Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 47: Love Songs on Ice (4)

Hanging up the phone, 061 asked him: "... Are you going to check it out?"

Chi Koike: "Of course."

Even if there are many doubts, the identity of this "uncle" has been verified by Dongge's mother himself, and there should be no difference.

Half an hour later, Chi Xiaochi was wrapped in a long black down jacket, sitting by the side of the ornamental school's ornamental pond, waiting for the unknown uncle to arrive.

Dongge's hair has been ignored for a long time, it is shoulder length, and is simply tied behind her head by a black hair circle.

Chi Xiaochi had nothing to do with, he disbanded the hair ring and pulled a small ball.

This is Lou Sifan's hairstyle for Dongge.

Dongge doesn't like cutting hair, so in order not to affect the game, Lou Sifan always goes to his dormitory to give him a ball.

From the age of 19 to 24, he and Lou Sifan have been dating for five years.

During this period, Dongge felt happy, but occasionally there was dissatisfaction.

In addition to He Changsheng, who always lingers between them, he still has a mind.

——Dongge doesn't like to be below.

But every time I mentioned it with Lou Sifan, Lou Sifan said with a smile, then next time, let you next time.

That tone was completely coaxing him as a child, and God knows when the so-called "next time" will come.

Dongge mentioned it a few times and stopped talking.

He was self-explanatory. Forget it, it hurts anyway. Lou Sifan might not be able to take the pain.

However, as time went on, Dongge's mentality gradually changed.

He always suspects that he is too sensitive, but Lou Sifan and He Changsheng's "friendship" is really long-lasting, even after Lou Sifan and him secretly together, most of the time, Lou Sifan will come and go with He Changsheng .

Dongge always followed Lou Sifan like a small class, staring at He Changsheng.

Why doesn't he know how to avoid suspicion?

Does he have other friends? Why do you have to take Lou's time?

However, they did not behave in the wrong way at all, and they were really a pair of friends who respected each other. Even if Dongge wanted to pick a bone in the egg and find a point of attack.

What makes Dongge even more unbearable is that Lou Sifan always compares him with He Changsheng, and it is no better than nothing. It is more important than Dongge's skating skills. The final conclusion is that you are better than Changsheng. Still work hard.

He Changsheng is like a needle, wedged in Dongge's flesh, which makes him sting from time to time.

Later, even without Lou Sifanti, Dong Ge would unconsciously regard He Changsheng as the object of comparison and competition.

Obviously one is a double skating and the other is a single skating. The professions are not in conflict, but Dongge just can't help but want to compare with He Changsheng.

This negative emotion is constantly breeding in the petri dish created by Lou Sifan himself.

Dongge increasingly hates He Changsheng. And that mood peaked someday.

It was a weekend.

Lou Sifan went to the double skating training ground to find He Changsheng to practice and chat as usual, and Dongge followed Lou Sifan as usual.

Since yesterday, Lou Sifan's mood has been inexplicably bad, and he didn't even eat a few mouthfuls in the morning.

Dongge was afraid that he had not enough heat. After sliding for a while, he got up and left the field. He went to the vending machine, bought a can of hot coffee, and was afraid that the coffee was cold.

As soon as he walked to the sidelines, he saw Lou Sifan's rare black face on He Changsheng, posing a questioning posture: "I came to you yesterday. Who is the man with you?"

Dongge stopped and listened.

He Chang's ecological degree is very weak: "A friend introduced him, just have a meal with him."

Lou Sifan followed closely: "Just eating?"

He Changsheng said calmly: "I haven't been in love for so many years, try dating. Just being in one place and not saying we must be together .... What are you so nervous about?"

Lou Sifan accepted his emotions and smiled softly, but how this smile looked stiff: "Without my control, I am not assured."

He asked again: "Since it's dating, how do you find a man?"

He Changsheng gave him a glance: "You discriminate against homosexuality."

Lou Sifan said: "... I didn't. I just didn't expect you too ..."

He Changsheng: "... 'Also'?"

Lou Sifan: "I know two or three pairs in our team. It's not unusual."

He Changsheng: "Oh."

Lou Sifan paused and asked tentatively, "Would you like to be above or below?"

He Changsheng: "... Bazi has not yet started writing, but you have a long-term plan for me."

As a friend for many years, this problem is not offensive to He Changsheng.

A smile appeared on the face of He Changsheng's 10,000-year-old iceberg: "I didn't think about it, and I didn't plan to try it easily. I might prefer to be on the top. If I like it, it is not bad below."

Lou Sifan said, "If you are good to others, you are better off."

He Changsheng said, "Why?"

Lou Sifan used a joke and said, "It's shameful below, it hurts. Even if it's below, you have to find someone that hurts you."

Dongge's coffee seemed to turn into a soldering iron and stick it in the palm of his hand, making him burnt.

... "How shameful it is below."

... "It hurts."

He knew it.

Dongge suddenly felt that she felt like a foolish and happy self, like a fool.

Because of this, he had an argument with Lou Sifan.

After learning about his angry cause, Lou Sifan patiently coaxed him and confessed that he just said it casually, not seriously, it was really impossible for him to let Dongge go back, it was an apology.

Although it was finally reconciled, jealousy and a sense of crisis have densely climbed into Dongge's heart.

He was accused of his parents by his childhood, so that a deep-rooted concept was imprinted in his heart.

——Not flattering because he is not good enough.

As long as you are good enough, then someone will like it.

Even at a young age, she has won numerous championships at home and abroad and set domestic records. Dongge still feels insufficient.

Shortly after this, Dongge ushered in an important international event.

During his preparation for the game, one thing happened: Lou Sifan took him to He Changsheng to play.

Since the last conversation, Lou Sifan has seen He Changsheng more frequently, and he has good reasons.

Lou Sifan said softly to Dongge: "Longevity is good at choreography. Let his predecessor give you more instructions, and your performance will be greatly improved."

In this practice, He Changsheng rose up and played a 4T3A continuous jump.

Because it's just practice, this set of difficult single-player moves He Changsheng completed quite easily.

Lou Sifan was also very supportive and laughed: "Longevity, your set of action scores can break the Asian record."

He Changsheng said, "Don't talk nonsense. Just jump privately, I may not be able to play so well on the spot."

Lou Sifan smiled and turned to Dongge and said, "Look at you and congratulate seniors. Do you want to learn well?"

Dongge, sitting on the sidelines, lowered her head and tied the laces of her skates: "... um, I know."

A few days later, when the coach discussed the tactics with him, Dongge did not hesitate: "4lz3T."

The coach advised him not to take risks. Although Dongge's jumping level has become first-class, this action is too difficult. For Dongge, stability should be the first priority to pursue, and he can earn points on the next step.

Dongge insisted: "I can do it."

Since He Changsheng can do it, he can certainly do it himself.

... It was a decision that made Dongge regret his life.

As He Changsheng said, live play and private play are two different things.

Under the pressure of away battles and the atmosphere of the game, Dongge simply stood up and completed the most difficult 4lz action perfectly.

The problem lies in the second action.

Due to the failure to control the ground, the center of gravity was lost, the ice blade was crooked, and he fell heavily on the ice.

Dongge's coach sighed, regretting that he probably missed the trophy this time.

But soon, he found something wrong.

Dongge lay on the ice, and when the accompaniment music went on, he couldn't get up.

He exclaimed, motioned to the referee and rushed into the field.

Dongge trembled with pain, slumped into a ball, and sweat dripped into the ice, whispering: "... my feet, my feet."

... the final diagnosis was a severe tear in the Achilles tendon.

The coach comforted him. It didn't matter. He took a year off, reorganized, and practiced this business. No one was injured.

But Dongge saw a lot of regrets from the coach's eyes.

This regret defeated Dongge.

In the next few days, anyone who came to visit him would not say much, even when Lou Sifan came.

Facing the cold face of Dongge, Lou Sifan said especially mildly: "I know you are not feeling well. If you don't want to see me, I will come back in two days."

Perhaps because of the susceptibility to injury, Dong Ge is aware of many details that he hadn't noticed before.

-Lou Sifan is too gentle.

He was almost hypocritical, as if he could tolerate all the bad behaviors of Dongge, wayward, proud, and silent.

Dongge used to think that gentleness was an extremely beautiful character.

He is never angry with Dongge, does not blame Dongge's fault, does not quarrel with him, quarrels with him, is a perfect lover.

However, if you think about it carefully, do not stir your mouth, be jealous, and do not lose your temper. Are they really lovers?

Even at this time, Lou Sifan was still tepid and impatient, comforting him, like pushing him away indifferently with gentleness, and drawing a line of "We are not familiar" between them. Chu River Han World.

Three days after Dongge was admitted to the hospital, He Changsheng, who had just finished his game, came to see him.

He Changsheng's tone was dissatisfied: "How to make yourself like this."

Dongge looked at him and asked with a dumb voice, "Where is Brother Lou, didn't I come with you?"

He Changsheng was cold. He was really angry when he heard the voice: "Can he keep walking with you? Think about what you should do."

After hearing this, Dongge was suddenly filled with grievances and sourness.

He whispered, "He can."

After speaking these two words, he asked himself again, "... Can he."

He Changsheng frowned two beautiful Willow Ye Mei: "Huh?"

It was the first time that Dongge was open-hearted and told so much to He Changsheng.

He talked about his love with Lou Sifan, admitted his jealousy to He Changsheng, and at the end, he couldn't hold back his emotions, and wept softly with a horn.

... I'm jealous, I'm guilty, I'm impulsive, but am I really sinful enough?

After listening to He Changsheng, he looked a bit abnormal: "Is that so? ... he never told me."

Dongge did not respond for a moment: "... what?"

He Changsheng said: "I have always regarded him as a friend, and I thought you were the junior he took care of."

He asked again, "When did you start? Brother Lou never told me, you told him ..."

Winter Song froze in place.

... not mentioned.

What is "not mentioned"?

Isn't He Changsheng a good friend of Lou?

Brother Lou didn't let Dongge announce their relationship. Well, Dongge didn't say, didn't do, and didn't even have any intimate behavior with Lou Sifan outside.

After all, in this social context, homosexuality is still a niche and cannot be freely talked about in the sun.

And Dongge's introverted personality is not a person who is willing to be generous and loving in front of others.

But he always thought He Changsheng knew.

If Lou Sifan hadn't mentioned it, what would be his five years?

If not mentioned, why do you hate He Changsheng who knows nothing?

Seeing that Dongge didn't answer, He Changsheng exhaled and simply said, "I know. I will keep a distance from Brother Lou in the future, I hope you don't mind."

He Changsheng left, leaving Dong Ge alone in the ward in a daze.

About half an hour later, Lou Sifan called in.

Dongge struggled to pick up the phone.

The mobile phone is still the one that Dongge went out of the wall to buy at the time, the quality is very good, Dongge is nostalgic and has been used until now.

Lou Sifan's phone was the first and only number in it.

He answered the phone: "Hey."

The popularity on the other side was desperate: "Why do you say that to him? Am I not telling you not to say it? Are you going to ruin me?"

Winter Song paused: "... Who are you?"

For a while, Dongge didn't even hear who it was.

Next, Lou Sifan said a lot, as if he had concentrated the anger that had not been released for five years in this hour, turned it into a transparent bullet, and slammed his face toward Dongge.

On the phone, Lou Sifan said truthfully and painfully, "You should thank Changsheng. He was bullied when he was a kid and has a psychological shadow. I will protect you for him. How about you? When I was a kid, I helped you, take care of you, you Is that how it paid me back? "

Dongge always thought that Lou Sifan just didn't like him enough.

But he didn't expect that Lou Sifan didn't even consider him a human, but just a useful prop.

——When he was young, he was a poor baby he used to please He Changsheng and show his kindness and compassion.

——After growing up, he is a good and free inflatable doll.

According to Lou Sifan's complaint, Dongge did indeed destroy Lou Sifan and the "friendship" he had carefully maintained for so many years.

Lou Sifan liked He Changsheng so much, and tried his best to please him.

Due to the emotional projection, He Changsheng noticed the bullied Dongge, and Lou Sifan began to follow him.

He just wanted to be a good brother and take good care of Dongge, the "little brother". He never expected that he was drunk that night, and he stumbled on a tiger.

It was Dong Ge who made Lou Sifan want to make such a difficult decision. It was Dong Ge that forced him to make a choice between morality and He Changsheng.

In order to "responsibility", he "made a sacrifice", and with Dongge, "make up for his fault".

He also knows that this "can't give Dongge happiness", but does not want to be Chen Shimei, but wants to break up, but can only continue to "good reminder", let him know how good He Changsheng is, and signaled that he should retreat when he is difficult.

Only a stupid person like Dongge will know how to move forward and die.

Hearing his righteous accusations, Dongge was so angry that he couldn't get angry.

He was lying on the bed, his voice calmed to his own surprise: "Since you don't like me, why not say it early."

Lou Sifan on the phone said, "Isn't I always reminding you?"

Immediately, he said in pain: "I have already taken responsibility for you, isn't that enough? You should consider my feelings."

Dongge said weakly, "But you are so good to me ... you have been bragging about me, saying that I am good here and good ..."

Isn't even these fake?

Lou Sifan said, "I said that, but it's just a normal compliment, and you think too much. Think about it. From beginning to end, did I say" I love you "to you?"

Winter Song was silent.

After a moment, he whispered, "OK. I see."

He hung up politely.

From the age of 11 to the present, the expectation and worship for a whole 12 years have turned into a dream bubble within an hour.

For 12 years, it has been half a lifetime for Dongge.

Now that the words have been said, Dongge has no intention of begging for reunion.

He's not that cheap. When Jun has no intention, he rests.

He comforted himself like this, lying on the pillow, and the tears wet the pillowcase into a dark color.

... why it hurts so much.

... It didn't hurt that much when the Achilles tendon was torn.

Dongge couldn't breathe because of the pain, dragging the chest of the sick clothes uniformly, whispering and comforting himself.

... It's okay, it's okay, without him, I still have skates.

After a year, Dongge, who has suffered from severe anxiety, returned to the ice rink.

But the sequelae of a severe torn Achilles tendon, and a mood that was no longer quiet, made him never get back to where he was at this time last year.

He jumped six moves in a row and all failed.

He knelt on the ice, crying like a child.

The players who had laughed at his arrogance were all immobile, but there was no Lou Sifan in this group.

... he didn't even look at Dongge again.

After half a year, Dongge, who was living in psychiatry, found an ice rink belonging to him in the confusion, broke the thin ice, and fell into the ornamental lake.

Chi Xiaochi pulled himself out of Dongge's memory immediately before his death, and looked back at the viewing pond behind him.

Let Dongge be buried in the same lake as this pond, which is not very deep. If Dongge still had a little desire for survival at that time, just inject a little energy into his legs and stand up.

He disbanded the bound meatball head, a thick black hair was blown up by the wind, his hair was black, and his skin was whiter, making him look like a little girl.

Chi Xiaochi wiped his face and said seriously, "I **** him."

061 agrees: "Well."

Just then, a pair of leather shoes entered the field of view of Chi Xiaochi.

Someone asked softly, "Winter Song? Is it you?"

The pool Koike enters the state quickly.

He looked up, his eyes were melancholy and alert, just like the winter songs of a child.

The person in front of him was a good-looking young man, who was very pretty, with red lips and phoenix eyes, but had a unique sense of cleanliness and elegance, which made people comfortable.

He noticed Dong Ge's inquiring eyes, and the man reached out his palm and politely said, "My name is Dong Feihong. If you don't mind, you can call me my uncle."

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