Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 65: I heard that I am the God of War (2)

Seeing the good value of the full value, 061 opened the mall page at the first time, ready to redeem the card.

061: "..."

After discovering how many small pools of this move he had, 061 silently dropped the page, as if nothing happened.

At this moment, there were still three or four teenagers in the parlor. They were startled by the teenager who broke in first, and they were all surprised when they saw the person dragged in by him.

The man was wearing a self-cultivating dark black suit and school uniform. Inside was a dark red sweater. The style was very expensive, but he had been torn out of dozens of whip marks. The dark red sweater covered the red blood. A mass of dark blooms.

His fingertips and palms were all solidified blood and abrasions, his elbows were dark, and fresh air rushed into the lungs, but he didn't dare to breathe, he just struggled to cover his mouth, and tried to control the flow of air. move.

In the memory of everyone present, this person is about the same age as the teenager, but his temperament is completely opposite, with quiet eyebrows and a kind of silent and ascetic beauty. He usually follows the teenager quietly and quietly, unless the teenager asks a word or a word. Will say more.

A girl with a high nose and deep eyes stared at the teenager with the oriental face: "Show, what are you doing?"

The boy raised his eyebrows and sneered, "Rosie, didn't you say you want my little season?"

After all, he squeezed the hair of the person in his hand: "... like this, do you want it?"

When I was dangling by Ko Koike, he still greeted politely, "My uncle Tony."

061 suspected that even if they had a **** blocking system, they would not be able to prevent the mysterious mouth of Chi Koike.

The girl named Luo Qian stood up: "Zhan Yanchao, I was joking before ..."

"Really? Xiao Ji." Zhan Yanchao looked at Chi Xiaochi, "I heard that, people are joking with you."

"But." Rosie glared at him. "I really want him now."

Zhan Yanchao's face and voice chilled together: "Oh?"

Rosie walked in front of Chi Xiaochi, and bent down, her eyes showing her three-point gentleness and seven-point tenacity: "Xiao Ji, would you like to follow me?"

Chi Xiaochi let "Xiao Ji" open his mouth and only issued a few low-dumb syllables.

In his heart, he asked 061: "World line, give me."

Instantly, countless pictures intruded into the consciousness of Ikkoike.

... this is an abo world.

More precisely, this is an abo world that has experienced the reproductive revolution.

Like the general abo world, there are six genders here, male and female Alhpa, male and female Beta, and male and female Omega. The distinction between men and women is mainly reflected in appearance characteristics, and A, B and O are the decisive reproductive characteristics.

Unlike the ordinary abo world, the reproductive characteristics here are born the day after tomorrow.

In long-term evolution, every child on the planet has a relatively constant amount of energy from the beginning. Before the age of 18, under the balance of this energy, everyone is without exception the beta attribute, no pheromone is generated, and no mark can be accepted, nor can anyone be marked.

Every age 18, regardless of class, must be forced to participate in a national large-scale mech fighting.

The competition is under the responsibility of the National Supervision Commission. Its main responsibility is to monitor the fairness of the competition and provide a uniform competition machine for all participants.

Each person's mecha can absorb the energy of the master, and after connecting with the master's consciousness, the master can control the mech's fight by himself.

After a battle, the winner can absorb considerable energy from the loser, so as to achieve rapid self-evolution. The more you win, the more beautiful you win, and the more energy you get.

When the collected energy reaches a certain range or more, it can evolve into Alpha. At the middle value, it is Beta. However, if the energy is deprived below a certain range, energy will be deprived below a certain range. Into Omega.

To put it plainly, it is the law of the jungle under the supervision of the modern social system. The winner is the king and the loser is the pirate.

The reason why the planet attaches so much importance to armaments and combat power is that this place is right next to a worm star.

Insect star resources are depleted and living conditions are extremely bad. There are a large number of giant iron beetles inhabiting. In order to plunder resources, the insect star naturally turned his eyes to the few planets closest to the light year.

For thousands of years, there is only civilization on this planet. The reason is that this Spartan-style military training has trained batches of soldiers and saved the lifeline of the planet.

Under this social model of respect for force and respect for the strong, the winning young Alpha is the country's new fighter. As fighters, they can obtain planet resources for free, and their status will be improved accordingly, which is highly respected.

Beta is responsible for maintaining the normal functioning of society and providing resources for Alpha.

Omega, who cannot fight, is the lowest value for this planet. Only in bed is a rare best, and how to get out of bed depends on the conscience of those who support Omega.

For many children of lower birth, this mecha game is a golden key to the upper classes. For this game, they will do their best.

Therefore, unlike the general abo world, the class solidification here is not serious, but it does not mean that there is no class.

The original owner is the product of mankind, born of human beings under this social model.

The so-called "human animals" are mostly maintained by wealthy people.

Because they want to maintain the status quo of enjoying their own rich resources, and because they do n’t want to suffer too much, their families will spend a lot of money hiring children from slums and their own age, teach them to fight, and let them compete in the final competition. Lose to your own children and transfer energy to your own children.

To put it plainly, it is a mobile, disposable battery.

The original surname is Ji, called Ji Zuoshan.

At first, he promised to be a "human animal" because of a sudden Zerg plague that claimed the lives of his parents and older sister. After the disaster, he still has four brothers and sisters to raise.

Little children can't even shed tears. He was busy living for the living, and had no time to cry for the dead.

Ji Zuoshan ran in the rainy black market all day and asked those who looked suspiciously: "I want to be a human animal. Do you have a way for me to be a human animal?"

He finally sold himself and replaced a house for his brother and sister.

The first time I saw Zhan Yanchao, Zhan Yanchao lost his temper and cursed the housekeeper who sent him: "What do you send him to do? Do I need people to cheat?"

After speaking, he turned around and lifted his whip to Ji Zuoshan's face.

At a young age, Zhan Yanchao had already made a pony whip like a dragon, and with a whip, Ji Zuoshan had a swollen face.

But he didn't scream, and stood upright, quietly thinking about his mind.

If they were sent home, that sibling would have no home again.

Then on the way back, you have to go to the street to find some old newspapers that can protect against the cold. If you are lucky, you may find cardboard boxes.

When the steward pulled Ji Zuoshan in horror to leave, Zhan Yanchao said, "Wait a minute."

He held his hands, drew to Ji Zuoshan, looked at his red and white cheeks, and asked curiously, "Why don't you ask me?"

In the heart of the eight-year-old Zhan Yanchao, Ji Zuoshan should cry at this time, holding his leg, tears flowing, and doing his best to ask for a chance to stay.

Ji Zuoshan looked at him: "Does it work?"

Zhan Yanchao was interested: "If I say it works."

Ji Zuoshan groaned and nailed himself to the ground with his knee.

Zhan Yanchao looked down at him, patted his face badly with a whip: "Knelt down, and then."

Ji Zuoshan bent over without hesitation and put his head to the ground.

Zhan Yanchao smiled with his whip and knocked on his shoulder: "I like this person. Stay."

Ji Zuoshan left so dimly, his identity is still "human animal", but the work done is all-encompassing, including cooking for Zhan Yanchao, accompanying Zhan Yanchao training, getting Zhan Yanchao to get up, and making Zhan Yanchao to make tea .

Zhan Yanchao and Ji Zuoshan were born on the same day and the same month. They are the second child of the exhibitor, and are the same as Ji Zuoshan.

Zhan Yanchao's mother died after giving birth to him, so Zhan father particularly hurt him, and raised him with a bad, willful, self-respecting fault, relying on his extremely talentedness, and whip at people.

Ji Zuoshan is more talented than him.

The energy in his body is inherently higher than ordinary people, and his mental strength is even more powerful.

In his underage, he even nearly converted from Beta to Alpha in a single training session.

Fortunately, he did not exhibit the problems of the wild tide. As his name suggests, he was like a mountain. He was silent, gentle, and never publicized.

It is probably for this reason that Zhan Yanchao particularly likes to bully Ji Zuoshan.

He always made all sorts of unreasonable demands, including letting Ji Zuoshan's mech stand without being hit by his own mech. But when he was good, he was really good to Ji Zuoshan, only allowed Ji Zuoshan to touch his bony horse, only allowed him to accompany himself to eat, and throw the carrot and eggplant he did not like straight into Ji Zuoshan bowl.

Ji Zuoshan's feelings for Zhan Yanchao are complicated.

When he was young, he regarded him as a benefactor.

But when he grows up, he has some other feelings.

This feeling stems from the mischief of a wild goose.

One day, Zhan Yanchao was not at home. His cousin visited and saw Ji Zuoshan cleaning up.

When he saw that Ji Zuoshan was thin and sturdy, he had an idea, and turned to show his father Yan Zhan Chao, "Uncle, I and my classmates are going to camp in the mountains. They need a luggage to do some chores. You borrow this person How about a few days for me? "

The status of the "human animal" is low, and doing a little chores is nothing, so Zhan Yanchao's father waved at will: "Take it."

Ji Zuoshan also thinks that this is nothing, but it is a helper to do some chores, just go.

As a result, that night, a team of police cars surrounded the tent just set up.

When my cousin was held by the gun, he was so scared: "I, we're just camping here, we didn't do anything ..."

Police said: "Someone has reported that you are trafficking."

Zhan Yanchao went down angrily from a police car in front, approached Ji Zuoshan, who was busy grilling meat by the bonfire, picked up his whip, and drew it severely to his face. Mingyan's cheeks became red: "Give me Get back!"

When my cousin looked at Zhan Yanchao, he thought of the cause and effect of the incident, and his face turned green: "Zhan Yanchao ?! You are crazy!"

Zhan Yanchao turned sharply, the flame in his eyes was more fierce than the bonfire, gritted his teeth and said, "My person, let you use it ?!"

On the way back, Zhan Yanchao drove and scolded his cousin and Ji Zuoshan all the way.

He scolded: "Ji Zuoshan, you **** is cheap. He lets you work and you work? You dog, so obedient ?!"

Ji Zuoshan was silent.

He has been so obedient for so many years, and he doesn't know why Zhan Yanchao is so angry this time.

Zhan Yanchao patted the steering wheel: "Talk!"

This is what it means to speak.

Ji Zuoshan said, "I am a human animal. I should be obedient."

Zhan Yanchao scolded and shifted gears, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes were rounded: "Who says you are a human animal ?! Do you want me to be a human animal? In the future, you must make me Alpha, the strongest Alpha, I see them who dare to use you! "

Ji Zuoshan suddenly looked up and looked at the exhibition Yan Chao in the mirror.

... he hasn't had Alpha's dream for many years.

In order to maintain the lives of his siblings, he is not equipped with dreams. He is a human animal and a human flesh battery, but he did not expect that Zhan Yanchao would give him such a promise.

He watched Zhan Yanchao, and his steady heartbeat was out of order for the first time.

Zhan Yanchao does seem to take this promise seriously.

When he went to the mech school, he also brought Ji Zuoshan, took him to train together, and even prepared Ji Zuoshan with a set of exclusive battle armors that matched him very much for his training.

This is something that Ji Zuoshan did not dare to imagine before.

When he was a kid, he made a set of mechs out of cardboard boxes. After being discovered by Zhan Yanchao, he joked for a long time and asked him if he wanted to feed the bugs.

Ji Zuoshan doesn't want to be a martyr or a hero. He wants to be Alpha, but he wants to support his siblings with his own strength. He wants to be equal to Zhan Yanchao, and wants to be in the same position as him, and is qualified to be with him.

However, on the eve of the game, Ji Zuoshan was hit by the exhibition Yanchao.

Zhan Yanchao told him that he was about to compete. You have to win everyone and then lose to me.

Ji Zuoshan couldn't believe it: "Did you not say ..."

Zhan Yanchao forgot what he said at first. He raised an eyebrow in doubt, and then smiled, "Isn't it good to be my Omega?"

Ji Zuoshan was silent for a long time.

When Zhan Yanchao became impatient, he replied, "OK."

Ji Zuoshan thought that Zhan Yanchao was just a child who hadn't grown up, so he didn't understand the meaning of commitment, and he didn't understand his expectation for many years.

When he grows up, everything will be fine.

At that time, Ji Zuoshan didn't know that some people would never grow up in his whole life.

A person who is silent and gentle like a mountain cannot withstand years of stubborn pangolin erosion.

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