Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 25: Kill that big guy (2)

The next hour, Chi Xiaochi integrated information, summarized the information, and was very busy.

After about an hour, the bedroom door was pushed open.

It wasn't Zhou Kai who came in.

Kai Kai these days to go to France for business, the visitor is a domestic servant.

According to information given by 061, he is of Spanish nationality and is called Yi Song.

He doesn't speak Chinese, just like the driver, chef and maid at home. They were asked by Zhou Kai not to speak English and to speak at home only in Spanish.

Shen Changqing does not know Spanish.

At the beginning, Shen Changqing learned a few words on his own initiative, but he soon discovered that the four of them ignored his questions and requests, and occasionally gathered together, pointing at the injuries on Shen Changqing, snickering more than.

They worked for Zhou Kai more than two decades ago. They are the old people of the Zhou family, and even Su Wenyi's tragic situation is not strange.

In their opinion, Mr. Zhou is very good to Mr. Shen, at least more gentle than Mr. Su.

After looking at their indifference, Shen Changqing believes that there is nothing more to say about such people.

But Koike is different.

He is particularly happy to talk to such people.

Yi Song pushed in a wheelchair and came in. He saw the needle that had been pulled out for a moment, but he said nothing. He lifted Ji Xiaochi from the bed and silently replaced the towel in the fixed chest strap.

Chi Xiaochi asked: "My needle was shot an hour ago. Why didn't anyone pull me a needle?"

Yi Song ignored him.

Chi Xiaochi turned to 061: "How did you say that sentence in Spanish?"

061 said it again, and as soon as he planned to teach Chi Xiaochi a second time, he repeated the sentence by drawing a gourd in the same way, and one syllable was not bad.

Regarding Chi Xiaochi's question, Yi Song remained silent.

It can be seen that Shen Changqing lived in a depressed environment for three years.

The only person in the villa who could talk to him was the person he hated most.

Chi Xiaochi said again and again: "If I don't pull the needle myself, I can get back half a bottle of blood."

Yi Song ignored him in his surprise.

061 repeated the words of Iike Koike in Spanish.

This time, the grammar and words are a bit complicated, and I heard it twice before repeating it.

Yi Song still ignored him, and even smiled very quickly and lightly, as if it was a very interesting thing.

After changing the towel, he dragged Chi Xiaochi up, trying to move him to a wheelchair.

One hour from now is the sun exposure time prescribed by Zhou Kai for Shen Changqing. There must be no more points and no less points.

Chi Xiaochi, who was masked of pain, certainly didn't feel the pain, but Shen Changqing would certainly.

So he protested: "Slightly. It hurts."

061 consciously translated for him, and the response was still zero.

The next second, Chi Xiaochi once again made behaviors beyond 061 estimates.

He directly picked up the silent clock on the table and patted it on Yi Song's face.

With a snap, the glass of the clock face broke.

Yi Song, who was beaten, and 061, who watched Yi Song as a whole, were stunned.

Chi Xiaochi said in Spanish, "... Since you don't understand people, can you understand what it means to be" painful "?"

061 sighed coldly.

He thought that Chi Xiaochi would be beaten, and he was ready to transform himself into a stun for Yi Song.

Who wants Yi Song to wipe his face and notice the blood on his hand, the expression of Mu Ran has loosened, even a little more fear.

He said in Spanish, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shen."

061: "..."

The sun outside is good, the greenery of the villa's backyard is more meticulous, and there is a beautiful small lake, the lake is green and very pleasant.

Chi Xiaochi was bathed in the sun, lying on a wheelchair and touching his chest: "I tried too hard just now, as if I heard a bone ring.

061 said: "I shielded you and it won't hurt."

Chi Xiaochi excitedly said, "meaning I can dry it now?"

061: "... means you can't judge exactly how serious your injury is now, you need to be more relaxed."

Chi Xiaochi: "... oh."

061 asked: "Why hit him?"

"Violence is not a solution," Chi Koike said. "But at least it can solve silly."

"What if he fights back? He takes care of your daily life, if you move your hands and feet ..."

"I still have a mouth under my nose. Zhou Kai has a video with me every day. I won't talk to Zhou Kai."

"Is Zhou meeting?"

"Zhou Kai is right to treat Shen Changqing as a beast, but he will never allow others to hit his own beast." While turning the book in his hand, he turned his attention to Yi Song and the other two who were whispering in the corner of the small garden. Maid, "... these people are clear."

"if they……"

"I bet you. They dare not say."

"Shen Changqing and Su Wenyi are both afraid to offend them, and then offend Zhou Kai. That is why they have no fear." Chi Xiaochi said, "In fact, this kind of talent is most afraid of violence."

In the distance, the words of three people flew downwind, and they could vaguely hear "crazy" and "he is crazy".

Chi Xiaochitou raised his voice in Spanish without a lift, "You are crazy. Three idiots."

The three immediately dispersed into birds and beasts.

Iko Koike sneered.

The two very different qualities of tyranny and cowardice are likely to coexist on the same person at the same time.

He knew this early.

061: "... I didn't seem to teach you how to say that just now."

Chi Xiaochi turned a page: "Oh, I speak Spanish."

061: "..."

Chi Xiaochi: "My original family also invited Spanish servants, which is more popular than these three. She is very cute and has taught me a lot of cursing."

061: "... you asked me to teach you ..."

"I want to hear you say two more words," Chi Xiaochi said frankly. "Don't say that, you speak Spanish very sexy. I'll read another Spanish poem tonight."

061 did not speak.

Chi Xiaochi waited for a long time and didn't wait for the reply from 061, and snorted, "Six teachers?"

Chi Xiaochi thought that it was his concealment and advance that made 061 angry.

But soon there was a response from 061.

"No," said 061, "I've gone online to collect Spanish poetry."

Chi Xiaochi: "I thought you were unhappy because I was playing blind."

061 said: "No."

He added, "With me, you can play whatever you want."

To be honest, 061 is actually a bit angry.

He couldn't understand why the second task of Ji Xiaochi was assigned to the A-class world.

He consulted all the databases, and after big data screening, he determined that Chi Xiaochi was definitely the first copy.

Thinking about what happened recently, 061 found something suspicious:

The Lord God said he would participate in a plan.

He was worried that the current change was that the so-called plan was "testing the water."

If this is the case, 061 would rather have completed 200 missions than be willing to use this to gamble on the safety of the pond, because once the host logs out involuntarily, there will be considerable damage to mental energy.

061 remembered that when he brought the ninth host, he helped a colleague to do the class once.

The host had just emerged from an ABO world line and died in a group of disgusting insect swarms.

When 061 talked to him, he was obviously a little mentally stunned and unresponsive, and it was said that the symptoms had only eased after two mission worlds.

This A-class world is too dangerous. 061 decides not to return to the main **** space for the time being, and stays by the side of the pond. After the mission is over, he will go to the main **** and agree to cancel the plan.

Chi Xiaochi laughed: "So good?"

061: "That's all right? There is still room for improvement."

Chi Xiaochi paused for a moment: "You tone reminds me of myself."

061: "Huh?"

"I hate someone very much," said Chi Xiaochi. "If you want to be good to me for a lifetime, just walk away, not at all."

061 knew who he was talking about, but didn't know how to comfort him, so he said, "Take the sun."

Chi Xiaochi said, "I want to go online."

Without Zhou Kai's permission, Shen Changqing could not connect to the Internet, but with 061, he didn't have to worry about disconnecting the Internet at all.

He brushed the web for an hour in the conscious space.

061 noticed that Chi Xiaochi turned up all the latest social hot news in the world, some related to Zhou Kai, and some had nothing to do with half a dime, such as where to march for black rights, where there were shootings, where there was one The elk in the zoo escaped and ran on the road.

Although he wasn't sure what he was going to do through these, 061 was extremely relieved to Chi Koike.

...... Nothing he does will be targeted.

An hour later, Koike was taken back to the bedroom by the maid.

After another hour, supper was served.

The meals are still good. They are all nutritional meals exclusively for fracture patients.

Chi Xiaochi sighed: "This old calf probably has the entire experience."

He was injured, and he could not move his chopsticks himself, not to mention that today, in order to stab people, he tried to shock the third rib, and now he can only be fed by a maid.

Fortunately, the photographed clock was still on the bedside, and Yu Wei was still there. The maid was feeding her best, for fear of the moody mood of Chi Koike, and clinging a pot of hot soup to her head.

Chi Xiaochi is not a person who is okay to find anything, the other party is polite to him, he has no reason to not continue.

It was seven o'clock in the evening when a meal passed.

Zhou Kai's villa is in Canada. He is in France himself. There is a six-hour time difference between the two places.

Of course, Zhou Kai does not care about jet lag. As long as he wants to open a video, he has to pick up even if Shen Changqing is at three in the morning.

But today he has no time to engage in such whim.

At 2:30 in French time, he was going to attend a very important meeting, which was also his main purpose for going to France.

Chi Xiaochi asked 061: "I have the habit of napping in Zhou Kai."

061: "Yes."

Zhou Kai is not too young, and his energy is not as good as that of young people. If you don't take a nap all afternoon, you will lose your energy.

He got up so mad that he would not allow anyone to disturb, and he used to mute his organs. Even the hotel phone would be picked up and set aside to avoid being woken up by room service.

However, he is very self-disciplined and will never take more than half an hour for a nap, which is called an automatic alarm clock.

He asked again, "Can the skill card be used at such a long distance?"

061: "Yes."

Chi Xiaochi turned his head and glanced at the small clock he broke the glass with, showing that it was 7.05.

"The low-grade hypnosis card, the one that lasted one hour, now he's using it."

After about an hour.

In a black business car on the streets of Paris, Zhou Kai was sitting in the back seat, looking extremely ugly.

He yelled in English: "Hurry up!"

The driver looked helpless: "Boss, strike before ..."

Zhou Kai gritted his teeth: "Detour."

The driver drove the vehicle onto a side road.

The assistant next door didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that the sound of breathing would tell Zhou Kai to turn his attention to himself.

Zhou Kaitie had a face, and his fists were tickling.

When he woke up in the hotel room, he turned on his cell phone and thought he had misread his watch.

After seeing the time, he bounced directly from the bed, and yelled after contacting the assistant: "Where are you ?!"

The assistant stood in front of the conference halls where the attendees entered one after another, and said coldly: "Where are you? I knocked on your door and you didn't reply. I tried to contact you and didn't respond. I thought you and Mr. Sam went to the conference hall in advance ... ... "

Even if Zhou Kai is angry again, it is irrefutable that as an important person in the meeting, he was nearly half an hour late.

When Zhou Kai entered the venue, in order to wait for him, the meeting had not yet started.

Under the gaze of the investor, he was very annoyed, but still pretending to be hearty, and smiled: "I have misremembered the time, haha."

The assistant was a little stunned.

Before he came in, he explicitly told Zhou Kai that he should apologize directly and don't give reasons.

He has done a survey, and the two investors attending the conference are both well-known in the industry who have a strong sense of time.

Although they will not suffer from the immediate benefits, the company wants to pursue long-term cooperation. If Zhou Kai has such a hip-hop attitude, wait until today's spring and autumn seasons pass, and then want to talk about cooperation matters, the other party is afraid to be in his heart Make a question mark.

In the final analysis, Zhou Kai loves his face and refuses to admit his mistakes in public.

Zhou Kai also knew convergence when he was young. After 45 years of age, when his position in the industry is solid, his mouth becomes more unscrupulous. He often speaks arrogantly in public, and even talks about the X life of himself and his partner Shen Changqing. By contrast, the journalist's reporter was also bold and sent it out directly, causing a stir.

Some people praised him for speaking up, and some questioned his popularity.

However, his popularity has soared among the public, even with the company's attention and stock.

Zhou Kai was ready to take a seat, and Sam pulled open a chair for Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai has no descendants. This Mr. Sam is the successor to the company that Zhou Kai cultivated. He is only 35 years old this year and can be described as young and promising.

But after sitting down for a long time, Sam found something wrong with Zhou Kai.

He whispered: "Mr. Zhou, how do you ..."

Zhou Kai's eyelids closed tightly, and his body kept sliding down.

Sam was startled: "Oh my god, Mr. Zhou !!"

A thousand miles away, Chi Xiaochi lay on the bed and said to 061: "Observe what happened to that Sam after Zhou Kai fainted."

He used a stun card just now and is waiting for feedback from the test results.

Soon, 061 responded: "... that Sam showed great concern for Zhou Kai."

Chi Xiaochi said, "Keep watching. He doesn't count all the performance in front of people."

Zhou Kai was taken to the hospital by ambulance, and no one noticed that Sam walked quietly into the hospital toilet.

While opening all the toilet compartments one by one, he sent a text message to several people: "... Mr. Zhou suddenly fainted and was admitted to the hospital. The situation is pending inspection. The news is temporarily blocked and the media should not be informed."

Then he called the other two people: "We released some news to the media we are familiar with, saying that a certain French conference center drove into an ambulance. According to the staff of the center, it was suspected that a Canadian Canadian was seriously ill. The cause is unknown ... "

A low-level card that can only play for an hour, initially tested the depth of water in Zhou Kai Company.

At least, this Mr. Sam is not as thankful as Mr. Zhou for his promotion.

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