Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 211: 5 quick shots! Not the captains of Bilian

Chapter 212 Five Guns Rapid Fire! Don't be the captains of Bilian [No. 1, please subscribe]

When everyone present heard the gunshot, they all froze subconsciously.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the target more than a thousand meters away.

Of course, even the special forces, they couldn't see the target more than 1,000 meters away.

It didn't take long for a red sign to rise over the target, and it swayed twice in the middle.

"On the bull's-eye! Ten rings!"

At this time, the walkie-talkie also rang, and the target reporter's voice seemed relatively dull.

And the people around didn't have any surprised expressions.

after all.

When Leng Feng entered the team's first battle.

But it is relying on the sniper rifle to become famous in the first battle!

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

The next moment, four consecutive gunshots sounded in succession, and there was almost a pause of less than one second in the middle!

It was as if the first shot stayed for so long just to give the target reporter enough time to report the target.

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly became noisy.

One by one the commandos were constantly discussing their opinions.

Those snipers gathered together to discuss.

Some say that they can complete all ten rings, some say that they must miss the target, and some say that there will be deviations in the number of rings.

All in all, there are still many people who don't look at Leng Feng.

Even the recruit company and Qin Yuan looked in the direction of Leng Feng.

Qin Yuan's expression still seemed flat as water. He had already judged from the sound of bullets breaking through the wind. This guy definitely doesn't have fifty rings!

And the recruits didn't know, there was a slight surprise on their faces.

Then, just as Leng Feng got up from the ground, the target operator's voice also sounded.

"Five shots in total!"

"Ten rings and four shots!"

"One shot in the direction of the ninth ring and the tenth ring!"

"Forty-nine rings in total!"

The target reporters were a little surprised by this result.

Usually, Leng Feng's 1,500-meter shooting results are basically two shots and nine rings in five shots.

But today is a quick shot of four consecutive shots after a test shot!

This uncharacteristic shooting method will not be mentioned.

The key is that today's results are also a bit better than before!

"not bad!"

Long Xiaoyun also walked to Leng Feng's side at this time, a rare smile appeared on Poker's face.

"Hey, we are the strongest rapid-fire sniper on the surface."

Leng Feng was also full of arrogance.

"Zhang Shuai, come on!"

Qin Yuan didn't say anything, just waved his hand.

Zhang Shuai nodded and went up with a relaxed face.

It is still the sniper rifle of Leng Feng.

When the bullet is well pressed, put it into the gun, pull the bolt and load it, aim at the gun in the lying position, adjust your breathing, and you're done in one go!

At this moment, every word and every word Qin Yuan said when he taught him sniper shooting kept echoing in his mind.

The whole person seems to have entered a state of optimal fit with the sniper rifle.

"This recruit is quite similar."

"After he goes down, he has to be pulled over no matter what."

"It can't be discovered by the special forces of their military region first."

Leng Feng whispered to Long Xiaoyun.

As the top sniper shooter of the Wolf Warrior Commando, he is good at seeing people.

Long Xiaoyun also nodded earnestly.

And the snipers of other special forces also found their captain at the same time and said the same thing.

Qin Yuan naturally heard more or less.

However, he smiled and did not express any dissatisfaction.

The soldiers that he brought out with his own hands can be scrambled by these people, which only means that he brought them well!

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Five rapid gunshots sounded in a row.

The interval before and after the sound of this shot was even shorter than the interval between the four quick shots of the Leng Front just now!

If the interval between the cold front just now is only one second.

Then the interval between Zhang Shuai at this moment may be less than half a second!

Even many of the people present had not even taken a breath to take a breath, and the opponent's five-shot rapid fire was already completely disarmed.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"With this kind of rapid shooting, even with a high-precision sniper, it is absolutely impossible to achieve fifty rings!"

"Could it be that this kid gave up?"

Almost all the snipers present had such an idea.

Even, they think that Zhang Shuai's five shots can't get straight to zero!

"Report! Shooting done!"

Zhang Shuai still retains the fine style of the recruit company.

He won't get up without orders.

In the same way, like a recruit who touched a gun for the first time, he was ready to finish shooting, lying there quietly and making a report.

"Retire the bullet and stand up!"

Qin Yuan is also like an ordinary and dedicated recruit company commander, giving the next step.

And Zhang Shuai also used the most standard tactical action to remove the magazine, holding the magazine in his right hand, with his right arm at a right angle of 90 degrees, stood up, looked straight, and waited for the target reporter to report the target.

"Five shots in total!"

"Five shots and ten rings!"

"Total fifty rings!"

The target reporter's voice trembled a little.

You know, this is a sniper target 1,500 meters away!

Although the stability and overall performance of the 88 sniper is not bad.

However, 1,500 meters is already beyond its range!

It can almost be said that when the 88 starts at a distance of 800 meters, its bullets have already begun to float, not as simple as falling!


Qin Yuan nodded and spit out two words very plainly.

"how come!"

"He's just a recruit!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhang Shuai.

As if they were looking at some kind of baby.

However, their eyes are also full of incredible!

Whether or not a recruit can touch a sniper rifle is one thing, and it is even more unheard of to be able to do so!

"Bring the target here!"

Long Xiaoyun called directly on the walkie-talkie.

Follow the habits of the Wolf Commando.

As long as it is a target with fifty rings, no matter who hit it, you must take it and take a look.

Just to see the ballistic distribution on the target, so as to correct my own mistakes, so that future shooting can be in the 50th ring as much as possible!

What's more, this is 1,500 meters, 50 rings beyond the range!

Among them, the difficulty is more than 100 meters shooting, I don't know how many times more difficult!


The target reporter responded, took off the target at the fastest speed, and ran towards this side.

The surrounding special forces were all looking forward to it, waiting curiously, wishing that the target reporter could run faster.

One recruit, one thousand five hundred meters, one 88 sniper, five guns and fifty rings!

This has completely subverted their perception of recruits!

In their eyes, recruits should normally be shooting with a 95-type assault rifle, practicing one practice and two practice play.

This 1,500-meter lying sniper step is simply a pure fantasy.

After a while, the target reporter seemed to know the eagerness of the crowd, and brought the target over as quickly as possible.

And when everyone present saw the target clearly, almost everyone was stunned.

There are even a few old snipers from the special forces who opened their mouths slightly, looking very shocked.


"Good fight."

Qin Yuan glanced at the target, patted Zhang Shuai on the shoulder with satisfaction, and praised him.

"Thank you, Captain!"

Zhang Shuai also smiled.

The ballistics on the target also convinced Leng Feng completely.

He originally thought that the other party should be out of luck, and the ballistic trajectory is estimated to be floating.

can be on the target at this time.

Five bullets, five bullet holes.

Completely gathered together.

One of them is in the center of the bullseye, which is in the center of the entire target.

The other four bullets are evenly distributed around the bullet hole in the bullseye, surrounding it!

If it's all just bad luck.

It was just hit by the cold front, and it was simply blown up by the wind...

"Young man, would you like to come to our Tiger Commando?"

"Our commandos are the strongest in urban combat, no one!"

"Right now, there is a shortage of strategic snipers like you, talents like you."

"Also, boy, you don't have to worry about the devil training for the special forces, the devil selection test, etc."

"As long as you nod, I will directly exempt you from the selection, and directly select our Tiger Commando team to become a regular member!"

"And it's still the starting sniper!"

At this moment, the first commando to react spoke out, looking at Zhang Shuai as if he was sizing up his son-in-law, his eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Damn it! Why don't you talk about martial arts, you jungle cat!"

A commando captain with the same rank next to him looked at him with contempt, UU reading www. then turned to look at Zhang Shuai, his face full of aunt smiles:

"No, little brother, don't tell that from this jungle cat."

"What kind of tiger commando team, it's just a kitten commando team."

"Don't dare to say anything else, as long as you are willing to come to my commando, little brother, I will definitely give you the best training environment, living environment, and living atmosphere!"

"Definitely makes you happy every day."

"There's only one thing you have to do, just get a good result like today!"

Listen to what this commando has to say.

Originally, Jungle Tiger was a little embarrassed, and immediately stared, "Damn it! Dead eagle, what do you mean by this? You're tired of living, right?"

"Humph! Our falcons are much stronger than you!"

The eagle snorted coldly and said very proudly.

"I say."

"You all stop fighting."

"The company commander is still here!"

At this moment, a lieutenant colonel with a black panther on his armband spoke up.

Then, he came directly to Qin Yuan.

"Hello, company commander."

"I'm the captain of the Snow Leopard Commando, codenamed Xun Leopard!"

"Can we talk alone?"

Xun Leopard opened his mouth with a smile on his face, and took the initiative to extend his right hand to Qin Yuan, looking like he didn't have the air of a superior at all.

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, what can we talk about?"

Qin Yuan showed a smile, held his right hand, and spoke very kindly.


"It's about Zhang Shuai's notification of dispatch, I don't know if the company commander agrees!"

Xun Leopard smiled, looking harmless to humans and animals.

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