Chapter 221 Make a big deal! 【For subscription】


An Ran touched her neck, a little unnatural.

For a while, there was a very strange atmosphere inside the car.

Su Xiaoyu was even more embarrassed and wanted to find a seam to get in.

Fortunately, the distance after the shootout is not too far.

Alpha arrived quickly under Lin Dong's operation.

The destination is a single-family villa, the kind that is empty around.

And the whole villa occupies a huge area.

"I rely on!"

"The chief is investing heavily!"

As soon as he got out of the car, Zhang Shuai's hand with the gun shook, and the gun almost dropped.

At this time, he was looking at the villa in front of him with a shocked face.

"What's so special, I've never seen such a nice house before!"

Zang Chong, who got off the next step, was also stunned.

"This is simply, more luxurious than my home!"

Even Fang Tian was stunned at this time.

The building in front of you can hardly be called a villa anymore.

More like a manor, the surrounding empty meadows are surrounded by walls, declaring sovereignty.

"This villa and the surrounding land cost a full 300 million Huaxia coins to build!"

"Just to be able to control the flow of foreign products into our country."

"At the same time, it is also to ensure that the undercover can have a safe place to live."

At this time, An Ran no longer had the previous embarrassment, and stepped forward to explain.

Qin Yuan nodded when he heard the words, and also showed a touch of shock, "It seems that our military region is not without money, but really spent all the money on the blade!"

"Come on, let's go in and see."

An Ran chuckled lightly and glanced at Qin Yuan.

Holding Qin Yuan's arm, he raised his foot and walked towards the villa.

When entering the villa, all the thorns, including Qin Yuan, were dumbfounded.

good guy.

When outside, they thought it was just more luxurious and bigger.

Unexpectedly, there is something else in here!

It's almost golden all around!

Not only that, but after entering the interior, they really felt the size of this villa!

Even, it is the kind of big that looks a little empty!

"You usually live alone in such a luxurious and empty villa, aren't you afraid?"

Qin Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at An Ran with some puzzlement.

Such a small woman, is it possible that there is still a large amount of energy hidden in her body?


"Usually around this villa, there are comrades from Guoan pretending to be security guards."

"And from time to time, there may be undercover escapees from our Huaxia who come here to hide for a while."

"So there's nothing to be afraid of anymore."

An Ran threw the bag on the sofa and said very plainly.


"Come here to hide?"

"Aren't you afraid that the enemy will come and kill you together?"

Qin Yuan narrowed his eyes.

If everyone hides here, then from the moment they entered this villa, it can be said that their identities have been exposed!

An Ran glanced at him, then smiled and said:

"Do not worry."

"The undercover agents who can come here have not revealed their identities."

"It's just that you may have offended people on the road, and you need to come here to avoid the limelight."

After a pause, she continued with a clever smile:

"Of course, the reason why you can't be afraid of your enemies coming to seek revenge."

"Of course it's because Mr. Qin here is too mysterious and powerful. It can be said that his hands and eyes reach the sky!"

"Until today, Master Qin just appeared, didn't he?"

Listening to the other party's words, Qin Yuan naturally understood what she meant.

"If that's the case, then Master Qin must deal with such trivial matters in person?"

"Can't you solve it?"

Hearing this, An Ran shook her head again and sighed softly:


"It's not that we don't want to solve it."

"It's the trafficking group, and now you must see the boss when you name it!"

"And, we don't have the ability to kill their entire group at once."

"That's why I can only ask the domestic special forces for help."

Qin Yuan nodded, "So here we are."

An Ran nodded and said nothing.

It was obvious that she was tired.

"Okay! Since I'm here, you can ask the person in charge of the trafficking group to see me tomorrow!"

Qin Yuan waved his hand directly, "Since there are brothers from Guoan stationed outside, then we won't intervene. You can coordinate on your own and be responsible for guarding the interior."

"Yes, Master Qin!"

A group of thorns responded with a sound, and then dispersed.

And An Ran's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw this scene, "Which special commando are you from? It stands to reason that they are so well-trained, we should have met!"

"Hehe, our designation is not a special commando."

"Just a company of sharp knives."

"It's normal that you haven't seen it."

Qin Yuan smiled and took off his suit jacket.


"A company of recruits?"

When An Ran heard this, she stood up immediately, her face full of surprise.

"Yes! It's the recruit company."

Qin Yuan sat on the sofa, and his legs were directly raised on the coffee table.

"My God! With such a big task, the superior will actually send a new recruit to come down?"

An Ran pressed her temples, feeling a little groggy.

good guy.

Just a good guy!

What kind of new recruits kill people when they come up!

"Do not worry."

"They have also undergone professional special training."

"And several of them have fought against US Navy SEALs."

"You can trust them!"

Qin Yuan smiled, he also knew the other party's concerns.

Hearing this, plus the fact that the recruit company was on the road just now did not blink an eye, she felt a little relieved.

"Yes, but they should have only been in the army for a few months!"

Even though she sat down, An Ran still felt dizzy, and she couldn't react.

"Yes! But they have received special training from the beginning!"

"So, they are definitely not weaker than ordinary special forces!"

Qin Yuan also generously admitted.

"'s amazing..."

"You just created a myth..."

An Ran held back her words for a long time.

It is not difficult for her to see that Qin Yuan should be the recruit company commander.

"Thank you!"

Qin Yuan stood up and walked towards the second floor.

When he was in the building, he did not forget to order again, "By the way, remember to ask the first person in charge of the trafficking group to see me tomorrow!"

"Tell them, if it's not the first person in charge, come and kill one, there will be no chance of survival!"

After that, Qin Yuan walked directly towards the master bedroom.

And An Ran was savoring this sentence carefully.

When she saw that Qin Yuan's hand had been placed on the handle of the master bedroom door, she suddenly reacted, "Wait a minute!"


At this time, Qin Yuan had already opened the door slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, that's not your room."

"Your room is next door..."

An Ran didn't know why, her face was a little crimson, and she pointed to the room beside her.

Qin Yuan's face was slightly stunned, "Aren't we husband and wife?"

"Isn't it a matter of course to live in a room and sleep in a bed?"

For this explanation, An Ran was at a loss for a while.

However, when she saw that Qin Yuan was about to open the door wider again, she suddenly rushed up like a frightened rabbit, guarding the door with a stubborn expression, "No! Absolutely not. !"

"And, and!"

"There are absolutely no cameras here!"

"There are absolutely no bugs!"

An Ran lowered her head with a blushing face, and did not dare to look at Qin Yuan.

Seeing this, Qin Yuan actually became interested.

"How are you sure there's nothing in here?"

"If we don't sleep together, and the relationship between a real husband and wife is not exposed, then the mission will fail, and the involvement will be huge!"

"When will you tell me what to do?"

Qin Yuan folded his arms around his chest and looked like he was laughing.


An Ran's big eyes 'Guru Lu' rolled, and her face was a little anxious.

"Okay, if you can't tell me, I'll go in!"

As Qin Yuan spoke, he made an action that he wanted to slap An Ran.

"Oh! It's for sure anyway!"

"The comrades of Guoan here will conduct a carpet search every day!"

An Ran immediately closed the door with a bang, looking like she was going crazy.

"Alright alright!"

Qin Yuan spread his hands helplessly, and then went directly to the next door.

However, Qin Yuan, who had just entered, couldn't help laughing out loud.

"This little girl An Ran is very funny!"

"Isn't that the pink thing that was worn on the innermost set that was thrown on the bed and confiscated, who has never seen it before..."

While laughing and muttering, Qin Yuan went to take a shower.

As for An Ran outside the door, she didn't know that Qin Yuan had seen it.

He just slammed into Qin Yuan's door very frantically, and then returned to the master bedroom angrily to put those things away, and then walked into the bathroom of the room.

Silent all night.

The next day Qin Yuan slept until after twelve noon.

In the end, he was woken up by An Ran for lunch.

The reputation is that he is afraid that he will starve to death.

"What's all this?"

Just sitting at the dining table, Qin Yuan frowned.

"Ah? This is what we usually eat!"

An Ran blinked her big eyes and responded a little dazedly.

"Humph! Which underworld boss with one hand covering the sky have you seen eating this?"

Qin Yuan pointed to the salad in front of him, full of disdain.


"But our funds are limited!"

"This is already better than the average special forces!"

An Ran was a little helpless.

There are only so many operating expenses in total, can't all be spent on such trivial matters?

"Go, open that bottle of Lafite, and then go and give me two whole steaks and send them to the attic!"

"What the **** is this!"

Qin Yuan waved his hand and got up directly.

"That's not good!"

An Ran asked again.

"An Ran, do you think that if the boss of the group comes here at this time?"

"Aren't you suspicious when you see me and your wife eating these things?"

"If you want to do it, then you have to do a full set!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yuan stopped staying and walked directly towards the attic.

And An Ran, after a simple thought, felt that what Qin Yuan said was reasonable, and directly instructed the nanny here to do it.

At the same time, she also walked towards the attic.

When both of them were sitting in the attic and the autumn wind was blowing.

An armoured car drove ahead, and a black Mercedes-Benz s followed, heading towards the estate.

"Private manor, stop immediately!"

The brother of Guoan in the periphery immediately stepped forward with an assault rifle and pointed directly at the two cars.

But even so, the armored vehicle had no intention of stopping.

Obviously planning to break through!

Seeing this, Qin Yuan directly winked at Zhang Shuai who was in the dark.

Zhang Shuai also immediately understood.

I saw him take out a grenade from his body, bite off the pull ring with his teeth, and hold it in his hand for half a second before throwing it in the direction of the armored car.


Just for a moment, the armored vehicle suddenly stopped.

And around it is a raging flame!

Those brothers in Guoan were also directly frightened.

What's so special, everyone is their own, can you communicate before throwing the grenade!

But fortunately, these people are all outside the explosion range, so there is nothing.


"We have an old saying in China that when the enemy comes, there will be bullets, and when the friend comes, there will be fine wine."

"I see you, it seems that you want to be my enemy!"

Qin Yuan put his hands on the attic and looked at the bearded man who got up and down the Mercedes-Benz.

He also said the previous words well, when the last sentence, the whole face suddenly turned cold, the whole body slammed to the side, and the evil spirit was released immediately!

An Ran standing beside him felt the deepest feeling.

As if this man was not the guy who was fighting with him last night, UU reading www. uukanshu. com is a peerless killer!

This kind of feeling is not something that can be produced without killing someone!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

"When I first met Mr. Qin, there is no malicious intent."

"Yes, I don't know the depth."

** Worthy of being a big drug lord in the Y country.

After the big explosion just now, he was still able to laugh wildly.

At the same time, a group of soldiers on the armored vehicle also ran down.

They also had several assault rifles in their hands, and they were pointing at the group of people in Guoan.


With a big wave of Qin Yuan's hand, Zhang Shuai and others, who were originally hidden in the dark, also revealed one after another, and Barrett's huge gunshot resounded directly.

A bullet hit directly in front of the **'s feet.

"Your men pointed guns at me on my turf."

"Mr. **, you are afraid that you want to die and go crazy!"

Qin Yuan's face was full of anger, and he slammed the attic balcony partition.

The gaze that looked at the **** was simply devouring people, extremely terrifying!

Being so surprised by Barrett, **'s face was also a little ugly.

However, when I think about the various rumors about each other.

**Finally, I'll be patient.

"I'm sorry, Master Qin, it shouldn't be!"

While speaking, ** waved her hand and asked the soldiers below to put down their weapons.

Then he continued:

"However, ** just wants to talk to Master Qin about a business, a big deal!"

"I wonder if Master Qin is interested?"

Hearing this, Qin Yuan's eyes narrowed immediately, and he seemed to ask without caring:

"Big business? The boss of a small place in your district can talk to me about how big a business is?"

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