Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 169: bias! Why don't you give me an introduction?

Chapter 170 Prejudice! Why don't you introduce me? 【Second update! Please subscribe]

But at this time.

A line of words came from the public communication channel.

"Lao Ye, we lost this exercise, but don't be complacent. I didn't lose to you. I lost to the recruit company. If you want to see me, fly over immediately. These are my coordinates..."

When Ye Jianting was pulled to the screen by a correspondent and saw this line of words, he couldn't help being completely stunned!

"What's the situation? The Blues lost?"

Ye Jianting was stunned!

Dai Hezheng next to him couldn't help widening his eyes, "Xiao Li, could this be fake news sent by the Blue Army on purpose to induce us?"

When Ye Jianting heard this, he nodded immediately.

That's right!

This is probably fake news!

The Blues have a big win!

How could it possibly be lost?

"The chief of the report, the public communication channel, is set up to prevent unexpected situations during the exercise! The other party will never send false news." The technician quickly reminded, "And the other party said ah, chief, they lost to the recruits. Connect, not lose to us!"


When everyone heard it, they only felt a burst of explosions in their minds!


It is absolutely impossible for anyone to send fake news on this public communication channel!

Say so!

Did they really win?

"I didn't lose to us, but to the recruit company? Could it be that the recruit company made a contribution this time? The recruit company, Qin Yuan? Could it be that the recruit company destroyed the Blue Army command post?" Ye Jianting's eyes suddenly lit up. Only one possibility came to mind!

The Blues lost to the recruit company!

no doubt!

This is the recruit company destroying the blue army's nest!

Ye Jianting didn't believe that the recruit company could kill all the soldiers of the Blue Army with the number 100 men!

"Chief, the recruit company is just a bunch of pumpkin rookies! They, they can't destroy the Blue Army command post, right?" However, when Dai Hezheng heard it, he immediately retorted, with a look of disbelief, "I know that Qin Yuan, who can only Write a few slobber songs, just a lucky boy! How could he lead the recruit company to destroy the Blue Army command post?"

Dai Hezheng had some prejudice against Qin Yuan!

Now that he heard that the victory of this battle was because of Qin Yuan, he subconsciously began to question!

"Can you only write a few slobber songs? Good luck?" Ye Jianting glared and said angrily, "Comrade Xiao Dai, I think you seem to be Qin Yuan, and you have a big prejudice?"

When Dai Hezheng heard this, his heart trembled, and he realized that he was too excited, as if he had said the wrong thing!

"Comrade Xiao Dai, as a soldier, especially as a leader, we must treat all soldiers equally! There must be no selfishness at all! Qin Yuan is obviously talented, his talent is on the table, and his overall strength is strong! How can it be worthless when it comes to your mouth? Ye Jianting glared at Dai Hezheng angrily, "I know that when you were young, Hezheng, in the army, you were like the best of the heavens! But if you compare it with Qin Yuan, whether it's your record or your personal talent, you are the best Far from it, right?"

Be able to become a general!

at a young age!

Each of them is the existence of heaven's favored son!

All have a very glorious history!

But compared with the current Qin Yuan, Dai Hezheng is still far behind!

In other words, the two are not on the same level at all.

Dai Hezheng trembled when he heard it, and quickly admitted his mistake, "The chief has taught me a lesson! I was wrong in this matter! I shouldn't have a personal prejudice against Qin Yuan! After I go back, I will make a profound review!"

"Humph!" Ye Jianting snorted coldly.

"Since Lao Hua has sent the coordinates, let's go and have a look! Let's see what's going on!" Ye Jianting said to everyone after hesitating for a moment.

"Yes! Chief!" Everyone naturally nodded immediately.

In fact.

They also want to know what is going on!


Ye Jianting had one more layer than they thought.

Because in the recruit company, in addition to Qin Yuan, there is one person he really wants to see!


Helicopter takes off.

Several people in the cabin did not speak.

In fact.

They also felt shameless to speak!

no way!

Through this exercise, they lost all the faces of the soldiers!

Silent all the way.

The helicopter quickly arrived at the coordinates sent by Hua Hero.

Looking far down.

I saw the blue army camp at this time, and the lights were bright!

Among the countless blue military uniforms, a group of recruits in green military uniforms are revelling, singing and dancing, very dazzling.

Ye Jianting's eyes lit up!

"Chief, it seems that our recruit company really destroyed the blue army command post?"

A combat staff officer immediately spoke excitedly.

"Go down and see it!"

Ye Jianting restrained his excitement.

The helicopter landed slowly.

Ye Jianting and his group walked out of the cabin slowly.

Qin Yuan had already assembled a team and waited outside!

"How exciting! Is this the head of the Red Army?"

"Ye Feng, I bet you have never met the head of the Red Army. As far as I know, the head of the Red Army is also surnamed Ye! Five hundred years ago, he was in your family!"

"Not only has he never seen it, but I haven't seen it either!"

"I really don't know. When the chiefs know that we destroyed the blue army command post, what will they look like?"

"Hahaha, they would never have dreamed of it!"

The thorns stood in military postures one by one, discussing excitedly.

And Ye Feng, facing the teasing of the crowd, just smiled excitedly, his eyes widened, and he didn't speak!

Was it a family with the head of the Red Army five hundred years ago?


Lao Tzu is now with his family!

"Hello, Chief!"

Seeing Ye Jianting and others coming over, everyone in the recruit company and some Blue Army soldiers immediately saluted respectfully!

When you see your superiors, take the initiative to salute, this is respect for your superiors!

What's more, the person in front of him has two generals!

"Hello, comrades!"

Ye Jianting smiled and greeted everyone.

His eyes couldn't help but search the recruit camp.

However, before he saw the figure he wanted to see, his attention was interrupted by a burst of hearty laughter, Hua Yingxiong came over with a smile, "Old Ye! You are finally here! You this time But I found a big treasure! This recruit company is invincible! You have made a lot of money!"

"Oh? It seems that this time, the recruit company really destroyed your command post?" When Ye Jianting heard this, he immediately understood and laughed.

On the way here, they thought about it several times!

It was found that only the recruit company had this possibility!

"Apart from this miraculous recruit company, and that miraculous recruit company commander, who else is there?" Hua Yingxiong laughed, "The feeling of failure, tsk tsk, is really uncomfortable! Lao Ye, after this exercise is over, no matter what How, you have to invite me to have a good drink!"

"The miraculous recruit company commander? Lao Hua, you mean Qin Yuan?" Ye Jianting heard the mystery at once, "It's just a little wine, that's for sure! I've already prepared a good wine! My celebration wine haha, as soon as the exercise is over, Lao Hua, you will come to my place!"

"That's right! It's Qin Yuan! Since you agreed! That's it! As soon as the exercise is over, I'll go to your house and stare at me!" Hua Yingxiong smiled happily.

Although lost!

But seeing Hua Shanke made Hua Yingxiong feel a lot better instantly!


They didn't lose to Ye Jianting!

But lost to the recruit company!

Even Hua hero can be said to have lost to his grandson!

This feeling is really amazing.

It was something I had never experienced before when I failed.

"Hahaha, good good!" Ye Jianting laughed and said with a smile, "By the way, where is that magical Qin Yuan? Why don't you introduce it to me?"

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