"Bang bang bang!" In the corridor, the walls on both sides exploded a few holes, but the fat figure ignored it and continued to rush forward with his head sullen, and soon turned a corner and disappeared. in sight.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Qin Yuan's mouth, his feet were hard, his body was like a cannonball, and he galloped forward, and in just an instant he came to the end of the corridor.

Looking at the figure in front of him who was still fleeing recklessly, Qin Yuan directly raised the muzzle of the gun. With a bang, a bullet accurately shot into the man's thigh, and a shrill scream came out immediately.

Qin Yuan put away the firearm, took out the dagger, and strode forward.

"Ah!!" The man dropped the safe in his hand, hugged his thighs that were bleeding continuously, and kept rolling on the ground, screaming in pain.

"Centipede, where is it!"

Qin Yuan came to the man and asked in a voice that did not contain any emotion.

"Ah! I...I don't know! Quick...kill him!", the fat man screamed. At the end of the sentence, a few gunmen suddenly appeared in the shadows ahead. The man immediately ordered loudly, with a trace in his eyes. The light of hope.

"Bang bang bang!" Before Qin Yuan could make a move, there was a sudden sound of gunshots behind him. Before those gangsters could react, more than a dozen blood holes appeared on their bodies, and they slammed heavily on the ground.

"Master Qin, why are you being so polite to this guy? Don't you dare to open your mouth and take off his dick!" After Zhang Shuai and the others dealt with the gangsters, they all greeted them, and Su Xiaoyu greeted Qin Yuan with a sullen look. shouted, just like a thug who was utterly killed.

"No! I really don't know, please, please let me go and give you all this wealth, just take my life around me." The fat man pleaded bitterly, his face turning pale from the severe pain .

Hearing the words, Qin Yuan stepped forward, the dagger in his hand stabbed the ground in front of the fat man fiercely, and said in a sensible voice: "I'll give you one last chance, where is the centipede!"

The fat man was startled by the sudden knife, his eyes became more panicked, and he stammered: "I...I really..."

"We are not interested in these things of you, and the centipede will surely die, as long as you tell his news, no...!"

As soon as these words came out, the struggle in the fat man's eyes slowly dissipated, he gritted his teeth, and said, "I am just an employment relationship with Centipede, but he knows a lot about me, and now he is on the site of Moru in the west. Who's mission is to assassinate Moru!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face, and he got up and walked into the distance. The fat man had an ecstatic look in his eyes. Just as he was about to get up carefully, a bullet was shot into the back of his head with great precision, and his head exploded like a watermelon.

Hao Lian Yaoyao glanced behind him and whispered, "The company commander is really too yin, but I like it, hehe!"

"Wow, Yaoyao, you actually like the company commander, no wonder I've never seen you interested in those female soldiers, so that's how it is!!" Su Xiaoyu said with a stunned expression, and then he was attacked by Hao Lian Yaoyao. A flurry of beatings.

"The company commander is here to prevent that person from secretly contacting the centipede. At that time, we are in a vacuum, and even if we are ambushed by the centipede, it will not be worth the loss. Besides, this kind of local black and evil armed forces have been buying and selling people and drugs all the time. It's a good thing to die." Han Xiang explained to the company commander.

"Of course we know this, Master Qin, should we go find that centipede now? Hurry up and kill him, so we can go home, it's too uncomfortable to stay here!" Qin Yang said, frowning at the There is a dim sky in the distance.

"Well, let's go find the centipede now. Since he wants to assassinate that Moru, it will definitely cause a lot of noise. It shouldn't be difficult to find him!" Qin Yuan said, and everyone quickly came to the Hummer. In the rumbling sound of the engine, he quickly galloped away to the west.

About an hour later, a large area of ​​dense forest appeared ahead, which was particularly conspicuous in this somewhat arid place. According to the fat man, this was where Moru was.

Qin Yuan found a hidden location far away. After hiding the Humvee, everyone cautiously moved forward.

It didn't take long to walk, and there was a fence full of iron nails in front of it. People were constantly patrolling with guns. In front of the fence was an extremely wide open area. .

"Company commander, what should we do now, we don't know where the centipede is." Hua Shanke asked, there was no one else, and he did not call Qin Yuan Qin Ye.

Just when Qin Yuan was about to speak, there was a commotion in front of him, and then a fully armed Humvee drove out, followed by dozens of burly guards with guns.

"Company commander, the person in the car can't be that Moru, or who can make such a big show on his territory?" Su Xiaoyu said excitedly.

"It should be, you all pay attention, since Moru is out, the centipede who is going to assassinate him will definitely not be able to sit still!" Qin Yuan said solemnly.

As soon as the voice fell, there was an earth-shattering explosion in front. The fully armed Hummer had not driven far before the ground exploded, and a huge fireball spurted out, directly overturning the Hummer to the ground. .

However, even so, the Hummer was still basically intact, and the bulletproof glass on it showed no signs of shattering. Several figures hurriedly opened the door and climbed out from the inside.

Seeing this scene, a strange smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face. The next moment, a slight sound came from a distance, and a figure who had just climbed out of the burning Humvee immediately froze. The whole body fell heavily behind him.

As if it was a signal, the slight gunshots came one after another, like a piano, which seemed to be slow and slow, and people in front of them kept falling to the ground, which seemed to make people shudder.

"This centipede is really a bit difficult to deal with. Listening to the gunshots, he should be somewhere two kilometers away, and he can accurately shoot all those people in the head. Company commander, should we take action, otherwise that guy What to do if you run away."

Hao Lian Yaoyao sighed first, then turned his head and asked Qin Yuan.

"Don't worry, going out now is to block the gun for the centipede!" Qin Yuan explained.

Sure enough, the dense forest in the distance became lively in an instant, and silhouettes with weapons emerged one after another. One of the big mane men roared and led dozens of people directly, driving a train, and quickly moved towards the sound of gunfire. The place where it came galloped away, setting off a thick cloud of dust.

"Let's go, let's follow!" Qin Yuan's eyes flashed brightly, his legs jumped out of the hiding place with force, clinging to the jungle weeds, and chasing forward like lightning.

Zhang Shuai and the others looked at each other, fixed their things firmly, and then followed Qin Yuan to the front.

At this time, everyone wants to approach forcefully and silently, so naturally they can't drive, but fortunately, Qin Yuan has laid a very solid foundation for them in the previous training, and with the strength of the flesh, they can do this completely.

Before running far, there was another loud noise from the front, and a huge fireball rose from the ground, sending a fully loaded car flying, and the hot flames completely swallowed it like an abyss.

However, even so, the remaining vehicles did not flinch, and continued to roar forward.

It didn't take long for a mountain to appear in front of Qin Yuan and the others, and there were bursts of fierce gunshots. At this time, there were only more than 20 of Moru's men left, rushing towards the mountain.

Qin Yuan panted slightly, stopped in the distance, and looked forward with a slight concentration of eyes. At this time, there was a short but very powerful figure constantly shuttling, dodging a shuttle of bullets, from time to time. raised the muzzle of the gun, with a fresh life.

"That person is a centipede, he's really not weak, company commander, when will we shoot?" Qin Yang said in a low voice.

Qin Yuan didn't open his mouth, and stared at the figure, trying to find a flaw, but the centipede was like a ghost, constantly shuttled between the rocks and the jungle, and all the bullets shot seemed to have eyes. Not one fell on him.

Those Moru subordinates who came after him were like lambs being played with, and were quickly harvested by centipedes. In the blink of an eye, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yuan's pupils could not help shrinking, thinking for a moment in his heart, he gestured towards the thorns behind him, Zhang Shuai and others saw this and spread out directly around.

Seeing that those people were about to be killed by the centipede, Qin Yuan took a deep breath, silently raised the muzzle, and pulled the trigger directly toward the centipede's eyebrows.

With a "bang", a bullet shot towards the center of the centipede's eyebrows like lightning, and it was about to explode its head. Fire that bullet.

The solemnity in Qin Yuan's eyes was even more intense, as expected of the person who needed the commander's personal order to let him, the secret army, kill him.

At this moment, there was another gunshot from the other direction. The centipede just swooped on the edge of the rock, its body was like a spring, it swooped to dodge and burrowed into the dense forest next to it.

Han Xiang raised the muzzle a little resentfully. He really didn't expect that under his own muzzle, there were still people who could predict in advance and avoid him. Conspicuous reflection.

With a "boom", Han Xiang's mind exploded violently, and without any hesitation, he rushed to the side.

Almost at the same time, a muffled gunshot rang out in front of him. Han Xiang's shoulder seemed to be hit by a train. The entire body was wrapped in a huge force and slammed to the side. A faint **** smell wafted from the nostrils.

"Han Xiang, how are you? Are you alright!" Qin Yuan's voice came out in the headset eagerly. When picking up the equipment at the contact point, everyone was wearing a pair of bluetooth earphones.

"I... I'm fine, it's just a scratch!" Han Xiang's voice came out, his breathing seemed a little heavy.

"Su Xiaoyu, you go to take care of Han Xiang, the rest of the people, go up and kill the centipede on the spot, don't leave a living mouth!"


As soon as the words fell, several figures rushed out of the surrounding dense forest and quickly ran towards the other side of the mountain bag. Qin Yuan did not hesitate, holding the spear in his hand, and jumped directly out of the hidden place with force under his feet.

At this time, there were only four people left under Moru's subordinates. All of them looked at Qin Yuan and the others in confusion, and subconsciously raised the guns in their hands. However, before they could react, a series of gunshots became louder. When he came out, he was instantly plunged into darkness.

Qin Yuan ignored the corpses on the ground, and went directly to the top of the mountain. A somewhat small and sturdy body shuttled through the jungle like a monkey.

With a cold snort in his heart, Qin Yuan directly raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger one after another, and a shuttle of bullets was shot out in just two breaths.

The figure in the distance seemed to sense it in advance, and the lightning rushed to a thick tree trunk next to it, avoiding all the bullets that came.

"Your firepower is suppressed, I'll touch him and kill him!"

Qin Yuan quickly said to Zhang Shuai who rushed to his side ~www.readwn.com~ and then put on a new magazine, running towards the centipede like a ghost.

Hua Shanke, who was behind him, directly raised the muzzle, the flames shot out, and shot towards the hidden trunk of the centipede, arousing a burst of sawdust, and several holes appeared immediately, but the thick trunk could not be shot directly.

Before Qin Yuan could run far, his scalp suddenly became numb, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake. Without any hesitation, his entire body slammed into the grass next to him.

Almost at the same time, a bullet almost flew past his shoulder, the clothes on it were torn by the high-speed airflow, and a drop of bright red blood oozes out directly.

Zhang Shuai and the others at the back were nervous, and when they were about to go forward to save the company commander, they found that Qin Yuan climbed up from the ground like a normal person, his legs were so violent, his whole body was like a cannonball, almost for a moment. It was already in front of the tree trunk.

With a "click", Qin Yuan took out a high-explosive grenade from his waist, threw it with a god-level hidden weapon, and threw it fiercely forward.

A loud noise came out violently, and a somewhat embarrassed figure was thrown out by the hot air waves. When the body was still in the air, he suddenly raised the sniper rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger towards Qin Yuan's body.

However, at this time, Qin Yuan's energy was highly concentrated. With his peak-level danger perception, he had already locked the centipede's breath. The moment he raised the muzzle, his body moved towards the general dodging. trigger.

With the sound of gunshots, the figure that was thrown out by the heat wave fell heavily towards the ground as if it had lost all its strength.

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