Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 205: Kill 2 people! I'd rather die than give up!

Chapter 206 Kill the two! I'd rather die than give up! [Second update, please subscribe]

"Tell me, your name! Military rank! Title! Unit!"

The squad leader Ma stared at Zhao Ruixuan with a gloomy smile on his face, as if the axe was about to fall if he disagreed.

"Bah! What kind of thing are you! You deserve it?"

Zhao Ruixuan's eyes were bloodshot, and his face was full of disdain.

"Humph! What a **** tough mouth!"

"Do you think Lao Tzu doesn't know?"

Squad leader Ma snorted coldly, his eyes cold.

However, Zhao Ruixuan didn't speak at this time, just stared at the other party.

"It's a **** face for you."

Seeing it a little uncomfortable, Squad Leader Ma picked up the axe without saying a word and slashed.



The sound of a bone being split in half suddenly sounded.

The originally clean chopping board was also dyed red by the red liquid, and the liquid continued to fall down the chopping board toward the ground, making the scene very bloody.

After Zhao Ruixuan cried out in pain and his face was distorted, he fainted and died on the chopping block without any movement.

The hearts of the recruits suddenly tightened, and several of them wished they could break free from their shackles and fight with the squad leader Ma and the others.

The scene also exploded completely and became very noisy.

But the squad leader Ma completely ignored all this.

"It's so boring, I just passed out."

Squad Leader Ma pouted and looked at Zhao Ruixuan with an unsatisfactory look in his eyes.

"Bring him to Lao Tzu."

Throwing the axe, Squad Leader Ma once again pointed at Li Yongjun, the second platoon leader, with a condescending look.

As his voice fell, a few veterans stepped forward directly, and the four of them brought Li Yongjun over on all fours.

"Kneel down!"

Squad Leader Ma spoke directly.

"Fuck you!"

"I kneel, lick, kneel, kneel, kneel, kneel to my parents, and I can't kneel down on your knees, you are a dog who has no mother and no mother!"

As soon as Li Yongjun heard this, he immediately exploded, and he spat at Squad Leader Ma.

Squad Leader Ma's little finger poked out his ears, "I said, don't you **** know the occasion? Can't understand what Lao Tzu said?"

"I **** make you kneel!"

Speaking of which, Squad Leader Ma directly took out his pistol and loaded it, aiming it directly at Squad Leader Ma's head.

In an instant, Squad Leader Ma's voice stopped abruptly, and the originally noisy environment suddenly quieted down again. All the recruits' eyes were locked on Li Yongjun and Squad Leader Ma.


Squad Leader Ma almost squeezed out such a sentence from between his teeth, word by word, his eyes were full of anger and blood.

"I really don't know about you soldiers."

"What are you holding on to?"

"A mere name, position, etc., can it be worth more than your life?"

"Or, is your mere dignity more important than your life?"

Squad Leader Ma patted Li Yongjun's cheek with the **** of his gun, his face full of jokes.

However, Li Yongjun was held down by the veterans, completely unable to move, and could not even break free due to violent resistance.

"You son of a **** don't understand!"

Li Yongjun is completely unforgiving.

"Humph! Press me down!"

Squad leader Ma was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he gave an order directly.

As soon as his order came out, the two recruits behind Li Yongjun directly kicked Li Yongjun's legs one by one.

Li Yongjun was also under this tremendous force, so he had no choice but to kneel, but the hatred in his eyes increased sharply, which completely explained what the blood and dignity of a soldier is!

Seeing this, the bound recruits clenched their fists with both hands.

What's more, the palms of the hands have already been gripped with blood, but they still feel nothing, and there is nothing else on the face except hatred!

"Damn! Don't let Lao Tzu find a chance! Otherwise, this group of people will be killed!"

Zang Chong only felt that his mind was full of anger, and his whole body was astonishing.

"This group of people is not easy!"

"They must know something, or they won't choose to attack the cadres first!"

"The most important thing is that the company commander has already sacrificed, and the three platoon commanders will not be too happy to see this posture!"

"We must avenge this revenge! But we can't be too impulsive!"

"Otherwise, it can only be delivered to these guys!"

Hua Shanke was still calm, but he couldn't hide the shocking hatred in his icy eyes.

"We're tied to death now, how can we take revenge?"

"And you have also seen that once it is unlocked, there will be several strong people holding it!"

Lin Dong's face was also cold, slightly livid, and he didn't look very good-looking.

"There will be a chance!"

"We have to hold back!"

"As long as we can find an opportunity, that must be the key to our revenge!"

Hua Shanke spoke again.

On the other side, because their voices were very small, the squad leader Ma and the others did not hear them either.

"There is only one end of stubbornness..."


Squad Leader Ma's flirtatious tone just fell when a gunshot rang out.

And Li Yongjun also had a small blood hole in his chest. The blood continued to flow out as if he didn't want money. A touch of blood also overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He looked at the other party with a relieved and hateful smile: "You It will definitely be a tragic death! Definitely!"

This sentence seems to be said to the squad leader Ma.

But it seems to be said to a group of recruits.

In short, when he finished speaking, the moment he fell.

Everyone's heart was silent, and the hearts of the recruits were cut like a knife.

Just less than five minutes!

A bullet! Hit the axe!

Two people! Two officers!

Die tragically in front of their eyes!

"It's boring, it doesn't make any sense at all..."

Squad Leader Ma shook the pistol that was still smoking, shook his head and smiled, mumbling even more.

Immediately, his gun was pointed at Zhang Mingmin, the leader of the third platoon, "He..."

He had just spoken, and before he had finished speaking, among the recruits, Zang Chong said directly, "Fuck! If you're still a man, just come to me!"

"Bullying so many college students from the military academy, what the **** are you doing!"

Zang Chong's roaring face was flushed, and those eyes devoured people.

"It's over!"

Hua Shanke only felt a 'crack' in his heart.

He hasn't figured out a plan for revenge yet, Zang Chong's move is really too **** impulsive in his opinion!


"This kid is quite interesting..."

Sure enough, Squad Leader Ma's eyes were drawn to him, with a playful smile on his face.

However, when he glanced at the dark side of the other party, where he was supposed to hang his military rank, he curled his lips in disdain, "What kind of awesome character am I, co-author is a little recruit..."

"But anyway, at least you're funny, I like it..."

Squad Leader Ma smiled evilly, and even licked his lower lip, and then pointed to the wooden house next to him and said:

"Pull him into that room, I want him to understand that heroes are not so easy to be!"

After speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the wooden house, as if he had to prepare something first.

This scene gave Zang Chong a chill.

He is not afraid of anything, he is so afraid that the other party will disgust him!

However, it was useless for him to think about anything at the moment, and the veterans also approached with malicious smiles.

Because of the special explanation from Qin Yuan, the veteran did not untie Zang Chong's rope, but gave him a shot first, and then he was satisfied with the rope and took him away.

"Lao Hua, can you recognize what the injection they just shot was?"

After they left, Zhang Shuai looked at Hua Shanke with a serious face.

Hua Shanke shook his head helplessly, "I don't know, their containers don't have any signs, just like Sanwu products."

"But looking at Zang Chong's performance just now, it shouldn't be a big deal."

I have to say that Hua Shanke is definitely a qualified doctor.

It is definitely not easy to see this from his performance as a person.

In the wooden house, Zang Chong had already passed out in a coma at this time, and was dragged in completely.

"Untie and let him sit on it!"

Squad leader Ma gave instructions to several veterans.


The veterans untied Zang Chong at a very fast speed, then tied him to a tiger bench, took off his shirt and plugged in various tubes, and the instruments on the side also lit up.

There are all kinds of fancy torture tools around this stool, and it is not much stronger than that s-m.

"All body functions are normal!"

"The interrogation can begin!"

At this time, a veteran who sat on the side of the instrument reported it after a call.

"Wake him up!"

As the squad leader Ma's voice fell, the deputy squad leader took a large bucket of cold water with ice cubes and poured it directly from Zang Chong's head!

"Fuck! Who! Who dares to splash me!"

Being jolted by the ice water, Zang Chong suddenly woke up, subconsciously looking left and right and roaring.

"Me! I let him splash!"

"What's the matter, do you have an opinion?"

Squad Leader Ma sat on the table with a smile on his face.

Even, this guy didn't know where he got a handful of melon seeds, and he was banging happily.

"Fuck you! Son of a bitch!"

When Zang Chong saw the person clearly, he scolded immediately, feeling the blood rushing straight to his brain.

"No, let him experience it first."

Squad Leader Ma waved his hand in a gesture.


The veteran on the other side of the instrument nodded and pressed a button with a lightning bolt.

"Lying... lying trough..."

Every muscle on Zang Chong's body trembled, and even his facial expressions were shaking uncontrollably, but he could only imagine how painful the electricity that fell on him had caused him.

It was almost time to see him. Squad Leader Ma waved his hand again. After Zang Chong returned to normal, he nibbled melon seeds and asked with a smile:

"Tell me your position, name, and unit!"

"Me! Fuck! You! Mom!"

Zang Chong raised his head, his voice was hoarse, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, every word.

In response, Squad Leader Ma pouted again and waved his hand, "Increase the power and make him happy."

The veteran nodded again, filled the progress bar next to the button at one time, and then pressed the button with the lightning bolt again.


This time, even Zang Chong let out a painful cry.

"This is Zang Chong's voice!"

The recruits outside all looked up at the house, all with expressions of disbelief and concern.

They couldn't imagine the pain that even Zang Chong couldn't bear, how huge and how it was!

"It seems that this time, we have a bad time."

Hua Shanke had a solemn look on his face.

"Worry him or not!"

"One here counts as one!"

"We are all soldiers brought out by the company commander!"

"No matter what the outcome is, we can't betray the motherland behind us! We can't betray this military uniform! We can't betray the company commander's dedication and trust!"

Fang Tian opened his mouth immediately, and all of a sudden the pattern came up.

"I would rather die than give in!"

Chen Cang also squeezed out four words between his teeth, which completely exploded in the originally quiet environment.

"Ning! Die! No! Qu!"

The recruits also squeezed out this sentence, and everyone had a determined look on their faces.

Many people looked at Qin Yuan's military uniform that was about to burn out and the 'corpses' of the two platoon leaders, all showing a touch of pain and unspeakable emotions.

They couldn't imagine that the cadres who were still on the plane telling them about their mission a few hours ago were so sacrificed.

They can't accept this even more!

They only have one thought in their hearts at this time, blood debt is paid for by blood!

In the wooden house, Zang Chong had already fainted, and Squad Leader Ma also looked at the veteran sitting in front of the instrument.

"His body was unable to continue his interrogation."

The veteran shook his head.

"Drag it!"

"Hang him upside down from the tank and put him down every three minutes!"

"Come in by the way!"

Squad leader Ma heard the and immediately waved his hand.

Several veterans also immediately divided their responsibilities, two went to drag Zang Chong, and a few went straight out and brought in a new recruit.

And this person is Hua Shan Ke!

"How many injections of anesthesia?"

Squad leader Ma didn't forget Qin Yuan's previous explanation.

At that time, Zang Chong made it very clear that this guy is a genius from a medical family, and his resistance to anesthetics is not a single star.

"Three injections are enough to stun a cow!"

The veteran responded confidently.

Squad Leader Ma also nodded.


At this time, the veteran in front of the instrument made a sound, and his face changed.

"What's wrong?"

Squad Leader Ma looked at each other, his face was not very good-looking.

"He didn't faint! He was pretending!"

"This function is only slightly weak, and it has not reached the level of fainting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Shanke, who was sitting on the tiger bench and was completely weak, instantly opened his bloodshot eyes, jumped up, and approached Ma Squad at the fastest speed. Pistol handle!

"Damn! Fuck him!"

Squad Leader Ma wasn't a vegetarian either, so he immediately grabbed the opponent's hand holding the handle of the gun.

And the previous veterans who went out to catch Hua Shanke were no longer surprised, and hurried forward to press Hua Shanke back.

After all, this is beyond the expectations of the plan!

"Humph! It's just a bunch of garbage!"

Hua Shanke snorted disdainfully, the hatred in his eyes filled directly, completely different from his usual appearance!

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