Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 152: Poke the blue army's nest!

Chapter 153 I stabbed the Blue Army's nest! 【45, please subscribe】

But no way.

There is no way out now!

There is only one way for the thorns to go to the black!

"Brothers, isn't it the elimination of Blue Army No. 1? It's not a big deal! As long as we have confidence, we can definitely accomplish it! What is the main reason, do you know?"

"what is it?"

"The main thing is that I don't believe that the Brotherhood can destroy the Blue Command!"

"I'll analyze it for you! First of all, from the perspective of strength, the main force of the Blue Army is the special forces! Since it is the special forces, then their equipment and overall strength are definitely far superior to the Red Army."

"So, theoretically speaking, the Red Army has no chance of defeating the Blue Army. To be more precise, in this exercise, the Red Army is just a companion for the Blue Army to test new tactics and new weapons. It's no wonder they can win!"

"So, this gives us the possibility!"

"As long as the Red Army fails, it means that the Blue Army headquarters will not be affected at all. The Blue Army headquarters will not be affected, then the Blue Army No. 1 will naturally live well!"

"So, as long as we survive, there is a possibility to kill Blue One!"

When the thorns heard it, they were immediately excited!

"It's awesome! It's awesome!"

Too powerful!

"It's so scary!"

"This reasoning is simply invincible!"

"So, the Blue Army No. 1 is reserved for us!"

"That's a must!"

Hearing this, Qin Yuan glanced at Hua Shanke in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the very low-key Hua Shanke, who has not been showing off the mountains and water, has such a meticulous thinking?

Under the step-by-step reasoning, the possibility of killing the Blue Army No. 1 was analyzed?


this moment.

Qin Yuan couldn't help but praise Hua Shanke.

"Okay, now that you know, this task can be done!"

"Relax your heart!"

"Enter the battlefield!"

With an indifferent smile, Qin Yuan said.

"Yes! Company commander!"

The thorns nodded excitedly immediately.


Qin Yuan led the thorns to start a long journey.

In this jungle, there is no store in front of the village.

Not a good place to start at all.

Once discovered by the enemy, I am afraid that he will be attacked by the enemy, and he will die without knowing how to die.

After advancing 10 kilometers in one breath, Qin Yuan stopped at the foot of a mountain.

Because not far away, there is a crystal clear stream that can provide water for everyone.

Although the thorns' kettles were filled with water, that little water lasted up to 48 hours.

"Captain, why don't we go?"

Zang Chong was a little puzzled.

Qin Yuan smiled, "This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, the scenery is beautiful, what are you going to do?"

"But company commander, aren't we going to fight?" Zangchong was confused.

It stands to reason that in order to kill more enemies.

They should be the first to enter the battlefield.

Once it is too late, the enemy will not be seen.

"Going to fight now is just being cannon fodder, aren't you stupid?" Su Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Seeing this, Qin Yuan couldn't help but smile.

It seems that Su Xiaoyu still understands himself.

"Cannon fodder?" Zangchong was taken aback, "Xiaoyu, what do you mean, how did we become cannon fodder?"

"The battle has only just begun, and it hasn't even started yet. Both the red and blue parties are desperately trying to kill each other. Now, it's a showdown between their main forces. We number 100 will go up, not cannon fodder? I'm afraid. Before we could touch it, a few enemy missiles came over, and we were wiped out. Isn't this cannon fodder?" Su Xiaoyu sighed.

Zang Chong stared at it.

Zhang Shuai smiled and added, "So, if you want to seize the Blue Army No. 1, you must wait for the opportunity! Wait for a reasonable opportunity! Go ahead and destroy the enemy!"

"Ah! I understand! What you mean is that attacking now doesn't really matter to the overall situation. When their main force is over, they relax their vigilance. Our most powerful recruit company in history will bring another surprise to the Blues. Surprise! Horror strike, right!"

Cang Chong said in surprise.

"That's right!"

"Haha, I said savages, you can see through it at one point!"

"You son of a bitch, listen to the aura!"

"Yes! You've guessed it right away!"

Everyone smiled and nodded.

"So, our top priority now is to eat, drink, sleep, and adjust our state!"

"Wait until their main force ends the battle, and then it's your time to show off!"

Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"Okay! Eat and sleep, we can do this!"

"That's a must! Who doesn't like to sleep! It's just that sometimes it's a bit lonely to sleep alone."

"What's the matter, in the military camp, do you still want to find a woman to sleep with you? Go and live your Spring and Autumn Dream!"

"Go, go, I didn't say that!"

"Fuck! If you don't mean that, then you mean that none of our brothers are human!"

"Yeah, so many people are sleeping with you, but you still say that you are alone? It's obvious that you don't take us seriously."

The thorns laughed and scuffled together immediately.

Night falls.

Everyone chose their positions and fell asleep.

[Ding Dong~ Now release the system task, kill 30 Blue Army soldiers at night, and reward a peak-level skill! The time limit for the task is 3:00 in the morning. 】

Qin Yuan also wanted to sleep.

But suddenly.

The crisp system prompt suddenly sounded.

"Peak-level skill reward? Yes! It's only 30 people, you can still try it!"

Qin Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw the system reward.

Seeing that the thorns are sleeping very sweetly.

Qin Yuan remained calm and quietly retreated from the crowd.

Qin Yuan's entire body was galloping, and he rushed out for more than 10 miles in one breath, only to slow down a little.

"Tsk tsk The feeling of bursting out with all my strength is really cool!"

Feeling the energy that seemed to be endless, Qin Yuan only felt that his whole body was free!

Mind a move.

Qin Yuan took out 9 god-level poisonous bees, divided them into 9 routes, and began to scan the fan-shaped area within a 180-degree range ahead.

"God-level poisonous bees in hand! It's easy to find the blue army!"

With a bright smile, Qin Yuan began to advance rapidly!

As for the god-level poisonous bees, they maintained a distance of about 1,000 meters in front of them and started detailed investigations.

Under the investigation of the god-level poisonous bee.

Everything is invisible.


Qin Yuan soon found two companies who were repairing in the tent.

It's just that at a glance, it can be seen that it is the person from the red side, which makes Qin Yuan feel lost for a while.

After all, the fact that people from the red side can set up camp here proves that,

No Blues nearby!

Without any choice.

Qin Yuan had no choice but to run wild!

Rush all the way!

Run more than 30 kilometers in one breath!


It also came to 12:30 in the morning.

Hard work pays off!


more than 1000 meters away.

Qin Yuan discovered a Blue Army troop with over a thousand people!

"Fuck! This is going deep into the Blue Army and stabbed the Blue Army's nest!"

Qin Yuan was shocked when he saw it!

??Thanks to "The Lord of the Battle World" for the 999 reward and support!

?Thanks to "Xiao Bing" for the big 100 reward!

?Thanks to "Old Tea" for the big 100 reward!

?Thanks to "Find someone to pet" 100 reward support!



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