Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 100: 2 company commander's invitation! The thorns were dumbfounded!

"Fuck! Three conditions, three songs?"

"This condition is too tempting, isn't it?"

"Isn't it just running 10 kilometers in 36 minutes? It's not too difficult! We are running normally now, and we can run in 40 minutes as a whole!"

"The 400-meter obstacle run in 1 minute and 40 seconds is a bit difficult! This has extremely high requirements for the 100-meter sprint, passing obstacles, and physical fitness! I'm afraid this can't be achieved!"

"As for the marksmanship? I have also observed carefully before, the marksmanship of many brothers seems to be inherently inaccurate. Although most of them can easily hit the 40th ring, there are still a few people, every time they are More than 30 rings, the condition of this marksmanship, I am afraid it is not so easy to achieve."

"So, it seems that the first condition is the easiest to achieve?"

"No, brothers! I seem to have realized a truth! The 400-meter obstacle itself is a test of physical fitness. If we all meet the requirements in weight-bearing running, then our physical fitness will definitely be improved! At that time, For the 400-meter obstacle, it will also be of great help! Not to mention how many seconds to improve! At least a few seconds of improvement is no problem!"

"If the turnover rate is controlled again at that time, I think, we will definitely be able to complete the second condition!"

"At that time, we can let the company commander write two songs!"

"Wonderful! It makes sense!"

"As for the third one, it's up to fate!"

"After all, there are still ten days left!"

"What if, within ten days, a brother who was not good at marksmanship suddenly had an epiphany?"

The thorns discussed excitedly, weighing the pros and cons, judging the situation, and analyzing the possibility of each condition.

The biggest problem at present is the 400-meter obstacle.

Now there are 98 of them, and there are only a few who can run in 1 minute and 40 seconds in total!

This condition is a long way to go!

But if you can improve your physical fitness within ten days, plus today is the first day of training, and you will train more frequently in the future, there will definitely be a big leap.

Just see if you can run in 1 minute and 40 seconds.

"How about it, can it be done?"

Seeing the excited faces of the thorns, each one seemed to have a new goal, Qin Yuan asked with a smile.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The thorns nodded excitedly immediately.


Qin Yuan ate happily.

After the improvement of this food, not only is it rich in nutrients, but also the taste has been improved by several levels.


Recruit company meals only.

The second company commander and the company commander Liu walked over with a smile, glanced at Qin Yuan's dinner plate, and couldn't help but sigh, "Hey, company commander Qin, your recruit company is going against the sky. I didn't expect the food to improve, it's not at all. One or two days, but it lasted for so long? Compared with the food of your recruit company, alas, our meal here is tasteless in an instant."

In fact, the first time they saw the improvement of the recruit company's meals, they all thought that it was just an occasional extra meal.

But I didn't expect that their extra meal would last for so many days.

Every day, hard dishes such as abalone, lobster, barbecue, etc. are essential.

This is really frustrating people.

It's a pity that although they ate with the recruits in the same restaurant, they couldn't eat it at all, they were only greedy.

Qin Yuan smiled lightly, "I also got the light of the soldiers. The recruit company has a rich second-generation, and they pay for their own sponsorship. I am also very helpless."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Captain Qin, you are too Versailles." The second company commander laughed.

The sixth company commander smiled and said, "By the way, company commander Qin, I was at the door just now. I heard you say that I will write a new song soon?"

When the second company commander heard it, his eyes lit up and he pricked up his ears to listen.

"That's right, this recruit is so active in training. He occasionally puts forward some not-too-excessive requirements. If you can satisfy them, you will try your best to satisfy them. After all, this song is also the spiritual food of soldiers, isn't it?" Qin Yuan said with a smile.

The second company commander nodded immediately and couldn't help but exclaimed again, "Aiya, company commander Qin, you recruits are invincible in company food, and the company commander can write lyrics and compose music. Yell, it's fierce like a beast, it makes me want to go to the recruit company to train."

"Hahaha, the second company commander is very polite. In fact, recruit training is the same thing. You are all here, so what's there to envy?" Qin Yuan shook his head with a smile.

"That's not the same! In fact, Company Commander Qin, we are very curious about your recruit training." The sixth company commander came over and said with a smile, "This year's recruits are all thorns. It has been recognized by everyone. It is said that the regiment commander came to the recruit company several times, and the recruits did not give him a good face, haha, I don't know whether this is true or not, and it was spread in private!"

"When you think of the regiment commander being slumped in the recruit company, you don't know, our company commanders all laughed at that time, hahaha..."

"After all, who made the head of the regiment be so fierce to us at ordinary times."

The second company commander immediately smiled and nodded, "That's right. Lao Qin, is this true or false?" The second company commander asked with a smile.

"Is it true or false?" Qin Yuan couldn't help but smile.

Didn't expect this to spread?

It seems very unfriendly to the glorious image of the head of the group, doesn't it?

This will not work!

"Where did you all hear the rumors, Colonel Tangtang, the head of the regiment, said that he was one-of-a-kind in the regiment. How could his old man be deflated in the recruit company? Rumor, this is definitely a rumor." Qin Yuan immediately shook his head and denied it.

What Qin Yuan is not afraid of the most is the thorns.

But for superiors?

He is very respectful!

If the head of the regiment knew about this, he would have to train him.

Of course, if the head of the regiment really trains him, the thorns know about it and go to the head of the regiment for the account, then he won't be able to control it.

Qin Yuan is a good soldier and respects the good soldiers of his superiors, but the most feared of the thorns are the so-called senior officers.

The second company commander was stunned when he heard the words, and couldn't help but stare, "What's the matter? It turned out to be a rumor? No, Lao Qin, this matter is my good brother. There will never be a fake, why, how did it become a rumor when it came to you?"

The second company commander was confused.

Seeing this, the sixth company commander suddenly showed a look that I understand, and said with a smile, "Second child, why are you confused? This is Lao Qin deliberately protecting the face of the regiment commander, hahaha... this matter, It must be true!"

Qin Yuan smiled and didn't say much.

The two suddenly understood more.

At the same time, the two also admired Qin Yuan more and more.

This group of recruits are not afraid of even the head of the regiment, but in front of Qin Yuan, they are as well-behaved as a cat.

There seems to be a lot of mystery in this.

This Qin Yuan's background must also have a great background.

After dinner.

Qin Yuan brought a copy to the Black Emperor as usual.


Seeing Qin Yuan's arrival, the Black Emperor immediately wagged his little tail excitedly, rushed over, and ate.

A whirlwind of clouds.

Hei Huang ate a large bowl of food cleanly, and then rubbed against Qin Yuan's calf intimately, with a contented expression on his face.

"Huh? Why did the black emperor's head grow a small clump of golden hair?"

I hadn't noticed it before, but now, when he got closer, Qin Yuan was surprised to find that the black emperor's hair that was as black as ink had faintly appeared in a small patch of gold.

"Is it mutated?"

Qin Yuan touched the golden hair and was very surprised.

It's really strange that this black dog has blond hair.

After lunch break.

Qin Yuan brought the thorns to the shooting range.

Thinking that within ten days, if the overall score can be improved to above 45, you will be able to get a new song, and the enthusiasm of the thorns in shooting training is even higher than ever.






A bullet was fired.

The thorns train extremely seriously.

Zhang Shuai, Zangchong Fangtian, and several others with superb marksmanship taught him his shooting skills.

For those who couldn't even do basic movements well, Qin Yuan personally directed them to increase their shooting more quickly.


The two-hour shooting training came to an end.

With more than an hour remaining, continue to start training your physical fitness.

2000 push-ups per person!

After finishing, you can choose to continue to practice the gun, or go to practice the 400-meter obstacle.

The training tasks in the past ten days are 400 meters and shooting training and 10 kilometers running with weight.

dinner time.

The second company commander and the sixth company commander ran over again with a smile, and said quite loudly: "Company Commander Qin, last time your recruit company and our veteran company had a good discussion, and our veterans are not satisfied at all! There are only three days until Saturday, so everyone suggested that it is better to have a basketball game tonight, how about it?"

"Basketball game?" Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard it.

The second company commander smiled and introduced, "We are soldiers after all, and we can't do much about fighting and killing. But in the process of basketball games, there are fierce physical confrontations, which can be regarded as a kind of competition and confrontation. Moreover, If you are interested, Lao Qin, the company commander can also participate."

"Can the company commander also participate?" Qin Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Qin Yuan hasn't used it well since he got proficient basketball skills.

Playing basketball seems like a good choice?

The training effect of the thorns today is very good!

Hard work all day.

Why don't you give them a vacation and play basketball with the veterans?

If necessary, you can have fun yourself.

Zang Chong, who was sitting next to Qin Yuan, immediately became very interested, "Basketball game? Company commander, promise them! My favorite sport is basketball! Of course, what I like more is the abuse of veterans!"

The second company commander and the sixth company commander suddenly changed their expressions when they heard it.

This recruit...

Will you speak?

Don't know where to converge?

"Company commander, the brothers have been training hard these days. It would be great if you could relax by playing basketball." Zhang Shuai also said with a smile.

When Hao Lian Yaoyao heard this, he became even more excited, "Basketball game? Company commander, my iron elbow is designed for basketball games! Promise them!"

As soon as the two company commanders heard Hao Lian Yaoyao's words, their expressions changed again.

Iron elbow?

In their minds, a classic scene in the NBA suddenly appeared. A guy named Artest couldn't help but come to mind.

Could it be that this guy, when the time comes, also wants to kill a veteran to add to the fun?

They suddenly regret it now!

"Do you really want to participate?" Qin Yuan looked at the three of them and asked with a smile.

Zangchong Zhang Shuai Hao Lian Yaoyao nodded violently immediately.

"That's good! Since you are so interested, I will agree!" Qin Yuan smiled and nodded, "Two company commanders, let's see you after dinner."

"Okay!" The second company commander and the sixth company commander nodded awkwardly.

The meal is over.

Qin Yuan assembled the team to the veterans training ground.

They have all the entertainment facilities here.

It's not like the recruit company, you don't have anything you want, and you have to do it yourself and build it yourself.

When they heard that there was no training tonight and there was a basketball game to watch, the thorns were even more excited.

"Remember, tonight is a friendly basketball game, and I have two requirements! First, never intentionally hurt anyone!"

Qin Yuan glanced at Hao Lian Yaoyao and Zang Chong.

The two immediately smiled and lowered their heads.

How could Qin Yuan not understand the minds of the two of them?

play ball?

Fuck it!

I'm afraid they are completely aimed at beating people!

"Second, you can only win and not lose! If you lose this game, after the basketball game is over, you will run 30 kilometers under load!" Qin Yuan's icy eyes swept across the crowd, and he said angrily.

"Yes! Company commander!" The thorns immediately nodded excitedly.

At the same time, I also felt a lot of pressure!

Want to win over veterans?

They really don't know if they can do it!

But when they thought that if they lost, they would have to run 30 kilometers, and the thorns immediately made a decision.

This game must be won!

As for Qin Yuan?

The purpose of is of course to cultivate a strong desire to win and lose!

The king of soldiers, they are all fighting for strength!

Without a determination to win, you can't become a warrior king, and you can't win a battle!

And the victorious mind is something that is cultivated invisibly, bit by bit.

"As for the competition personnel, you choose and recommend yourself!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he let the thorns choose for themselves.

The thorns quickly selected 5 people, Zangchong Zhang Shuai Hao Lian Yao Yao Fang Tian and Xu Kai.

In terms of physical fitness, these five people are all top-level existences in the recruit company.

And in high school, they had a fanatical hobby of basketball. According to their respective statements, everyone is of good strength, and it is absolutely no problem to beat the veterans.

However, when they saw the 5 people selected by the veteran camp, the 5 people from Zangchong were immediately dumbfounded!

"Damn it! This is so bullying! This motherfucker, that big tall guy, at least 2 meters above, right?"

"Brother dei, what's your look? That guy is taller than a savage, definitely more than 210 centimeters!"

"With such a tall height, why doesn't he play basketball? What kind of soldier does he come here?"

"Not only that, their veteran team doesn't seem to be less than 1.9 meters tall, right? That is to say, the shortest among them is also in the same rank as the savages!"

"This is miserable, this is miserable!"

"It's over, it's over! It's still a haircut, I'm sure to lose! I didn't run 30 kilometers tonight!"

After seeing the opponent's lineup.

The thorns screamed immediately.

This bitch!

Exactly like elementary school and college students playing ball!

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