Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 72: I heard that I am the God of War (9)

...... Zhan Yanchao and Ji Zuoshan ran out.

Anyone who has seen this matter can see it. The reason is that there are divergent opinions. The most widely circulated version is Ji Zuoshan climbing a new high branch and kicking the wild goose tide.

Before Ji Zuoshan responded, Zhan Yanchao first moved into anger.

He struck out a bunch of rumour-makers, first forcing the rumored homeowner, and then repairing it. Anything that has been posted in the mouth, discussed in private, has been beaten with a whip, and severely beaten.

This caused a rebound in public opinion for a period of time. It was determined that Zhan Yanchao was guilty of guiltyness and guilty to face, so he was so excited.

But those who dared to talk about him soon suffered another round of crickets.

Zhan Yanchao has been raging and star-stirring recently. Anyone who respects him and dares to talk to him is only the big brother Zhan Yan who came back from the front line to perform student summer training tasks.

In the past few days, my brother got red eyes and couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. He ran into the training room and drove the mech to do simulated combat exercises. Zhan Yanzhen felt helpless when he learned the consequences before the incident.

It is true that the exhibition mother is a living child. The exhibition Yanyan is a very gentle person. He is polite and handsome, and has a beautiful younger brother like a devil.

In a sense, the two brothers of the exhibitor are people with soft legs at first glance.

He was eleven years older than Zhan Yanchao, and when Zhan Yanchao began to show signs of **** king bastard, he had become the best Alpha of that session.

Zhan Yanchao only knew that he could converge in front of this big brother.

The less chance of returning home from the army, not to mention Zhan Yan as a young officer, the task is arduous, just to fight against the insect star has been exhausted and exhausted, it is really inattentive to look after the big Buddha at home.

Wearing a dark blue military uniform and a red embroidered badge that symbolizes honor, the show Yan Yan took his younger brother who got up in the middle of the night and went crazy, and poured a cup of black tea to him: "Drink, calm down."

Zhan Yanchao glanced at the glass, and put aside his lips: "I thought you would pour me wine. Isn't everyone in your army holding a lunch box for wine?"

Zhan Yan's gentle but unquestionable: "Don't pick. Your condition is already very good, some people on this planet can't even drink a mouthful of clean water."

If other people dare to speak to Zhan Yanchao with this tone, Zhan Yanchao would have been swept away.

To his brother, Zhan Yanchao didn't dare to pretend, took the cup and sipped.

Zhan Yanji said, "It's not good to hit people."

Zhan Yanchao raised her eyebrows: "They should fight! Everyone owes it!"

"Just because they said bad things about you?"

Zhan Yanchao sneered: "I'm afraid they talk about me?"

Zhan Yanji didn't speak, waiting for his explanation.

Zhan Yanchao knocked on the rosewood in front of him with his knuckles: "They abused the small season, didn't they just bully the small season and not care about them?"

Zhan Yan rubbed his lips.

Sure enough, as his father and housekeeper said, it was for the person who had already broken the relationship with the exhibitor.

Zhan Yanzhen did not get along with Ji Zuoshan, but only occasionally saw the silent and handsome child when he went home to visit relatives. He said very little, and smiled before seeing anyone, but the arc of laughter was not large, but there was a sense of cold .

Zhan Yanjiu didn't understand why his younger brother, who had exceeded his peers from a young age, had to raise a man, until he received a video sent from the inside some time ago.

The frosty teenager was tested for mental strength in a closed test room.

After he released his mental strength, the dial-shaped tester pointer turned wildly from the starting point for more than twenty laps, and changed from a tester to a fast-release CD.

The teenager turned to the camera, tilted his head and asked, "Are the tests over? Or do you want to change another instrument?"

This video is sent to everyone above the division level in the military.

It can be said that Zhan Yanming came back this time for Ji Zuoshan.

He originally thought that his brother had seen his ability and was going to make the best use of this man's animal, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Zhan Yanjiu said, "Yan Chao, you're not quite right now."

Zhan Yanchao raised his eyebrows openly, but couldn't hide the fatigue and loss in his eyes: "What?"

Zhan Yanzhang asked him, "Do you treat him as an animal or something else?"

Zhan Yanchao was a little irritable: "Who says he is a human being, he is a small season."

Zhan Yanji stared at him, and found that his expression did not seem to be false, and he doubted: "You treat him as a friend? But I heard that you don't seem to treat him well."

Zhan Yanchao looked at the black tea in the cup and cried, "I'm good to him! It's because he has no conscience! I haven't done this to anyone else."

"Yan treats all your friends like this?"

Zhan Yanchao said with confidence: "I have no friends."

Thinking of this, he was a little wronged.

Since childhood, he has only been a friend of Ji Zuoshan.

He lost his temper, and when someone was carrying it, he went bad step by step. Only Ji Zuoshan never got angry, so he couldn't help but explore where Ji Zuoshan's bottom line was.

Zhan Yanchao thought it was Ji Zuoshan who spoiled himself and then left his hand. He felt that this man was terrible, thinking with gritted teeth, and found a reason. He will use this reason to question him tomorrow.

Zhan Yanxi watched his brother grit his teeth for a while and then smiled slightly, thinking that this child was really a headache.

But now, he is more concerned about Ji Zuoshan.

At present, the idea of ​​pulling him into the West Army by virtue of Ji Zuoshan's relationship with the exhibitors may not be true.

A man with a strong mental strength is a rare encounter for a century, and Zhan Yanjiu is a special case, but after watching the video, he couldn't help crying from his heels.

Even the current one, at most, can only make the tester go around a word.

All military regions can't ignore this infinite potential combat power, and they are unwilling to wait for more than half a year. They wish to recruit him immediately.

But his existing Beta constitution is not the best choice for driving mech.

They can't change the global competition system for him, so they can only sacrifice their irritable heart and put forward a single combat capability to see Ji Zuoshan.

The upcoming summer training can be said to be the most recent and most appropriate time.

Before the mech competition, the students of the mech school had training in combating insects. Participants could drive special machines. Without special machines, the military could provide training machines for free.

The competition system is a knock-out system. Mecha is only allowed to enter the competition area. Food, water and daily necessities should not be carried. Mecha will be locked, including full map scanning and other functions. Participants need to collect specific loot before sunset, draw a whole terrain map of mountains and rivers through the daily broadcast, and finally return to the collection. Point to submit loot and topographic maps.

The arena was set up at a location that had been invaded by the Zerg, and it has now become a closed dead zone for thousands of miles.

This scorched earth is also clearly visible on the military's satellite map.

It has its own new title, "scar".

The "scar" area has complex terrain, barren city ruins, lush rain forests, and deserts that stretch hundreds of miles. There are poisonous snakes and beasts, exiled sinners, and some Zerg who have been captured and lost their research value.

Because of the death rate, this competition is voluntary. After all, no matter whether the planet is facing the fate that is about to be destroyed, there are always a group of young people who have mixed mecha competitions and retained their Beta status as their highest pursuit in life.

This competition is organized by the military, which is equivalent to the initial screening of the military. Those with outstanding performance will be included in the roster and become the key observation objects.

But this selection is different from the past. The game did not start, and everyone's attention was focused on the same person.

It can be said that the focus of this game is only Ji Zuoshan.

Zhan Yanzhen saw the conflict between his brother and Ji Zuoshan, but was not discouraged.

Joining the army is not a children's play. The team where Zhan Yanjiu is located is one of the core troops against the Worm Star, and undertakes frontal combat tasks.

If Ji Zuoshan is mature enough, he will consider the Western Army.

Zhan Yanchao didn't know his brother's thoughts and didn't plan to think about it.

The next day, he woke up from a night of chaos and prepared to talk to Ji Zuoshan, condemning him for throwing himself away. Whoever wanted him to enter the classroom saw three or two people sitting around Ji Zuoshan. Both men and women have tender feelings in their eyes.

Zhan Yanchao could see his heart burst into flames and sit down bitterly.

These days, each time Zhan Yanchao comes to him, he can toss a lot of movements. Ji Zuoshan ignored him, but quietly supplemented his notes, and the men and women beside him softly whispered to him and showed great diligence.

Zhan Yanchao's mental strength is not bad. He blocked all the sounds around him, leaving only the writing sound of Ji Zuoshan, which was more than ten meters away from him.

He bought a new pen and a new book, but the hand holding the pen was his.

The tip of the pen rubbed a strange rustle on the paper, and the word was written on his heart like a pen, making him tremble.

The whole world is left with his brush writing.

Zhan Yanchao thought that the previous voice was on his side, and he could hear it clearly without the use of mental energy.

The bony joint of his wrist flicked, the snoring sound of sucking ink, and the sigh when he couldn't figure out the problem ...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore. He had a kind of instinctive fear, as if he thought about it, he really lost it.

At this moment, in Ji Zuoshan's body.

Ji Zuoshan: "... Well."

Chi Xiaochitou, who is concentrating on playing card games, does not lift up: "Six teachers, ask Xiao Ji if there is something that can't be done, tell him."

061: "Hmm."

Ji Zuoshan whispered, "Why don't they leave." They had never been so enthusiastic about themselves before.

Chi Xiaochi patted his thigh, meaning: "Because of your drill, now it is a drill that breaks through the sky. Of course, everyone wants to come to the light."

061: "..."

Ji Zuoshan: "?????"

Modest learner Ji Zuoshan: "Mr. Liu, what does this mean?"

061: "... say you're great."

Ji Zuoshan pondered for a while, and gradually returned to the taste, making a big red face, shrinking.

To his surprise, Zhan Yanchao cleared the siege for him.

Zhan Yanchao could not bear it, and turned back and scolded: "Have you finished talking? Well, there's nothing to do, right?"

These days, the Yanyan tide is like eating explosives. No one wants to touch his mold. Everyone squeezes their eyes and spreads out like birds and animals.

Luo Qian glanced at Zhan Yanchao and went to see Ji Zuoshan again, and found that he lowered his head to copy the notes, his face remained unchanged, and he remained unmoved.

The pond Koike certainly did not change its face.

Even if Zhan Yanchao knelt down in front of him and asked to be Omega, he wouldn't lift his eyelids.

What matters is Ji Zuoshan's attitude.

After a brief silence, Ji Zuoshan sighed again: "Well."

Chi Xiaochi won again and asked him smoothly: "What's wrong?"

Ji Zuoshan said, "... I really want to be a Beta."

This is of course a complaint.

Beta is the **** least affected by pheromones. Ji Zuoshan does not want to make himself popular, not at all.

The reason is that the painful memory of the "previous life" scared him.

It has not been terrible to have been a livestock all the time. The terrible thing is that pheromone can turn people who have been educated into livestock.

Chi Xiaochi poked at the screen and said, "I thought about it when I was a celebrity. It's great to be an ordinary person. But when I took two hours of 8 million appearance time, I don't think so. I worry everyone Yes, I would like to do Alpha in the Beta. I do n’t need to do trivial tasks. I want to do Omega. I just have to lie down and eat. I want to make Omega. I have a stable life. Do n’t worry about being dragged away Senior Chicken and Duck. If you spend your whole life worrying, you don't have to do anything. "

The slightly mourned Ji Zuoshan blinked: "... Yes, yes."

Seeing Ji Zuoshan's mood improved, Chi Xiaochi asked 061: "Say, is the pheromone thing Chinese medicine, clam or durian? It's the kind that makes you impotence when you smell it."

061: "..."

Chi Xiaochi asked again, "Do you mind?"

Xiao Ji thought about her own clam flavor, and suddenly filled with hope: "No, don't mind."

Ji Zuoshan has a new goal today, to make a clam-flavored Alpha.

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