Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 58: Love Songs on the Ice (15)

Two years and a half have passed since Dongge and He Changsheng lived together.

Last year, Dongge did not spend the New Year at home because of participating in the competition, so for the compensation, this year was particularly lively.

The house was newly renovated, a floor-to-ceiling window was repaired in the restaurant, heavy snow fell outside the steps, and the place across the wall was warm as spring.

The dumplings are stuffed with pork and shallots and rolled up and down in a boiled aluminum pan; the bright color of the caramel with the buttoned meat, the plums are dark and refreshing. Sea oysters are thick and meaty, and the fishy smell of minerals is well masked by **** juice.

This wonderful and rich table of dishes is all made by Dong Feihong.

There were not many participants in the family banquet, only four of them were present, Father Dongma, Dongge, and Dong Feihong.

Dong Ma gave Dongge red dishes, and Dongge drank with Dad.

Dongge can drink a little wine, so when Dong's father is already red-faced and red-eared, Dongge's cheeks only appear a little tantalizing, and his eyes are still bright and quiet.

Since it is a family banquet, it is natural to talk about personal matters.

Mother Dong asked with a smile: "Xiaoge, who's in the picture recently?"

Dongge said, "I'm training every day, how can I ponder this?"

Dong Dong's eyes narrowed: "Don't sloppy with Mom, talk to Mom if you like."

Dongge: "Where is it?"

Mother Dong simply picked the words more clearly: "Do you like boys or girls?"

This world line is different from the previous world line, and the social acceptance of homosexuality is quite average. Dong Ma was able to ask such words, which really called Dongge a bit surprised.

And soon, Mother Dong gave a reason: "What's your look? Our family is an ice rink, mostly boys bring boys to skate. In the past few years, my mother has been with you several times abroad Why haven't you seen Western scenery? "

Dongge was surprised: "... how did you suddenly think so?"

Dongge has always been gay, but why did Dongma mention it?

Dong Ma's expression "I was guessed by your mother": "Is that surname He?"

Chi Xiaochi: "..." Ha?

Mother Dong said, "When I went to see you, I met one of your female teammates and talked a few words. She said that someone always came to the side to watch your training. Every time he went, you jumped hard. Whatever the trick is, it ’s fancy. She talks vigorously, so I went to inquire. I thought it was a girl, but I did n’t expect ... ”

Chi Xiaochi: "... Teacher Six, Teacher Six. Is this the case?"

In practice, Chi Xiaochi always gave his body full power to Dongge and let him sway, but he did not expect that he would take advantage of this opportunity to show his careful thinking.

061: "... really."

Chi Xiaochi held the wine glass: "... co-teacher for a long time, and brought out a little peacock with a tail that would tilt."

061 laugh.

Since receiving the subtle signal last time, 061 has paid special attention to the situation inside Dongge's body.

Sure enough, there was a reaction this time.

If there is no induction error in 061, the signal received this time is "blush".

Seeing Dongge not talking, Dongma could n’t help but continue to preach: "It ’s not a bad thing to like boys. If you are like your uncle and do celibacy, then that ’s the bad thing. Broken body, who will take care of it? "

Dong Feihong, named for no apparent reason, immediately made a restraint, bowed his head to eat, and crossed the edge of the rice bowl, blinking at Dongge.

After dinner, Dong's mother washes the dishes, Dong's dad wiped the table, and Dongge was rushed to watch TV.

After adjusting the stage to the central stage, he put on his clothes and walked out of the house.

He found Dong Feihong smoking at the rink.

A bright red banner was drawn on the ice rink: Congratulations to Dongge for entering the national team. The ice rink was open for free for seven days.

This is a notice issued years ago.

Dongge, another women's singles player Liang Xiao, and He Changsheng and Fang Xiaoyan, a pair of skating pairs, have been recognized by the National Skating Association and will be members of the national team starting next year.

The training venue is still mainly the provincial team. If there are important events, they will gather together to concentrate on training.

After the Chinese New Year, they will fly to Finland to prepare for the March World Skating Championships.

Seeing him, Dong Feihong shook the smoke in his hand and planned to extinguish the cigarette butts.

Chi Koike said, "No."

He stepped forward and spread his palms towards Feihong in winter.

Dong Feihong noticed and took out the cigarette case from her arms: "Will you smoke?"

Chi Xiaochi took a branch from the middle and sipped it in his mouth, "It will be a little."

Dong Feihong laughed and said, "Let's my grandchild secretly. Don't let your mother find out, otherwise you should say that I have broken you."

As he said, he put the fuming smoke back into his mouth and lowered his head to touch the lighter from his pocket.

But he did not expect that Chi Xiaochi stomped his feet slightly, and the cigarette in his mouth naturally touched the cigarette **** in Dong Feihong's mouth.


The dark red, burning cigarette **** ignited another cigarette paper, which ignited the tobacco inside.

Dong Feihong suddenly jumped in his heart.

After igniting, Chi Xiaochi automatically pulled away and retreated, as if the slightly ambiguous movement just now was not done by him at all.

Leaning on the cold railing, he looked up at the dark night sky and the sporadic fireworks that occasionally bloomed in the night sky.

After so many years of promulgation of the ban on the display of fireworks, there are still people willing to stand up to the crime. It seems that if the New Year does not toss out some noise, it will not be a good year.

Chi Xiaochi asked: "Uncle, I heard that you are going abroad."

Dong Feihong nodded.

Chi Xiaochi's mission in this world is about to end, so he must also prepare for his "disappearance" in advance.

Chi Xiaochi said: "It's good abroad. I can go and see you in future games abroad."

Dong Feihong smiled and did not answer.

"Dong Feihong" exists to protect the pond Koike. Chi Xiaochi is gone. It is too difficult and unrealistic to cross the long timeline and maintain the existence of "Dong Feihong".

After saying this, Chi Xiaochi stopped talking.

The uncle and the nephew smoked a cigarette side by side, and each lit another.

The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is great, but for Chi Xiaochi, it is not too cold to train in a sub-zero environment all year round.

After the two stood so quietly for a long time, Chi Xiaochi suddenly spoke.

Facing the vast ice rink, he asked, "Uncle, have you watched The Matrix?"

This world has this movie, but because 061 hasn't seen it, Dong Feihong hasn't seen it.

He shook his head honestly and asked, "What did you say?"

Chi Xiaochi took a cigarette and said, "Nothing. That's a good movie."

The tone of his remarks was lazy and very close to the real pond Koike.

In Dong Feihong's eyes, all the data can be parsed, so at this moment, Chi Xiaochi, who fell in his eyes, is exactly his original appearance.

——Snow-white smoke flowed from the reddish lips, slowly separated along his cowardly nose, and disappeared in the cold air.

His eyes were full of careless carelessness, mixed with a little melancholy, and fascinating.

Dong Feihong said, "You ..."

However, before she finished speaking, Dongma's voice came far away: "Dongge .... Little song! Where is it ?!"

Chi Xiaochi naturally turned back to Dongge's expression mode, and skillfully dipped his cigarette **** in a disposable cup prepared by Dong Feihong: "Mom, here I am."

Mother Dong called, "Someone is looking for you!"

Dongge thought it might be an acquaintance, but when he saw He Changsheng pulling the suitcase, he was startled.

He walked up quickly: "He senior?"

"I was planning to come to your house again tomorrow to celebrate the New Year." He Changsheng's mouth was white, his eyelashes frosted, and he looked pale and beautiful, "... but something unexpected happened. Can I come to your house for a day? "

Dongge certainly agreed.

There are two rooms in their house, enough for Changsheng to sleep.

When bringing He Changsheng into the door, Dongge said nothing, and when he introduced his parents to his parents, he only said that He Changsheng was here to travel.

Mother Dong knew him, and just after hearing the news from the trail, she looked at He Changsheng a little differently: "How do you travel out of New Year's Eve? Your parents?"

He Changsheng held hot tea, and answered truthfully, "I'm an orphan."

He Changsheng was bullied when he first entered the sports school because of this. In the eyes of children, a mother is born better than a mother.

Now bringing this up again, He Changsheng no longer has any special feelings, but Dongma's pity for love can no longer hold back, Boo Han asked warmly and handed melon seeds, talked for three sentences, and acknowledged his son's posture.

He Changsheng had not been treated so solemnly in his life. He was at a loss for a while and could only lean on the familiar Dongge.

It was still Winter Song that rescued him and brought him into the guest room.

As soon as the door was closed, He Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

Winter Song: "You are not used to it."

He Changsheng said, "I'm not used to it. Brother Lou's family ... not so."

Lou Sifan was reminded in private by Lou Sifan of He Changsheng's life. He was always careful about He Changsheng, for fear of touching his pain. Therefore, although He Changsheng was often treated at Lou's family, he could not avoid the embarrassment. .

In contrast, Dong's mother's enthusiasm made him a little accustomed, but an extra heartwarming.

Dongge didn't speak anymore.

He Changsheng sat in a chair: "I stay one night and leave tomorrow."

Dongge said, "Listen to you. If you are happy, you will live for two more days."

He Changsheng said, "Can I borrow you a little money?"

Dongge: "How much?"

He Changsheng: "The train ticket back to the provincial team is about 120."

Dongge said, "Okay. But there should be no tickets now. Check online for any remaining tickets."

He Changsheng: "I lost my phone."

Dongge: "... buy a spare first."

He Changsheng: "The wallet and mobile phone were stolen."

Dongge: "... what else do you have?"

He Changsheng said: "The ID card is still there. My ID card and wallet have always been kept separate."

Chi Xiaochi: "..."

I left you through this year, and I have an identity card left.

He asked, "Senior, you are here to spend Chinese New Year with Senior Lou."

He Changsheng was strangely silent for a while before answering: "Hmm. I had an argument with him."

... Well, the cause and effect of the story finally strung up.

He Changsheng originally planned to spend the Chinese New Year with Lou Sifan, and an accident happened; He Changsheng left Lou's house and planned to go to the train station to buy a ticket to return to the provincial team. However, he did not expect that his wallet and mobile phone were stolen and clean. Ask for help in your local winter song.

Dongge checked the remaining train tickets: "Tickets from New Year's Day to Fourth Year are sold out."

He Changsheng lowered his head: "I'm going back by bus."

Dongge said, "Okay, I'll accompany you to the passenger terminal tomorrow."

He Changsheng said, "Thank you."

He Changsheng didn't say why he had a fight with Lou Sifan, and Dongge didn't ask.

He seemed very grateful for this seemingly unemotional consideration.

Since the good news was delivered to the provincial team a year ago, Lou Sifan has not been in a good shape. In the next national competition, he did not even advance to the preliminary round.

This incident annoyed Lou Sifan's coach very much and made him submit at least five personal reviews and analyses.

When chatting in the afternoon, Lou Lou also mentioned this, let him quit pride and learn more from his team's winter songs.

At that time Lou Sifan's face was very bad.

He Changsheng knew that this topic was not very pleasant, so he wanted to lead the topic away: "Dongge also live here. Tomorrow I will go to him to pay New Year, Brother Lou, will you go?"

Lou Sifan, who has always been polite, bombed the camp: "Don't mention this man!"

He Changsheng froze: "..."

Lou Sifan yelled like a vent: "He is everywhere and he is everywhere! You have no home to return to these years, who has kept you for the New Year? You want to go to him, well, you go, hurry Go! Don't be here— "

As soon as the words came out, Lou Sifan also noticed that there was something wrong, a face rose red and purple, but it was too late to want to take it back.

He Changsheng had no feeling for the death of his parents, but his friend said such things, making it difficult for him to accept.

So in order not to make things more embarrassing, he chose to leave.

After a brief conversation, He Changsheng said, "Go with your parents."

Dongge said, "I am with you."

He Changsheng said, "It's boring to accompany me. I want to design a dance design."

Dongge said, "That's very interesting."

He Changsheng then thought that people in front of him also regarded Hua Hua as life. For them, Hua Hua will never be boring, and has a new look every day.

Then his heart warmed a bit: "OK."

What He Changsheng said was the program design plan they planned to perform at the World Championships.

This time, He Changsheng's coach has no small ambitions. He wants them to break through the regret of the fourth place left last time and try to get a medal.

Therefore, Dongge has submitted the proposal a few years ago, and He Changsheng is still running with the choreographer and lighting up the oil every night until this night is no exception.

Dongge went out to make a pot of black tea and came back: "Senior, is there any problem?"

He Changsheng's expression was a bit distressed: "I will submit the twelfth plan tomorrow, but I am still not sure how to design this action better."

Dongge probed a glance at his design sketch.

In Dongge's memory, He Changsheng performed quite well in this World Championships, but because he changed his companion again, his running degree was not enough, his dance performance was insufficient, and he lost his medal.

"Development" is a checkpoint that almost every young athlete has to go through, especially sports such as figure skating and swimming, which are very demanding to almost abnormal.

Dongge ’s weight is calculated on a two-by-day basis and is measured daily. If there is an increase or decrease beyond the calculated range, you must receive a fine and double the training.

Because girls face the development of local organs such as **** and buttocks, there are more uncertain factors than boys, so in the adult process, male players often change female partners.

And this time, He Changsheng's partner is Fang Xiaoyan, who has worked with him for nearly ten years. It should not be a problem in terms of technology and cooperation.

Dongge looked at He Changsheng's meditation and incomprehensible appearance, and simply proposed: "My home has an ice rink, otherwise try on ice?"

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