Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 270: Perfect New World (End)

... Iko Koike woke up.

Explosive news attracted countless journalists. Old movie fans burst into tears and came to the hospital, but all were managed by lucas to block the door.

"You can rest assured, ah." Lucas fed the clear porridge to Chi Xiaochi, "I transferred some of the money in your account to make an investment. In addition to paying off the hospital fees, I also made you a home." Then. "

Chi Xiaochi: "Well. I thought I would be on the street when I came back."

"Just. Who am I?" Lucas smugly said, "You are lucky to meet me. My family has money. I don't care about you. I don't care about your small business. Otherwise, I'll change it to someone and know yours. Password, as soon as you lie down, sing you a roll-up meeting, you cry nowhere. "

Chi Xiaochi sincerely said, "Teacher Tony, you are really my sister."

Lucas tried to beat him, but he couldn't bear it.

Chi Xiaochi asked him, "The studio didn't let you transfer someone else?"

"No." Lucas warmed up the porridge in circles. "After you left, the studio signed a few more contracts, but it didn't mean anything. Now I'm the second owner of your studio ..."

Then he responded, pointed his spoon at Chi Xiaochi, and said, "Do you still expect me to serve others? I am at home and I am also a master, so **** unlucky to meet you. Serve you as a living ancestor in this life That's enough. How long do you want me to break? "

Chi Xiaochi knew how to calm Lucas' anger and opened his mouth. "Ah."

Lucas obediently raised his spoon to feed him: "Are you planning to act when your body recovers?"

"Not necessarily." Chi Xiaochi said, "After one death, I will enjoy my life more."

"You slap me!" Lucas Qiqiao smoked, picked up the grapefruit peel to clean the air and wiped his mouth. "Whoever you die will not die."

When Chi Koike was raising his hand weakly to show his surrender, the doctor came to check the room.

After asking about the physical condition of Chi Xiaochi, the doctor closed the medical records and laughed, "Mr. Chi, your physical recovery is very good, and you can start to develop a rehabilitation plan. There are already candidates for the nurses and rehabilitation divisions. "

Lucas cared for the first time: "Are you tight-mouthed? Smart?"

The young doctor loves to laugh, and it seems that he has become very familiar with lucas: "You can rest assured that you are looking for it according to your requirements. The professionalism is very good, and all certificates are available."

He handed the folder containing the copy of the certificate to lucas, adding: "The rehabilitation division has arrangements today, but he was unable to come, but the nursing staff came. Mr. Chi, do you want to meet?"

Lucas confirmed that Chi Koike's mental state was acceptable, and he nodded for Ko Koike very well.

The doctor greeted the door.

A figure pushed open the door of the ward and rushed in from the door.

The doctor introduced: "Senior Nursing Staff, Xiao Lou, Lou Ying, 24 years old, specially recruited."

At the end, he added: "I heard that he is still a true fan of Mr. Chi."

The comer's face and the figure wrapped in clean uniforms dazzled Lucas.

He swallowed a little, spitting, and said critically, "24 years old ... a little younger."

Lou Ying moderately said, "Yes. But I am a PhD candidate at Central Medical University."

lucas: "..."

He almost blurted out, so why are you running here as a caregiver?

However, thinking of the "true fans" the doctor just said, he shut up.

After all, the documents at hand don't seem to be fraudulent. Such a person and such a temperament should not be a scammer.

While Lucas was still looking up and down on Lou Ying with the spiteful eyes learned from the entertainment industry, the doctor came to the door and said to Lucas: "Prosperous Tang, come out, I want to tell you something about the reporters outside ... "

"Don't call me that name!" Lucas screamed. "I'm unlucky when I call this name!"

Lucas was frail and sick. He always thought that his name was too big. His little luck couldn't be suppressed, but his parents were not superstitious. He insisted that this was the name his grandfather gave him before he died. Renamed, Lucas had to change his English name, and then met Chi Xiaochi.

... I don't know if it was good luck or bad luck.

After the doctor took out the fried Lucas with a smile, there were only Chi Xiaochi and Lou Ying left in the ward.

The young Lou Ying stepped to the bed step by step, bending over and politely greeted, "Good brother Chi."

"24 years old? Doctor of medicine?" Chi Xiaochi just learned to sit, and his body became weak after sitting for a long time. He looked at the face in front of him, and couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart, "When did you read the blog?"

Lou Ying replied, "The fifth world."

Chi Xiaochi: "This is the new identity you chose for yourself?"

Upon returning, he had restored Lou Ying's free body and gave Lou Ying the freedom to set his new identity.

As the new Lord God, he still has this power.

"Um." Lou Ying touched his leg lightly. "You can recover with the power of the Lord God."

Chi Xiaochi whispered to him: "I'm a public figure, all of a sudden striding forward, afraid to scare them."

Lou Ying grabbed his waist, removed the soft pillow behind him, and shook the control valve on the side of the bed to put his body flat.

Chi Xiaochi was still a little unconvinced: "Why did you choose a smaller one than me? Why, I think I am old."

"No," Lou Ying explained grumpy. "I'm afraid you think I'm older than you."

During the conversation, Lou Ying put it on Chi Xiaochi's ear and laughed softly with a gas tone: "Don't you like it? ... Brother."

Chi Xiaochi's ears were numb for a moment, and he did not have the strength to push him back, so he had to let him take a good rest for a while.

When Lucas pushed in the door again, Lou Ying was holding the TV remote and asked Chi Xiaochi which station he wanted to see.

The atmosphere is harmonious and happy, and the look on Chi Xiaochi's face is not bad, and he is rosy. He should not mind the care of this new caregiver, and his heart naturally let go.

Rehabilitation is very hard work.

Lucas watched occasionally a few times, because of the pain of Chi Xiaochiquan's sweat and the cheeks of white paper.

He took a picture of Chi Xiaochi Fu panting in the arms of the new nurse, and considered whether to release some of the daily relevant images of Chi Xiaochi to the comfort of the fans.

However, Lucas thinks so.

To the outside world, Chi Xiaochi is definitely a **** figure. The powder is dark and black. Among a group of fans full of hope and sincere prayer, there is a lot of black powder on the car.

They sang badly, thinking that Chi Xiaochi might not be able to stand up. Even if he stood up, this four-year-old man who wanted to kill the film and television industry again was a daydream.

A group of flying flies is really annoying, but even Lucas can't be sure now. Whether Ichi Koike can survive the rehabilitation level, I have to confirm that he has restored his basic walking ability, and then report his situation to the outside world. He hit Kuroko's face can feed fans a reassurance.

… Moreover, in this photo, the caretaker of Chi Xiaochi and he were also ambiguous, embracing and whispering, it seemed that the board was not right. If it was sent out, the pink and black would dance for a while.

Lucas stared at the two in the rehabilitation room with a mixed expression.

Because he gradually found out that Chi Xiaochi, who had never resisted anyone's physical contact, actually had no trace of dislike for Lou Ying's touch.

If the two of them really encounter fire ...

Lucas regained the tense feeling of holding the mobile phone like a time bomb, and for a moment it was almost unknown whether it was joy or sadness.

In the rehabilitation room separated by a glass of worried Lucas, the sweaty pond Koike pondered Lou Ying's neck and sat down with a smile: "I can't move."

Lou Ying hugged Chi Xiaochi, who was weak on his waist, kneeled on one knee, and slowly placed him on his knees, massaging his waist and legs: "Rest a moment. I'll take you to replenish some water next time."

Chi Xiaochi relieved two times: "It's all right, I'll go again."

Lou Ying asked softly, "I really don't need strength to speed up the recovery process? I can help you."

Chi Xiaochi returned to him: "Just to experience the feeling of rehabilitation. In the future, if there are related performance needs when doing tasks."

Lou Ying laughed.

... Well, it's Chi Xiaochi, who is dedicated to his family.

Being a subordinate, of course, obeys the command of the master.

Three months later, Chi Xiaochi, who had a press conference and reported to the public that he was safe, returned to his big villa.

After the waist strength was restored, Chi Xiaochi was already very skilled in playing wheelchairs. When Lou Ying washes the dishes, he heard that Chi Xiaochi was drifting in a wheelchair in the living room.

He sighed with a smile.


Lou Ying wiped the cleaned bowls with a dry cloth, put them on the bowl racks one by one, and shouted with a voice, "Be careful, don't hit."

Chi Xiaochi arrogantly replied: "Dead note, I have the ability to arrest me."

According to the words, Lou Ying quickly seized Chi Xiaochi, who was speeding in a wheelchair, and brought a note to his forehead: "Ticket. Revoke driving license."

At the end, he turned back to the kitchen, cleaned it briefly, washed his hands, and cut a bowl of watermelon. When he returned, he found that Chi Xiaochi really stayed still.

The light cast from his side, casting light and shadow on him.

Lou Ying's heart moved slightly, and she slowly walked to Chi Xiaochi, and put a transparent glass bowl containing watermelon and a small fork in his arms.

Chi Xiaochi was still fixed on the "ticket", rolled his eyes, and looked at him with a smile, and it was obvious that he looked right.

Lou Ying leaned down, opened his mouth, bit the bottom edge of the post-it note, and lifted the ticket.

Chi Xiaochi's body stiffened slightly, and his face turned slightly away, with the illusion that his eyes were kissed by Lou Ying.

Lou Ying moderately said, "Recidivism will be locked up, and you will be detained for six months.

Chi Xiaochi's face was a little red, but he still pretended to be skinless, and said with a smile: "Okay, sir."

Asir pushed his prisoner and came to the coffee table. Soon after the two had eaten the fruits after the meal, Chi Xiaochi said he wanted to take a bath.

Take a bath and take a bath. Lou Ying helped Chi Xiaochi undress, and she only wore a washable white t, sitting by the bath, intending to wash her hair.

Only then did he realize that all the bath products in the bathroom had been replaced with the lemon scent of his usual type.

"Today you went out to buy vegetables. I told Lucas to buy them." Chi Xiaochi sat in the hot water and looked at him with a smile. In the steaming steam, his eyes glowed like foxes. "I bought all the lemon scent available on the market, and it tasted like yours."

Lou Ying opened the new package, squeezed out the shampoo, and squeezed the fine foam in the palm of his hand: "What about the others."

Chi Xiaochi said without changing the color: "Stop us under the bed."

Lou Ying smiled helplessly, and frothed fingers closed his hair, training him: "Waste."

Chi Xiaochi stretched his legs comfortably in the hot water, leaning his neck back, reaching out to embrace Lou Ying's neck, and lowering his voice, "I'm happy."

Lou Ying leaned down and dropped a kiss on the tip of his nose, which was considered acquiescence to his waywardness.

It took a full hour to bathe. Neither of them was in a hurry to do anything. Time was like running water, giving off hot, misty, hot water vapor.

After scrubbing, Lou Ying wiped the water off his body.

Pond Koike: "Bathrobe."

Lou Ying got up to pick it up, but when he helped Chi Xiaochi wrap the bathrobe on his body, Chi Xiaochi took his hand and guided him to reach out into the right pocket of the bathrobe.

There was some rumbling there, Lou Ying didn't think about it, took out the contents and looked at it for a few seconds before he could reflect what it was. He hadn't even spoken, and his face was mostly red.

... the tube of ointment, the opening has been unscrewed, there is a slight sweet creamy taste.

Chi Xiaochi pulled the bathrobe inadvertently, covered his legs, slightly raised his chin, and provoked slightly, "I like this taste. Listen to me."

Since returning to the real world, Chi Xiaochi has gradually added surprises to this home, but as everyone knows, to Lou Ying, he is an endless surprise.

Lou Ying was silent and hugged Chi Xiaochi directly, and the bathrobe slid off from him.

Chi Xiaochi took a sigh of relief, but his arms were caught by Lou Ying's refusal to let go. Only quail buried his face in Lou Ying's shoulder.

Put Chi Xiaochi on the bed securely, Lou Ying loosened the buttons of the soaked shirt, and noticed that the person on the bed pulled the quilt without a trace and covered his body.

Lou Ying asked him: "Afraid?"

Chi Xiaochi made a loud noise and didn't answer, but there was a little trembling in the voice, and the hand was unconsciously grasping the edge of the pillow.

Lou Ying asked, "Is the light off?"

Chi Xiaochi answered with a gas tone: "Off."

The light went out, and Chi Xiaochi felt only a cold wind and familiar lemon scent drilled into the quilt, and then stuck it, a hot body.

In the night, nothing could be seen clearly, and the skin's sense of touch was magnified a thousand times. Chi Xiaochi could clearly feel the restrained and gentle force of the arm as he passed his body.

He raised his waist unconsciously: "Brother Lou ..."

"Shh," Lou Ying said in a very serious tone, just a few steps behind his ear. "Sorry, this is my first time, and I am studying."

In this long year and a half in love, this is indeed their first time, using real bodies.

But when the matter came to an end, Chi Xiaochi still wanted to escape subconsciously, but Lou Ying hugged him tightly from behind, not allowing him to have any remorse, and only calming him: "Good. Good job."

Chi Xiaochi stopped and resisted, hissing lowly.

Lou Ying didn't laugh at his previous bluff and his current tense weakness, didn't stop halfway, and didn't say anything inappropriate, but just slowly, gentlely and firmly doing what he should do.

"... Brother." He called the name that made Ko Koike the most unbearable. "If you feel uncomfortable, let me change."

Chi Xiaochi snorted and behaved like a cat.

Lou Ying whispered, no matter how mild or restrained, Lou Ying said, "Don't look at me, think of me. Let's ... take it slowly."


In the early morning of the next day, Chi Xiaochi slowly woke up from a good dream.

After consciousness cleared, Chi Xiaochi quietly took the mobile phone at the bedside.

It is said that the Spring Festival Lantern Festival is worth a thousand dollars, Chi Xiaochi turned over today's gold exchange rate and found that he made more than 4 million.

He rolled over happily, only to realize that his lower back was sore, humming, and pulled Lou Ying's arm to his side, and put it on his waist.

Lou Ying was awakened by the sound.

When the system restarted, he stumbled over and kissed the corner of Chi Koike's lips.

He whispered in a husky voice: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Chi Xiaochi said neither good nor bad, but leaned quietly in his arms and enjoyed the early morning sun with him.

Lou Ying also stopped talking, while setting up Chi Xiaochi, he set up a new database in his mind, and entered the brand new data related to Chi Xiaochi obtained yesterday.

Every point, every skin, nothing matters.

Chi Xiaochi asked him, "Lou Brother, what are you thinking?"

"I think we can bask in the sun today," Lou Ying said.

Chi Xiaochi smiled: "Okay, get some sun."

The morning light outside the window fell on the two, and the quilt drenched in the warmth of the two people warmed. Two people were drowsy in a quilt, lethargic, and sluggish, like two cats cuddling together.


The author has something to say: The text of "Trash Can" is officially over ~

Fanwai expects eight articles, the specific content of which is stated in the previous chapters, and sent here again.

1. Louchi car

2.8923 animalization daily (89 is a white fox disguised as a puppet, 23 is a fold-eared cat with unclear eyes)

3. Shuangchi Meeting (the real encounter between Koike and Chi Song)

4. Lou Chi went around the world to visit Cheng and other hosts w

5.Koike furiously hits the black face

6, Lou Chi preparing for the wedding

7. Dating Lou owes to Koike

8.The first encounter between Koike and his agent Lucas

The 9th and 10th positions are temporarily vacant ~

The author is trying to finish the bi-weekly list starting on Thursday. It cannot be updated during the end of the list, so I will change all the sighs in two weeks. I hope you will support it.

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