Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 197: Night supper behind enemy lines!

Chapter 198 Night supper behind the enemy!

198. Supper behind enemy lines!

However, a few thorns seemed to remember something, and there was no surprise at all.

"The Sharp Knife Recruit Company, we don't need the kind of people who will affect morale, cheat and play tricks, and just want to be lazy and be a deserter!"

Qin Yuan's eyes were fixed on each other.

What he said was very clear, but he didn't point out what was going on.

But when he heard this, the recruit's face turned pale.

He didn't understand why Qin Yuan knew about the other side.

But, now Qin Yuan is really talking about this!


"I... I've gone ashore..."

"Give me another chance!"

"I definitely won't be..."

The recruit's face turned pale, and he hesitated.

Qin Yuan pointed to the soldiers who were eliminated because they didn't go ashore.

"They don't have a chance. You, who almost became a deserter, have a chance?"

"Come on! You are no longer welcome here!"

Qin Yuan waved his hand and stopped looking at him.


The recruit still wanted to speak, but was taken away by the soldier who came in a military jeep.

The other recruits who saw this scene were startled.

You know, at the beginning, Qin Yuan said that there would be an elimination system.

But they didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that their own quality and so on were no problem, and they could easily pass.

The fact is also true, Qin Yuan has never made any elimination moves before this.

But they didn't expect that it was the first time they were eliminated, and nearly half of them were eliminated!

Moreover, even being lazy and skating was directly driven away!

It is not strict!

Several of the recruits looked at the comrades who were taken away, and tried to speak with their mouths squirming several times, but they didn't know where to start.

They already understand that this company will be a company that respects the strong!

Only strong enough people are qualified to stay here!

And those recruits who were almost completely brought up at the end had bitter faces.

Anything short of that, and they'll be one of those eliminated.

And now they are lucky enough to stand here!

However, they were not fortunate, because they knew that if they and others were not strong enough in the next training, they would also get on the military jeep and go back to the dormitory to pack their luggage!

Not long after, those eliminated soldiers were taken away with regret and loss.

Then Qin Yuan looked at the recruits and said:

"In the wild, the first thing we have to do is keep ourselves nourished and survive."

"Although our current combat conditions are good, we have good military supplies, such as compressed biscuits and self-heating rice."

"However, most of the special forces conduct hidden operations behind enemy lines, and there may be no fire or water around."

"Moreover, if you just eat these, in case you need to hide behind the enemy for ten days and a half months, there may be a situation where there is insufficient dry food or the nutritional supply your body needs to keep up."

"So, for the last class of the day, we all sit down and have a supper in the 'behind the enemy' area!"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yuan's eyes turned to the three platoon leaders.

Seeing this, the three platoon leaders also drove the tool cart over.

At this time, there was a large thing covered with a black cloth on the body of the tool cart, and it was completely impossible to see what was inside.

But when the three platoon leaders thought of what was inside, they couldn't help but look horrified, but they made a few thorns vaguely guess something.

"Open it!"

"Show them a delicious supper tonight!"

A rare smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face, and he glanced meaningfully at the recruits.

Everyone was suddenly confused by Qin Yuan's mysterious appearance, and those who didn't know it all at once were even more puzzled.

"It's over!"

"I didn't expect to take this class so soon..."

Hua Shanke smiled wryly, obviously guessing it.

"It is estimated that among us, Zang Chong can eat without any worries, without any burden..."

Han Xiang's face was pale and he was about to vomit.

"I don't know what the company commander will prepare for us. It's not a small thing to see this posture!"

Fang Tian murmured the same, and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

As for this guy Zang Chong, his eyes were full of excitement.

Listening to these piercing conversations, he also roughly knew what was going on.

It can be said that since he left the jungle, he really misses this bite.

And the three platoon leaders did not disappoint everyone, and suddenly pulled the black cloth off.

Under the black cloth is a huge iron cage, which is divided into small cages, or glass cabinets one by one.

The things in the small cage are more fancy and bigger.

Hare, owl, voles, pheasants and more.

And those glass cabinets are more complicated.

Some are venomous snakes with triangular heads, and some are non-venomous snakes with round heads similar to cauliflower snakes.

Then there is the entire hive, and one by one wasps can still be seen indistinctly.

There are also a series of strange things such as poisonous scorpions, maggots and so on, which are locked in glass cabinets.

Finally, behind this big cage, there is another big cage.

There was only one big space in that big cage, and the contents inside made Zang Chong almost drool.

"Good guy! Big deal!"

"This black wild boar looks so strong!"

Even Hua Shanke was stunned.

"I really don't know where the company commander got these things, this jungle will definitely not be so complete..."

Lin Dong looked stunned.

These things are so rich!

"Okay, just be quiet."

Qin Yuan looked at these things with satisfaction, then turned to look at the chattering recruit company.

The recruits didn't even live up to their expectations, and the needles dropped in an instant.

"You guessed it right, these are your supper tonight!"

"And you are given only a dagger!"

"These are the most common, nutrient- and protein-rich foods in the jungle."

"It can be said that compared to eggs, it is even more powerful, and it is very delicious!"

While speaking, Qin Yuan had already pointed to the daggers beside the bucket of the tool cart.

Looking at the group of recruits who were about to vomit, but endured, Qin Yuan continued:

"Of course, if there are any cowards who dare not eat, or dare not approach, etc., then you don't have to worry."

"There will be a military jeep coming over soon to pick you up, take a hot shower, and send you to a recruit company that isn't scary so you can spend your military time in peace and comfort."

"Okay, I won't say more nonsense, you can start eating."

Qin Yuan smiled, stepped aside directly, waved his arms, and made a 'please' gesture.

With the gesture falling, Zang Chong rushed over first, took out a dagger and directly opened the wild boar cage.

The wild boar, who was already furious and hit the cage again, instantly raised his head with red eyes and regarded Zang Chong as an enemy. As soon as his head was lowered, he would use the horn on his head to hit Zang Chong.

You know, this is an adult wild boar.

Once hit by it, the immortal may also be paralyzed!

Although everyone present knew that Zang Chong had grown up in the jungle since he was a child, he couldn't help but feel nervous at this moment.

"Hey, that's what it feels like, it's really good!"

Zang Chong didn't feel anything at all, instead he rushed towards the black wild boar.

The black wild boar also saw this scene, as if he was provoked, and rushed towards Zang Chong in a flash.

"Little guy, you're still too tender..."

Zang Chong shook his head, just when the black wild boar was about to hit him, he turned over and rode on the back of the black wild boar.

The dagger in his hand fell straight down and stabbed into the black wild boar's head.

The black wild boar also roared overwhelmed, and his whole body was trembling. If Zang Chong hadn't grasped it tightly, he might have been thrown out.

As for Zang Chong, he smiled slightly, pulled out the dagger in his hand, and stabbed it again, repeatedly.

The black wild boar, which was originally alive, fell to the ground with a whimper in his hands.

"What are you doing so stunned, come and eat!"

"I can tell you, this stuff is a big tonic, and the meat is especially delicious!"

"I'll start first!"

Zang Chong's face was covered in blood and he looked at the other recruits excitedly. He cut off a piece of meat and ate it happily.

The recruits around were stunned, this was so simple and rude, so violent!

And, just eat it directly!

This scene really made many people unacceptable, and some even vomited on the spot!

Qin Yuan also twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that the black wild boar was a trump card.

I didn't expect to be tossed so much by Zang Chong, and he just hung up.

Also, it seems to be delicious...


"Lying... lying trough..."

Su Xiaoyu vomited and pointed in the direction where Zang Chong ate the black wild boar.

"Damn, it's hard work..."

After spitting up the bitter water for the last time, Su Xiaoyu's face turned pale, but he still walked towards the black wild boar with a sloppy pace.

Compared with this wild boar, other things are even more unacceptable to him!

The rest of the thorns saw this and gave each other a wry smile, "Fuck, it's done!"

They all knew that since Qin Yuan had prepared so well, he could not avoid this hurdle.

But they did not choose the black wild boar, but each took another dagger and picked out the food that was relatively acceptable to each of them.

It's really the dirty pig hair of the wild boar, so they don't dare to look at it...

As for the rest of the recruits, they seemed a little hesitant. You looked at me one by one, and I looked at you. After moving a few steps, they didn't dare to step forward.

You must know that many of these soldiers have never even killed chickens at home!

Not to mention that now I have to kill them myself, and I have to eat them alive...

It's really hard to accept...

"I'll give you an hour to eat."

"If after an hour, there are still people who haven't eaten, then the person who hasn't eaten will be sent away!"

"Of course, if you are cowardly, you can choose to quit now, don't waste time, and save a lot of food, so you don't mess around."

Qin Yuan glanced at them and said something leisurely.

When one of the recruits heard this, he immediately understood that Qin Yuan was not joking. He took a deep breath and looked at his comrades around him, "Fuck! I'm afraid of shit, isn't it just eating!"

"We usually eat cooked food, but now we eat raw food, and it's over!"

After speaking, the recruit endured the discomfort, and also stepped forward and picked up a dagger to cut off a piece of meat from the black wild boar and gnawed it.

The other recruits looked at each other, "Eat!"

Immediately, they also stepped forward.

But there are still people who are hesitant.

"By the way, everyone remember to be full!"

Qin Yuan left such a sentence, turned around and sat in the car, closing his eyes and resting.

With what happened before, those recruits who didn't dare to eat didn't dare to do it again.

It's more embarrassing to be fake than not to dare to eat!

Sitting in the car, Qin Yuan couldn't help but slowly raised the corners of his mouth while listening to the gobbling voices outside, looking very satisfied.

"Company commander, are we going to play too much..."

"The battalion commander just called..."

The second platoon leader, Li Yongjun, glanced at the group of recruits who were eating, and asked in disbelief.

"They have to pass this level. If they can't even take this step, what will they do in future battles behind enemy lines?"

Qin Yuan didn't open his eyes, his tone was as calm as water.

Li Yongjun wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

Then he could only say:

"By the way, the company commander, the battalion commander asked us to bring it back as soon as possible, saying that it was so late that it was not safe for the recruits to stay outside..."

Hearing Qin Yuan opened his eyes and glanced at his watch, "Come on, they can go back when they finish eating."

"Then... do you want to send a troop carrier to send them back?"

"After all, with such a large amount of training today, their physical strength should have been almost exhausted..."

Li Yongjun's eyes lit up, and then he asked tentatively again.

"Need not!"

"Just go back as you came out."

"During the training period of the devil, their only means of travel are their two legs!"

"Movement is all about legs, do you understand what I mean?"

Qin Yuan glanced at the other party and said leisurely.

"Yes, company commander!"

Li Yongjun responded quickly.

In my heart, I have been mourning for these new recruits.

He had roughly seen the timetable formulated by Qin Yuan before.

Like today, it's just an appetizer. Although there will be repetitive training in the future, it will still be very painful...

"How is it, what did the company commander say?"

Just as Li Yongjun walked back to the other two platoon leaders, Zhang Mingmin asked.

"The company commander said that when they finish eating, they will bring them back. The maneuvering is all on the legs..."

Li Yongjun repeated it with a wry smile.

As soon as these words came out, the two platoon leaders were dumbfounded.

Although this group of people can be very good.

But today, I have been training at a high intensity for a whole day, and I still have about five kilometers to run back.

It's fully armed!

I really don't know if they can stand it...

Suddenly, the hearts of the three platoon leaders became worried again...

And the new recruits who eat the fragrance are completely unaware of this...

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