Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 78: I heard that I am the God of War (15)

At 23:00, Chi Xiaochi turned in half a cubic meter of Naman metal to remove the cosmic radiation material according to the required specifications, and rushed to meet the coordinates agreed with Rosie and others.

Most of the Naman metal contained in the stardust was taken away by Chi Xiaochi, and the metal was converted into a cold liquid by 061 and stored in an empty cabin.

With these six bottles of liquid, Bru's new body is considered to have fallen.

Chi Xiaochi was in a good mood, but couldn't stop the double attack of drunkenness and drowsiness. After setting the target coordinates, he said to 061, "I'm asleep."

061 Wa La La opened a book: "I read to you last time ..."

Chi Xiaochi was really exhausted, reaching out and pulling twice, as if to cover who's mouth: "... I'm going to sleep, don't make a noise."

061 stunned for a long time, until the sound of constant breathing sounded close to the heart, Bruce raised his hands simultaneously, stroked his chest, and felt the subtle sound of the inner sound.

...... Why is there so much thought all the time?

Too smart and too tired.

... and he soon realized the consequences of "thinking too much."

It wasn't until sandwiched by four special-purpose machines that 061 found someone following them for a long time.

One of the crimson mechs, holding the detector, said, "Yes, he has a very strong Naman metal signal."

Another spider-type mech held a laser gun and sneered, "Give it up quickly. One-on-four, can your mech carry it? You should count it."

The other two mechas did not make a sound, but the two infrared rays aimed at Bru's knee together, and one aimed at the power system on his back. If he tried to break through forcibly, he would be immediately brought down.

And 061, or Blu, didn't plan to run at all.

Brue stood in the middle of the encirclement, politely: "Shh, please be quiet. My master is sleeping."

The Spider Mech was happy: "This is still a highly intelligent system."

Bru stared at the detector in Crimson Mech's hand, and instantly explained all its functions: "According to regulations, each person cannot carry a detector with a range of more than one kilometer. How did you bring it in?"

The spider's mech snorted, his fingertips pulled the trigger, and the white laser light hit Bru's back.

Bruce knelt down on his hips.

The spider mech turned on the laser gun's energy storage button and said scornfully, "There is so much more. Give it away, or you will be scrapped here."

Crimson Mech is a girl. She didn't agree with the robbery of open fire, but at the end of time, no one in the group of four could find the Naman metal, the size of the nail of the little finger. How could they be willing?

She said, "Give it up and help us."

Bruce didn't say a word or ignored her.

The Spider Mech threatened: "If you do n’t pay, we will let you be here, and then destroy your host ’s helper. Then, your host will wander here with an iron golem. You Do you know how long it takes to walk to the nearest monitoring point? A full ten kilometers. Do you know what you would meet on the road without mecha? "

They were all waiting for Bru to disarm.

This mechanical personification level is very high, there is a personal emotional system, and you should know what it means to be "frightened."

Bruce raised her head on one knee and asked, "... what will you meet?"

The spider mech didn't expect this to be a coffin without tears. He held up the laser gun and said angrily, "Are you toasting, not eating and drinking?"

After scolding, he pulled the trigger again.

This time he aimed at Brue's head.

If one shot runs through, then Bruce's central core system will inevitably be scrapped.

Unexpectedly, the trigger was pulled, but he could not see the laser light emitted by the laser.

Bru did not know when he came to his side, staying with his right hand at a distance of ten centimeters from the muzzle, and the laser light gathered into a ball, which could no longer be inch.

Bruce let go of the left hand that was holding down the "war damage" just now, and his palm is like a laser energy that had just hit his body!

With a slight movement of his wrist, countless snow-white laser butterflies came out of Bru's mechanical fingers and scattered away.

Bruce stood in front of the sluggish spider mech, and bowed gently, "It's rude."

Everyone was wondering, what the **** was this defensive system.

But instinct has made them all fire, the goal is of course Bru.

But those bullets, lasers, and penetrating infrared rays can no longer move forward to the outside of the blue mech, and they have all turned into fine afterimages. If you look closely, you can see countless parsed data flowing in it. Running around the body and drifting.

Brue reached out and turned the penetrating infrared light ready to be directed into his wrist weapon system: "... guys."

The line of robberies has fallen into complete stagnation.

Bruce turned the laser's track again, like playing with a soft rope: "... I said just now that my master was sleeping."

Two of the four in the group using infrared guns were aware of the situation and wanted to escape, but found that their power system had failed.

They had to force restart the power system, who wanted to receive a series of error messages.

In amazement, I saw a white laser butterfly flying slowly through their imaging system, and for a moment, all of their imaging system was declared obsolete.

... when did these things invade their mechs? !!

At this point, Brue had modified all the trajectories, and said gently: "I don't want to wake him up. So I hope you guys will take care of it and don't yell too much."

After all, it made a 45-degree bow.

At the moment it bent down, the weapons and ammunition that were stuck in midair moved.

——Infrared rays penetrated the traveling power system of the spider mech, the laser gun blasted the detector of the crimson mech, and the laser shot through the other two mech weapon systems.

When Brue stood up, the other four mechs that were shot into honeycomb coales collapsed.

He looked around and determined that all the four mechas were completely scrapped. They could not even get out of the cabin, so they walked to the side of each mech, and opened the cabin of their distress signal as if they were opening their own door. , Like a birthday candle.

Bru said, "Listen to Mr. Spider, the nearest monitoring point is about ten kilometers away from here. As for people who do n’t have mechs, what will they encounter in this wild country, please slowly Explain to your companions. "

The spider mech has panicked: "Give it back to us, give it back to us! ... please!"

Brue ignored them, got up and left, and planned to let them stay there until midnight.

Four laser white butterflies stopped on four distress signals, fluttered their wings and fanned out a stream of data.

After walking for more than ten kilometers, Chi Xiaochi woke up naturally from light sleep.

061 asks, "Do you sleep well?"

The cockpit is soft and comfortable, the temperature is just adjusted, and the surroundings are extremely quiet. It can be said that it is dark and sweet, and it has not even dreamed.

"Good." Chi Xiaochi stretched comfortably. "Bru, what time is it? Where is it?"

Bru carefully felt the movement of Koike in the body, his tone was extremely gentle: "At 11:58 in the evening. There are still a few hundred meters to reach the agreed assembly point."

Chi Xiaochi asked, "Is there anything you have encountered on the road?"

Bruce answered, "No, everything is safe."

After the mech slipped out of the way, Chi Xiaochi suddenly heard a sharp electronic sound in the distance and turned to look at it. I saw four fireworks exploding in the air, and the lights were diffused, like a silver snake spitting a letter and a golden dragon shouted. Extraordinarily striking in the night.

061 laughed very quickly and lightly.

Chi Xiaochi looked back and felt something: "Six teachers?"

"Cough." 061 coughed softly. "It looks like a squad has collectively happened."

Chi Xiaochi said: "Their distress signal is quite entertaining."

061 had not spoken yet, and heard Rosie's voice came from behind: "... Ji?"

He turned and saw a cliff not far away where Rosie and her mech Red were raising their hands to say hello to him.

Rosie shouted, "Xiao Qing has just baked a hare and is coming up. Has your mission been completed?"

Ji Xiaochi jumped out of the mech and deliberately said, "It's not finished."

"Excellent." Rosie wasn't bothered, and she shouted back to her sister Wang Jia: "Take up the rabbit legs and leave the rabbit bones to him."

Luo Qian was a good get-together. In just a few hours, Wang Xiaoqing and Wang Xizhou were already familiar with her.

The three young girls laughed together, and even Ji Zuoshan raised the corners of his lips, and his eyes were slightly fluctuating.

Under the mountains and rocks not far away, Zhan Yanchao's eyes turned over the sea tides, his fists squeezed tightly.

This was not the case before.

Before ... only Ji Zuoshan and him.

Ji Zuoshan has almost never laughed, and now he laughs like an iron tree blossoming, which is very exciting.

Zhan Yanchao was lying on the back of the rock and staring at it, and suddenly found that Ji Zuoshan looked around and seemed to be snooped. He immediately retracted the rock and held down his mech's head and whispered: "Don't move Look down! "

Looking at the regret value rising to 15 o'clock, Chi Xiaochi said nothing, and went up the cliff with Bru.

Zhan Yanchao chased the leaving footsteps eagerly. Until he couldn't hear them, he buried his face in his arms with red eyes and whispered, "Ji Zuoshan, you come back."

But the voice was too low to even hear himself.

His mech looked down at him.

Zhan Yanchao sat for a while, suddenly thinking of something, opened his mech and drilled in, and gave a command: "Turn off all the insulation, lighting and somatosensory systems, leaving only the external alert system."

The fighter armor obeys the command of the master, and it does so naturally.

The whole world is quiet.

Usually, Zhan Yanchao communicates with the mech's senses, of course, but it doesn't feel anything, but all the systems go on strike, leaving only the drooping, narrow, sultry, and dark in the cabin, like a coffin.

... like the coffin he once built for Ji Zuoshan.

He always thought it was just an insignificant punishment.

Within an hour, he began to get irritable, sweaty, palpitated, and couldn't see anything in his eyes.

Two hours later, he just felt like an ant's body, and couldn't help pulling his finger inside the mech.

Jijia asked him if he was about to come out. Zhan Yanchao sighed and said no need.

I don't know how long it passed, the mech felt that there was a very strong impact and struggle inside, and it immediately adopted an emergency plan to eject the cockpit.

Zhan Yanchao rolled out of the cabin and fell to the ground. His clothes were sweaty, and he wiped his face several times. He asked the mech with a trembling voice: "What time is it ..."

Jijia replied, "Master, it's four o'clock."

Zhan Yanchao was weak all over, looking at the dark, pre-dawn night sky, thinking that he thought he had spent half his life in it.

No wonder every time Ji Zuoshan came out of the coffin, he was cold and sweaty, his elbows hit green and black, and he always blamed him for being coquettish. He didn't know to reflect on his mistakes, but only to make trouble with him.

He turned to face up, covered his head and face, and huddled together.

What did he do ...

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