Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 75: I heard that I am the God of War (12)

The two were a man and a woman, and it was the man who spoke.

The boy has two well-behaved dog eyes, and the girl is born as jasmine and is very beautiful, with curly hair **** high, although it is difficult to hide the pride, the overall temperament is not mean.

Chi Xiaochi looked at the two people from beginning to end and asked Ji Zuoshan: "How?"

Ji Zuoshan's voice couldn't hide his excitement: "Very good .... Look at the girl's hand."

Chi Xiaochi followed his instructions and said, "Yes." It's pretty.

Ji Zuoshan: "I have explored with mental strength. The bracelet worn on her wrist corresponds to a special machine for weapon specialization."

Chi Xiaochi: "... Um."

Ji Zuoshan also said: "To see the man's bracelet, use agile specialized machine."

Chi Xiaochi: "..." It's good, it seems to be planning to be completely cold.

Luo Qian glanced at them and asked Chi Xiaochi: "I'm fine. You."

Chi Xiaochi nodded: "Don't hold back."

The boy smiled and showed a little dimple: "No. Introduce me, my name is Wang Xizhou. This is my sister ..."

The girl gave Chi Xiaochi a careful look and nodded slightly, "Wang Xiaoqing."

This is even a successful team formation.

Chi Xiaochi went to register, and Rosie was sitting on a nearby rock, wearing mono earphones, unpacking a box of milk and drinking slowly, and did not plan to chat with two new teammates.

There is time on the road, not in a hurry.

Wang's sister and brother were not in a hurry to get together and talked together.

Wang Xizhou was so happy that the invisible little tail was about to shake: "Great, I thought it was difficult."

Wang Xiaoqing: "Just got online. Big sister wants us to have a good relationship with him."

Wang tied the tail of the boat: "... oh."

Wang Xiaoqing: "The older sister said that the South Army asked him to make a decision. It's up to you."

Wang Xizhou was a little embarrassed: "I think he's very difficult to speak ... fierce, like our dad."

Wang Xiaoqing: "You can expect a genius to have a good temper, but you can expect a sow to go up a tree."

Wang Xizhou coquettishly: "Sister ..."

Wang Xiaoqing quickly flung the pan: "I don't care. I'm here to do the task."

Wang Xizhou stunned, his eyes blinked.

Wang Xiaoqing gave him a sideways glance, and felt that it was very useful for the elder sister to call himself this silly younger brother to coax people.

But she was still a little dissatisfied: "But the partner he brought, I don't feel very reliable."

Wang Xizhou: "Ah?"

Wang Xiaoqing: "It's the sissy next to him ..."

After all, she turned to look at Rosie subconsciously.

Who would have thought that Rosie had looked at her as if she had heard her talk, and her blue eyes slightly bent when she touched her eyes.

Wang Xiaoqing was a bit lost face, and turned away.

Rosie looked down at herself and found herself wearing a corset and a camouflage vest for the sake of fighting.

... Ha, no wonder.

She scratched the short stubble of grass with her forefinger, and knuckled her silver lizard-shaped studs on her right earlobe, which was very interesting.

Ji Xiaochi folded back and held a note in his hand.

Rosie asked him, "What time is it going?"

Chi Xiaochi showed a note drawn randomly in his hand: "Four o'clock."

Zhan Yanchao in the distance was relieved.

When Ji Zuoshan and his party left, and went to the room to rest, he crowded among the crowd. He couldn't help but copy the other person's note and saw it, and found that it did not match the goal. Then he put the note back and left a foggy person Scolded "Neuropathy, this is it."

He was easily caught by a team starting at 4:15. He opened his mouth and said, "Is your team still short of people?"

These four people obviously all knew each other and shook their heads unifyingly: "We are not short of people."

According to the rules, after registering the group, the registrant will take out a note of when to leave, and it is not considered authentic to make a substitution.

Zhan Yanchao let go of this opportunity and tried to sell himself: "I use a personal machine. I can fight well."

When did he do such a decent thing at the second show, and before he finished speaking, he blushed first.

Unexpectedly, the four still shook their heads.

Zhan Yanchao's face was almost burning, and she chased behind the four of them: "I'm Zhan Yanchao. Have you heard of it?"

The four did not look at him and left.

Zhan Yanchao rubbed his cheek fiercely, trying to cover his face, but was shot again from the back: "Are you Zhan Yanchao?"

Zhan Yanchao turned his head.

Two of the four people who came here dressed well, wore high-top boots, and also wore an energy bracelet with a special machine in their hands. At first glance, they were noble men with a good family background, and the other two were very strong. However, it is respectfully smooth, with a low eyebrow and eyebrows. I can't wait to put my head into the chest. The energy ring worn on the wrist is very ordinary, which is the style of a training machine.

... human animals and masters.

Judging the identities of the four, Zhan Yanchao asked, "When do you start?"

The man who spoke first had Zhang Guozi's face, and raised his chin: "Ask me. Are you the Yanchao? The first mech school in District 23?"

Zhan Yanchao put up with it: "Well."

The Guozi face was happy: "Oh, Zhan Zi can't find a partner. This is really rare."

Zhan Yanchao: "..." Yo shit.

He squeezed the irritability drawn by a whip, the word came out of his teeth: "what time is it?"

The national character face lifted the note in Yang's hand: "three thirty."

The other nobleman was dressed in oily noodles, especially a piece of hair gel, which was evenly applied.

He squeezed his eyebrows and said, "I didn't expect Zhan Erzao in the rumor and I would like to borrow the Dongfeng of Ji Zuoshan. Come with us."

Zhan Yanchao's fist squeezed a muffled sound.

He reluctantly said, "Who am I changing with you?"

The hairspray man scrutinized like a beast among the two, and took one of the arms out: "You, get out, find someone else."

After all, he smiled and said to Guozi with a smile: "This is not useful. It is good that Zhan Ershi replaced him."

Zhan Yanchao lowered her head slightly to disguise her already distorted expression.

The other one kept running away to the registration office, crossed out one of the names, and replaced it with the name of Zhan Yanchao.

Zhan Yanchao didn't want to say a word to his new partners, just looking at the direction where Ji Zuoshan disappeared, thinking that he could start with him for a while, and his mood was slightly better.

As soon as I fell asleep until 3:40 in the morning, Chi Xiaochi was called up by 061. After a brief wash, he went to the preparation room and put on Bru.

When meeting with the Wang family at the starting point, Wang Xiaoqing, wearing a camouflage heavy armored mech, saw a dark blue ordinary training machine approaching, saying nothing but saying something.

Wang Xizhou said quickly: "Mr. Ji, don't you have a special machine?"

Chi Xiaochi said lightly, "No need."

Sister Wang's family: "..." This costume forced me to give full marks.

061 think, so cute.

They set out from the Southern District and head north.

It is adjacent to a desert here, and further afield is the oasis.

Soon after entering the training area, an extreme sense of desolation slowly came to mind.

The "scars" before dawn are faintly turquoise, and the wind and sand will blow fluctuating rustling noises. Because of the sympathy, the earthy smell of roasting in the day went straight to the nose and mouth. The wind was cold, but with a grainy feeling. When it entered the lungs, it turned into a sultry smolder, making people feel inexplicable.

After discussing with Ji Zuoshan, Chi Xiaochi simply issued an instruction: "Rosie and Xiaoqing draw, and Xiaolu and I are responsible for the surrounding investigation."

Wang Xizhou, wearing a light green mantis-type mech: "..."

Wang Xiaoqing's voice came from Mecha: "Where is our destination?"

There is still some time before six o'clock, do they keep going or do they find a place to rest first?

Wang Xizhou said, "Of course it is an oasis. This distance can be reached in about an hour and a half, and we can rest for another half an hour."

The voice didn't fall, and Wang Xiaoqing's face changed slightly, and he scolded a half-humped sand dune: "Who's there?"

With a bang, a six-hole mini grenade machine gun protruded from her right arm.

She aimed with her arms and pressed the launch button slightly with her fingertips. If it was a Zerg, she dared to rise, and her brain would be blasted in the next second: "."

The people on the other side of the dune saw that the situation was not good, and immediately rolled out: "It's me, we are people."

At a glance, who identified the dark black melee combat mech belonged to, Ikekoike said nothing.

The Guozi face in Mecha smiled and said, "Meeting is destiny. Let's go together and be a companion."

Chi Xiaochi saw sand in the gaps of their mechs, apparently squatting here for a while.

Luo Qian sneered and greeted Zhan Yanchao in the other team: "Zhan, it is indeed fate."

Zhan Yanchao didn't take Rosie's stubble, stared straight at Ji Zuoshan's mech, but found that his attention was not there.

Wang Xiaoqing didn't look down on the team, but knew that entanglement with them could only disgust himself, and kept silent.

Seeing that they successfully entangled Ji Zuoshan, the hair gel men and his team did not have time to snicker, so they heard Ji Zuoshan's cool mouth and said to Wang Xizhou on the side: "Some people use a special machine, which is also a waste snack."

I heard that the face of the Chinese character and the hairspray man's face were pale, but it was not easy to attack, so I had to secretly write down.

When he set foot on the road, Wang Xizhou whispered to Chi Xiaochi: "Brother Ji, you are too fierce."

Chi Xiaochi's eyes did not blink, "Seeing people talk, seeing people talking about people."

In private, he complained to 061: "... Scared me. I don't know how scary it is."

061 laugh.

...... The frightened Koike is also cute.

It was estimated half an hour faster than Wang Xizhou, and the group came to the oasis.

Chi Xiaochi didn't recommend to settle down by the lake. His sister Wang obeyed him and took off the mech at a certain distance from the lake. He planned to take a nap for a while, but the two young masters came all the way to the sky and took off. Mecha went to the lake to drink water and take a bath. The remaining celebrity followed them dutifully. Rosie saw that the sky was getting brighter and did not plan to sleep. She set out to study the wild animals and plants in the forest.

Chi Xiaochi also stepped out of the mech and adjusted Bleu to the standby detection mode. Regardless of the distance from the exhibition tide, if there was no sight, he lay down on the spot.

Bru folds a small flower on an unknown tall tree and places it on the side of Chi Xiaochi's ear, while sitting next to Chi Xiaochi himself.

061 said, "Sleep for a while. You slept late today."

Chi Xiaochi said, "I was a little excited when I thought of coming out."

... is the elementary school student spring outing?

061 smiled softly, the laughter was soft and deep, making the ears itch.

061 said, "I'll call you when the sun comes out."

Chi Xiaochi: "I can't sleep."

061: "I read to you?"

Chi Xiaochi thought: "You sing for me."

061 laughed: "... well. What do you want to hear?"

After playing a song, Chi Xiaochi didn't sleep well and started shaking his legs along the melody.

061 can't help but sing halfway: "Don't shake, sleep well."

Chi Xiaochi was childish again: "I want to shake."

"It's not a good habit," said 061. "Don't bring a bad season."

Chi Xiaochi asked the parties: "Are you going to be broken?"

Ji Zuoshan snorted and obediently answered, "No."

Chi Koike shrugged, indicating that he had won.

061 Helpless: "How do you sleep like this?"

Chi Xiaochi hippie smiled with long legs, "You can't shake if you don't hold it."

061 ears suddenly became popular: "..."

But before he could think about it in the future, Bruce moved, and at the same time 061 received an ominous message.

He said, "... there is something in the lake."

Chi Xiaochi immediately put away all the unscrupulous expressions, turned over and sat up, staring at the shimmering lake, where the starry fishing fire shone.

Ji Zuoshan in his body asked, "What is it?"

061 The voice became colder: "It is not clear what the object is. But it is a living thing."

"How much is it?"


Obviously there is only one, but Ji Zuoshan could not hear the tone of 061 to relax.

He seemed to realize: "... how old?"

"Half a lake is so big." 061 whispered at the two young men who were playing by the lake and splashing the water on humans with impunity, "It ... was awakened."

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