Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 137: Terrible overall result!

Chapter 138 Terrifying overall results! [15, please subscribe! 】

"My God! It's all 50 rings?"

"It's too strong! It makes the scalp tingle!"

"Everyone gets full marks? We don't seem to have practiced guns recently, don't we!"

The thorns couldn't help but sigh.

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have believed it?"

"It's so awesome! It's the first time I've seen such an awesome recruit company!"

"It's terrifying! It's terrifying!"

When the three platoon leaders of Zhao Ruixuan saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

no way!

This is definitely a lifetime series.

Even today's veteran company, with 10 people at random, probably wouldn't be able to achieve such an awesome record.

"It's really a talented person from generation to generation, a wave is stronger than a wave!"

Zhao Ruixuan couldn't help but sigh.

However, they were shocked, and Zangchong was even more shocked.

"No, Su Xiaoyu! What the hell, you haven't practiced guns for a few days, yet you got full marks?"

"It's so irritating! I'll give it a full score! Your kid even got a full score?"

"It's not fair! It's not fair! I can hit 50 because the target is only 50! But you can hit 50 because you can only hit 50! At such a close distance, I can't exert my strength at all!"

"It's so arrogant, bro dei! The handsome guy didn't even brag about it, but you're actually pretending to be arrogant?"

The 10 people who were tested gave full marks to the people around them, and they were even more unconvinced.

I originally thought that with my terrifying marksmanship, I would be able to show my hands well.

good guy!

Unexpectedly, all of them get a full score of 50 rings!

How can this be revealed?

For a moment.

Everyone was a little unhappy.

Especially Zhang Shuai!

Before he shot, he knew that he could definitely score a perfect score!

It's so close after all!

He can light a match at a distance of 200 meters!

For such a close target, there is no challenge at all for him!

But he didn't expect that the people around him also scored full marks!

"It's just that if they look closely at the target, they will definitely find that my target is different!"

However, Zhang Shuai still has absolute confidence in his own strength!

Because, this time, he passed 5 bullets and hit a circular trajectory at the red heart of the target!

Such precise control!

It's definitely not something ordinary people can do!

Even a top sharpshooter may not be able to do it!


In reality, no one is going to check the target!

"Let this secret be buried in your heart!"

Zhang Shuai is low-key by nature, not showing off the mountains or showing the water, and he usually does not show off his abilities in a high-profile manner until the last resort.

It's just that the only bad thing about doing this is that it sometimes makes you uncomfortable!

"next batch!"

Qin Yuan is very satisfied with this result!

after all.

Now everyone's marksmanship level is proficient!

Proficiency level, what concept?

This is absolutely comparable to the level of special forces!

In the whole country, it is the top level.

If such a terrifying level of marksmanship still fails to score full marks, they would simply pretend to be dead.

After examining the marksmanship of the first batch of 10 people, Qin Yuan finally had a rough judgment on the marksmanship of the thorns.

"This group of thorns, this test score, I am afraid that not many people are lower than the 48th ring!"

Qin Yuan smiled slightly.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Da da da da!


The second batch of thorns almost didn't aim much!

Raise your hand and shoot!

Da da da da! 5 bullets fired very quickly!

"Report the target!"

Qin Yuan scolded.

"Target 1, 50 rings!"

"Target 2, 50 rings!"

"Target 3, 50 rings!"

"Target 10, 50 rings!"

When the target's voice sounded.

Everyone's scalp is numb again!

"My God! Full marks again?"

"This lady, what's going on?"

"It's too scary! Did you all hang up today?"

"What's the matter, it's not so awesome to hang up, right?"

The thorns felt incredible.

It is reasonable to say that Zhang Shuai Zangchong can give them full marks.

Then the second batch of thorns all scored full marks, which is very incomprehensible.

After all, their original foundation was not as good as Zhang Shuai's.

but now.

Did you get the same result?

How can this not be shocking?

However, this made Qin Yuan feel more reassured.

"This is the strength of proficient marksmanship! If you can't score a full score even with 5 bullets at 100 meters! Then this proficient marksmanship is too bad!"

With an indifferent smile, Qin Yuan continued the test of substitutions.


Second batch, third batch, fourth batch…

After nearly an hour.

The test is over for everyone!

And Qin Yuan also obtained an unprecedented and terrifying result of the marksmanship test for recruits!

Logically speaking, the test of the recruit company only needs to test the score of 5 bullets at 50 meters!

And Qin Yuan directly more than doubled the difficulty. The test was the result at 100 meters!

But here comes the scary place!

Even the 100m test!

Of the 97 thorns, 96 scored full marks!

There is only one person, because the original foundation is too poor, and the psychological tension is too nervous, he scored 49 rings!

That's why people's average grades are infinitely close to full marks!

"Fuck! I never dreamed that I could perform so well!"

"50 people, 49 full marks, one 49 ring! Who dares to believe this?"

"To say that this is the most awesome recruit company ever! There is absolutely no one to refute it!"

"This is a company of sharpshooters, and no one dares to say a word! It's too awesome!"

The thorns sighed with emotion for a while!

no way!

Even they themselves can't believe this strength!

"It's terrifying! It's so awesome!"

"It's shocking! It's invincible!"

"If the regiment commander, or the division commander, saw that the recruit company was so arrogant, I don't know how it would look?"

The three Zhao Ruixuan looked at each other in disbelief.

At this time, Qin Yuan walked over with a smile, "Old Zhao, maybe it's because of the roast lamb today, the thorns are very powerful! Why don't you try and show your marksmanship? Come here? How many shots?"

Qin Yuan also wants to see if Zhao Ruixuan and the others have been improved!

after all.

The original system said it!

All attributes of the recruit company have been improved!

Strictly speaking, Zhao Ruixuan and the other three also belong to the category of recruit companies!

"How many shots do we have?" The three of Zhao Ruixuan became interested and said with great pride, "Okay! Let's try it too! It's just that the 100-meter target is no challenge for us, so give us a 400-meter target. Rice's target!"

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