Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 35: Kill that big guy (12)

With this in mind, Zhou Kai let go of his mind a little.

He stroked Shen Changqing's chin: "You are doing well."

Chi Xiaochi thought, thank you, I also see that I'm doing well myself after seeing you in this situation.

Zhou Kai also said, "It will be a mid-year party in a few days. I will take you there, and you will perform well."

After that, he leaned down and kissed the trembling bunny's forehead. After seeing his tightness in his body with satisfaction, he exited the room.

Sitting on the bed, Chi Xiaochi asked 061 calmly: "Is he gone?"

061: "Gone. No overhearing."

Chi Xiaochi: "Did you come downstairs."

061: "Go downstairs."

Chi Xiaochi then rushed to the bathroom, holding the sink to spit up and trembled.

Shen Changqing had been at home for many years, and had developed a white skin lacking blood color. The vomiting caused a little redness in the corner of his eyes. After vomiting, he almost pulled out and slowly knelt down the sink.

061 Look at him like this, there is an unspeakable discomfort.

This experience is also a long absence.

Since being washed out of memory, 061 is not normal.

He has been re-learning how to be a person, but everything about people has been erased, leaving behind memories that can be decomposed into 0s and 1s and become machines.

He wanted to know what he was like before, but all he got was a vague concept.

... gentle, good-natured and kind.

061 has been imitating this concept of being a person, and imitating it very successfully, but after all, he is imitating, and he can produce less and less emotional fluctuations on his own.

Before meeting Chi Koike, he was determined to be a ruthless system.

But after meeting Chi Xiaochi, he was able to return to earth.

After spitting, Chi Xiaochi simply sat on the ground and took off the guard plate: "... Zhou Kai became suspicious."

061: "When are you still thinking about this?"

Chi Xiaochi removed the guards and felt a little less burden on his chest. He was relieved: "Think about it at this time."

061 said so.

It was indeed dangerous just now.

Regardless of whether Zhou Kai is on a whimper or wants to hit someone, he is very disgusting.

061 asked: "What if he really doubts you and wants to do something to you?"

Chi Koike was serious: "Then he will become a dead **** of spiritual and flesh unity."

061 wanted to laugh, pouting and coughing: "Don't make trouble."

Chi Xiaochi took off his clothes, moved himself into the bathtub, and adjusted the water temperature to the hottest.

When the hot water was poured down, Chi Xiaochi said, "I'm not troubled. Did you forget? Last time I ate mangosteen, the multi-purpose knife I Song brought was useless."

061: "..."

Chi Xiaochi: "... Oh, I didn't seem to tell you."

He picked up the guard placed by the bath and turned it over.

A thin one-finger knife with a long finger is attached to it with scotch tape.

He said, "... When Yi Song took it back, he didn't find it missing."

Chi Xiaochi turned the guard over again and put it back: "My planC is not in vain."

061 don't know what to say.

He didn't even know when Chi Xiaochi secretly struck a knife on himself.

061 remembered that when he first entered the world, Chi Xiaochi planned to drive to Yang Baihua's great achievements. He also once doubted whether Chi Xiaochi was violent.

Thinking of this, 061 confirmed to him: "If necessary, would you really start?"

Chi Xiaochi asked, "Why not?"

061 silent.

He still remembers that his tenth host, the predecessor of Chi Xiaochi, entered the body of a straight man during the first mission, and encountered a brain-worrying thought that would "love him and **** him" The dregs that carry through to the end.

After reading the script, the old ten was determined not to lose himself.

In his words, I haven't been in love yet, so I can't just explain it like that.

However, when the **** attacked the overlord to bow hard, the old man held the fruit knife in his arms and couldn't go down. He shouted for help, and finally stunned him in 061.

Afterwards, 061 asked him, "Aren't you armed?"

The old ten was about to cry: "But he's human, I can't get it."

061 took this question out and asked Chi Koike.

"People?" Chi Xiaochi asked, "Mr. Liu, did you mean the thing standing next to Shen Changqing like a ghost when you just slept?"

061 talked to Chi Xiaochi about the problems encountered by the old ten.

Probably because of the set of thinking, he felt that although the old ten's move was weak, his words were reasonable.

After all, the other party is a living person. It would not seem appropriate if he borrowed someone else's body and made arbitrary harm.

After hearing 061's doubts, Chi Xiaochi was not eager to explain, but asked 061 a question instead.

"Teacher Six, I ask you, if you are the original owner who is about to be raped, you are about to be raped, and you have a sharpened knife in your arms. Did you copy the knife to dry him or just lie flat? "

061: "..."

Chi Xiaochi immersed himself in the hot water: "The person who thinks like this does not consider himself the original owner at all, but only considers himself a passenger. Since he is a passenger, of course he can be a good person. But if the original owner is still there? Being raped Who has come for him in the rest of his life? Is this good-hearted man? "

061 shakes slightly: "You ..."

Chi Xiaochi said: "I said that there is always something to sacrifice for A-level missions, but that is limited to a limited range of damage. I am working hard for Shen Changqing to do what he dare not do, or temporarily did not expect to do. Thing. It's not about letting him suffer again. "

Chi Xiaochi touched his chest injury: "Take back 10,000 steps and say that even if the original owner is not here, I am an actor. The life of a role is my professional ethics and respect for the role."

"It's my ability to perform well; if it's not good, I'm afraid the character will look at me."

... 061 understands Chi Koike's thoughts, and agrees with Ko Koike's point of view.

However, he was unavoidably worried.

061 is not good at hiding his mind, and simply chose to honestly say his thoughts to Chi Xiaochi: "I just thought that if I borrow the hand of the original owner and personally hurt someone who has hurt himself, will the original owner form another one? Some form of shadow? "

Chi Xiaochi took a towel and drew hot water, rubbing Shen Changqing's white and clean face, especially the place touched by Zhou Kai.

He did not answer the question: "Mr. Six, have you really hated anyone from the bottom of your heart?"

061 thought about it: "... No." Even if I hadn't remembered it before.

"I hated it," Chi Xiaochi said frankly, "I also retaliated. At the age of 14, I retaliated against someone who ruined my life. That was the first revenge in my life."

"A lot of people say that after retaliation, there is a deeper emptiness. If you hate someone, you can turn a blind eye to him, bear with him, let him wait a few years and look at him again. But when I retaliate back, you know What am I thinking? "

061 shook his head.

Chi Xiaochi leaned on the edge of the bath, exhaling a breath: "... Juda fucking."

061 has not spoken for a long time.

Chi Xiaochi cross-legged: "Why do you think I'm weird?"

061: "No."

... just suddenly want to touch his head.

He does not have permission to read Chi Xiaochi's memory, but can only get to know him from variety shows, interviews, movies and other materials.

He didn't know what happened to Chi Koike, but 061 had a feeling.

——The incident that happened when Chi Xiaochi was 14 years old changed his life.

Thinking of this, 061 himself felt a little funny.

It was gratifying to find that he had both “distressed” and “intuitive” overnight.

Chi Xiaochi immersed himself in the pool, only showing his face on the water: "It doesn't matter if you think so. People who know me say that my idea is strange."

061 explained immediately: "I don't think you're weird .... Maybe it's because I'm also weird."

061 laughed, and sincerely acknowledged the mistake: "The teaching is not strict, the teacher is over."

Chi Xiaochi froze and laughed.

061 lowered the temperature of the water a bit, and also shifted the topic: "Don't soak the hot water so tightly. Your body hasn't recovered well, and the foundation is still a bit weak. Soaking the hot water will faint."

Chi Xiaochi admits: "It doesn't matter, I'm not a kid, I know the size."

Ten minutes later, he was lying on the edge of the bathtub with all his body powdered, unable to lift his head.

061: "..." Hey.

Strangely, Chi Xiaochi felt that he had been taken out of the hot water, and a warm, dry towel covered him and wiped it.

Such close contact made him a little resistant.

Chi Xiaochi struggled twice: "Don't touch it, take a bath and wash it."

061 A soft voice sounded in my ear: "It's me."

Chi Xiaochi thought for a while and didn't speak again, but still resisted instinctively, his body was slightly raised, holding his back to 061.

061 laughed helplessly.

... there was no sense of security.

He no longer embarrassed him, pressing his hand on Chi Xiaochi's shoulders, and digitizing all the continuously falling water drops on his body. With a wave of his hands, those data that turned into 0 and 1 rose to the air in a spin.

He bounced with his fingertips, and 0 and 1 returned to water, sinking into a pool of cold bath water like falling rain.

061 helped Chi Xiaochi put on the fixed board, took him out of the bathroom, found a soft woolen blanket, and spread it on the bed.

He put Ikkoike at one end of the woolen blanket, leaning on his waist, and using a blanket to roll him up into a large sushi.

061 Remember, this is how Xiaochi pooled himself in the car Cheng Cheng rolled up to sleep.

……so cute.

He picked up the Ichikoike-branded sushi horizontally, trying not to squeeze it to his wound, placed him in a quilt, and lowered the air conditioner temperature.

Chi Xiaochi's dazzling Ren 061 at the mercy, only the air-conditioning cold wind whispered in the mist, he was comfortably quilted in a comfortable quilt, his hands and feet were weak, too lazy to move, there was a faint study sound in his ear, and what he said was to Chi Koike read a novel. He knew the end, so he didn't have to bother to listen.

He just felt stretched, and fell asleep without a word.

After tonight, 061 felt like he knew more about Chi Koike.

He is sometimes sensible and indifferent, sometimes unscrupulous and childish, but has a clear bottom line.

By the way, still a qualified actor.

He was sitting on the bed, flashing layers of data code under his left eye. Soon, he saw another face through Shen Changqing's sleeping face.

Chi Xiaochi fell asleep comfortably in Shen Changqing's body. His expression was quiet, and his facial features were even more beautiful. He had a little mole on the end of his eyebrows, very long eyelashes, and slightly long hair scattered on the pillow. 061 those idiots he's read said that he is a wonderful person.

But 061 looked at him, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Perhaps it was in him that he could unintentionally regain his feelings of being a person.

Wake up the next day, as usual.

Zhou Kai is preparing for his return, and the mid-year gathering is the closest opportunity he can find. The longer the time delay, the more it will not help him re-centralize.

He has to let everyone inside the company know that no matter what outsiders think, the helm behind the entire company can only be him.

So in the next few days, he cultivated his spirit, shaved, cleansed his face, adjusted his condition, and in his spare time, took out his collection of stamp collections and doubled down to relax.

He didn't have time to hang around with Shen Changqing, and even if he was in trouble, he had to put it after the mid-year party.

Soon, his long-awaited mid-year party came.

Dressed in the downstairs of the company, Zhou Kai was physically and mentally happy. Whoever wanted to get out of the car, there were reporters dormant near the company out of the dark.

When Sam received the message and greeted him at the door, he lost his eyes, and several security guards put Zhou Kai and accompanying Shen Changqing in the middle, and quickly embraced Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai was caught in the middle, caught off guard, stumbled, and couldn't even say a word without any calmness.

Sam, who remained outside, took a slow step and was surrounded by reporters.

"Why does Mr. Zhou Kai still come to the mid-year party? Isn't he sick?"

Sam replied gently: "This is a mid-year party and a farewell party. After this, Mr. Zhou will formally step down and go abroad to recuperate. Thank you for your concern."

Another reporter asked: "Mr. Zhou and Mr. Shen have been reconciled? Didn't the derailment have any effect on their feelings?"

Sam smiled decently, but thought of those mysterious emails.

He asked the person who sent the email, you gave me what I wanted, and what did you want.

That man didn't give himself an answer.

While visiting Shen Changqing's house, seeing the splint on him, and hearing his speech at the press conference, Sam had vaguely guessed what he really needed.

So Sam showed some compassion, saying: "I cannot make an accurate assessment of the relationship between Mr. Zhou and Mr. Shen. All I can say is that in order to take care of Mr. Zhou, Mr. Shen has paid a price unimaginable to others. . "

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