Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 142: Qin Yuan's ambition! Familiar figure!

Chapter 143 Qin Yuan's Ambition! Familiar figure! [14, please subscribe! 】

"Chinese military soul? As soon as you hear this name, the art is very high!"

"How tall is it?"

"Three or four floors are so high!"

When the thorns saw the title of the song, their eyes lit up.

Afterwards, Qin Yuan wrote the lyrics very quickly!

With a faint smile, Qin Yuan looked at everyone and said, "To be honest, I worked hard for this Chinese military soul. I started writing it ten days ago! It was not completely finished until this morning."

"I'll just say it! No matter how awesome the company commander is! It's impossible to write so many songs on the spot!"

"Ten days counts as painstaking efforts? My God, company commander, it takes at least three years to use this word, okay?"

"The company commander is so good at writing lyrics and music. For him, it takes ten days to spend a lot! What do you know!"

When the thorns heard it, they started talking.

But no doubt.

A song that Qin Yuan can write in ten days is definitely not ordinary!

"The first two songs are both songs created in the background of a modern military camp!"

"And this song actually describes a story in my mind during the Anti-Japanese War!"

"I will use this song to reflect the warriors who are not afraid of hardships, see death as their home, and go forward bravely!"

"Everyone listen up!"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yuan began to perform.

"If the motherland is violated, the hot-blooded man should be self-improvement!"

"Drink this bowl of hometown wine, and the strong man will never return."

"Rolling Yellow River, surging Yangtze River,

Give me life, give me strength.

Let blood dye the most beautiful flowers red,

sprinkled on my chest.

The red flag fluttered, the bugle sounded,

The sword is unsheathed, thunder and lightning flash,

It is always the brave who meet in the narrow road wins.

Go forward, go forward!

Chinese military soul! "

Sing a song.

Everyone was in a rush of blood again.

"I have to say, the company commander's words are awesome! Every song has a different style, but one thing is, there are always a few finishing touches in the lyrics!"

"Drink this bowl of hometown wine, and the strong man will never return! This lyrics sounds cool! It's even more enjoyable to sing!"

"The red flag is fluttering, the bugle is ringing! The sword is unsheathed, thunder and lightning! I seem to see a battlefield full of gunpowder smoke. With the dispatch of our army, the sky and the earth change color in an instant, and the scene of lightning and thunder! Tsk tsk tsk, think about it I can't help but get excited!"

"The best thing is this sentence, the brave who meet in a narrow path wins! This is what I like most! Damn, you must not be cowardly when you face the enemy, you must be brave to the end!"

"Brave Niu Niu, not afraid of difficulties! Chong Chong Chong!"

"Then you must rush! Whoever counsels his grandson!"

The lyrics of this song are impassioned and powerful!

When the motherland was violated, the warriors showed the spirit of courageous and courageous for the sake of safeguarding the national interests, not afraid of sacrifice.

"Company commander, I seem to have fallen in love with you completely, you are so talented!"

"Screw you!"

Qin Yuan cursed directly at Wang Zejing.

This is so special.

Why does it sound so intimidating?

"I don't like men!"

"But company commander, I can't hold back, I fell madly in love with you, what should I do?" Wang Zejing's eyes were full of little stars.


A leg shadow came.

Wang Zejing let out a miserable cry and was instantly kicked away.

"Oh shit, it hurts me to death."

Wang Zejing rolled on the ground in pain.

"I like your sister!"

Qin Yuan hummed angrily, then chuckled, "Don't worship me! I'm just a legend!"

"How is it, are you satisfied with these three songs?"

With an indifferent smile, Qin Yuan looked at everyone.

"Satisfied! Ten thousand satisfactions!"

"The company commander is simply invincible! Not only is his strength unbelievable! He even wrote the military song so well!"

"Company commander, with these three military songs, do you believe it, our combat effectiveness can at least improve a lot?"

"Whether the company commander believes it or not, I believe it anyway! My original combat power was only 6,000. Now, after listening to the company commander's song, I feel that my combat power has instantly risen to more than 10,000 points!"

The thorns nodded their heads excitedly.

no way!

These three songs are impeccable in terms of artistic conception, writing, momentum or melody.

Really a rare classic.

"It's good to be satisfied!"

Qin Yuan nodded with a smile.

"It's already more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and today is also Saturday. It was originally a rest time."

"Zhang Shuai, take the team back to the dormitory, and then disband, you can rest for a while!"

Qin Yuan said with a smile.

Tortured the thorns for a whole week.

To be honest, Qin Yuan felt a little sorry.

But fortunately, these thorns have terrible physical fitness and are very resistant to exercise.

It doesn't matter how toss!

With such good innate conditions, Qin Yuan must of course train them well.

"Yes! Company commander!"

When Zhang Shuai and the others heard this, they immediately nodded excitedly.

"By the way, let me reveal it in advance! Now, your marksmanship and fighting skills have reached the peak level of soldiers!" Qin Yuan continued with a smile, "So, starting next week, we will conduct tactical drills!"

"Empty has a skill, if you don't cooperate with your comrades, you will have no use at all!"

"So, in the next few days, your mission will be a set of tactical drills and coordination!"

"Strive for our infantry company and exert the combat power of a strengthened regiment!"

"Are you confident?"

Qin Yuan looked at everyone and roared.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The thorns nodded excitedly immediately.

An infantry company, exerting the combat effectiveness of a strengthened regiment?

This is so special, the blood boils when it sounds!

"Let me tell you again, after the tactical drill, I will take you to the Rocket Brigade for a 10-day training experience! Among you, who is related, arrange it as soon as possible! There are several positions for the deputy squad leader. There's a vacancy!"

Qin Yuan smiled and looked at everyone.

According to Qin Yuan's original plan, the backgrounds of these thorns are sky-high, and they all have strong relationships behind them.

This relationship is wasted without it!

Therefore, Qin Yuan is prepared to let the recruits experience all the arms and occupations that soldiers can come into contact with, if possible, during the three-month training of the recruit company!

This is Qin Yuan's ambition!

At that time, bring out a super all-round recruit company!

A whole team of super special forces, as long as the skills and knowledge of war, they are omnipotent and omnipotent!

"Go to the Rocket Brigade for training?"

"In other words, when we can play missiles?"

"Damn it! Going to the Rocket Brigade, won't we be able to realize our childhood dream of playing a plane?"

"You are so dirty!"

"Fuck, can you drive on this little broken road?"

The thorns were immediately excited.

As a man, who doesn't have a dream of jerking off?

One cannonball, bombing the enemy plane!

That is cool to think about!

At this time, the guy from Fang Tian said it, and his taste changed immediately, causing everyone to be contemptuous.

Fang Tian smiled, unmoved at all, and forced himself to defend himself, "Buddha said, what you see in your heart is what you see. It's you people who are dirty in your heart and deliberately misinterpret what I mean."

"Hurry up and play! I'm too lazy to explain to you!" The thorns were suddenly deeply contemptuous.

"Company commander, my second uncle is the brigade commander of the Rocket Brigade. He treats me so well! Leave this to me!"

"Company commander, my third uncle is the major general in charge of the Rocket Brigade! Leave it to me, this matter is more stable! I will also reserve the position of deputy squad leader!"

"Captain, and me..."

It was a simple joke, and the thorns enthusiastically signed up.

After all, this deputy squad leader is an honor!

After taking it home, it can be praised!

They must fight!

"Okay! It's still early anyway! Don't worry about this!"

Seeing this, Qin Yuan nodded with a smile, "The exact time to go depends on the efficiency of your tactical training! Well, today's training will end here! Everyone returns the weapons to the arsenal, and you can go back to rest! See you the day after tomorrow!"

"See you the day after tomorrow!"

"Goodbye, company commander!"

"Bye company commander!"

The thorns greeted Qin Yuan excitedly again.

It made Qin Yuan speechless!

Turn around.

Suddenly, a thin and desolate, yet very familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment!

?? The first update is here!



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