Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 209: Murder and kill! The recruit company is showing its power!

Chapter 210 Killing and Punishing Hearts! The recruit company is showing its power!

The fact is exactly as Zhang Shuai guessed.

The adjutant had just come to Zang Chong, and he was directly surrounded by Zang Chong and kicked the other's leg.

Then, while the adjutant was still rushing forward due to inertia, Zang Chong directly grabbed the opponent's two calves and yanked back.

"Lying...Lying trough!"

The adjutant looked at the ground that was constantly getting closer, and called out subconsciously, and his face changed completely.


However, Zang Chong did not stop because of this. Instead, he pulled it sharply, the adjutant fell to the ground, and a loud noise was heard immediately.

Zang Chong took advantage of the situation and rode directly to the opponent's waist, put his right hand on the adjutant's head and pressed it down, sat down and lifted the opponent's chin up, completely locking the adjutant on the ground.

"Hey, squad leader, this trick turns out to be so useful..."

After finishing the matter, Zang Chong still didn't forget to smile naively on the adjutant's head.

The expressions of all the members of the Wild Wolf Commando changed immediately.

Good guy, this fallen commando adjutant is a fourth-level sergeant major!

He was actually brought down in three or two strokes, and the other party seemed to be very unsatisfied...

This simply subverts all their concepts of recruits!

However, compared to their dumbfoundedness, the thorns were joyful, "What kind of wolf commando, it seems like it's nothing more than that..."

"Zang Chong was brought down in three or two strokes, it seems really bad."

Zhang Shuai pouted.

"Hey, I'm itching to go up and try it."

Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but gear up, wishing to play in person.

"Comrade Chief, Ma Liu will arrange the next one?"

"We've also been delayed outside for so long. When the time comes, the chief of the military region thinks we're late, so that's not good."

Qin Yuan looked at the other party with a smile, no matter what his expression looked like, he didn't want to be beaten.

The wolf commando's face was so gloomy that water was almost dripping.

At this time, Qin Yuan was so provoked, and his veins suddenly burst, "Damn! I'm coming!"

If there is no agreement, this guy will end in person.

"I want you to come and fight me in person!"

"I want to see, why the **** is you so arrogant as a grassroots company commander!"

At the end of the game, the wolf commander directly hooked his finger at Qin Yuan, full of provocation.

"Humph! You are not qualified to let our company commander go!"

"If you want to fight our company commander, at least you have to pass my first level!"

"Otherwise, why are you?"

Before Qin Yuan could speak, Zang Chong snorted coldly.

"That's right! Even Zang Chong can't beat him, but he still wants to fight with the company commander. Isn't this lighting a dung pit and looking for shit?"

Zhang Shuai also folded his arms around his chest, looking very unhappy.

Not to mention a mere commander of a special operations team, it is a special operations squadron who came to join us together, whether it can be an opponent of his own company commander.

Where did the other party have the courage?

"Some people don't even know it when they are courting death..."

"If the company commander goes off in person, it is estimated that he can be defeated in one move!"

Su Xiaoyu was also disdainful.

In their eyes, Qin Yuan is definitely the strongest, no one.

"Captain Qin, is that what you mean too!"

The blue veins on the forehead of the Wild Wolf Commando exploded, and he was obviously extremely angry.


Qin Yuan was also a little helpless.

But after looking at the thorns, he said:

"It's not that I despise you and your commandos."

"It's just that you are not necessarily my opponent when you go together."

What Qin Yuan said was already too euphemistic.

In fact, if I really want to say, what are these dishes?

"Okay, Captain Qin, you are crazy!"

"Since it's all said and done."

"Then let's go with the wolf commando team. I don't believe that a basic company commander of you can bring down our entire commando team!"

The wolf commander said again.

It has looked very shameless.

He also knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to beat Zang Chong.

after all.

It is definitely not easy for that sergeant major to be promoted to this level.

And usually, there are not a few pairs of them practicing against each other.

It's almost a tie.

The other party couldn't beat the recruit, and neither could he.

Therefore, the fire of war was constantly transferred to Qin Yuan.


"It's not impossible to fight with you."

"However, it's not interesting to just play, add some bets?"

After a little hesitation, Qin Yuan felt a little itchy, and said with a smile.

"Okay! Just bet!"

The wolf commando also nodded in agreement.

"How about this."

"If one side loses and sees the winning side in the future, I'll call you big brother, how about that?"

Qin Yuan believes that this condition is not particularly excessive.

"Okay! The man spit and nails, let's go!"

The wolf commander waved his hand, and his face was somber that water was dripping.

This condition is really nothing on the outside.

But here is the army!

A place where the strong are respected!

Calling someone big brother when we meet, what's the matter?

Qin Yuan nodded and walked over directly, while Zang Chong also returned to the thorn team with great discernment, ready to cheer for Qin Yuan.

And the people from the Wild Wolf Commando came over one by one with resentful expressions on their faces.

But when they looked at Qin Yuan.

A sentence almost resounded in his heart, "In the future, there will be a company-level cadre who will be a younger brother."

In their eyes, Qin Yuan is just a stable and stable low-level lieutenant, who is easy to bully.

"You go first!"

"Don't let my soldiers say that I bullied you."

Qin Yuan smiled lightly and looked at the few people in front of him.

At this moment, everyone in the Wild Wolf Commando wondered if they had heard it wrong, and looked at each other in dismay.

But then, the wolf commander shouted, "Fuck, courting death!"

As the voice fell, he charged directly towards Qin Yuan.

The rest of the commandos also clenched their fists and punched Qin Yuan.

The coordination of this commando team is not bad.

Some attacked Qin Yuan's head, some punched his chest, some attacked his waist, and some attacked Qin Yuan's lower plate.

It can be said that the division of labor is clear, and he is ready to bring Qin Yuan down with one blow.

"Slow! Too slow!"

"It's like crawling like a turtle, not even us!"

"It's just the commando team members, I don't know how much worse than Jiaolong..."

The thorns were still watching carefully.

When this group of people shot, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads in disappointment, and there was a lot of discussion.

Naturally, these voices also fell into the ears of the Wild Wolf Commando, they only felt that it was so harsh and unpleasant.

"Damn it! When this cadre is brought down, I want you to kneel down and call Dad!"

The wolf commander muttered to himself, the fist style in his hand was a little more vigorous, and a smile appeared on his face.

This punch has almost surpassed his usual combat power in his heyday.

It can be said that even in the usual life-and-death confrontation on the battlefield, he may not be able to display such power!

And the others were also a lot faster, and they were all angry.

"Oh, isn't this just a child playing a house?"

"It's not as fun as a group of recruits under your hand."

Looking at the people who were about to come to him, Qin Yuan whispered in disappointment.

For fear of damaging the confidence of everyone in this wild wolf commando team, they almost muttered in the smallest voice.

But the wolf commandos, even if they are more vegetables.

It's also a commando!

In terms of their hearing, they have also been specially trained.

Hearing is more than one or two points stronger than ordinary people!

It was such a small voice, but when it got into their ears, it was like thunder.

Everyone's actions are subconscious venting.

"Damn it! Why didn't I find out that these grassroots cadres were so **** arrogant!"

The captain of the Wild Wolf Commando scolded, his pace quickened, and he punched him directly.

"Forget it, let's end it."

"It doesn't make much sense."

Qin Yuan shook his head and smiled, and immediately greeted everyone with three steps and two steps.

His speed has almost become an afterimage at this moment, and the naked eye can't even catch it!



"Bang bang bang bang!..."


"Leg, my leg!"

"It hurts!"

"What happened, why is it so painful!"

The next second, a series of blows sounded, followed by a burst of landing and violent screams.

" bastards, can you get up quickly?"

"You guys are heavy!"

The wolf commando's almost weak voice sounded.

"Well? Where's the captain?"

"Why do you only hear the voice, but you can't see others?"

The sergeant-major suffered the least blow, and was the one who woke up the fastest.

At this moment, he was constantly scanning the surroundings with his eyes, with big doubts in his small eyes.


"I'm under you!"

Following the sergeant major's movements, the commando at the bottom only felt that a certain needle of his own was constantly being ravaged by the floor, his face was blue and white, and he was worried that it would be useless at that time.


The sergeant major turned his head.

When he found out that he was at the top of a small tower made of commandos at this time, he was dumbfounded.

good guy.

The group of commandos who had rushed up aggressively, including the commando captain.

They were all lying together, and they were also stacked into a small tower more than two meters high.

The other special teams who were watching the play around were also stunned.

They originally thought that the grass-roots company commander was going to suffer, and several special teams were ready to help.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually knocked down the wild wolf at an incredible speed, between lightning and flint.

And the winning attitude is still so chic!

"This is our company commander!"

Zhang Shuai couldn't help laughing.

It's really how arrogant the Wild Wolf Commando was just now, and how embarrassed it is now.

"The company commander's iron fist is still powerful!"

Lin Dong pouted, as if he remembered the fear of being dominated by Qin Yuan's fists.

"These people really deserve it."

"I originally fought with Zang Chong, at least I won't lose so ugly."

"Now, tsk tsk..."

Su Xiaoyu pouted, looked at the surrounding special forces team watching the show, shook his head and complained.

It can be said that the Wolf Commando no matter how awesome it was before.

Today is definitely a shame to throw it at my grandma's house.

It is estimated that today's incident will become a topic of conversation for the special forces of the major military regions in the future.

"I'm sorry."

"I thought your special forces players should be quite durable. I'm afraid that if you can't put you down, you will rush up and suffer, and you will start a little harder."

"You don't blame me, do you?"

At this time, Qin Yuan was filled with a harmless smile.

Blinking the 24k pure gold big dog's eyes, he looked at the Wild Wolf Commando and said.

All of a sudden, the wolf commandos only felt that their chests were tight to death. Many words they wanted to curse were stuck in their throats and they didn't dare to say them.

"I'm a darling, this grassroots company commander is just killing and punishing!"

A major commander of the special forces watching a play, murmured.

He looked at Qin Yuan with full of admiration.

Not only for his force value, but also for his appearance of being able to kill people and harmless to humans and animals.

"Master Sergeant! Don't get up soon."

"Press it down again, what will I do in the future when I inherit the lineage!"

Qin Yuan and the others had watched the joke for so long, and the commando leader was still pinned down and unable to move.

"oh oh…"

"Good good!"

"In the future, I will inherit the lineage, I will come, I will help you!"

The sergeant major was still in a daze, and subconsciously blurted out.

"Lying...Lying trough!"

When the commando heard the words, he couldn't stand the stimulation, and after scolding, he fainted and the thorns' eyes lit up.

"Fuck! Big melon!"

At this time, the thorns can't wait to move a bench and find some melon seeds.

The other commandos around also turned their heads to look at the sergeant major, the corners of their mouths twitching.

Good guy, although as a sergeant major you need to be more enthusiastic, but what's the matter with you being so enthusiastic?

At the same time, those commando captains also looked vigilantly at the sergeant major standing beside them, with a trace of suspicion in their eyes.

And these sergeants wanted to explain several times, but still couldn't let the commandos stop their thoughts, so they could only helplessly shrug.

The wolf commando thing is over.

Qin Yuan and the thorns also went to a medium-sized dormitory with the special forces rearranged by the military region.

This dormitory can accommodate thirteen of them.

"Fuck! These are all the top special operations equipment at the moment!"

"Including these computers, they are also the most powerful in the Chinese military at present!"

As soon as he came in, Fang Tian's eyes were staring at Venus.

Qin Yuan also kept nodding his head with a smile on his face.

Although the sharp knife recruit company has a trend of continuous development towards special forces.

But these devices are still not implemented.

"It's really a big loss for not bringing Qin Yang here this time!"

Qin Yuan muttered to himself.

He didn't forget Qin Yang's identity as a top computer student at Jellyfish University.

If this is brought here, you can definitely use these equipments to launch the first information warfare contest between the special forces!

While they were busy marveling and sorting out the internal affairs, the outside world was turbulent.

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