Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 73: I heard that I am a **** of war (ten)

The summer season is coming soon, and Rosie asks Ji Xiaoshan, played by Chi Xiaochi, if she wants to go to the "scar" summer training with her.

Chi Xiaochi asked her, "Are you going?"

Anyone who wants to participate in the "scar" summer training, almost without exception, is capable of self-confidence, and wants to try it out or get out of the limelight.

According to Rosie's strength, even if she doesn't make up the fun, she is still quasi-Alpha, it is better to retain her strength and wait until the game half a year later.

Rosie is wearing overalls and a black vest to repair the thrusters on her mech's back and sips her phone oil.

"I need some experimental data," she said.

Chi Xiaochi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Rosie said: "There are live Zerg in there. I have only seen anatomy before, but that is not enough. I need to dissect one by myself."

Chi Xiaochi admired such women and said, "That's fine. You need a bodyguard, I will go."

"I don't need it." Rosie's blue eyes blinked lightly. "I just think you should need this opportunity .... Hey."

A strand of hair fell from Rosie's ears, blocking her sight.

She spread her hands and leaned down from the straddle of the A-shaped ladder, and motioned to Ikkoike under the ladder to pull her hair up for her.

Before Chi Xiaochi raised his hand, Bru on the side took a step first, and carefully helped Rosie to pin down her hair, and attached a hairpin, which was quite ready.

At the end, it bowed and politely said, "Miss Rosie, all right."

Luo Qian still has a good impression on Ji Zuoshan, but this feeling has not yet reached the level of confession, only slightly higher than appreciation.

She had been following the trend, and it was certainly good to be able to get closer, and Bru was cut off halfway and not angry. She glanced at Bruce and said, "Bad for me, I will donate you to school tomorrow."

Bruce chuckled: "Miss Rosie, if you donate, I will run back secretly."

Chi Xiaochi looked up at Bru, who also looked down at Chi Xiaochi.

One person and one machine each extended their left and right hands and hit them together.

Watching the tacit understanding of the master and servant, Rosie subconsciously touched her mech, and her mech Rhett turned her head and asked, "Miss Rosie, what do you tell me?"

Luo Qian sighed, the battle-specific AI and the AI ​​improved from the housekeeping service were really different.

"Long hair is too much trouble." Rosie quickly turned her head, shaking her head, and said, "Go shave tomorrow."

The next day, she really shaved an inch.

While sipping breakfast milk, Da Sa slowly rode Rosie into the school on a bicycle, followed by a silent Ji Zuoshan.

... Rosie and Ji Zuoshan are in love.

Everyone spread it like this.

Although there is no mention of Zhan Yanchao in one and a half minutes, everyone has clearly reached the same consensus: that Zhan Yanchao is afraid of being killed by someone who raises it, otherwise he won't be stung by anyone. Like a rooster, who catches up with anyone.

And since there is no part of the Yan Yanchao in the rumors, the Yan Yanchao naturally can't find a reason to break out, so that the lips are blistered.

The interaction between Ji Zuoshan and Luo Qian made Zhan Yanchao look hot. Whenever he saw them standing side by side, he felt uncomfortable.

He hasn't spoken to Ji Zuoshan for a long time. However, Rosie was able to sit next to Ji Zuoshan and study the mech structure and the Zerg army system with him.

That was originally my own treatment!

Zhan Yanchao didn't know what regret was when he was a child. He has always been ignorant. He caught someone to fight when he was angry. He kissed and kissed when he was happy. This is the first experience in my life.

One day, he finally found a chance and met Ji Zuoshanxi in the bathroom.

Zhan Yanchao was very happy, but he still tried to pinch the corners of his lips and twisted the water pipe, but his eyes followed Ji Zuoshan.

Two months later, Ji Zuoshan was actually tall and white. The exposed muscles of his forearm were very tight. When he saw him, he just nodded slightly as he saw a stranger.

Where can Zhan Yanchao withstand this, forcing down a fire, he dared to speak: "You and Rosie are quite good."

Ji Zuoshan said, "Well."

Zhan Yanchao couldn't help but ridicule: "You can be careful. She said she wouldn't treat you as a human, and she would regret it before the game."

Ji Zuoshan glanced at Zhan Yanchao and showed a surprised expression: "She is not you."

Zhan Yanchao was choked and almost vomited blood: "When will I--"

With that said, he remembered something suddenly.

In a certain year, my cousin took Ji Zuoshan to fight ...

Although it was very unpleasant to recall it, Zhan Yanchao vaguely remembered that in the car, he seemed to be in a rage and indeed made a commitment to Ji Zuoshan.

So ... when he heard he wanted him to be Omega, he was willing to go with Rosie?

In his sorrow, Ji Zuoshan had wiped his hands and turned to go outside.

Zhan Yanchao took a few steps and shouted, "Ji Zuoshan !!"

Ji Zuoshan looked back at him.

Against those quiet eyes, Zhan Yanchao didn't know what to say.

He had already made up his mind to let him love where he died, but when he found that he was getting farther and farther away from him, a certain feeling in Zhan Yanchao's heart became stronger and stronger.

... No, it shouldn't be like this. Ji Zuoshan should not be like this.

He is obviously very tolerant and gentle, and he has done more extraordinary things before clearly ...

Yes, exceptionally.

Zhan Yanchao didn't know what it meant to be exceptional, but these days, he always chewed everything that happened on that day and compared it with before, only to realize that the actions he used to do seemed to be a little bit wrong.

But he will soon turn into anger again. Ji Zuoshan obviously endured so many things, why suddenly he couldn't bear it? Don't even give yourself a buffer?

Recalling the promises of that year, Zhan Yanchao finally understood the reason.

... Given hope, and once again deprived of it, did Ji Zuoshan leave because of this.

This time, Zhan Yanchao could not find any excuses to excuse himself.

Ji Zuoshan waited a long time to show the Yanchao tide, and then turned and left.

And the moment he turned around, the regret value that had remained calm for two months broke the ice and rose by 7 points.

061 said to Chi Koike: "moved."

Chi Xiaochi's attitude was peaceful: "I see."

In these days, 061 has been watching, and found that Chi Xiaochi did not deliberately design a set of tricks like the previous ones to let them get in, not to mention the card issue. On the contrary, he told Ji Zuoshanmoto On the contrary, people are more enthusiastic, and often go to the mall with him to buy some snacks.

061 said, "You don't seem to be doing the task this time."

Chi Xiaochi protested: "The value of remorse just rose."

061 thinking of the moisturizing Yan Yanchao just now, he couldn't help but sigh: "He just hasn't grown up and doesn't know what he likes." When he understood, it was too late.

Chi Xiaochi laughed.

061: "What?"

Chi Xiaochi: "Mr. Six, you haven't said this to the host you brought before."

061 thought about it, the detailed memory before formatting was gone, but he did not say it later, but he heard the host mentioned it more than once.

Thinking of this, 061 suddenly froze slightly.

Chi Xiaochi said, "If you have taught them this way, no wonder these people are crying and crying and they will stay."

It's time for the training class. Chi Xiaochi was not in a hurry to find someone to fight. He returned to the preparation room and let Brue stand by. He lay on the railing at the door of the preparation room and watched the latest fighting in the fighting room.

061 asks: "How do you say?"

Chi Xiaochi did not answer directly, instead said: "Your main **** is very interesting."

061 has a good memory. He remembered that the words Koike had said to 009, and 009 also relayed the words to him.

He waited quietly for Chi Xiaochi's analysis.

Chi Xiaochi said, "Why doesn't it let the host brush the favor value, but the more complex remorse value?"

Chi Xiaochi said: "I don't know its ultimate purpose. But frankly, the first time I heard the name of the so-called" **** attack recovery system ", I felt a little funny."

"It sounds like punishing those who are disappointed. It is the execution of justice. But when one person holds another person's life script and knows in advance everything that is about to happen, Teacher Six, what is his role?"

Before waiting for 061 to answer, Chi Xiaochi gave a slow answer: "... is God."

061 No.1, I agree with Koike's claim.

"But privileges are not given freely, and God can't be played by anyone. So those hosts dare not leave the script, for fear of losing this privilege, they can only force themselves into the role of the original owner." Chi Xiaochi said, "And this mentality, There is one of the greatest enemies.—Even scum, there is always something good about them. "

"Yang Baihua, he has a good skin, is gentle and easy to please, as long as his tolerance is strong enough to honor his parents with one heart; Lou Sifan is talented, as long as he does not hurt his personal interests, he will be happy to show you Good intentions; even Zhou Kai is not entirely useless, at least rich enough. For an unspoken Stockholm disease, it may be a crooked pot with a bad lid, a natural pair. As for the wild goose tide, it is a good one. Object, isn't it? The family has money, although the character is bad, it is not completely bad, there is room for correction, and once it is cured, it can still be considered a good match.

"In the face of a weekly opening, the host may still be able to avoid it. What if it is facing a salvation wild goose?"

"As‘ God ’, it ’s easiest to have compassion. Of course, for an unpardonable person, it ’s better to kill it as soon as possible. But for a person who has room to save, can‘ God ’ignore it,”

"He looked at you pitifully, dropped a few tears, and said a few words of remorse,‘ God ’is of course empathy. After all,‘ forgiving their fault is their own glory ’.”

061 was sweated by him, but Ji Zuoshan didn't know what they were talking about, but felt that this was very reasonable, so he made a bubble: "Mr. Chi was right."

Chi Xiaochi lay on the railing and said, "That's why I said, your Lord God is very interesting. He pushes ordinary people to be the God of remorse, but he doesn't care about the mentality of ordinary people. A world is okay The two worlds are okay. Ten worlds have passed, and the Huahua world has turned around. Maybe I also encountered one or two lovers who have succeeded in training and 'know what love is.' Where would I go back and do it empty-handed and lying down? Two or three vegetatives? "

061 was a little embarrassed by Chi Xiaochi taking what he said just now.

But Chi Xiaochi didn't seem to intend to let him go, and continued to ask, "Mr. Six, have you ever been in love?"

Before waiting for 061 to answer, Chi Xiaochi remembered: "Oh, yes, you have someone you like."

As soon as the person was mentioned, 061 was silent.

To him, the man was an illusory phantom and thousands of pieces that couldn't be put together, but this phantom gave him a desire.

——He knew that someone was waiting for him, and this waiting made him conscious and knew that he was not a bunch of data, but was once a person.

Chi Xiaochi said, "I like to be extraordinary."

"I like to go up and down stairs with him. I like that he taught me to play games. He won six sets and still let me win four sets. I like that he gives me food and dog meat. I like that he teaches me to read. I like him. Cover my ears when my parents quarrel-I didn't fall asleep, I listened. "

Ji Zuoshan's preparation room is on the second floor. Chi Xiaochi looked at the height under his feet, and there was a slight sadness in his careless eyes.

"... It's like he's dead. I can't wait to go with him, but I'm afraid no one remembers him except me, so I have to take his ties as my ties. I will live for him and live well."

After finishing this remark, Chi Xiaochi thought it was funny, and said, "Why do you tell me this ... eh?"

Before the words fell, he was caught in a embrace by surprise, one hand touched his hair, with the same human temperature.

Chi Xiaochi looked up and found out who was coming, and couldn't help but think: "Bru?"

Bruce said, "The host is in a bad mood."

Chi Xiaochi has long been used to Bruce's keenness. As an evolutionary and improved housekeeping AI, it certainly understands human emotions better than other AIs.

Chi Xiaochi laughed: "Okay, don't make trouble, let's train."

Bruce hugged him, not insignificantly, but unquestionably: "Master, don't move, let's sit down, shall we?"

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