Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 171: As a man, how can you speak for yourself?

Chapter 172 As a man, how can you talk about yourself? 【For subscription】


After Zhao Feng left.

Immediately, another blue army soldier came over, and the rank was not low, even a major.

"Brother Qin Yuan, my name is Wang Mang. Brother Qin Yuan turned the tide and saved a war by himself! Come, let me give my brother a toast! I'll do it first!" Wang Mang laughed, and then gulped it down!

A lunch box of beer is more than two bottles, close to the capacity of 3 bottles!

If Qin Yuan drinks more, it will be at least 5 bottles of beer.

Although the alcohol content of beer is low, it is also wine!

If you drink too much, you will get drunk!

"Brother Wang Mang is indeed arrogant! That being the case, I will accompany you!" Qin Yuan also drank it all in one gulp, even faster than Wang Mang!

"Haha, good!" Wang Mang's eyes lit up, he thought Qin Yuan would deliberately make excuses or something, but he didn't expect Qin Yuan to be so forthright, and he also shouted in surprise, "It seems brother Qin Yuan Not only is the amount of alcohol amazing, but he is also very generous! If you have the opportunity to come to the Rocket Brigade, I will invite you to drink!"

"A word is settled!" Qin Yuan nodded lightly with a smile.

Followed by the third one, a strong man with a strong back, two meters tall.

"Brother Qin Yuan, my name is Hei Xiong! Black black, tyrannical male! I'm not convinced at all if I lose to you! However, if you can suffocate three lunch boxes of beer with me in one breath, I will serve you!" Hei Xiong didn't talk nonsense, didn't beat around the bush, and came up to explain his intentions directly.

"Three lunch boxes are three lunch boxes! Bring wine!" Qin Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard this!

This black male is quite in line with his temperament!

The drill is lost!

If it were Qin Yuan, Qin Yuan would also be depressed!

It's not normal to be depressed.

It's like a cooked duck flying, who can't be depressed?

Hei Xiong winked, and the Blue Army soldiers with wine beside him immediately came to Qin Yuan with six lunch boxes of beer.

"Captain Qin, the wine is here!" The blue army soldier said with a smile.

"Okay!" Qin Yuan smiled, picked up the lunch box, and immediately started to drink the cow!

Isn't it beer?

Just drink water!

To know!

What Qin Yuan possesses is a god-level drinker!

The thousand cups are not drunk, but it refers to a big bowl of white wine!

This area of ​​beer is not worth mentioning at all!

"Haha, Captain Qin Yuan is really happy! I'll do it too!" Hei Xiong smiled excitedly, grabbed the lunch box and started drinking.

very quickly!

Qin Yuan was the first to dry the three lunch boxes of beer!

Everyone was stunned!

This is so special!

Is that human being?

In just a few minutes.

Qin Yuan killed more than a dozen bottles of beer in one breath!

You can't drink water so fast!

It really makes them right!

If you simply drink water and go down a lunch box, your stomach will be full!

But beer is not the same as water.

"it is good!"

"The company commander is awesome!"

"The company commander is invincible!"

Seeing this, the thorns of the recruit company immediately began to take the lead in applauding!

"Damn it! The company commander's alcohol intake is too amazing! I thought the company commander wouldn't be able to hold it! I didn't expect the company commander to drink five lunch boxes of beer in one breath, and his face didn't change?"

"It looks like a huge amount of alcohol! I really don't know what the limit of the company commander is? How much can I drink?"

"Hahaha, it seems that our worries are unnecessary! Since that's the case, let's watch the show!"

Only then did the thorns realize that the reason why Qin Yuan refused to come here was because he had a strong drinker and had nothing to fear.

"Brother Qin Yuan is indeed massive, I am a black male!"

Hei Xiong drank three lunch boxes of beer in one go, only to feel that his stomach began to churn. There was nothing he could do. In order to compete with Qin Yuan, he drank too fast, and his stomach couldn't bear it. If it weren't for so many people watching now, he would I'm afraid I have to spit it out directly, but now it's just forcibly controlling it. After speaking, Hei Xiong clasped his fists very excitedly to show respect, and then left quickly.

He was afraid that after a few more minutes of delay, he would vomit on the spot.

"Brother Qin Yuan, I am Li Man..."

"Brother Qin Yuan, I am Li Chen..."

"Brother Qin Yuan, I'm Zhou Deming..."

Kuroko leave!

But more Blue Army officers came up and wanted to have a drink with Qin Yuan.

Seeing that Qin Yuan can drink so much, they also want to see how much Qin Yuan can drink!


Most importantly, they want to see Qin Yuan make a fool of himself!

A person, after all, has a limit!

"Hahaha, it's rare for you brothers to look down on me, Qin Yuan. Since that's the case, let's come together!"

Seeing this, Qin Yuan smiled happily, waved his big hand, and looked at the recruit company, "Zhang Shuaizang rushed to Su Xiaoyu Fangtian, what are you still doing? Why don't you come up and pour wine for Lao Tzu? Come on, put a big table on it! Line up the wine, I will stay with all my brothers tonight without getting drunk!"

As far as the Blue Army soldiers are concerned, how could Qin Yuan not know?

He just didn't want to expose it.

After all, it was his appearance that caused the exercise to be reversed.

It's no surprise that they want to drink themselves on the wine floor to make them feel better!

This is human nature!

In fact, Qin Yuan also wants to know, where is the limit of his own alcohol consumption!

After all, there is a limit to the amount of alcohol that God can drink!

The system just describes a thousand cups without getting drunk!

What if there are more than a thousand cups?

"Yes! Company commander!"


"We're here!"

After receiving Qin Yuan's order, the thorns immediately gathered up excitedly.

under the joint efforts of the people.

Between Qin Yuan and the soldiers of the Blue Army, a large piece of flat plank, waist-high, was quickly covered.

On the wooden board, 60 lunch boxes of beer were poured directly.

Qin Yuan has 30 lunch boxes here, and 30 lunch boxes for Blue Army soldiers.

The beer in the 30 lunch boxes of the Blue Army corresponds to 30 majors and lieutenants!

"Thank you brothers for looking down on me Qin Yuan! Tonight, let's have a good rest!"

Qin Yuan smiled and didn't talk too much. He started drinking when he picked up the lunch box!

Seven or eight seconds, it is a lunch box of beer!

All wiped out!

At this moment, not only the Blue Army soldiers were stunned!

The Red Army soldiers and recruits even stabbed their heads, but they were dumbfounded!

"Damn it! This is so awesome! This beer is also wine! How could Qin Yuan drink so much?"

"Looking at his expression, he doesn't seem to be drunk at all! Is this Captain Qin Yuan so powerful in digesting alcohol?"

"Terror! Horror!"

"I have never seen such a large number of people in my life!"

"This is really a **** of wine!"

"What's the matter, the company commander opened my eyes again this time!"

"Look! The company commander seems to be sweating?"

"Damn it! The company commander's uniform seems to be getting wet! Is this the legendary secret recipe for removing alcohol from pores?"

The soldiers and thorns of the Red Army couldn't help but be shocked!

Minutes of work!

Qin Yuan has finished drinking 15 lunch boxes of beer!

As for the Blue Army soldiers?

Not to mention!

The already shocked eyeballs are about to fly out!

"Wori, this drink is too fast, and my stomach can't hold it!"

Now Qin Yuan suddenly felt the urge to urinate.

no way.

I drank so much beer in one breath, changed someone, and got down early.

That's why Qin Yuan, a monster, can drink so fast without changing his face.

The excess alcohol was automatically shot out of the body by Qin Yuan's body through the pores.

What remains in the stomach now is just water.

Therefore, Qin Yuan is fine.

Without any choice.

Qin Yuan had to speed up.


Drink like a cow!

Qin Yuan finally drank all the 30 lunch boxes of beer in one go!

The Blue Army soldiers on the opposite side only felt their scalps go numb!

Is this special girl still human?

Can one person drink so much?

However, all the Blue Army soldiers who came to challenge are convinced this time!

They only drank one cup, but Qin Yuan drank 30 cups!

What's so special, this is a very scary number!

"Brothers, I have to go to the toilet! Excuse me!"

Seeing that everyone was stunned and speechless, Qin Yuan hurriedly urinated, found a place where no one was around, and opened the gate to let out the water.

Qin Yuan seemed to be really drunk, and lowered his head, he couldn't help but sigh, "Alas, you bastard, brother, I'm sorry for you, it's been more than 20 years, and you're still alone, a hero is useless. The land of martial arts…”

"Actually, I can't blame it. You can see that he is crying non-stop now. Besides, he can't understand human language. It can't be blamed, right?" Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded beside him, Qin Yuan immediately trembled with fright, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Wang Lang.

It turned out that Wang Lang immediately followed Qin Yuan to

Qin Yuan was speechless for a while.

"Brother, can you make some noise when you come here, it will scare people to death." Qin Yuan was just muttering to himself and complaining.

Did not expect to be heard by Wang Lang?

This is really a little embarrassing.

"Hahaha, brother Qin Yuan, I don't care about you, what if you drink so much alcohol, what if you get drunk and fall down?" Wang Lang smiled and leaned over, "Damn, it's so big, Qin Brother Yuan, do you want my brother to help you?"

"Help your sister!" Qin Yuan shivered for a while, and quickly tightened the belt of his pants.

Unexpectedly, this Wang Lang has such a hobby?

this lsp!

Return to the center of the field.

Qin Yuan's name had already spread throughout the military camp!

Single-handedly drinking against 30 Blues!

This terrifying record and bold temperament made countless soldiers impressed!

Qin Yuan instantly became the idol worshipped by all the soldiers!

Soldiers like strong and heroic guys!

And Qin Yuan is obviously very consistent with this!

At this time, several old chiefs also came over, and they were completely convinced by Qin Yuan's feat just now.

"Qin Yuan, you kid, you really don't shake the dead and don't stop. After drinking so much wine in one breath, we can be considered an eye-opener today! I don't know, are you okay now? If you can, stay with our brother. How many, have a drink?" Hua Yingxiong said with a kind smile.

"That must be done! As a man, how can you say that you can't do it?" Qin Yuan smiled, immediately picked up a lunch box of beer, clinked glasses with a few people, and then drank it!

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