Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 194: Start training again! Battalion Commander's Worries!

Chapter 195 Start training again! Battalion Commander's Worries! [Second update, please subscribe]

When the 100-kilometer armed cross-country run was completed, all the recruits sat on the ground.

Even Zang Chong could barely stand.


Qin Yuan did not give them time to rest, and shouted at the crowd.

"Company... company commander."

"Let...let's rest for a while..."

Su Xiaoyu said out of breath.

"Su Xiaoyu!"

Qin Yuan looked directly at him.

"What... what's the matter, company commander..."

Su Xiaoyu turned his head weakly and looked at Qin Yuan as well.

"Su Xiaoyu!"

Qin Yuan didn't say much, just shouted again.


No matter how stupid he is, he still understands what Qin Yuan means.

With the help of his comrades beside him, Su Xiaoyu stood up.

"Hmph! You've become like this with just a hundred kilometers of armed force."

"How dare you offer to rest?"

"I'm still saying that, if you can't stand it, quit immediately!"

"Here, the company led by Qin Yuan does not welcome the weak!"

Qin Yuan snorted coldly, and when he spoke, his face was full of coldness.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyu wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth several times without saying anything.

But everyone present already understood that Qin Yuan was for real!

The night has fallen around, but this group of recruits who have not even eaten their meals dragged their tired bodies, gathered at the fastest speed, and stood in line.

"This assembly takes a total of one minute!"

"This minute represents the extra ten kilometers in the next 100 kilometers armed, I hope you will remember!"

After looking at the time, Qin Yuan looked at the line leader again, and continued:


Following an order, the three platoon leaders led the cooks, each holding a tray, and distributed the food.

"This... squad leader, why are there only steamed buns and pickles..."

Han Xiang was a little confused when he saw the food distributed, and asked the cook who delivered the meal.

"This is what your company commander asked, and we don't know."

"I only know that for the next month, it seems that every meal is like this!"

The cook shook his head and left after responding.

"This... isn't it!"

"With such a great training intensity, I only eat steamed bread and pickles..."

Suddenly, Han Xiang, including the recruits around him, was dumbfounded.

Where is this training, this is already abusing people!

This scene is not just here, the entire recruit company is happening everywhere.

Even Zang Chong made a rare spit.

When he was in the jungle, although he consumed a lot of energy, at least he could eat well!

But now Qin Yuan is completely torturing their bodies and spirits!

They finally understand now, why Qin Yuan was so serious about pre-training mobilization before, why he said that this is the devil month, this is hell...

"Give you five minutes to eat!"

"Every minute overtime, the next armed cross-country training will be 10 kilometers!"

"Is it clear!"

Qin Yuan looked directly at everyone and said with a cold expression.


Although everyone complained a little, they didn't say much, just picked up the steamed buns and pickles in their hands and devoured them.

Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction as he watched this scene.

If it was replaced by other troops, it might be really troublesome, but this is his company of Qin Yuan!

In five minutes, this group of recruits was so fully armed, standing there and eating all the things in their hands, still standing tall and standing in line.

In the upstairs dormitory, the windows of each class are basically open, and each and everyone's eyes are looking at the recruit company of sharp knives standing below.

"This company commander Qin is too scary!"

"What time is it, it's still training, and there is no intention of disbanding at all..."

One of the recruits blinked, with disbelief and sympathy written all over his face.

"Didn't you see what they just ate? That's steamed buns and pickles!"

"It takes such a large amount of training to eat so much. You know, we are eating braised pork tonight!"

The recruit next to him also shook his head, shocked.

"Fortunately! Fortunately, we were not assigned to this company at the beginning. It was terrible!"

Another recruit spoke up.

In their eyes, under Qin Yuan's hands, these new recruits had already been tortured to such a degree.

"Hey, I don't know who it is. When the recruit company first started, I dreamed of joining the company of Captain Qin."

"But now, people are just suffering and despairing, so I'm happy here..."

The recruit who spoke first looked at the last recruit and laughed.

"You fucking…"

The last recruit jumped up and started making trouble with them, looking unhappy.

The laughter and laughter from upstairs naturally reached the ears of the group of recruits in front of Qin Yuan.

Although they envied that kind of life, they also knew that Qin Yuan was making them stronger. They were different from the recruits upstairs!

Therefore, no one spoke.

After Qin Yuan finished eating the food in his hand, he glanced at the immature faces in front of him, and then said, "That's right! We all finished the meal within the stipulated time."

Qin Yuan looked up at the sky, and then continued:

"The weather tonight is not bad, there is the moon, and it is not very cold."

"We also don't want to disturb other people's rest in the camp."

"Now, everyone has it, turn right..."

"Goal, swim across the river, run..."

After speaking, Qin Feng took the lead and ran towards the target area without looking back.

Behind him, the recruits also started running.

"one two three four…"

"one two three four…"

"one two three four…"

With running, the slogan of departure sounded again.

"Damn it! It's all like this, and I actually went to training again! And that seems to be the direction of leaving the camp!"

The recruits who were fighting couldn't help but stop, they thought it was over, but this was just the beginning!

"My God, I'm still fully armed, I haven't even taken off my arms, and I haven't changed my wet clothes..."

"What kind of big move are they going to make, it's going to turn off the lights soon!"

Another recruit showed up, and when he saw the situation clearly, he could put an egg in his mouth.

"I seem to have heard from Company Commander Qin that he is going to swim across the Is it possible to swim with arms in the middle of the night?"

"And after just running a hundred kilometers armed?"

"Isn't he afraid that this group of people will be exhausted, what danger will happen in it?"

Their deputy squad leader also looked at this scene in surprise, frowning slightly.

What he saw was not as superficial as this group of recruits.

In case there is danger during the armed swimming, it will be fatal if you don't get it right!

"No, I have to report."

After tangled for a while, the deputy squad leader still made such a decision.


In the office of another recruit company.

The deputy squad leader stood here earlier with his head lowered and dared not speak.

The instructor in front of him slapped the table directly, blushing and having a thick neck, "Nonsense! Isn't company commander Qin making a fool of himself!"

"Even if the company is thorny, even if the superiors let him decide the training program by himself."

"But this doesn't take the safety and lives of those recruits seriously!"

"It's so ridiculous!"

"No, I have to go to the battalion commander, and company commander Qin must be stopped!"

"You, go to the bathhouse to find the company commander immediately, and report this matter to your company commander, so that he can quickly go to the battalion commander's office with me to find the battalion commander and say, this will definitely not work!"

The instructor kept walking back and forth behind the desk with his hands behind his back, his brows never let go since he knew about it.

"Yes, Instructor!"

The deputy monitor nodded and left like the wind.

?? Thank you "Zhao Yang" for your support!



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