Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 176: The playful Su Xiaoyu! Start the counter attack!

Chapter 177 Su Xiaoyu, who loves to play! Start the counter attack!

At this time, Qin Yuan directly used the danger perception to the extreme, scanning the surroundings like a radar.

The rest of the recruit company did their best to search carefully even if they were exhausted.

However, everyone was worried that Su Xiaoyu had encountered an enemy, so they did not dare to shout, and maximized his combat literacy.


Seeing that a haystack was obviously different from the surrounding area, Qin Yuan's eyes were immediately drawn to it.

After that, Qin Yuan maintained a fighting stance and approached the past slowly, without causing the slightest movement.

"Hey... Brother Yu, you still have a way!"

"That's right, on the surface we came to the forest to find suitable wood, but in fact we are lying here happily..."

"And they are still busy outside like a fool, hahahaha..."

The three's voices were so small that they could almost be said to be whispering.

However, Qin Yuan, who was approaching, exploded in his ears like thunder, and his eyes were full of hatred for iron, which was a complete disappointment!

"Su Xiaoyu!"

Seeing that there was no danger around, Qin Yuan shouted loudly after standing still.

As the sound came out, the haystack that was still moving was quiet for a moment.

But soon, the haystacks flew, and the three thorns jumped up almost like a conditioned reflex.

Led by Su Xiaoyu, the three of them lowered their heads and dared not look directly at Qin Yuan.

It is really Qin Yuan at this moment, the pressure on them is too strong, too great!

At the same time, because Qin Yuan's voice was not small, he also attracted the other thorns who were looking for Su Xiaoyu and others. All of them were grey-faced and sweaty. relieved.

This scene also made them feel very strange. It should be fortunate that the three of Su Xiaoyu are fine, but why is the company commander so angry...

I don't know how long it took, Qin Yuan still felt that his anger could not be suppressed. He said with a calm face, "Su Xiaoyu, don't plan to say anything, just keep standing like this? Ah?!"

When Su Xiaoyu was named and raised his head, looking at Qin Yuan's eyes full of anger, he couldn't help but tremble.

When he saw the comrades around him who were enlisted at the same time and sweating profusely, he felt guilty and guilty.

"Company... company commander..."

"I'm sorry…"

"I'm sorry everyone..."

The corners of Su Xiaoyu's mouth wriggled. Before touching the fish, he prepared a large set of rhetoric, but at this moment he couldn't say anything.

"Humph! Su Xiaoyu, do you know what you are doing?"

"I tell you without exaggeration, deserter! This is a **** deserter who escaped!"

Qin Yuan snorted coldly, venting his anger continuously.

The surrounding thorns still looked confused, looking at Su Xiaoyu and the others, and then at Qin Yuan.

But Qin Yuan's words also allowed them to guess something.

At this time, the group of thorns who were still jumping off suddenly did not dare to speak.

They all know what deserters mean in the army, that's the bottom line!

That's the red line! It's a place that is absolutely untouchable!

Su Xiaoyu lowered his head and tried to speak several times, but he still didn't know what to do.

"I give you two options."

"First, I will not report it to you as deserters, I will only tell the upper-level leaders that it is because of your health that you cannot continue to participate in training normally, you cannot continue to serve, you are no longer suitable for the army, no longer Suitable for our Sharp Knife Recruit Company!"

With Qin Yuan's pause, both Su Xiaoyu and the rest of the thorns were shocked.

The three of Su Xiaoyu didn't expect that, in their opinion, they just stole it and fished for a while, but they would be sent back to their hometown!

If this scene is allowed to happen, it will definitely become the greatest shame in their life!

"Second, a letter of guarantee for each person, this kind of thing will not happen again in the future! However, the rest of the house, from the collection of wood to the completion of the construction of the house, must be done by the three of you, and the rest of you can All go to rest!"

Qin Yuan ignored everyone's faces and said with a stern face.

Hearing this, the three of Su Xiaoyu opened their mouths wide. They thought that the second option would not be any better than the first. At the very least, they might not stay in the Sharp Sword Recruit Company anymore, but at this moment …

Seeing Su Xiaoyu and the three of them stunned, Zhang Shuai was anxious and shouted first: "Hey! Su Xiaoyu, are you **** stupid! Hurry up and agree to the company commander's second option!"

"That's right, Su Xiaoyu, hurry up and promise the company commander! This is an opportunity!"

"What's the matter! Hurry up and promise the company commander, after passing this village, there will be no such shop!"

"Isn't it just a broken house, and now it has been built in various ways, Su Xiaoyu, if you are still the one with the handle, don't ink it!"

The surrounding voices were endless for a while, and Zang Chong and the others also shouted and their faces turned red.

For a time, the eyes of the three of Su Xiaoyu turned red, looked at everyone, and said with a faint cry: "Thank you company commander... Thank you everyone... I won't be able to do it in the future, I will definitely not..."

"Grass! Su Xiaoyu, you are a big man, crying barren, who hasn't made a mistake when you grow up so big!"

Zang Chong immediately laughed and scolded the other party.

When everyone saw this, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Qin Yuan said in an untimely manner, "Okay, everyone slipped back to rest, Su Xiaoyu, the three of you quickly set up the house, and the previously agreed time cannot be changed!"

"After the house is built, the three of you must write me a letter of guarantee as soon as possible!"

"As long as there is one item that can't be completed, that's fine. I'll still say that. Where did you guys come from, let me go back to where you are."

"I will never be a coward here!"

When the words fell, Qin Yuan didn't bother to care about the wonderful expressions on these people's faces, turned around and left.

As for those thorns, each of them did not have the slightest intention to leave, apparently intending to fight to the end with the three of Su Xiaoyu.

after all.

Just the three of them want to build a good house?

That is the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!

Not far from them, Qin Yuan stood still, turned his head to look at the group of thorns, and immediately smiled, and whispered, "In the end, this is still a group of children!"

As soon as he returned to the border defense base, Qin Yuan received a call from Ye Jianting.

"Qin Yuan, is it still a habit to stay in the 301 station?"

"Or if you have any needs, you can apply directly to me. As long as it is reasonable, we will meet your needs as soon as possible..."

Qin Yuan immediately smiled when he heard the words: "Report to the head! The wind is strong here, the scenery is good, and the air is fresh! Everything is perfect! There is no better place than here! I don't need anything for the time being!"

"Haha, as long as you like it! This is my personal phone number. If you have any requirements, feel free to mention it! As long as it is within the scope of my responsibility, I can fulfill any wishes you want!" Ye Jianting simply explained a few words and hung up the phone!

And the other side.

The radio came suddenly!

This time Su Xiaoyu and others disappeared again!

This time, a total of 8 people are missing!

When Qin Yuan heard this, he immediately became angry!

This Su Xiaoyu!

Why don't you have a long memory?

Do this again?

Does he really want to go home?

Not a soldier?

But in the next second, Qin Yuan realized that something was wrong!

Su Xiaoyu is just a little playful, but he will never be so indiscriminate.

"Could it be that they are really in danger?"

Without further ado, Qin Yuan rushed to the woods immediately.

Visibility is very low at night, and even with a flashlight, the line of sight is greatly hindered.

It's hard to find someone!

At this moment, everyone in the entire company was waiting in full force.

With the skills of Su Xiaoyu and others, they understand that there is no special danger, and it is impossible to disappear so quietly.

There are definitely enemies!

This is the frontier land, perhaps the private action of the enemy country.

This idea haunted every soldier in the company.

In the fourth village, Qin Yuan divided 100 people into ten groups and sent them out, asking them to search Su Xiaoyu and the others in a carpet-like manner, and they wanted to see people and corpses.

The thorns all felt a gust of rain coming and the building was full of wind!

This time, I'm afraid something really happened!


Qin Yuan sat and waited for the main camp to direct them.

Because, this time, his danger perception is without any hint!

This made Qin Yuan couldn't help but think of a possibility!

The old horse was beside Qin Yuan and said to Qin Yuan: "Qin Company Commander, you don't have to worry too much, there are no wild animals nearby, maybe you are lost."

"I would rather they were attacked by wild beasts." Qin Yuan thought to himself.

"The first group, report your situation."

"Company commander, there is no other news for the time being..."

Before the words were finished, a harsh voice came from the radio, and the call was interrupted.

Qin Yuan felt bad, he quickly contacted other groups.

The first group has no radio contact with the seventh group, and the other eight groups are normal.

Qin Yuan asked the other eight groups to gather, nearly twenty people from each group, and suddenly cut off contact. It was definitely not a simple incident.

He handed the radio in his hand to the old horse and said, "You are here to command them, and I will go out to find them."

The old horse waved his hand, handed the radio that Qin Yuan handed over to the deputy squad leader, and said, "I'll go with you. I'm familiar with the environment here, and I'll show you the way."

Qin Yuan is in need of a guide who is familiar with the environment here.

He acquiesced.

The old horse followed Qin Yuan's side.

He saw that Qin Yuan was not simple, and that a civilian could become a company commander, and there must be something special about him.

The two set off from the camp and walked towards the dense forest.

Lao Ma kept in touch with the camp from time to time and received news from the camp, his face suddenly filled with sadness.

"The radio of the tenth group is gone too."

He said to Qin Yuan. Then he said: "It may be that this magnetic field is interfering with the radio. Don't worry too much, Chief."

Qin Yuan didn't say a word, and quickened his pace.

More than 30 people disappeared without the slightest movement. It was definitely not a simple magnetic field interference.

The two came to the depths of the jungle, where the first group last signaled.

Qin Yuan observed the ground.

The weeds showed signs of being crushed, and the tree trunks next to them were hit.

It appears that there was a fierce fight when the first group disappeared.

Seeing that there was no blood on the ground, Qin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that they were still alive.

It's not easy to make the thorns with extraordinary skills disappear, they are not simple, what purpose do they hold.

At this time.

Qin Yuan's danger perception sensed that there was someone in front of him.

He strode over, came under the tree, looked up, and saw a soldier in a camouflage uniform lying on the trunk.

The soldier on the tree slid down the tree trunk when he saw that he was found.

Before landing, the dagger in his hand stabbed towards Qin Yuan's chest.

Qin Yuan turned sideways, his knees raised, and pressed against the soldier's elbow. The dagger in the soldier's hand couldn't hold it and fell to the ground.

He then stretched out his hand to clamp the soldier's neck, and said sharply, "Who are you?"

When the soldier saw that he couldn't escape, he smiled and said, "Welcome to the training ground that we have carefully prepared for you. The trial failed! The Sharp Knife Recruit Company was disbanded on the spot."

Qin Yuan saw that the enemy was not malicious, and the strength in his hand was much lighter.

He continued, "Where are they?"

The soldier waved his hand and said, "You are the Qin company commander, don't waste your energy asking me for words, I'm just a tongue, and our captain specially asked me to speak to you here.

Captain Qin, I have heard that your deeds are indeed very powerful, but it is not worth mentioning here. I hope you can survive under the siege of our beast camp. As for the rest...sorry, I won't say more! "

The soldier yanked his hand on his back, and thick yellow smoke came out of him.

"I've been eliminated."

Wherever the soldier pretends to be dead, Qin Yuan can't help him, but he also understands that the disappearance of the others is only because of trials, not because of fatal danger.

He said to the old horse beside him: "Contact the camp, report the situation and let the other groups pay attention."

Since it was a trial against them, the other groups must have also been targeted.

Lao Ma adjusted the radio and tried it a few times. He spread his hands and said, "The radio is blocked, and now we can't contact the camp."

Qin Yuan took the assault rifle from the soldier and said.

"Old Ma, now, let us fight side by side, let's fight against encirclement and suppression!"

Encirclement and suppression?

No, this is a counter-encirclement and suppression campaign.

Seeing the resolute look on Qin Yuan's face, the old horse remembered those **** days five years ago. He was infected by Qin Yuan and his body trembled slightly, as if he had returned to five years ago.

He stood upright and shouted, "Yes, Chief!"

Qin Yuan is not going to go to the jungle. Since there is already a tongue left here, there must be a net waiting for him in front of him. He is going to go back to the camp, gather people, and counter-encircle and suppress it!


There were dozens of people in the camp, with guns on every entry and exit point, soldiers patrolling, and there were a few people **** and thrown somewhere in the open space of the camp.

Qin Yuan took a closer look and saw that it was Su Xiaoyu and others who had disappeared, as well as the squad leader Ma who stayed at the camp.

In a short period of time, without much effort, this place was occupied by people.

It was a premeditated trial. UU reading

It seems that this big net has already rushed over since he waited for others to board the transport plane.

Lao Ma did not expect that the camp he had been guarding for five years was now in the hands of others.

He said to Qin Yuan, "Chief, what should we do next?"

According to military rank, Qin Yuan is older than him.

Qin Yuan observed the camp, there were more than a dozen people in it, he said without hesitation:

"Take the camp here."

Hearing Qin Yuan's tone, Lao Ma was deeply encouraged.

Although thousands of people go to me!

Then, Qin Yuan handed the old horse the assault rifle in his hand.

"The two of us will act separately. You are responsible for attracting their firepower in front. I will go around and rescue Su Xiaoyu and others in the camp. If there are many people, we will be sure to win this counter-encirclement and suppression campaign."

The old horse took the gun, cat on his waist, and came to the front of the camp along the bunker.

Qin Yuan circled around.

The current camp is not an exaggeration to describe it as watertight.

The position of the soldiers in the camp is very particular. As long as Qin Yuan rushes up and is discovered by the soldiers, he will be immediately focused.

After he arrived at the designated spot, he signaled to the old horse in the distance to start moving.

The old horse held the gun, and his soul disappeared for five years, and he came back.

He hid in the dark, aimed at the soldiers standing guard not far away, and pulled the trigger.

A plume of purple smoke rose.

The soldiers standing guard at the door are eliminated.

When the other soldiers heard the gunshots, they went to the nearest bunker to hide, observed the location of the old horse, and determined that there was only one person who shot the gun. They sent three people to take cover alternately and immediately touched the old horse!

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