Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 178: The captured Hao Lian Yaoyao!

Chapter 179 The Captured Hao Lian Yaoyao! 【For subscription】

in the jungle.

Qin Yuan and the old horse ran wildly.

According to the situation detected from the entrance of the base camp, only more than 10 thorns have been caught now.

The rest lost contact, only because of radio interference, which made Qin Yuan lose contact with the thorns.

rub rub!


Several extremely fast footsteps approached.

Qin Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, "Savage? Fang Tian?"

The people who came were Zangchong and Fangtian, a total of 8 people!

When Zangchong and his party saw Qin Yuan, they were immediately agitated, and Fang Tian almost cried with joy, "Company commander! Woohoo, we finally found you! We just lost contact with the company commander, and we were all terrified!"

"Fuck you! Scare the wool! Company commander, don't listen to this kid's bragging, he was the favorite to run just now, he's not afraid at all." Zangchong laughed and scolded, "Company commander, what's the situation now? , is there a real enemy, or has the exercise started again?"

Zang Chong's eyes were full of excitement and excitement!

No nervousness at all!

The old horse next to him cried out in surprise.

This soldier, called a savage, is too burly, too arrogant!

Moreover, it seems that the courage is still very big?

"Yes, company commander, what's the situation now? We are at a loss now!" Fang Tian restrained his expression and said solemnly.

"It is certain that it is a trial now!" Qin Yuan said directly, "Moreover, Su Xiaoyu and the others were taken away by the other party. If nothing else, there are at least a few of them in the jungle now. Ten or even one or two hundred of their people! And in their base camp, there are at least two or three hundred people."

"The other party is obviously prepared this time, and your mission is to eliminate all of them and rescue all their comrades!"

"If the mission fails, all of you will be severely punished!"

Qin Yuan said.

"Yes! Company commander!"

"So there really is an enemy!"

"It's good to practice!"

"As long as it's not really sacrificed, we have a chance!"

The group nodded after hearing this.

"Okay! Time is running out! Now, let's go with me! Find all the people in the jungle who haven't been eliminated! Then follow the plan."

"Yes! Company commander!"

Qin Yuan gave an order.

Everyone acted immediately.

Under the leadership of Qin Yuan.

The crowd is fast!

The old horse running is a frightened one!

"What's the matter, what's the situation? Are all the new recruits so fierce now? How can they all run so fast?"

The old horses were stunned!

no way!

Zangchong Fangtian and the others are running too fast!

The old horse had used all the strength to suckle, but he still couldn't catch up, and he could only sit firmly on the bottom of the throne.

"I still don't believe it! I'm a veteran, can't even catch up with a new recruit?"

The ferocity in his heart jumped up, and when the old horse gritted his teeth, he suddenly began to accelerate.

But still to no avail!

The old horse ran wild for 3 minutes, and was finally completely dumbfounded.

"This motherfucker, this group of recruits, is really a group of freaks! This physical fitness is too strong!"

The old horse couldn't help sighing with emotion.

How did he know that this group of recruits only took 36 minutes to run 10 kilometers in full armor!

One can imagine how terrifying their physical fitness is!

After more than 20 minutes.

Qin Yuan motioned to everyone and stopped behind a big tree.


Qin Yuan made a silent gesture.

The crowd stopped immediately.

"Company commander, is there anyone ahead?"

Zang Chong came over and asked in a low voice.

Qin Yuan nodded directly, "In the 40-degree direction, there are at least seven or eight people. I saw their shadows just now. Now separate immediately, be sure to hit with a single blow!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately nodded excitedly and solemnly.


The 10 people spread out quickly and slowly surrounded the front.

Directly in front of Qin Yuan, more than 30 meters away, eight enemy soldiers were marching cautiously with a solemn expression.

Not far behind them.

There are also three soldiers, urging the four bound thorns to advance.

"Everything is so quick for Lao Tzu!"

"Why are you walking so slowly?"

"You haven't eaten yet? I'll give you 3 seconds, if you keep dawdling like this, be careful I'll slap you!"

The soldier immediately let out an angry roar.

When Hao Lian Yaoyao heard this, he immediately became angry, "Fuck, how dare you scold us? If you have the seeds, let me go! Let's practice alone!"


A whip shadow was drawn.

Hao Lian Yaoyao screamed suddenly.

"Stupid! It's an exercise, a trial! The enemy will give you a single exercise? If you dared to yell at the enemy like this, they would have killed you already!" The soldier scolded directly.

Among the four people who were caught, Hao Lian Yaoyao was there!

"What are you staring at? Dare to stare again, I'll give you another whip!" The soldier said angrily, "Also! As a soldier, you should know that any exercise has casualties! Packed bullets can kill people, if you don't mind, I really want to try the power of this blank bullet!"

The soldier said, raising the 95.

The four thorns were shocked when they saw this.

This blank bullet, shot from a long distance, is nothing.

But if it is at close range, a shot in the head will kill people!

"You dare!" Hao Lian Yaoyao, who was whipped with a whip, was not convinced at all, and immediately glared at the soldier and said angrily, "If you dare to kill me, our company commander will definitely strip you alive. !"

"That's right! You deliberately humiliated us, that's all! We are not as skilled as others, and we are willing to admit defeat! But if you dare to kill us! Hmph, it's not our bragging! Don't say it's you little soldiers, it's your leader, There is no escape!" Another Thorn said angrily.

"Yo! It's really insane! I didn't expect the current recruits to be so arrogant and coaxing? It's just a company commander of a mere recruit company, and it's just a captain at He is a captain, how dare he be there Lieutenant Colonel broke ground?" The soldier is also a ruthless leader, when he heard Hao Lian Yaoyao's anger, he immediately became angry, and immediately raised his gun and aimed it at Hao Lian Yaoyao's head, "You Damn, let me tell you one more thing! It's better to walk for me! Otherwise, this gun, you're all set!"

Anyway, it's an exercise now!

In the exercise, there will inevitably be casualties!

The soldiers were not afraid of the threat of Hao Lian Yaoyao!

"You dare! What the hell, I just don't leave! If you don't dare to shoot, you are my grandson!" Hao Lian Yaoyao heard this, how could he bear it?

Along the way, he and his three teammates are patient!

It's just that this soldier's words are too ugly!

In addition, the other party told him to hit him!

Who can endure this?

"My Nima..." The soldier immediately became furious when he heard this, and hit him with a backhand!

Hao Lian Yaoyao was bound all over and couldn't dodge at all.

Simply, he didn't dodge at all, and just faced the whip of the other side!

"If you dare to beat me, I will make you pay your debts with blood! Tenfold!" Hao Lian Yaoyao swore in his heart.

Yet at this moment.

Da da da!

Da da da da!

Gunshots were heard almost simultaneously from all directions.

In an instant, all 11 Blue Army soldiers were eliminated!

But the soldier who was wielding the whip kept his momentum unabated, and slapped the whip directly on Hao Lian Yaoyao, and Hao Lian Yaoyao cried out in pain.

"You are so monstrous, how dare you hit me?"

Hao Lian Yaoyao roared angrily.

?? Thank you very much for your reward!

?Many thanks!



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