him: "I was wondering why there would be abilities."

After Lou Ying restored her full networking capabilities, she has downloaded and read more than 30,000 SCI-level papers related to the ability.

It has been five years since the birth of the first power actor. Virus theory, contagion theory, etc. have been proposed one by one and overturned.

Now researchers from various countries are still discussing the origin of the abilities.

There is no clear-cut theory in academia.

Just now, the dialogue with "Bai Anyi" is still in the ear. Lou Ying wants to poke at Chi Xiaochi's forehead, and can't wait for him to pay more attention to himself: "The professionals haven't found the reason, can you."

Chi Xiaochi said slowly: "Maybe I can."

Lou Ying dumbfounded for a moment, then realized: "Did you think of something?"

"Every time a power is mobilized, the performance is a surge in class A globulin, and the type of power that appears is strange."

Chi Xiaochi raised his hand in the air, and lightly touched the particle dust that he could only see: "Do you remember Lu Qingshu?"

Lou Ying, of course, remembers that it was the "catfish" with a little daughter at home.

Chi Xiaochi asked again, "What is his power, do you remember?"

Lou Ying: "He runs fast."

Chi Xiaochi turned his head and asked "Bai Anyi" sitting on the roof: "Does the protagonist of Lu Qingshu's favorite superhero comics run fast?"

When this question was first returned by Bai Anyi, Chi Xiaochi asked him.

"Bai Anyi" is a computer memory. Although it has only been turned over a few pages, the occasional scans of the screen shots and lines are enough for him to obtain some valuable information.

At the beginning, although he did not know the purpose of Chi Xiaochi's question, he answered truthfully.

Asked again now, he replied without hesitation, "Yes."

Lou Ying thought for a while: "This cannot be used as evidence."

"Yes," Chi Koike said, "This is indeed not evidence. People often think of themselves if they can have a super power or ability. For example, students want to have the ability to see through cheats, politicians want to have Seeing through all abilities, some people want to be invisible, some want to fly, some want to predict the future, some want countless kinds of capabilities for him to splurge, some want world peace, and no weapons ... Not only are ideas diverse, they will change, So it's elusive. "

"But ... Bai Anyi is a special case."

"He is in the academic field, and his power is in control of formulas. Because he has no other fields of interest and expertise except academics, he likes stars and dinosaurs, and likes to explore unknown scientific fields. It's special ... and even more special, there is another personality in his body, another consciousness. After the power evolved, that personality also has its own body. This is very unusual. "

Lou Ying's thoughts are already ingenious, but I still ca n’t understand if I pass through the pond, “I know what you mean. You want to say that the powers naturally evolve according to each individual ’s own needs. But ...... It's just a guess. What does it have to do with the origin of the power? Is the power ideal? "

"No." Chi Xiaochi immediately rejected the idea. "If it is ideal, those fanatics who are human beings should have fulfilled their wish."

Lou Ying groaned: "What do you think is a special opportunity that caused some humans to randomly become abilities?"

Chi Xiaochi: "Huh."

"Water should not be a channel of transmission." Lou Ying said, "Practitioners have appeared all over the world, and their dietary habits and water and food sources are completely different. When the number of puppets was not enough, experts observed it. After their diet, they sampled daily, and then there were more psionics, but found that no regularity could be found, and this inspection became meaningless. "

Chi Xiaochi said, "What about air?"

Lou Ying said, "If the power cannot detect the virus in the body, airborne transmission will not work."

Chi Xiaochi's eyes slightly turned to look at Lou Ying.

In his sight, Lou Ying suddenly said: "... You mean, it is something in the air that causes the mutation?"

"People eat different things and drink different waters." Chi Xiaochi shrugged. "But aren't all the air breathing under the same sky?"

"Indeed, some people have made similar conjectures." Lou Ying sifted the paper carefully. "But after a sample survey, no special substance was found in the air."

"That's their sample survey. Only a few specific points can be collected," Chi Xiaochi said. "I'll take a 200 cubic meter first."

It rained last night. The rain absorbed the particles in the air and fell into the soil. Now the rain stopped and a new mist started. Some of the adsorbed particles were separated from the land again, which was convenient for him to investigate.

Ichiko Koichi set aside the particles in the air one by one to investigate carefully.

Oxygen, hydrogen, helium, chlorine, inhalable particulate matter, and water are all classified into other categories, and they are all marked in the same way.

This is a habit formed under the influence of many years of collectivism.

As the power increases, his ability to control air is also greatly enhanced, which can even slow the circulation of air within the control range.

As a result, Chi Xiaochi directly frozen 200 cubic meters of air in the mountain, patiently looking for even a little possibility.

He extracted all known substances present in the air of the world.

In the end, he actually caught a little foreign body.

In the cleaned air, there were only two small reddish particles floating in the air, turning around like a dandelion with nowhere to go.

It has no name and does not belong to any in this known database of the earth. It looks like a spore powder of a certain plant, and the particle diameter range is only 3 nanometers.

In the 200 cubic meters of air, only these two particles were found.

Chi Xiaochi put the two spore powders in the palm and flicked gently: "What is this?"

Lou Ying made a simple analysis: "Single particles in living things are active and contain radioactive materials, but this radioactive material ... is not in the existing knowledge system of the earth."

Chi Xiaochi conjectured: "Outer space?"

"This possibility is not ruled out, but it may also be a new species on the earth." Lou Ying said cautiously. "This kind of particles is very small, the density is not high, and it is very light. This is normal. But how did this particle appear? "

Chi Xiaochi frowned and gently teased two particles with his fingertips.

Lou Ying asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that the emergence of the power might not be an infection or a disease." Chi Koike said, "Is it possible that history is inevitable ... evolution?"

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