Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 160: To attack the Blue Army command post with the Blue Army's own missiles?

Chapter 161 Use the Blue Army's own missiles to attack the Blue Army command post? 【First update! Please subscribe! 】

2 missiles.

"Fuck! What the hell, didn't the chief of staff say that the main force of the Red Army has been wiped out? Why are there so many Red Army sharpshooters?"

"Who knows, the chief of staff is lying! It's too embarrassing! If we didn't get this false information, how could we be eliminated so quickly?"

"Look at the guy in the blue army uniform who has already blended into our camp, what the heck, why is he so fast!"

"In such a short period of time, he eliminated more than 20 soldiers with his bare hands! If it goes on like this, even one is not enough for him to kill alone!"

"If you run outside, you will be sniped by the sharpshooters of the Red Army. If you stay in the tent, you will be killed by that powerful Red Army soldier. Bar!"

"It shouldn't be! All the powerful soldiers in the Red Army have long been drawn to the special operations brigade and the major special forces. How can this person be so strong?"

"Who knows? Maybe it was a slip through the net of the special forces brigade?"

"Alas, it's uncomfortable! We're about to win! But we fell on the eve of victory!"

"Who said it wasn't! I'm so sick right now! It's so unpleasant to feel like I'm about to fail!"

The eliminated Blue Army soldiers couldn't help sighing one by one.

Everybody knows!

The fighting power of the Red Army is long gone!

This exercise is about to be won!

However, on the eve of victory, two of their missiles were attacked by the remnants of the Red Army!

This made them very uncomfortable.

Especially the powerful Qin Yuan, who came and went like the wind in the blue army camp, they could only stare at each other with rage, but they could only watch, Qin Yuan eliminated their comrades one by one!

Da da da!

Da da da da!

The gunshots kept ringing.

Blue Army soldiers were quickly eliminated and attrition.

Today's Blue Army is like a living target.

As long as you step out of the tent, you will be eliminated.

After all, the proficient marksmanship of the recruit company is no joke!

As for those hiding in tents?


Rely on god-level poisonous bees to open the way and escort.

Qin Yuan tore the tent directly from the side, and shot at the Blue Army soldiers in the tent, and took them all away.

When they knew that they were eliminated, they were all dumbfounded.

They never dreamed that they would be eliminated by the enemy in such a way of dying.


A small number of blue soldiers, recruit companies, caused a counterattack.

But it's too late!

It doesn't affect the overall situation at all!

Da da da!




inside the tent.

3 streaks of yellow smoke rose in succession.

Qin Yuan finally showed a bright smile, "It's done!"

So far.

The entire 2 missiles were wiped out!

"Platoon Commander Zhao, you can come down!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

On the other end of the communicator, the excited voices of Zhao Ruixuan and others came.


All recruits are assembled!

Under clear.

In this battle, the recruit company lost a total of 8 people, which can be described as heavy losses!

Brush the ground!

Qin Yuan's face!

Immediately cooled down.

"In this battle, 8 people were sacrificed? What are you doing for food?"

In an instant, the joy of fighting disappeared instantly, and Qin Yuan roared coldly.

The faces of the thorns are also not good-looking.

They didn't expect that this downsizing would be so serious.

Fortunately, the main combatants of the recruit company were not injured.

This is the only happy place.

"Damn, don't play like this! Just sacrificing 8 people, we will wipe out 2 of our missiles! This is so special, it's just insulting!"

"This soldier is too pretentious! Such a terrifying battle loss ratio, I'm still not satisfied? If it were me, I would really like to let the world know that we won a beautiful victory!"

"Ah ah ah, let no one live!"

"Special forces! This group of people is definitely the special forces of the red side!"

"It's just that such young special forces are so rare!"

"Hey hey, brothers, it seems that the red side doesn't allow the special forces to participate in this battle, right? Besides, in this exercise, all the special forces of our military region have been pulled over. Where can the soldiers of the red side find them? special forces?"

"Who knows! These guys are more powerful than our group of real special forces. What else can they be if they are not special forces?"

"Oh, what a sin! It's really bad to feel that I have failed! I feel that my whole person is not good!"

"Don't worry, if it's on the real battlefield, we're all dead, dead people, don't feel it!"

"Wang Er stunned, what are you doing..."

When the Blue Army soldiers heard Qin Yuan's words, their teeth itch with hatred again.

They even guessed Qin Yuan's identities!

But they would never have thought that Qin Yuan's leadership was not a special force at all, but a genuine recruit company!

"Zangchong Zhang Shuai... Qin Yang!"

"As the squad leader, you didn't bring your own soldiers! What should you be blamed for?"

Qin Yuan looked at the thorns and roared angrily.

"Report to the company commander! We know we were wrong!"

"We didn't protect our comrades! It's our fault to let them die on the battlefield!"

"Report to the company commander! We will write a review after we go back!"

Zang Chong and others immediately spoke up.

The Blue Army soldier was speechless again.

This is so special, hitting people is not slap in the face, but this Red Army soldier, this is killing people.

When a comrade-in-arms sacrifices, the squad leader should be held responsible?

According to this theory, their blue army soldiers, this death is not a loss at all!

"Write a review? If it's on a real battlefield, there's no one left! If you write 10,000 reviews, can you still come back to life?"

Qin Yuan roared again.

"Wait until the exercise is over! Everyone should reflect on it for three days!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

The thorns answered in unison.

"The time is pressing now, the squad leaders of each squad are now leading the soldiers of each squad, and UU reading quickly hides!"

"This battle will definitely attract the support of the Blue Army!"

"What you have to do now is to wait for the arrival of the Blue Army support troops!"

Qin Yuan looked at everyone and ordered: "Now, everyone will hide according to plan c!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

Everyone nodded immediately, and then moved quickly.

"Qin Yang, come here!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

Qin Yang ran over immediately.

"I heard that you are a high-caliber computer student? Control the missile attack, will you?"

Qin Yuan showed a smile.

Qin Yang's eyes lit up when he heard it, "Controlling the missile system? Report to the company commander! I, I dream of learning this technique!"

"So? You don't know anymore?" Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Qin Yang immediately nodded embarrassedly.

"Okay! Then you go!" Qin Yuan snorted and immediately let Qin Yang leave.

"Company commander, you don't want to use the missile system of Missile 2 to attack the Blue Army, do you?" Qin Yang couldn't help but his eyes lit up and made a bold guess.

For a moment.

Zhang Shuai, Su Xiaoyu and others were also attracted by his words!

One by one they slowed down!

Waiting for Qin Yuan's answer!


if it is like this!

That's a big deal!

Use the Blue Army's own missiles to attack the Blue Army's headquarters?

This is so special!

Just thinking about it makes the blood boil!

?? Woke up today and was blinded again!

?Today there are 60 people tipping!

? Must break out today!

?The first update is here!



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